A Unique Hunter

Chapter 675: select

Cook is now in the Monto Empire and is stationed near the established port. As the threat of the beast tide has been resolved, the port has become busy again. Countless people flock here. For the civilians, eating is the most important thing. Things, food can’t be enough, and living is suffering. Of course, because Cook almost wiped out the animal tide with his own power, most people would rather run farther after knowing Cook’s relationship with this port. To work here, the picture is a sense of security.

As far as the sense of security of the little people is concerned, the people of the Wizards’ Guild have a different feeling. In fact, in this matter, in the eyes of outsiders, the Wizards’ Guild is playing a less glorious role. .

In fact, the senior leaders of the Wizards’ Guild are also very depressed. It is precisely because of the size of the Wizards’ Guild that they must have a basic understanding of the matter before making every decision. In the Monto Empire, almost everything used to be. The desert of power, where poisonous insects are rampant, and the natives who eat people, and the climate is not very good, and there is a lot of rain, but suddenly the Monto Empire becomes the focus of all forces. At this time, even if the wizards’ union can be arranged calmly, it is not much Effect.

Of course, it does not deny that the Wizards’ Guild has the idea to reshuffle the Monto Empire. As for the beast wave attack, how big is it? But some civilians died.

But before the bloated organization of the Wizards’ Union could react, the news of Cook’s recruitment of top mercenaries had reached the ears of the Wizards’ Union. At this time, the Wizards’ Union became anxious, but the huge organization has one drawback, that is. The organization is bloated and the reaction speed is slow. When the Wizards' Guild learned from the side that the main envoy behind the beast tide is a silver wolf, it breathed a sigh of relief and decided to gain prestige, just as the Wizards' Guild decided to publish this news. At the time, a thunderbolt came, that is, Cook fired a legendary monster that can inspire the domain, and it is also an extremely rare three-eyed fox.

Everyone who heard the news was taken aback, and then they screamed in their hearts: "Nima, have there been three hours since receiving the siege of Warcraft? No, only more than two hours, but Nima can stimulate the domain. The legendary beast was captured alive in less than three hours? Captured alive! Not killed! Can Nima not be so pussies?"

When the news came back, all the forces were silent. In this beast tide attack, all the major forces followed closely in the footsteps of the Wizards’ Union, but I didn’t expect that someone would come out forcibly this time. From the perspective of all parties, Cook’s hiring of top mercenaries is just that this guy has a lot of money and is stupid, but he didn’t expect that he really had a hand.

To be honest, the top mercenaries hired by Cook are nothing at all in front of those big forces. There is no shortage of ninth-level powerhouses and legendary powerhouses behind the big forces, let alone ninth-level powerhouses.

So the big trade unions rushed to the port as soon as they got the news, but sadly, it took a long time for all parties to arrive because the road was blocked.

"Haha, welcome, welcome, and welcome everyone." As soon as Cook entered the door, he saw a dozen people under pressure, most of them were acquaintances, the president of the Mage Union, the president of the mercenary union, and the president of the thieves union. The president of the Warrior Union, as well as the president of the Pharmacist Association, Cook's mentor, Grand Master Leif, and the president of the Alchemy Association, watched Cook come in.

The moment these people saw Cook, their expressions were amazed, surprised, doubtful, jealous, dissatisfied, and gratified, but these expressions only flashed past, but Cook found out.

"Baron Cook, congratulations, congratulations." It was the president of the Warrior Union who said this, but there are some problems with this title, because of all Cook's titles, the baron is just the lowest, whether it is apothecary or magic. Teacher, the rank, the name baron is absolutely ironic in this circle, because this circle is all professionals, if outsiders call Cook a baron, that is a respectable name.

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say." Cook is not a fool, the president of the Warriors' Union said so, Cook only replied perfunctorily, and his cold tone made people discover it without thinking about it.

"Cook, great." Leif stood up directly and said in admiration.

"Tutor!" In the face of Leif, Cook respected in his heart, and this was also Cook's first etiquette after coming in.

"Your Excellency Cook, introduce yourself, I am the president of the Hunter's Union, Rustin!" At this time, a person next to him stood up and introduced himself with a smile.

"Eh?" Cook looked at this chubby guy in astonishment. Is this a hunter? A hunter who can walk on the ground like this in the jungle looks like this.

"I heard that your Excellency is also a hunter. On behalf of the Hunter Union, I solemnly invite your Excellency to serve as the head elder of the Hunter Union." The president of the Hunter Union said solemnly afterwards and handed Cook a scroll.

"Ahem, President Rusteen, Cook is a member of our Mage Union." The president of the Mage Union coughed twice, and then reminded.

And Cook heard this. There are only three words in my heart: "Is there something weird?"

Why do you say that, because the Wizards’ Union and the Hunter’s Union are like the gap between billionaires and civilians, and is it so polite for billionaires to talk to civilians? No!

"Our hunters' union doesn't mind that Cook is a magician." Rustin said casually, narrowing his eyes.

The president of the Mage’s Union should be accurately said to be the vice president. The president of the Mage’s Guild is very familiar with Cook. However, there are many vice presidents of the Mage’s Union, and the vice presidents generally only participate in management affairs. How strong is the president and how high his level is, because the higher the magician, the less time to manage union affairs, so the vice president is basically equivalent to the role of a professional manager, but the vice president represents after all With the Wizards’ Guild, no one dares to give face.

The vice president was very angry because the Wizards’ Guild did not recognize this situation, except of course as a mercenary. That is to say, either from the Wizards’ Guild or from other guilds, and of course there is only the Wizards’ Guild. Only so strong, the other major unions are not.

But having said that, everyone is willing to join the wizards’ guild. It’s a truth that everyone knows. If you are a warrior or a thief, if you want to be a member of the wizard’s guild, it’s very good. It's difficult.

As for the wizards’ union, there are also fighters and thieves. They are just non-staff members, and the benefits they enjoy are not as high as those of wizards.

A smile appeared at the corner of Cook's mouth, because the scene was too weird. The Hunter's Guild dared to provoke the Wizards’ Guild, and the other major guilds had a posture that I didn’t know about. What this means is that it is weird.

Cook thought to himself that the Hunters' Union dared to provoke the Mage's Union. In such an environment, it was not that the Hunter's Union was stronger than the Mage's Union, but that everyone present was afraid of the president of the Hunter's Union.

But Cook thought again afterwards that hunters are vegetables, but any profession, as long as they have cultivated to a certain level, then they are not vegetables, but Raptors.

Cook said he couldn’t use his magic eyes to sweep Rustin, and then Cook realized that this girl is actually a legendary powerhouse, and a legendary powerhouse-level hunter, this is better than any profession at the legendary level. The presence.

As mentioned earlier, the hunter is a profession that takes care of both close combat and long-range combat. It can be considered omnipotent. The hunter’s bow and arrow range can theoretically be comparable to that of a genuine archer, and the archer is the nemesis of the magician and the warrior is the nemesis of the archer. But when a warrior meets a hunter, the hunter is not afraid of the warrior at all. You can fight melee, I can also fight melee. As for thieves, hunters can also install traps, so hunters theoretically do not have any restraint occupations.

But again, people’s energy is limited, and theoretical things are always theoretical, but a legendary hunter is enough for everyone to respect. If nothing else, the word legend is enough. .

"Your Excellency Cook, on behalf of the mercenary union, I will issue you a legendary badge. This is also the first legendary badge in the history of the mercenary union." The mercenary union didn't care and immediately jumped out to issue the badge.

You know that Cook is a registered mercenary, and this mercenary led a team to capture a legendary beast. What is this? This is an example, this is the honor of the mercenary union, the honor of the entire mercenary professional. .

"What's the use of this thing?" Cook looked at the badge made of magic alloy in his hand, and he could see that the badge was extremely old.

"Hehe, Lord Cook, I can tell you the origin of the legendary badge in a moment." The mercenary union said with a smile.

Cook knew that this was an invitation in disguise. Cook nodded and said: "Well, I haven't heard of a legendary mercenary badge."

Cook now finally understands what these guys are doing. This is to gain prestige. Capturing legendary beasts alive will definitely cause a sensation in the mainland. It is very likely that this legend will be changed by countless bards into a story full of the mainland. Rap, and the benefits of participating in the union must be huge. You must know that children who like to listen to bards are generally children. The first impression of childhood is the most important.

If there is no magician union in this legend, but there is a hunter union, then becoming a hunter might be a child's dream, and many successful people on the mainland rush to become hunters. What about the magician union? This is influence!

After Cook wanted to understand the cause and effect, he smiled and said to Rustin: "Ashamed, I am a hunter very incompetent. Now I am just a small second-level hunter!"

"Second-level hunter, where's Nima's coaxing ghost?" everyone present cursed inwardly, not that everyone wanted to come, but if you didn't come, it would be a matter of attitude. In the future, Cook's mouth is crooked, maybe the union's Reputation will stinks on the mainland. These people secretly scold Cook and the Mage Union secretly. You are also the number one power, and you lead us like this, ya ya!

"Second-level hunter!" Rusting's mouth twitched, obviously not believing it.

"You don't believe me?" Cook didn't have the slightest respect, and directly took out the second-level hunter badge.

Everyone was stunned, and then they realized that Cook is doing good, but for Rusteen, you want good. You have to agree directly without mentioning any requirements. Then there is a ghost.

"This is our dereliction of duty, our system, and..." Rasdin's fat lips fluttered up and down. It is true that our union has shortcomings of this kind, and the staff is not good, and the quality is not high. What's wrong, Cook didn't know what Rusdin meant by this.

When Rusdin said something about it, he changed his words and said: "It is precisely because of the status quo of the Hunter Union that we need to maintain and develop together, otherwise the Hunter Union will really decline!"

"Shameless, is your hunter's union not declining now?" Everyone heard the next sentence. I immediately understood. The last meaning of this Rustin is to say, Cook, I will hand over to you the Hunter's Union, whatever you want, let's do it! Of course this is a subtext, and Rusdin is not good to just say, Cook, you come, I will let you manage the Hunter's Union, which is too much.

Cook also thought for a while before he understood what Rusdin's words meant. Cook hesitated at this time. Of course, the temptation to manage a union was big enough. Cook didn't answer immediately, because Cook knew that it was not just hunters who played the cards. union.

Sure enough, the first to jump out was the Mage Union. The vice president of the Mage Union said with a smile: "Cook, in view of your contribution, the union decided to give you the position of first-class deacon after research. This is an appointment. book!"

"First-class deacon?" Rustin said sarcastically without giving any face.

"First-class deacon of the Pharmacists Association!" said the president of the Wizards Guild through gritted teeth.

"Tsk tusk, I remember there are more than a dozen deacons in the Pharmacist Association, but it is true, that place is a fat man, and how many related guys have gone there." Rustin sighed, but the meaning of the words That is, the place where the Pharmacist Association is to make money, and the underlying meaning of the three words "relationship" means that there is no ability, and the people who have connections go there.

It took a long time for Cook to understand the meaning of these two people's words. Cook said in surprise: "No, I remember there are only a thousand registered pharmacists, most of them are low-level pharmacists, there are more than a dozen. A first-class deacon?"

Below the first-class deacon there are second-class deacons, third-class deacons, and directors, and so on. In other words, there are basically hundreds of deacons in the Pharmacist Association.

"Haha, it's mainly for the pharmacists to provide better service." The vice president of the Magicians' Union chuckled, because there were too many people staring at that place, and the place was really fat and scarce.

"Oh, the errand to serve people!" Rustine said clearly on the side, but the following words were so dangerous that the vice president of the wizards' union was not **** to death.

Leif did not speak. In fact, Leif still admired Cook's resistance to the beast tide this time. In this beast tide incident, Leif was not without effort, but it still said that in the huge magician union. In the organization of, a person, even a great master, is of little use, and in Leif’s view, if Cook enters the Association of Pharmacists, it may also restrict Cook’s development. After all, the Association of Pharmacists has its own Set of rules.

People from the mercenary union watched the excitement, people from the fighters union looked up at the wooden roof, and people from the thieves union lowered their heads and drank water, obviously not planning to participate in this battle.

The thieves’ union also knows that this matter has nothing to do with itself, and the focus of the fight is between the hunter’s union and the wizard’s union, but the thieves’ union is not optimistic about the magician’s union, because it can be seen from two points, one is The hunter's union came directly to the boss, and the magician's union came only as a striker. Professional managers are not the strikers, so this attitude shows who pays more attention.

There is also Cook’s attitude. It seems that Cook’s attitude is very ambiguous, but the president of the thieves’ guild understands in his heart that Cook’s choice is the hunter’s guild, because in this beast tide, the wizard’s guild does not play a role. For the glorious role, the Hunter Union is powerless.

Moreover, Cook's limelight overshadowed the Wizards' Guild this time. The seniors of the Wizards' Guild must be upset. This can be seen from the fact that Leif did not persuade Cook.

There is also the thieves’ guild’s contribution to Cook’s work in the wizards’ guild, which is known to be seven or eighty-eight, but with so many contributions, if it weren’t for this time the guild of wizards was really trying to save face, a first-class deacon would not have given it. Cook, and how many first-class deacons are in the Wizards’ Guild? There are thousands of people, one is one of the thousand people, and the other is the great elder of the Hunter Union. Everyone knows how to choose.

"Hehe, let me think about it." Cook also disdains this first-class deacon in his heart. The first-class deacon is something, and Cook is also worried that he will offend the wizards’ union this time, maybe after becoming a first-class deacon There will be people secretly calculating themselves. Of course, Cook is not afraid of secretly calculating, but he is in constant trouble because of some small things. If he is caught in this cycle, he still has time to practice? So Cook still wanted to go to the Hunter Union.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, the Hunter Union is just a declining union, it is a union after all, and Cook can get too many things in his hands. It is not difficult to really run the Hunter Union, because of what, because of Cook There are huge resources in it, and the reason why the Magician Union is huge. Just occupy a lot of resources.

Of course, Cook must also consider carefully. After all, if you choose the Hunter Union, the possibility of being suppressed by the Magician Union is very high. In the face of a behemoth like the Magician Union, no one wants to stand on its opposite side. This may be the Magician Union. The reason for sending a vice-chairman here is not because people have the confidence to do so.

So Cook has to consider carefully, weigh the pros and cons, and then make a decision, because Cook is not alone now, there are many, many people involved.

Now that Cook said so, the rest of the people couldn't say anything. Cook sent people to take these people to rest. The first thing Cook asked for was Leif's opinion.

The relationship between Cook and Leif is very close, and Cook directly asked: "Teacher, how do you say I should choose?"

"Cook, what do you think?" Leif asked Cooke. Although Leif knew Cook's hesitation, he still wanted to listen to Cook's thoughts.

Cook pondered for a moment and said: "Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. This time the magician union has lost face. This can be expected from just sending a vice president this time, but How should I put it, the first-class deacon is a bit insulting."

After hearing Cook’s words, Leif said, "Cook, your idea is right. I feel powerless this time. There are too many people in the trade union who can call the shots. Not much valued, and Cook, the position of first-class deacon has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you can develop your own network. The disadvantage is that if someone makes trouble, you will be in constant trouble. It’s a little trouble, and it’s easy to solve, but one thing you need to know is that this is time-consuming and it takes time to deal with things, so the relative time for cultivation is not much. I have seen too many geniuses being used by others. It’s a crippling trick. When you wake up, it’s too late. You don’t need to say Cook your talent. I still said that, strength is the first."

Cook was taken aback, and said after a while: "Impossible, would they do that?"

"Yes, the major clans and forces in the Mage’s Union are all at a point of balance of interest. If you occupy this position, some people will lose their profits, and those clans and forces are behind each other. Their method of dealing with geniuses is to win, and if you don’t win, you don’t have time to practice, you get caught in constant struggles and troubles, and you don’t want to practice. There is definitely more than one such thing in the wizards’ union, and since there are people If you draw in, then the people who are in the right of interest will definitely not want to see it, so it is inevitable behind the bad." Leif's words completely solved the biggest reason why the magic family of the magician union will continue to flourish.

After listening to Cook, he felt a bitter cold all over his body. The Wizards’ Union has always been a fair place in Cook’s heart. But now that Leif said that, Cook realized that he also followed The magic family who entered the magician guild, although the magic family is relatively small, it is foreseeable that this small magic family is dependent on other large magic families.

Leif continued: "Cook, what you worry about is that once you enter the Hunter's Union, the Wizards' Union will suppress you, right?"

"Yes!" Faced with Leif's **** question, Cook admitted without hesitation.

Leif stood up and was about to leave. Cook looked at Leif in amazement. When Leif walked to the door, he asked meaningfully: "Cook, is it easy to hide with an arrow or with a spear!"

When Cook heard these words, he immediately understood that he chose the Hunter Union, and the Magician Union had to deal with him, only to understand, and if he entered the Magician Union, he would face the knife behind him.

"Oh!" Cook sighed. Leif is indeed an old guy who has lived for more than a hundred years. He understood Cook's doubts in one sentence, and what Cook should do in one sentence.

Not long after Leif left, the president of the mercenary union came to Cook’s room with a bottle of wine in his hand. The president said with a smile: "This is five hundred years of elven gin, Cook You have a good mouth."

"Hehe, please sit down!" Cook didn't know the name of the president of the mercenary union.

"Thank you, you can call me Mark!" The president of the mercenary union nodded and said.

Cook directly took two cups and asked with a smile: "President Mark, what's the meaning of the legendary badge?"

"The legendary badge is a determination of strength, which has many benefits. But first, the legendary badge can only be issued in two situations. The first is to kill the mission objective of the legendary level. The second is from the lowest level mission. The missions up to the highest level are all completed mercenaries.” President Mark opened the crystal bottle and poured out the thick liquor, explaining.

Cook listened with a smile. Of course, Cook wouldn't think that this badge was that simple. President Mark continued to say, "This legendary badge is actually related to a secret!"

"Secrets?" Cook brought up the wine, and a fragrance immediately hit his face.

"Yes, our mercenary union does not just exist and low-level planes, our mercenary union exists and all planes, even the gods, and this legendary emblem is a token, and one can join in high-level planes without testing. A token of the mercenary union." President Mark said astonishingly.

"There are also mercenary unions on high-level planes?" Cook asked in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

"How strange, in fact, to talk about high-level strength, the mercenary union is the strongest, and the magician union is a shit!" President Mark said irritably.

"No, the magician is very strong." Cook said, shaking his head.

"The magician is just a low-level element control, let alone anything else, at the legendary level, the magician must be better than the warrior?" Mark asked rhetorically.

Cook was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that a legendary powerhouse, not to mention vindictiveness and magic power, but also physical fitness. After somehow a warrior consumes vindictive power, he is still strong, and once the magician is consumed, he is not a single The warrior's opponent, let alone the legendary archer.

"The Mage’s Union is just a low-level plane. In the God Realm, the magician is the lowest-level profession, because in the God Realm, most people have their own gods. It’s sadder. The fire system is under the jurisdiction of the Vulcan, and the water system is under the jurisdiction of the Water God. There are too many people who can manage it. So the Wizards’ Guild is like that in our eyes. What does our mercenary guild say is just a platform. But this platform is really indispensable. There are always channels to release the needs of various tasks and materials. Buy it, so the mercenary union is not small at the high level." President Mark poured a mouthful. Wine, yes, it dries in one bite.

Cook really didn't expect to have these secrets. Cook asked curiously: "Then the mercenary union can contact the upper echelons?"

"Why can't, don't think that the people in the temple have a way, our mercenary union still has that ability!" President Mark gave Cook a suspicious look, and then said with certainty.

Cook didn't ask much here. Cook just wanted to ask about the Mageweave Master, but Cook found that the question was a bit abrupt, and he did not guarantee that what Mark said was true or false.

"Cook, don't you think that our mercenary union itself has this legendary badge, right?" Mark asked when he saw that Cook was a little skeptical.

"Isn't it transmitted from the upper level?" Cook sat up in surprise.

"Hehe, you guessed it, this badge is actually no longer a simple badge, but a pet space, taking into account a storage space, and this thing is unique, except for yourself, even if someone else gets it, it has no effect. , It is said that this is the top-level magicweave equipment." President Mark said triumphantly.

Only then did Cook check it carefully. It turned out to be magic-weave equipment, but Cook also knew that this badge must have more than those functions that Mark said. Of course, Cook would not ask, after all, this is a space-type magic-weave equipment. Some things are studied by time.

Mark chatted with Cook for a while and then left. Mark didn't ask Cook what choice he would make. Anyway, the Legendary badge had been sent out and his mission was completed.

Cook is still busy next. The first thing Cook needs to do is to give his people some warnings. Then I will be the elder of the Hunter Guild. The Mage Guild may not be satisfied. What do you have in mind? Quickly clean up.

This warning was sent to the Orc Chamber of Commerce, the Baronian Territory, and some related organizations. Of course, Cook's hint was rather vague, and he didn't say it directly.

In the end, Cook played and disappeared~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is true that Cook had to disappear, because the hands and tails of the wizards’ union cannot be sorted out in a day or two. Take the Baron’s territory as an example. The transaction of the Magician Guild requires settlement of the amount, and also prevents the Magician Guild from sabotage.

There is also a reason for Cook’s disappearance, because the Maykai Empire is about to hold a spring festival. The spring festival is a major event for the orcs. The main purpose is to pray for a good harvest year this year. Cook has to attend such a major occasion. The empire of Kay is still a bitter wind.

However, the Spring Festival not only has sacrificial activities, but also some related entertainment measures, such as wrestling competitions, horseback riding competitions, as well as wood-carrying competitions, and cattle and sheep catching competitions. After seeing this introduction, Cook gave a big pen. , Tens of millions of gold coins were allocated, and a lot of supplies were left, because for Cook, the Mekay Empire is one of Cook’s biggest cards. Of course, Cook has other cards, but this has the greatest impact , Cook even thought without malicious intentions, if your magician guild is too much, believe it or not, I will lead the orcs to kill the magic city directly from the Golden Pass?

PS: There was a fire in the Mid-Autumn Festival next door. We were all busy robbing things. It was messy, but fortunately, it didn’t burn to where we live. So in the past few days we have been charging our laptops elsewhere, so we don’t need to mention the codeword environment. , I also borrowed someone else’s wireless network card. Every upload takes a lot of effort. The network cable and circuit maintenance will take about a week.

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