A Unique Hunter

Chapter 684: World of Warcraft

Very Hunter, Chapter 684 of Heavenly Warcraft

A simple altar, in the dim red light, accompanied by the roar of the waterfall, a group of people kneeled under the altar, singing something loudly, and constantly worshipping the ground

"Great God of War, bless your people to be able to successfully obtain the gift of God. Love Gatarie" a gray-bearded old man knelt at the front of the crowd and said loudly, waving a gray light into the altar. in.

On the altar are sacrifices, with the heads, tails, blood, and horns of the beasts. As the light on the altar continues to shine, a silver brilliance spreads around the altar. Of hundreds of tall people.

The old man stood up tremblingly in his hands, turned around and said to the tribe: "Hunting team, prepare...Boom!"

Hundreds of warriors in the hunting team are holding their weapons tightly and obeying the orders of the priest. The hunting team will set off immediately when the priest gives the order. In the underground world, hunting is a very particular profession, and this tribe is even more important. There was an adult priest who sacrificed through the altar to increase the strength of the tribe. After each successful display, it was the day when the hunting team set off, because the time for this power increase was only one day.

Everyone stared at a distorted object on the altar in amazement, and someone screamed, "It's a rabbittail cat!"

Although the rabbittail cat is not of much use, it is a monster after all. After eating the meat of the monster, the body will gradually become stronger. The rabbittail cat is only for magicians and has no use, but for ordinary people, it is rare. Delicious.

"God of War is on!" The old man in the lead squatted on the ground, roaring loudly and excitedly.

"God of War is up!" When the people around heard the roar, they immediately squatted on the ground.

"This is a gift from God of War...Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The old man screamed excitedly, and the surrounding clansmen widened their eyes, but the old man's words were not finished yet, one after another black shadows fell from the sky. Suddenly falling on the altar, a puff of blood seeped out.

"God of War is on!" Everyone opened their mouths wide, looking at the misty sky in disbelief.

"Hurry up! Pray honestly, hurry up, this is the gift of God of War." The old man in the lead was excited and roared loudly.

"God of War is on!" Everyone yelled loudly with all their strength, screaming to their heart's content, no matter adults or children, they seemed excited and religious at this moment.

"Boom! Boom!" As the sacrificial ceremony continued, black shadows kept falling. The tens of meters wide altar soon filled with the body of Warcraft, and most of them were still howling. With.

"Ah!" There were still one or two monsters at first, but dozens of monsters continued to fall down in an instant.

"Boom!" A shadow mouse fell beside the old man, making a loud noise.

"Go, go!" The patriarch said with a keen sense of something wrong, and roared loudly.

The people of the tribe have been terrified for a long time. One or two monsters can be said, but this is almost rain of monsters. There are at least hundreds of monsters around the altar. Although they are all low-level monsters, the number is too terrifying.

The tribesmen hurriedly left the altar, helping the old and the young, and after these tribes left, a larger scale of monsters fell from the sky. 1

"Boom!" Everyone's eyes widened, because a huge black shadow fell directly in the middle of the altar, making a loud noise and blood splashing all over.

"Damn it." Cook struck hard and flew the monster he was wrapped in.

"Tear!" But the undead monster attacked Cook again, a spark slipped from the magic pattern equipment, and there was a harsh sound.

"Puff!" The one-handed sword in Cook's hand was directly pierced, a puff of blood spurted out, and the corpse fell softly to the ground.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" Cook's one-handed sword was constantly waving, and each of the beasts was directly pierced by the sharp one-handed sword, spraying out streams of blood.

"Keng!" A golden rat directly bit on Cook's one-handed sword, and the white iron one-handed sword was directly bitten off.

"Huh, bang!" Cook kicked it and kicked the golden rat hundreds of meters away. The next moment, Cook had another one-handed sword in his hand.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!" Relying on the power of the magic pattern equipment, Cook shot without any hesitation, and the dizzy beasts that had just fallen were directly pierced by the sword light of the horses.

"Asshole, there's no end to it!" Cook cursed, because Cook has already replaced many one-handed swords. Cook has drunk the endurance potion several times, and the magic restoration potions are countless.

The magic power and vindictiveness in Cook's body were full and exhausted, exhausted, and fully restored with the magic potion, Cook felt a little tired.

"That can kick the monster away, there is a hard altar below." A voice came over at this moment.

After hearing this, Cook cursed inwardly: "Why are you so stupid! Now the Warcraft hasn't fallen to death, it's all because of the corpse of the Warcraft below."

"Huh! Huh! Bang! Bang!" Cook used his hands and feet together, and kicked the corpse of a person around him directly.

"Boom! Boom!" The corpses of Warcraft kept falling on the ground in the distance.

"Bang!" A beast had just landed on a small piece of ground that Cooke had cleared, and it was suddenly thrown with blood.

"Haha!" Cook laughed loudly, and his hands and feet got even faster.

Heads of monsters fell from a height of several thousand meters, and the powerful inertia made these low-level monsters seriously injured even if they were not dead, and occasionally one was dizzy, but the following electric light directly penetrated these monsters.

A few hundred meters away, the corpse of a monster like a small hill stunned the surrounding crowd.

Cook shouted loudly: "Hurry up and deal with these, otherwise it will attract other monsters."

Cook used the orc language, because he shouted in the orc language just now. With such a shout, the hundreds of people around him immediately took action. Fortunately, there was a huge river a kilometer away.

"Quickly. Go and invite both the Black Sheep Tribe and the White Bull Tribe. We don’t have enough manpower.” The old man looked at the corpse of Warcraft distressedly, knowing that this is a corpse of Warcraft, but it won’t work if you don’t deal with it. The smell of blood is too strong.

All the members of the tribe were very excited. They all worked together to clean the beasts, but the problem that followed came, and they shouted loudly: "Patriarch, is there not enough salt?"

"Patriarch, there is not enough fuel." He shouted again.

"Get me some magma to bake." The patriarch roared loudly.

"Patriarch, there is poisonous gas around the magma?" Someone said hesitantly.

"Go change it, take the body of the monster to change the salt, change the fuel." The patriarch is distressed, the tribe has always been unable to eat, but unexpectedly there are times when they can't finish it.

"Patriarch, do you want to cook a pot first, the children..." someone else suggested.

"Boil!" The patriarch held the council, and then joined the army of dealing with the corpses of the beast.

"Haha, Chief Blackbuck, this is... my God?" A group of big guys with black moustaches could not help but laughed when they saw the hot scene from afar, but when they got closer, they were surprised. All of his jaws fell.

"Golden Rat, Shadow Rat, Rabbit-tailed Cat, Unicorn...My God, these are all monsters." The surrounding tribes generally hunt wild beasts, one is because it is safer to hunt beasts, and the other is Beasts are more cunning and not easy to hunt. The tribes need food. It takes enough time to hunt a dozen beasts for an ordinary Beast, so it goes without saying how cost-effective.

"Haha, it's the patriarch of the Black Sheep tribe, ah, we are really too busy here, look at this, oh!" The patriarch of the Black Ram clan laughed, and finally sighed.

"I said Mr. Blackbuck, if you invite me in such a hurry, are you asking me to eat meat?" A loud voice came from afar.

"Haha! Old Bai Niu, eating meat is okay, but work first." The patriarch of the Black Antelope replied with a laugh.

The old white cow came closer and was surprised, looking at the corpse of a monster like a hill. The old white cow also rubbed his eyes and looked at the black antelope patriarch in disbelief.

"Everyone work hard, our Black Antelope will not treat you badly. Take care of the food, and take care of it." The Black Antelope clan chief saw that the hills of the beast corpses were still increasing, and with a big wave, the White Niu clan chief had the black The people led by the patriarch of the sheep tribe worked quickly.

"Hurry up and call everyone in the tribe. Hurry up and call all the children." The Black Sheep Clan chief immediately roared loudly and eagerly.

Lao Bai Niu was not far behind. At first, these two tribes thought it was the Black Antelope tribe who needed help, so they didn't bring many people. After all, they were helping, but he didn't expect it to be such a help.

But the people of the Black Antelope are not stupid. You two tribes are responsible for cleaning, transporting, etc., just like getting the magic core and being controlled by the Black Antelope, and after ten minutes, the patriarch of the old white cow and the black sheep Finally saw how the body of Warcraft came from.

"Damn, who is this?" Old Bai Niu exclaimed.

"I don't know, we are preparing to hunt..." the Black Antelope Clan chief said honestly.

"Is this the messenger of the God of War?" The Black Sheep Clan Chief exclaimed.

The old white cow and the patriarch of the Black Antelope looked at each other, and the patriarch of the Black Antelope clan exclaimed: "This person just spoke in orc language."

"No?" The three patriarchs looked at each other.

"Patriarch, patriarch, there is not enough salt." Someone yelled.

"Didn't it just change a hundred catties?" The patriarch of the Black Antelope asked angrily.

"But it's not enough!" The visitor replied, and pointed to the hanging monster body.

"Then change it again." The Black Antelope Clan Chief roared loudly.

"But, if we change so many at a time, will it arouse others' suspicion?" The visitor asked alertly.

"Lao Bai Niu, Lao Black Sheep, you have to help." The patriarch of the Black Antelope looked at the two patriarchs and said with a smile.

"Yes!" Lao Bai Niu and Black Sheep clan chiefs replied, patting their chests.

"Black antelope, you see that this manpower is still not enough, or I'll go and call the people from the Qingniu tribe." The old white cow saw that the manpower was not enough. After all, it was the corpse of Warcraft. It was troublesome to handle. Everything has to be cleaned and left, so the speed is not very fast.

"Okay, I will not treat you badly." The patriarch of the antelope clan nodded and replied. In fact, the patriarch of the antelope clan still has an abacus in his heart. There are at least thousands of beasts, and there are at least hundreds of beasts. It weighs a thousand catties, and the bones can boil oil. The oil of Warcraft is more expensive in the underground world, and the fur of Warcraft, the best rat fur, is the hard currency of the underground world.

Including bones, which are necessary to make weapons, and tendons~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a good material for bowstrings, while claws are used to make top arrows, and teeth are natural daggers, and the whole body of warcraft It's a baby, the least valuable thing is the meat from the monsters.

"Well, black antelope, or call the short-tailed sheep tribe, and the yellow goat tribe, you also know that the recent days are not easy, don't worry, we all only need food." The black sheep clan chief suggested Said.

"Well, if I can bring enough salt, I can change you some beast fur. You must know that the defense of the fur of the beast is very strong." The black antelope clan chief is not a stingy person, said immediately.

"Okay!" After the black sheep clan chief said this sentence, he said nothing.

Because at this time, the beasts that fell from the sky finally disappeared, and the mysterious figure on the altar finally walked down. The patriarch of the Heiyang clan said loudly as soon as he turned his eyes, and ran towards the figure first.

"Congratulations to the messenger of the God of War." Then the patriarch of the Black Sheep clan crawled to the ground.

"Damn!" But Cook was taken aback, but when the Black Sheep clan crawled on the ground, Cook finally breathed a sigh of relief, but then the black sheep clan's howling voice made Cook confused.

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