A Unique Hunter

Chapter 646: Harvest "5"

What excites Cook is that this prison actually has a flight mode, so Cook immediately ordered loudly, but then Cook was poured with cold water.

"Insufficient authority!" Four words appeared in Cook's mind.

And then he gave the reason for Cook, because Cook's mental power is not enough to control the big guy flying, Cook took a closer look and was immediately stunned. It turns out that this flight mode needs to be controlled by mental power, while the flight mode needs to be controlled. The minimum number of **** patterns is 300.

Cook couldn't help but wiped his cold sweat, because Cook can only control one **** pattern now, and it's still unstable, mainly because Cook's mental power is too weak.

Cook's heart is extremely bitter, it's like a superb beauty in front of you, but helpless is that there is a screen behind this beauty, and Cook knows the reason in his heart.

However, I am afraid that the person who set the assessment at the time did not expect that someone like Cook would appear and be able to take dozens of bottles of sober potions of perfect quality. This is probably something that no one can think of, let alone Cook finally used alchemist. Of surgical instruments.

"The ground movement mode is on!" Cook ordered bitterly.

"Huh?" After Cook's order was given, it was discovered that the entire prison was floating slightly, and then Cook's mouth opened wide.

"Too great!" Cook discovered that the entire prison was suspended, at least 500 meters from the ground, and Cook discovered that his mental power could control the direction of the prison and other information.

Cook then checked the flight mode in confusion, and then Cook sweated violently. There was no limit to the altitude of the flight mode, which means that the big guy may enter space.

Cook then checked the ground movement mode, and it turned out to be sweaty, because Cook’s own mental power can only enable the lowest level ground movement mode, because the ground movement mode relies on a kind of earth-based **** pattern, similar to the earth-based The anti-gravity technique of, but it must be much more advanced. The lowest control of Cook is a **** pattern. The floating distance is only 500 meters, and there is no way to move, because the movement needs to control the flying **** pattern.

"Nyma?" Cook was dumbfounded, could it be that this thing just went up and down like this.

In the end, what appeared in the sky was the push and pull of dozens of giant dragons, and the entire prison moved, and Cook's destination was the nearest volcano, because Cook wanted to charge the prison.

Of course, nothing was left on the top of the sacred mountain, only a dark crater was left, which was widely circulated among the orcs, and the most mysterious sacred mountain disappeared, leaving only the front mountain of the sacred mountain. The main building of the Temple of War.

Cook couldn't help but looked at the holy mountain, the spiritual interference here disappeared, then it would definitely change, but then Cook didn't care, after all, the orc empire was sparsely populated.

After the entire prison was placed in a volcano more than 500 kilometers away from the holy city, Cook saw that the energy continued to rise slowly, and Cook felt excited.

"Turn on all protection systems!" Cook commanded loudly. Since the protection system is automatically controlled and does not require Cook's mental command at all, Cook has the right to open it.

Cook felt dizzy for a while, and then Cook found that his mental power was disturbed again, and the disturbance was still very serious, and the magic power and vindictiveness seemed to be disturbed.

"Thorn Technique!" Cook released a thorn technique.

"Sure enough, it was disturbed, and the magnitude of the disturbance was still very large!" Cook succeeded in releasing the thorns technique, but the loss of magic power was serious, and there was no fighting power at all.

"Let's go!" Looking at Xia, who was still researching the control center, Cook patted Xia on the shoulder and said.

"Cook, it's amazing, amazing!" Xia was excited.

However, Cook did not rush to allow West Asia to assess the authority, because Cook didn't know if the assessment was a one-time, but when West Asia saw the dense pattern of gods in the control center, she was still intoxicated.

"Let's go, this thing can be seen at any time, let's go and see if there is anything left behind!" Kukla walked away with Sia, and Kuk knew that the scene in this control center would make all the magicians addicted.

Cook took Sina, Cinta, and Ruta, the three Frost Titans, and Er Fat, as well as a team of reloaded ogre knights, Bagru took the lead, and Manli walked in front, Sia, Li Na, Connie walked behind, because the powerful interference made the legal profession useless.

"Turn it on!" Cook now has the first-level management authority, so he came to the cell where the Lord of the Flame Demon was held, took a deep breath, and ordered.

The door of the prison opened silently, and what appeared in front of Cook was a huge space of thousands of square meters. There were traces of flames burning around the space, and something similar to magma was left behind. And a huge mummy in the corner of the room.

"Ruta!" Cook waved his hand directly, and Ruta entered the room fully armed and collected it. Cook was well prepared for this operation, and all personnel were equipped with a full set of magicweave equipment.

Cook was constantly scanning the surroundings with a pair of magic eyes. The spear in Ruta's hand was equipped with magic patterns. Ruta was cautious, because as a Titan, he knew the combat effectiveness of the Balrog.

As for Sinna and Sinta, looking inside with vigilance, Cook believed that even the undead, facing the three heavily armed Titans, there is no possibility of escape, not to mention this prison. The protective system inside is fully open, as long as there is a little something wrong, the surrounding attacking gods will automatically attack.

Cook also had no choice, because these rooms originally had surveillance systems, but he had no choice but to use this stupid method because his mental power was not enough to control.

Ruta was cautious, and the spear in his hand kept poking at the magma left in the room. Because the Balrog is a mixture of soil and fire, the attack of the Balrog is generally a dual-system of soil and fire magic. The product of this magic.

"Crack, click!" The hard magma couldn't help the magicweave spear, and the shock of the Frost Titan's metamorphic power, shattering the city powder.

"Baghru!" Cook ordered again.

With a wave of Bagru’s hand, the two ogres began to pick up the bag, and then began to follow Ruta to clean it up. Cook did not intend to discard the magma rubble. Who knows if there is anything good in it, for Therefore, Cook specially asked Lina and Xia to make a batch of high-quality Warcraft leather bags.

Everyone is very nervous, and Cook’s magic eye sees the situation differently. Although the level and quality of the gods are very high, Cook can see as long as the magic fluctuations are emitted, but now the door of the prison is opened. The absorption **** lines inside are closed.

The more he understands the prison, the more he admires the construction of the prison. This room contains many other **** patterns, absorbing vitality, absorbing elements, and spiritual interference, etc., you can say that each All the rooms use the prisoners inside as magic crystals.

A space bag was quickly filled and sent directly to Cook, and then Cook put the space bag directly in the channel, because there are scanning **** patterns and attack **** patterns in the channel, so in the channel , Even if there is someone who can break open the bag, it will only be attacked by the **** pattern.

Of course, the battle guards in the passage are not vegetarian. It's not that Cook doesn't want to use battle guards to clean the prisons. It is that the battle guards are used for fighting and there is no way to clean the prisons.

"My Lord Baron!" Cook was still watching carefully with his magic eyes, and Ruta shouted loudly when he knew it.

"Huh?" Cook quickly closed the magic eye, so that Cook discovered that Ruta had found a red crystal.

Cook checked carefully. Cook didn't touch it. Then Cook took a look at it and found nothing unusual. Just when Cook was about to grab it with his hands, Cook's cold sweat suddenly came out. .

"It's careless!" Cook stood up quickly. Cook has always relied on the magic eye, and the magic eye has also paid attention to Cook, refining medicines, discovering enemies, discovering magic materials, magic patterns, etc. It plays a very important role. Say something that shouldn't be said. If there is no magic eye, Cook's potion can't be said to reach the perfect level.

But here Cook has entered a misunderstanding of thinking, thinking that the magic eye can find everything, but Cook just thought that if there are magic fluctuations in this prison, would there be so many gods, which means that even There is no magic wave in this prison, so the magic eye is useless here.

"This thing..." Cook looked at the thumb-sized red crystal. Although it was a little dim, it was undoubtedly red. It looked like an inferior magic crystal.

"There can be no magic crystal here, right?" Lina said while also.

"Impossible, if it were the magic crystal, it would have become a powder. The absorption strength of the **** pattern... I think that this thing is 80% related to the Balrog Lord." Cook finally made a conclusion.

"Ahem!" But then Cook immediately realized his mistake, because here is the Lord of the Flame Demon, so everything in it is related to the Lord of the Flame Demon.

"Bring a bag alone!" Cook ordered.

But just when Bagrul had a new high-grade beast skin bag, Barry flew out of Cook's arm, and the guy was suspended in front of the dim red crystal as soon as he came out.

"Good things, good things!" Barry yelled in Cook's mind.

"Rely..." Cook was taken aback, knowing that there is mental interference here, and how Barry did it.

"Please, no matter what type of interference it is, there is a limit, and my existence just exceeds this limit." Barry seemed to sense Cook's question and immediately replied.

"Well~www.wuxiaspot.com~what is this?" Cook asked in a puzzled manner, while the people around him opened their mouths, because Barry's appearance was too weird, and only the second fat was not surprising.

"This is the core of the Balrog, but here is only a small part. This is also one of the reasons why the Balrog has become an undead creature. At the most dangerous time, the core of the Balrog will explode into countless fragments. Each fragment can It is said that they are all a seed. Once the time is right, the Balrog will be born from these fragments, and only high-level Balrogs can perform such a secret technique, so there is definitely more than one such fragment. Look for it carefully. But good stuff!" Barry replied in Cook's mind.

Cook went on to ask: "Is this thing dangerous now?"

"There is no danger!" Barry just finished answering, Cook directly picked up the core fragment of the Balrog with the dagger in his hand.

But then the strange scene surprised everyone, because Thunder Fang swallowed the core fragment of the Balrog directly. Yes, it was swallowed. The place where Thunder Fang touched the core fragment of the Balrog suddenly became liquid, and then The core fragment of the Balrog directly melted into Thunder Fang.

"This..." Not only did Cook's eyes open wide, the eyes of the people around him also widened, looking like hell.

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