A Unique Hunter

: 676 Spring Festival

Of course, that situation is just a barrier between Cook’s existence and the depths of his mind. Cook will not do it impulsively. The direction of the Mekai Empire’s development is roughly set, that is, the new continent across the extreme north. .

Compared with humans, opening up a new continent is more suitable for orcs. After all, the ordinary combat power of orcs is stronger than that of humans. Cook once again entered the Mekai Empire and felt the bone-to-shoulder cold, right! Yes, it is cold.

The capital of the Mekai Empire is still in the Golden Wolf City. As for the establishment of the capital, it will eventually need to be studied and decided, but the cost is definitely huge.

Only Wu Mei was the first to meet Cook. Perhaps Wu Mei's realm has improved. Cook felt that Wu Mei became more and more beautiful. The charm of the fox race was originally a civilized continent.

"Cook!" Wu Mei knows Cook's identity, and now in the Mekai Empire, Cook's reputation is unknown. In fact, it is ridiculous to say that this is all because of the poisonous dragon family.

No matter how the poisonous dragons are, they belong to the giant dragon clan, and since the poisonous dragons gather in the holy mountain, the surrounding beasts have been reduced a lot. Of course, they were not scared away by the poisonous dragons, but hundreds of poisonous dragons need at least dozens of hunting ranges. Ten thousand square kilometers, and some poisonous dragons themselves like to fly, so occasionally poisonous dragons fly by, it is also a kind of deterrent for advanced monsters.

Of course there are poisonous dragons who like to steal livestock, but due to Cook's affection, these poisonous dragons are often secretly made.

Kelong, the patriarch of the poisonous dragon clan, also approached Cook with a smile. Cook slapped his forehead when he saw this product, because he knew the needs of the poisonous dragon clan very well, but didn't Cook forget it.

"Cook, how is this drug test going?" Karon asked with a smile.

"It is estimated that there is still a month or so. The main reason is that there is not enough time. My territory has not just been attacked by the beast tide, and the spring festival will be delayed for a few days." Of course, Cook is embarrassed to say that he forgot, and Karon provided the Cook with a lot of blood.

"Beast tide, say so..." Of course, the vigorous beast tide Kalong knew about it, but Kalong didn't know if it had anything to do with Cook, and this time a legendary-level beast was captured, it was the laughingstock of the world of warcraft. , The dragon clan gloats for misfortune, and you guys think that our dragon clan is afraid of humans. Now, your legendary powerhouse has been captured alive by humans, and deserves it!

The dragon clan never regards itself as a beast, and in the past, the dragon failed in the battle with humans, and was laughed at by the strong inside the beast, but this time it finally made such a big joke in the World of Warcraft, the dragon clan has not tried hard to taunt, as for Speaking of the dissatisfaction of the World of Warcraft, the dragon family has confidence. Don’t look at the human race, it’s that we don’t want to waste our lives for the guys who live for decades, and the powerhouses of Warcraft are also limited. The dragon will never mind. These guys counterattack, at that time the dragon family will let the World of Warcraft know what is called the dragon's anger.

"Yes." Cook knew that Karon was unwilling to reveal his human identity, and there were a large number of orc guards beside him.

Of course, Cook uses the dragon language to talk to Karon. Although I don't mind to continue speaking, it also prevents someone from speaking the dragon language.

Cook looked around at the orcs who came to greet him. There were hardly any acquaintances. Cook looked at Umei in surprise, and Umei said, "Cook, the guys in the past have committed crimes and are accepting the Supreme Court’s Trial."

Cook silently said that it is inevitable that the exchange of power will happen. The old power class will definitely be overthrown, but Cook still said: "For those people, try to persuade and educate them, and during the establishment of the empire, some people Those who are meritorious, as long as there is no murder, they can be dealt with leniently, and those who are meritorious are still rewarded."

Cook knew that some things would be infinitely expanded if he did not express his position, because the new right class needed to express itself, so the old right class that has stepped down is the best target, and who dares to jump out, the new right class Don't mind to pull some people in to show your ability.

Cook didn’t know that this confession made most of the old right class escaped a hard time. After all, they have reached the position of patriarch. There is no need for shady means at all. Of course, the people below are inevitable, especially some. Domineering guy.

The Spring Festival is the most grand event of the orcs family, but Cook came early, and the various races of the orcs have been waiting in Maykay. This came just after the war last year. After Cook looked at the cost list, I couldn’t help laughing. The orcs waiting for this spring festival consumed hundreds of thousands of gold coins. It’s no wonder that the previous orc empire was going bankrupt. The venue of the spring festival was not fixed, but the number of participants was the highest in all years. There are tens of thousands of people, and there are hundreds of competitions.

"Is there a game for chopping wood?" Cook asked Umei in confusion.

"Hehe, all things can be played, grooming, skinning, and slaughtering of livestock, but the previous royal family did not have enough money, so they restricted some competitions, and we are not short of money. The spring festival is the beginning of the year. After the festival, I will be plunged into busy labor..." Wu Mei explained with a smile.

Cook coughed, because the charm exuded by Wumei is getting bigger and bigger, especially after getting along for a long time, the more you can feel it. Even Cook can't resist this charm. To be precise, this is a race talent.

Cook next checked the distribution of supplies. Throughout the winter, the total price of winter supplies distributed by the Mekai Empire has exceeded 5.6 billion gold coins, most of which are food. Moreover, Cook also advocates mutual help. The witch doctor training course organized by Good Cook has trained tens of thousands of witch doctors, and the top witch doctors have only the first batch of students, dozens of them, and these dozens each teach three or five people, and These three or five people taught three or five people again, but within a few months, a team of witch doctors of tens of thousands had formed.

Of course, this is also simpler than the potions made by Professor Cook’s witch doctors. They are mainly healing potions, as well as deworming potions. After all, they are grass wounds. Deworming is mainly to kill parasites. Healing potions are mainly to treat diseases and injuries. There are only three kinds of medicines.

The vast majority of witch doctors are bunny people. This has to be said to be good news. What Cook has to do is to explore the talents of each race as much as possible and let these races play their respective roles.

Just like the rat man, in the orc empire, the rat man was the representative of the tramp, but this rat man has great talent for finding water sources, and the underground water source is very important in the orc empire.

There are also people who are very sensitive to time. Duck people are born fishermen. When looking for a school of fish, Cook is very pleased when he sees these things. But Cook doesn’t say anything, he still needs to check the supplies. Of course, Cook will not go personally to distribute the situation. Cats are an excellent race to inquire about the news. What Cook needs to do is to make cats an ear for monitoring the Maykai Empire. Although this is a bit unreasonable, but Every empire has such an institution. An empire is not afraid of any powerful enemies, but what an empire is most afraid of is civil strife.

The information provided by the cat people is more detailed, including some internal conflicts and reactions, as well as information on the new patriarchs of each race, property and so on. In this world, there is no bank to say that money is in kind. Unstoppable.

While reading the information, Cook wanted to develop the banking system as soon as possible. On the one hand, it was convenient to distribute some assistance to the orcs, and on the other hand, it also allowed the funds in the hands of the orcs to be safe. After all, the money was kept at home, which was very dangerous. Yes, Cook saw that some of the materials received by the previous vassal races were robbed in the information. There is no way, the individual strength is too weak, and there are bad guys in the main battle race. It is not some human beings who get something for nothing. Patent, orcs also have.

"The crime of robbery should be severe and severe." Cook wrote such a sentence. In order to ease the relationship between the various races of the orcs, strict laws are inevitable. The reason why the Qin Dynasty made the major countries eventually become China Family, that is the strict laws at the time. Although a generation will feel a little strange, this feeling has become more and more rare as time goes by. Finally, as time goes on, between these races The barrier will become thinner and thinner,

Although it is said that it will attract criticism, it is better than the gap between the various races, and finally civil strife.

Finally, Cook wrote four more words: "Demographics! Increase the survival rate of newborns!"

It took only a few days for Cook to look at the information, and the city of Mekay was very lively inside and outside. On a huge open space south of the Mekay Empire, some facilities were gradually being erected, and the logs were erected. The top tent was erected, and the ditches were dug up. On such an important occasion, fire prevention is very important. Once a fire occurs, the consequences will be disastrous, because the spring festival is not only a grand event, but also a big event. In a grand transaction, each tribe needs to exchange what they need most.

During the construction process, Cook inspected ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then with a stroke of a pen, he established a permanent trading venue and could conduct large-scale goods transactions at any time.

Cook’s big hand directly allowed thousands of orcs to start earning money in the cold season, and Cook’s wages were not low. Everyone knows that Cook is not bad. What Cook has to do is start a transaction at the Spring Festival. The reputation of the market will be gradually promoted. In the end, what Cook has to do is to establish countless trading venues, and the bank is also in preparation.

In the rest of the time, Cook received the new patriarchs of the major tribes. Although the current patriarchal rights do not have the armed rights of the past, the rest of the rights have increased, especially the decision of the major patriarchs to participate in the country. This is also a It's a big temptation. Some patriarchs don't want to give up force, but these people dare not show it, because the position of the patriarch is not the Chinese cabbage on the roadside.

Of course, Cook also divided the rights of the patriarch. Just like the patriarch of the bear clan in the past, but the patriarch of all bear clan, black bear clan, white bear clan, brown bear clan, raccoon clan, etc., now Cook implements the black bear clan patriarch only Being able to govern the affairs of the black bear tribe, but not the rest. This has successfully split the major races.

"Cook, can we ogres join the Maykai Empire?" Bagru swayed in front of Cook for a while, and then asked weakly.

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