A Unique Hunter

Chapter 677: trivia

"Oh! This is a very good topic." Cook heard this. Immediately sitting upright, Cook was still worrying about the first issue after the creation of the House, so this request of Bagru is of great significance.

Cook also envisions the separation of the three powers. The legislative power lies in the House, and the law enforcement power lies in the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court, the House and the government supervise each other. In fact, Cook did not want to do this. After all, Cook established it himself. Empire, but Cook had to do it again, because Cook knew that he could not occupy the position of ruler of the Mekai Empire for a long time, and Cook considered the inheritance of the Mekai Empire.

As for whether the Meikai Empire will become stronger in the future, will it have an impact on the human empire? This is not Cook's consideration. To be honest, Cook still has some views on the current human society, and Cook believes in human wisdom. It must be higher than that of the orcs. As long as the human society is forced to change by the orcs, then the orcs cannot be superior to the humans.

What Cook wants is that the Mekai Empire can continue to operate for a long time. Then it needs an institution and a system to operate, and it is not the credit of anyone, except of course, Cook.

"Master, did you agree?" Bagru asked excitedly.

"Haha, Baglu, I will submit this to the House." Cook replied with a smile.

"Master, you are just one sentence..." Baghru muttered dissatisfiedly. From Baghru's point of view, Cook was simply unnecessary.

"Bagru, how do you talk? You don’t understand what your master said. This is for you to work for the members of the House. As for how to do work, you still don’t understand, and this system is yours. The master of the family was founded, how can it be violated first?" Connie pointed out angrily.

"Thank you, sir, I'll see who dares to vote against." Baglu was said by Connie, jumped up excitedly, then turned to leave, and said.

"Hey, don't you say that I have agreed." Cook yelled quickly. In fact, Cook also wanted to bring in the ogres and trolls, because the force of these two races is no better than that of any orc. The main battle race is poor, and more importantly, the ogres and trolls have no grievances with the other races of the orcs. Once they are added to the House, they will certainly play a significant role, but whoever wants to harm the empire. Interests, ogres and trolls will definitely not agree. You must know that ogres and trolls dream of wanting to integrate into civilized society. Humans don’t need to count on it, but in the eyes of ogres and trolls, this is considered to be Civilized society, and the minds of these two races are relatively simple, although a bit stupid, but in the case of strong force, no one will provoke such a dumbfounded.

Moreover, the orcs are not monolithic. In some cases, even ogres and trolls don't know about them. There are hundreds of orc races, big and small, who will always come forward to remind them.

"I see!" Baglu's voice passed from a distance.

"Connie, this first consul still needs you to do it." Cook looked at Connie and said.

Connie nodded and replied; "Don't worry, Cook, I also know that your choice this time is very important." Connie knew that the reason why Cook made herself the Archon was actually in the Orc Empire, the Archon was not the biggest official, the biggest one. The official is the president, and the consul is just the chief executive of an agency under the president who is responsible for execution, similar to the prime minister.

"Hehe, then go ahead. I have to look at some information. There is still a month before the election of the parliament. At that time, people will be dispatched to each other to supervise each other in order to achieve the greatest fairness and justice." Cook heard Connie nodded with relief, and then said, Cook also knows that Connie is very busy. After all, the Meikai Empire is the real beginning this year. Everything has just been established, and there will be spring plowing, the distribution of seeds, and the purchase of farm tools. , There are also food, supplies, and livestock seedlings that need to be prepared. Although the specifics are not implemented by Connie, the House is still an empty shell, and several departments are also short of personnel, so many things are needed. Connie handles it.

"Come and see me often in the future." Connie lowered her head and said quietly.

"I will. Actually I want to give up, but now there are some things that I can't decide at all. Since I have embarked on such a path, then there is no way back. Although I give up without any loss, follow me People who work may not have that good luck." Cook smiled bitterly, because Cook also wants to practice with one heart. He hasn't been so busy yet, and he doesn't have so many troubles, but that is impossible, Baron Territory, Orc Chamber of Commerce, Mekai Empire, did Cook give up when he said that he gave up?

"So which step is to be done?" Connie looked straight at Cook.

"At least you need the Mekai Empire to operate smoothly before you can get out, but I estimate that it will take three to five years." Cook said a rough time. Cook can imagine that if the Mekai Empire is abandoned by himself, then The war is the only result, because now the Mekai Empire still needs a lot of aid from its own materials.

"Oh! I'll be old then." Connie sighed long, and then left, but she murmured as she left.

The corners of Cook's mouth twitched, and Connie didn't know his affection for Cook, but now Cook needs to be busy with too many things, and there is no time to think about personal matters.

Soon after Connie left, the patriarch of the poisonous dragon came to Cook for more than half an hour without saying anything, but Cook knew that he was very concerned about his image, and finally Cook had to promise a time to give the medicine, and Wu Mei also Looking for time to talk to Cook for a while, Wu Mei is now the scepter priest of the Temple of God of War, the highest rank after the holy priests. Although there are several holy priests, they are all in charge. The one in charge is Wu Mei, and now The total number of priests in the entire Mekai Empire has reached more than 30,000, but unfortunately, 90% of them are at the level of warsong priests, and they can release the level of warsong aura once, because most priests The talent was forcibly activated, but even so, it was amazing enough.

But now the Mekai Empire not only has the Temple of the God of War, but also the Shamanism, the Temple of Witch Doctors, and other small religions. They have all reported to the empire, and then began to build the temple and recruit believers. Don’t worry if you don’t count it. Cook discovered that some small races believe in other religions as a whole. If religion is not liberalized, there may be civil unrest in the future, and the first religious competition will be held in half a year, and more than 30 reports will be reported. Religions of all sizes have signed up. This is a good opportunity to become famous, and they are all preparing for it.

Cook looked at the information for several days. After reading it, Cook had to admire Connie's management skills. Many things Cook only put forward a rough concept, but Connie was able to prepare.

"Is this banking system really troublesome?" Cook then prepared to prepare for the bank, but the magic crystal card Cook would not use. This thing was refined by the magician union, and the magic crystal card used in the orcs is not very convenient.

"Is it going to take the silver ticket? But since then, what should I do if it is falsely claimed?" Cook thought about it again afterwards, and the silver ticket model was also rejected, because the unregistered silver ticket would be falsely claimed.

"Then the banknote encryption language?" Cook finally thought of a method, that is, banknotes can be written with a set of codes, this code is unique, and the bank's internal cooperation with this code will have a secret phrase of the banknote owner , Only the secret word and the code match, then the money can be withdrawn.

"But this is also a bit troublesome. Withdrawing money from other places may not work." Cook thought of the shortcomings later, and if there is collusion with bank internal staff, then the embezzlement is easy.

"It seems we have to study the magic crystal card." Cook finally found that it is convenient to use the magic crystal card.

"By the way, Tianyan, can the bank's information sharing system use identity cards?" Cook suddenly thought of the hundreds of thousands of identity cards he had, so Cook asked Tianyan.

"Identity cards can be used, but the usage rate is too low. It is recommended to use an information card, and then use the identity card to establish a magic network as a node of the magic network, and remote withdrawals can be opened in some large cities, and the number of identity cards required is not too large. Many." Tianyan gave a search plan.

"Information card?" Cook was puzzled.

"It's the same principle as the mercenary badge, but you need to add a key and an image system to collect the user's image." Tianyan's answer is as simple as ever.

"The cost of this information card?" Cook finally asked the most critical question.

"The cost is not very high, but it is permanent, and the information can be replaced." Tianyan explained.

"Then give me a copy of the identity card manufacturing information." Cook was finally moved. This thing means that it can read and write arbitrarily, which is similar to the bank card on the earth, and this card also has identity information, as long as the cost is not very high. High, Cook will do it, and Cook will push this information card to the human world, and the trading venue outside the Golden Pass is a good publicity outlet, and then a bank branch can be opened in the Baronian Territory.

Afterwards, Cook thought that if this bank was opened all over the mainland, he would just sit there and collect money. And Cook believed that his bank had great advantages. First of all, Cook would adopt a very low borrowing rate. This is also a very good thing for civilians on the mainland. It will not be like selling a field or a house for a small thing.

The more Cook thought about it, the more excited he became. At the end of the day, Tianyan sent the production of the ID card and the establishment of the so-called magic net to Cook’s communication glasses. After reading it, Cook slapped his lips. Indeed, the production cost of the ID card is not high. But what Nima depicts is magic pattern, magic pattern formation, not magic formation, Cook feels a bit cheating.

"Sky Eye, is there a simplified version of the information card? Where can I go to find this Mageweaver?" Cook felt like a person in the Middle Ages studied AK rifles. The material cost is not high, but Nima has to make it. Just three words, difficult! difficult! difficult!

"After simplification, the confidentiality is not high, it is recommended not to use." Tianyan first reminded.

"So is there a way to make a large information card that can store a lot of people's data, and we just need to use our pupils, or fingerprints, to identify the person's storage of money?" Cook Then I thought of another point, that is, the depositor only has a simple receipt in his hand, and the deposit information is stored in the information network. It is a bit troublesome that you need to pick it up in person, and there is no need to transfer money temporarily.

"Yes, but it's best to use magic patterns to make it. The confidentiality is very high." The sky's eye gave the answer after a long time, obviously analyzing the possibility that Cook said.

Cook was curious about how much information was stored in the Sky Eye, but Cook did not ask, because Cook would naturally ask when he needed it, and Cook was afraid that he could not help but study it, and a medieval ladyboy studied mobile phones. Or how the radio can be contacted in hundreds of kilometers, there is a 99999999% chance of failure, because there are too many manufacturing, information, engineering, materials, and principles involved.

"Can you give a plan?" Cook asked excitedly when he thought that this might be possible.

"Yes, it will take some time." Tianyan answered faithfully.

"Okay, give it out as soon as possible, and notify me when the time comes." Cook first envisioned the establishment of a banking system in various large and medium-sized cities, facing businessmen and major nobles, as for civilians to come slowly, Cook decided To be a global bank, yes, it is a global bank. The sea race is also one of Cook's goals. Humans, orcs, dwarves, dwarfs, and Cook are all excited to think about it.

"Manly, stop selling magic materials. In addition, buy magic materials as much as possible, mainly the blood of monsters, magic crystals, magic cores, and magic ore." Cook then gave Manli another message. Manli is a baronial territory. The consul.

What Cook didn't know was that his series of actions had made the Wizards Guild smell an unusual feeling. The first was the transaction of magic materials in the Baronian Territory. It used to be settled after reaching a certain amount, but now it requires cash payment.

The purchase points of the Orc Chamber of Commerce on the basement floor are all in the supply points established by the Wizards’ Guild, but now the acquisition points of the Orc Chamber of Commerce have actually moved outwards to nearby trolls or ogre tribes.

In recent days, the top magic materials, such as rare-level herbs, have not appeared for a few days. This is obviously abnormal. The magic materials purchased by the Wizards’ Union are becoming more and more common.

The defense of the dock has become tighter. The dwarves have added a rock lizard knights stationed near the dock, and the ogre knights have increased by a thousand. The ogre warrior increased by five thousand, and the troll warrior increased by five thousand, and everything revealed a strange smell.

And soon after Cook gave Manly’s order, the Wizards’ Guild was even more surprised to find that magic cores, magic crystals, and magic ore were not traded at all. You must know that the magic cores purchased by the Baron’s territory are of high quality. After all, they were all traded by Yalong, as well as magic ore, but today there was no trade.

Not only was there no deal, the Baronian Territory even increased its acquisition efforts, and a series of preferential measures were immediately implemented, which made the wizards' union vigilant.

"If you want me to say that we will punish this kid, I dare to do the right thing with our Mage Union!" an elder roared. In the conference hall of the Mage Union, more than a dozen directors were participating in an emergency meeting.

"Sanction? How about sanctions? Could it be that you are going to retire the room in the Orc Hotel, then I will be the first to support you." Someone said grimly.

"Asshole, you are over there. Didn't you see this kid provoking?" The elder who spoke just now yelled at the table, joking. Someone in the room of the Orc Hotel is jealous. If you quit in the first time, I'm afraid he will immediately. Was booked out.

"Ahem. There are not many reserves of rare-level magic herbs." Leif coughed.

"Where is our original reserve?" someone stared at Leif and asked.

"Innate potion, high-quality potion!" Leif replied lightly.

"Damn **** boy!" someone cursed secretly.

"Ahem, there is still a large amount of white iron from the shipyard that has not been delivered to us." An elder said slowly, as if in no rush at all.

"What, the delivery of the white iron has not been completed, what about our equipment replacement plan?" Someone asked dissatisfiedly, this man is in charge of the law enforcement department, and the equipment built by the white iron must first be replaced by the law enforcement department.

"What to do then, we don't have the materials!" The elder in charge of alchemy is not in a hurry, but he knows that some people are naturally in a hurry.

"Damn it, should you seal up the dock?" someone suggested.

"Are you sure these words passed through your head?" Someone asked dissatisfiedly~www.wuxiaspot.com~you... "The person who spoke just now stood up angrily.

"I'm going to you, but are you sure there is enough white iron in the dock? And the dock has the share of dwarves, dwarves, mercenary unions, and..." the opposite person said slowly.

"Enough, we are here to discuss countermeasures. Not to fight." The elder shouted coldly.

"Why don't we ask Cook first what does it mean?" Someone made a pertinent suggestion.

"Hmph, I suggest that the vice president who went to the port to trade with Cook be held accountable." Someone immediately fought for power, and then the discussion hall was caught in a fierce quarrel.

"What? The elder of the Mage's Guild went to the port himself?" Cook was participating in the orcs' spring festival, and he received such a message.

After Cook received this information, he was also in a daze. Cook didn't know what the chief elder of the wizards' union meant. He was asking for guilt or something else?

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