A Unique Hunter

: Chapter 678

"Just say you can't contact me." Cook pondered for a moment, and decided to observe again, and now he can't go away, because the spring festival is a more important part of Cook's plan, regardless of the trade market. Still, the banks and the House of Representatives all need this spring festival to disclose some news first, and then look at the reactions of the people.

After Gerry got Cook’s reply at the port, he couldn’t help but smashed his mouth twice, and then he considered how to reply to the elder of the Wizards’ Guild. Finally, Gerry thought that it was Cook’s method that worked. I couldn’t get in touch. , You can never blame me for not.

It is conceivable how the elders of the wizards’ union would react when they received such news. After being astonished, they left directly. After returning to the wizards’ guild, the elders of the wizards’ union gave orders to continue to dig out news about Cook. , So that the senior management can continue to be a reference for the decision.

"Very well, this spring festival was very successful. Next, I will talk to the patriarchs about the construction of the House and the selection of members. The House is divided into the House of Representatives and the Senate..." Cook looked at the hundreds of orcs sitting below The patriarch said loudly, the whole venue was quiet, no way, Cook’s reputation is too high, the orc empire actually fell apart in just a year, and was torn apart by the rabbit man in front of him. And established a new sequence.

However, the reason why these patriarchs can sit today is also inseparable from Cook’s victory. Cook’s voice is still going on. Cook originally planned to elect a mayor or something, but what is helpless is the city of the orcs. Although there are many, but most of the orcs live by the water and grass. Although Cook has divided most of the tribes into parts and placed them in an area, and delineated the pasture, there are still some people who do not Habitually, because the cost of production is much higher when settled down, the power of the mayor is really not great.

Of course, the House does not have the right to manage the army. The army is independent of this system. However, in order to restrict the army from becoming a tool for certain people, of course, no one can use the army without the authorization of the Parliament. It can be said that they are mutually restrained. However, after these Cooks are prepared to be established in the House and the Mekai empire stabilizes, Cook will gradually hand over the power of the army, and the current military power is absolutely impossible to hand over.

"Okay, that's all I have to say. I am looking forward to your performance in the election of members in half a year." Cook's words are finally finished. In fact, Cook is very annoying about these things, but some things must be made by Cook. .

The bank’s information system, as well as the Monet’s construction, Tianyan has come up with a plan and regulations, but when Cook saw the cost of a so-called information storage center, he was stunned, but the effect was also significant. .

One such information storage device can be divided into three grades according to different materials, the low-level one hundred thousand information storage records, the medium three hundred thousand information records, and the high-level full 500,000 information records. You can use the information link between each other, the identity card is used, and then the information link is made through Skyeye. It can be said that as long as the identity card can be connected, the information storage can be used.

"Tianyan, I think you can also give the user a card, and then use it with the mental power to distinguish the magic pattern. There is no need for a password. What do you think?" Cook thought about it again and felt that if he saved money by himself , If you don’t have a voucher in your hand, it’s like you deposit money and the bank doesn’t give you a bank card. Instead, it says, next time you come directly, we will verify dna, pupils, and fingerprints. Then you can withdraw the money directly. I am afraid I am not willing.

"The plan is feasible." Tianyan gave a brilliant answer.

"Well then!" Cook became speechless, and then began to analyze how many information storage devices he needed on the map.

"The Meikai Empire has 350 small cities, 106 medium-sized cities, and 13 large cities. According to the relief food provided by statistics, there are a full population of 1.3 billion. First of all, administrative means will be used to give these people the information card, and then the relief subsidy can be directly distributed to the information card at that time, but how many information storage devices are needed for a population of 1.3 billion?" Cook does not know, one It was a shock.

"Sky Eye, is there a super information storage?" Cook calculated the number of storage required and was shocked. Even the most advanced information storage needs tens of thousands, which is simply terrifying. .

"You can use the memory crystal to establish a super storage center through the magic net, and then store this information in the super information storage center through the ID card." Tianyan answered directly.

"Server?" A word popped into Cook's mind. Yes, this is equivalent to a server, and the primary storage is just a withdrawal and deposit terminal. The identity card is a wireless communicator, and Skyeye is a satellite.

"Something!" Cook understood at once, and then Cook asked for a copy of the super storage information.

Cook measured it around and finally chose the super storage, but this super storage is determined by the number and quality of the memory crystals used. With the use of magic lines, a standard memory crystal can store tens of millions. A piece of information is recorded, and there is no error. It can also store the user's magic image. If the magic image is not stored, the stored information can reach more than five times the number just now.

"Memory crystal, by the way, I found dozens of magic memory crystal **** during the trial on the holy mountain. The quality of this thing is certainly not bad, but I put it there?" After reading it, Cook recalled I don't seem to have many high-quality memory crystals in my hand.

"Sky Eye, how many pieces of information can be stored in a magic memory crystal ball of this quality? Including the user's magic image." Cook took out one and asked.

"After the identification, the Supreme Magic Crystal Ball can store one billion pieces of information." Tianyan directly scanned it, and then compared the stored data and replied.

"How is this possible?" Cook was stunned.

"This is the ultimate magic crystal ball, and it is ten times the size of the standard memory crystal, and the storage capacity is naturally expanded." Tianyan explained.

"Oh, the standard you said is the big thumb?" Cook understood now.

"Yes, and the purity of this memory crystal is extremely high, it's close to perfect." Skyeye gave Cook a positive answer.

But then Cook has a headache for the management and operation of the bank. This is not to say that anything can be done. It requires a certain amount of knowledge, and the popularity of the orc culture makes Cook a little painful.

"Oh, cultural knowledge must be popularized. You see this is making trouble." Cook sighed deeply, because he had always ignored the importance of cultural knowledge.

Cook took out another notebook and wrote it down. Because there are too many things, even Cook’s strong memory, there are some overlooked places, so Cook promotes the style of good memory is not as good as bad pen.

The trading market was also very successful, and it caused a sensation among the orcs, but most of the materials that appeared in it were provided by Cook. Of course, it was also bartered. Cook did not rush to launch the currency system. At present, the Meikai Empire is still very poor. Although the lives of civilians are guaranteed, they rely on the relief provided by Cook, and the civilians do not have much money.

"Cook, I think there are some things that need to be discussed with you!" Just when Cook was about to leave, Connie came in and said.

"What's the matter?" Cook looked at Connie suspiciously.

"I think it’s a bit costly for the main battle race to go back to be a herder, and these powerful races have a belligerent factor, so returning to the local area is an unstable factor. I think it is possible to let all adult male main battle races join the army. Or come from the security team, and those weak races don't need to perform military service, just concentrate on production." Connie suggested.

"This is not good." Cook said with a groan.

"Huh?" Connie thought she had a good idea.

"Hehe, Connie, your starting point is good, but you have not found out. Your idea is the same as the idea at the beginning of the establishment of the orc empire. Of course, at the beginning, you will perform your duties as you thought. , But for a long time?" Cook said the answer with a smile.

"Cook, I..." Connie felt ashamed. Connie was excited about this idea just now, thinking that it was their own duties, but Connie ignored the fact that the main battle race occupied the absolute right in the army. After strength, what will the consequences be?

"Connie~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don’t ignore the role of any race. It is true that the main battle race has high combat effectiveness, but war does not depend on combat effectiveness. Moreover, the army does not only need soldiers, but also transports important people, definitely. Managing mounts, repairing ordnance, as well as engineering soldiers building fortifications, and cooking, etc., all need manpower, and in the army, the emphasis is not on individual combat effectiveness, and team combat..." Cook saw Connie look like this , I know that Connie’s mind is good, but this idea certainly has no problem in this period of Cook management, but then, once the strength of the army is too strong, the coup is not only the patent of politicians.

"Cook, I was wrong." Connie said this in a low voice after listening to it, and then quickly bowed her head and left. Connie felt that she was short-sighted and didn't look far away from Cook.

"Haha!" Cook smiled, and then went out. Cook was going to find someone to discuss the popularization of cultural knowledge. Among the orcs, the most literate were the fox family and the temple of the gods of war, but Cook did not want the future banks and temples. If there is any relationship, then the only thing is to find the fox. In fact, the bank is better to find the dwarf, but this is the place of the orcs, isn't it?

"Cook, I have a question for you?" But as soon as Cook went out, he felt a violent wave of magic around him, and then the next moment, Lina hurriedly pulled Cook back to the room, and then asked carefully Tao.

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