A Unique Hunter

Chapter 674: Fierce fight

"Boom!" The ten-meter-long vindictiveness directly sank into the ground, and then there was a violent roar below the ground, and the ground vibrated violently, splashing mud within tens of meters.

"Huh!" The three-eyed fox screamed and jumped away. The speed of the ninth level beast was so fast that it was astounding, and the attack of the ground splitting was directly avoided.

"Boom!" The arrow that Cook shot was directly flew out by the three-eyed fox's tail, and the attack of the golden archer was also missed, but the three-eyed fox underestimated the power of the arrow that Cook shot. The arrows shot by Ke did not have the slightest glaring light at all. They seemed to be much less powerful than the arrows of the golden archer. The alloy arrows directly collided with the hairy tail of the three-eyed fox, and the alloy arrows burst directly. , And the hair on the tail of the three-eyed fox was blown up.

"Zzizi!" The three-eyed fox was also startled by the power of this arrow, and angrily shot a blue ray toward Cook.

"Haha, it's an ice monster, Connie, let the Frost Titan come over." Cook jumped away, the ray hit the ground, and a white mist immediately rose on the ground, and within a few meters, a place appeared. Cook laughed at the thumb-sized icicles.

The attack range is also the shortcoming of the ray-type monsters. Although the attack distance is increased, the same nine-level ice-type monsters, the rest of the monsters may have an ice-type magic enough to cover a range of tens or hundreds of meters, while the ray-type magic only At a distance of several meters, of course, the penetrating power of ray-type magic must be very strong.

Therefore, everything has its own strengths and shortcomings. What makes Cook more assured is that it is actually an ice magic. When it comes to ice magic, the Frost Titan is one of them. Cook’s victory is again Some increase.

"Everyone, drink the freezing protective potion." Cook shouted loudly afterwards.

Frozen protective potions, intermediate-level auxiliary potions. After drinking this potion, it will greatly reduce the damage caused by ice magic. As mentioned earlier, the ray-type magic has strong penetrating power, although it has magic pattern equipment, but This is not reassuring, because ice magic has a freezing damage, just like fire magic has a burn.

"Charge!" The deputy commander of the Huya Mercenary Group raised the magic alloy shield made by Cooke in his hand, shouted, slammed his feet, and rushed towards the three-eyed fox with an afterimage.

Charge is a popular warrior skill, but the distance and speed of each person's charge determine the attack power. In fact, the charge skill is too simple. It mainly depends on the powerful explosive power of vindictiveness, which is incomparable to the speed. Directly rushed towards the enemy.

"Boom!" The three-eyed fox did not escape because the surrounding attacks were too dense. Although these attacks may not necessarily cause the three-eyed fox to be injured, no one wants to be injured, and the deputy commander of the Huya Mercenary Group acts as An veteran mercenary who has fought with Warcraft for decades, the main defense, the eyesight is first-class, and with a bang, the deputy commander of the Huya Mercenary Group held a shield and directly came into close contact with the three-eyed fox.

"Hiss!" The three-eyed fox was knocked away by two meters, and then bared his teeth at the head of the Huya Mercenary Group, and his front paws stretched out and grabbed the deputy head of the Huya Mercenary Group.

"Zizizi!" A series of metal rubbing sounds sounded. The head of the Huya Mercenary Corps had just collided with the three-eyed fox directly, causing a disturbance in the body's fighting spirit, and the body was still in a state of stiffness.

This is also the weakness of the charge. In the face of a powerful enemy, the huge recoil of the charge will cause the body's fighting spirit to be disordered, or even collapse, then the body will not be directed. This situation is called stiffness.

Of course, if you are a junior warrior charging with a rhinoceros-like monster in the middle-level warcraft, you are destined to be injured yourself, so the charge depends on the target.

"Blade!" But all the mercenaries present were extremely experienced. The head of the Cobra Mercenary Group shouted, and a ten-meter-long grudge blade shot directly at the Three-eyed Fox. The Cobra Mercenary Group The group leader is a ninth level powerhouse.

The sword blade, advanced swordsmen forcefully compress the fighting energy, and the long-range damage formed by magic weapons, but the sword blade consumes the fighting energy. Of course, the blade preparation time is slightly longer, but it is also the most important long-range attack method for the warrior, the sword The power of the blade does not depend on the advanced level of the fighter, but depends on the strength of the fighting gas compression. The blade can also be divided into several levels according to the color. The transparent blade has insufficient compression power and poor attack power. The white one , The compression strength is about ten times higher than that of the transparent, powerful, and silver blade. This compression strength is ten times that of white, which means that in the process of compressing vindictiveness, the difference between the highest and lowest grades is a hundred times.

Therefore, the sword blades displayed by some highly talented advanced fighters are not inferior to the power of some fighters one level higher. Of course, the stronger the compression, the more fighting energy is consumed, and the longer the time is. As for the method of compressing fighting energy, then They are all confidential, and of course have a lot to do with talent.

The vindictive blade released by the leader of the Cobra mercenary group already had a hint of silver in it, and the more than ten-meter-long vindictive blade was no less powerful than advanced attack magic.

"Zizizi!" The three-eyed fox also felt the threat of this fighting spirit blade, and a freezing ray shot out at the ten-meter-long fighting spirit blade.

"Kacha, khacha!" What is frightening is that the more than ten-meter-long vindictive blade was directly frozen by the freezing rays, and finally turned into pieces of solid ice and fell on the ground, but the ice on the ground also There was a burst, and it instantly turned into a pile of powder, which was obviously a violent reaction between grudge and freezing.

"Cross cut!" The two-handed sword in the hands of another eighth-level golden swordsman who uses two-handed swords kept flying, and several crossed fighting blades rushed directly at the three-eyed fox. The cross blades were only the size of a palm, but they were all. It was silvery white, and even the space was faintly divided.

"Boom!" The three-eyed fox felt a huge threat. The blue light skyrocketed, and a magic shield appeared. Several silver crosses immediately collided with the shield violently, making a deafening roar.

"Haha. Come again!" The deputy head of the Huya Mercenary Group finally passed the freeze, which was actually only two seconds.

"Shield strike!" The alloy shield emitted a dazzling vindictive light, and the deputy commander of the Huya Mercenary Group slammed the shield against the three-eyed fox.

"Boom!" The three-eyed fox's magic shield itself was shaken by the cross slash. I didn't know that the shield hit was coming to join in the fun again, and the three-eyed fox's body was knocked out together with the magic shield.

"Blast Flame!"

"Blade Storm!"

"Total Annihilation!"

The mercenaries present were all human beings. Seeing that the three-eyed fox was knocked out, at least three people shot at the same time. One shot was the biggest killer move, blasting slash, fire fighting skills, sword storm, and even more. Top combat skills, the big sword is like a launcher that shoots blades, dozens of small blades swept directly towards the three-eyed fox.

"Boom!" The three-eyed fox also felt the great danger, glared at the people around him, his mouth suddenly opened, and then directly ejected a blue beam of light.

"Zizizi!" The temperature within a few hundred meters dropped suddenly, some weeds were frozen and made a sizzling noise, and small ice crystals appeared in the air.

"Domain?" Cook exclaimed.

"Actually, I have begun to comprehend the realm!" Connie was also surprised in the air, because Connie could see clearly that with the three-eyed fox as the center, there was a blue space within a few hundred meters.

"Attack!" Cook ordered without hesitation.

"Boom!" The huge beam of light falling from the sky directly hit the three-eyed fox suspended in the air.

"Boom!" The field released by the three-eyed fox was hit by the huge beam of light from the meteor cannon, and then there was a violent explosion.

Even if Connie was in the air, she could see the fierce collision between the beam of light and the three-eyed fox's domain. The huge shock wave caused almost all the bushes within a radius of several kilometers to be uprooted, and the mercenaries who pursued them were even more huge. The force of smashed directly into the past.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The propellers of the magic airship made a huge whine, and then they were rushed into the air by a huge force.

"Qua!" The double-headed dark magic eagle also roared, and a magic shield burst out of his body immediately, wrapping Connie together.

"Tweet!" And the horned eagle, the mount of the horned eagle knight, let out a mournful sound, and then let the huge impact rush out.

"Damn it!" The three-eyed fox was vomiting blood and was about to slip away. Although the three-eyed fox was severely injured and the area was crushed, the monster is a monster. As long as it can escape, it will not be a good cultivation. questionable.

But at this moment, a big hand held the three-eyed fox's neck tightly, and the three-eyed fox clearly felt the power on the big hand and turned his head to look over.

Cook's body is the strongest among these people. Although it was said that he was rushed out by the huge impact, the damage caused by the freezing was not very serious. Instead, he was hit by the huge impact. The freezing numbness was relieved, and of course the pain was inevitable, so Cook found the three-eyed fox for the first time, and then held this guy's neck tightly.

Cook then saw the mercenaries who followed him were washed away. The freezing damage to these guys was more serious, and now they can't move. There is thick frost on the mercenaries, and Cook is also frightened. Endless.

It is a realm. If there is no meteorite cannon attack, I am afraid that these mercenaries will be frozen to death in a few seconds. Cook just felt that his hands and feet were not listening, so he immediately ordered an attack. Fortunately, the three-eyed fox's The domain is not very powerful and cannot isolate space power, because the connection between Cook and Sky Eye is transmitted through the conversion of identity cards into spatial fluctuations. If orders are issued by mental power, it is estimated that they will not be able to break through the domain.

"Don't move, or be careful I do it." Cook felt the power that the three-eyed fox was constantly accumulating. After all, the three-eyed fox is a legendary monster, not a ninth level. Its power is extremely powerful. Cook directly Touched out Thunder teeth, and then directly stroked one of the three-eyed fox's front paws with Thunder teeth, and the nails on the hardest paws of the three-eyed fox fell to the ground.

The three-eyed fox shrank his eyes and felt Thunder's teeth dangling on his forehead, and quickly relaxed, knowing that the nails on the claws of Warcraft are the hardest part.

The three-eyed fox is not very big, only more than one meter long. Of course, the legendary monster can easily become bigger and smaller. Cook picked up the three-eyed fox and checked the injuries of the surrounding mercenaries.

At this time, you can clearly see the pros and cons of the levels. Level 9 professionals can move a little bit, while level 8 professionals can’t move at all. But even so, the freezing damage these people suffer cannot be cured in a short time. of.

"Don't worry, this freezing injury will definitely not leave you with any sequelae, but I don't have a similar healing potion in my hand." Cook knows that this freezing injury is very serious, although it is not affected by movements, but The sequelae of tendons and veins should not be underestimated.

The head of the Cobra Mercenary Group shivered and grinned and said: "Pass...Legendary-level demon...Warcraft, I and legend...Legend...Legend...Aye!"

"Well, isn't it just a battle with a legendary monster!" A figure came over and said in an angry tone.

"You, you are, it's jealous." The leader of the Cobra Mercenary Corps saw a **** stew, and immediately responded with a trembling voice.

"It's a pity, why didn't I catch up?" The blood lily was a little bit regretful. The blood lily was able to catch up, but I was attracted by the many heavy magic weapons when reporting the letter, so I watched it for a while. Knowing that the battle was over so soon, but the blood lion also had a new understanding of Cook's strength.

"Cook, are you okay!" Connie was also down at this time and asked with concern.

"Haha, it's okay, this guy is clever and was backlashed by the domain." Cook knew from a glance that the three-eyed fox was also trying to release the domain, but in that case, if the three-eyed fox didn't release the domain, he would be in danger of being beaten by a group. , In the eyes of the three-eyed fox. Although the release area is extremely exhausted, as long as it is released, the group of people will not be dead. After getting rid of this group of people, it will be much easier to escape, but the three-eyed fox did not expect the attack of the meteor cannon. It will break the domain, which is the same as magic backlash. The three-eyed fox should not release any magic for at least a short time. It depends on only power, but the sharpness of thunder teeth makes the three-eyed fox dare not act rashly, and now the three-eyed fox can The power used was not strong enough for Cook, so Cook grabbed the three-eyed fox by the neck easily.

The three-eyed fox was caught, astonishing those who were paying attention here, especially the final attack, the beam of light that fell from the sky was even more confusing, and this type of attack did not appear once, three times! So obviously, this is controlled by humans, and no one will come forward to question until the origin of the beam of light is understood.

However, those strong men also have the difference between Warcraft and humans. This is the business of those strong men themselves, and the three-eyed fox is also hailed as a shame in the World of Warcraft, so it doesn't need to be elaborated.

The cost of Cook's operation was extremely high. The ninth-level warcraft cub golden eagle has ten heads. It is not the consumption of numerous magic weapons, the cost of transmission, and the potions for these top mercenaries, and so on.

However, all of this is inferior to the guy that Cook held tightly in his hands, the legendary beast, still caught alive, Nima, this is something unprecedented in the ages.

After the battle, Connie and Siya also appeared, looking at Cook with weird faces. In fact, in the eyes of Connie and Siya, trying to release the field is the biggest mistake of the three-eyed fox. The three-eyed fox should rely on her own tyranny. The strength, the agility, and one or two mercenaries were hit hard, so these people wouldn't dare to chase too tightly.

Of course, fox monsters like to use their brains. If you change to another bear or rhino ninth-level monster, not to mention the legend, I am afraid that the people of Cook will be hit hard, so the type of monster is also determined. The way of fighting.

If it weren’t for the three-eyed fox who likes to think a lot and he has fear, then Cook’s action this time would probably fail miserably, but the three-eyed fox likes to use his brain, that is, he thinks he is smart, and he knows that the end result is actually captured alive. Up.

Of course, if it weren’t for Cook’s perversion, the three-eyed fox would have enough time to escape after the backlash in the domain. But Cook’s body is strong. If it weren’t for Cook to catch the three-eyed fox, I’m afraid the three-eyed fox will leave in a big appearance. No one dared to stop the legendary beast, but this is all hypothesis. It is already a fact that the three-eyed fox has become a prisoner.

"Cook, what about the three-eyed fox?" Lina looked at Cook and asked.

"What else can we do? It must be a price to cause such a great loss to us humans." Cook handed the Sanya fox to West Asia, who is also a legendary powerhouse, facing the three-eyed fox that was backlashed by the domain. There is no pressure at all.

"But enslaving a legendary monster ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is this something..." Of course Lina knew what Cook meant, but Lina asked worriedly.

"It's okay, this guy asked for it. Actually, if it wasn't for this guy to run away, I wouldn't be able to find it, but this guy is cunning enough to let a silver wolf stand in front." Cook changed his suit and said just now. Cook's set is a bit broken and dirty, Cook replied with a wave of his hand.

"But if other legendary monsters know about it." Lina said worriedly while tidying up Cook's clothes.

"What are you afraid of! I think those guys who see this example will weigh and weigh, and we are not without reason, causing such a large loss, shouldn't we compensate?" Cook said grimly, but then Cook knew Lina had to explain it because she was worried.

"My Lord Baron, the presidents of several major unions are here!" At this moment, Sebastian came in to report.

"Please, huh, you will see the benefits." Cook's impression of the big trade unions is not very good. This beast tide is enough to prove that those guys only have benefits in their eyes, and there is no responsibility, and maximize benefits. There is nothing wrong with it, but it also depends on the timing!

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