A Unique Hunter

Chapter 685: First acquaintance with the 4th underground world

Faced with the actions of the Black Sheep tribe, the Black Antelope and White Niu tribe chiefs gritted their teeth. In fact, it doesn’t matter whether the name of the God of War messenger is or not. These three chiefs all understand that the one who can strangle thousands of low-level beasts is the strong one and lies underground The world is respected by the strong

Moreover, the three patriarchs also guessed the matter. This must be the person who was chased by the monsters in the upper world. After all, this is the underground world. There is another underground world. So after the initial panic, the patriarch of the Black Antelope clan has guessed almost and now. Seeing that the patriarch of the Black Sheep clan actually made such a move, isn't it just to win over this strong man?

"I'm not a messenger of the God of War when I get up, but I listen to you and it seems that it's our orcs." Cook grabbed the head of the black sheep clan and was picked up like a chicken.

"Hehe" The patriarch of the Black Sheep clan laughed a little embarrassed

"Yes, I think your Excellency is also an orc. Could it be that there are orcs in the upper world?" The patriarch of the Black Antelope asked respectfully

"It's great. I don't know how many orcs there are in this world." Cook asked excitedly.

"I don't know a lot anyway," the patriarch of the Bainiu tribe urn soundly replied.

"So what kind of race are there?" Cook asked again

"Then there are a lot of batmen, owls, birds, butterflies, moths, antelopes, taurens, sheep, and so on." The black sheep clan chief replied respectfully.

"It's really a lot, but how did you get off?" This is what Cook most doubts

"It is said that we were forced to hide during the battle between gods and demons, and then we stayed here because the passage from the battle was destroyed," the black sheep clan chief replied again.

Cook learned from the mouths of the three major patriarchs that there are countless orcs living in this underground world. Of course, not only the orcs but also the dwarves, dwarves and some giants who hid during the war between the orcs are said to be in some remote places. Titans and other species

When Cook was chatting with the three major patriarchs, the patriarch of the Blue Bull clan, the patriarch of the Huangyang clan, and the other patriarchs in the vicinity, all came with clansmen of all ages and children. He was excited to see the piles of corpses of beasts. too much

In this world, the orcs are mainly engaged in production and the dwarves are mainly building weapons. The giants are natural soldiers. The dwarves make some precision machinery and fight against the drow.

As for the war with drow, it was because drow wanted to control this layer of the world, and this layer of the world formed an alliance to fight drow, and Zall discovered that he could not control this layer of the world for a while and blocked the passage between the two layers. Is to prevent the orcs from leaving

However, when these patriarchs knew that Cook had come down from the ground, they were excited to ask about the changes in the world above. Cook said that he was dry-mouthed, but these patriarchs still asked endlessly.

Cook was still worried about how to reach the fourth world, but he didn't expect that being chased by the beast tide would achieve his goal indiscriminately, but Cook is not a fool. There is an alliance in this world, so if Cook rushes to say what he is. How could it be killed directly by the high-level alliance?

After all, the charm of power is too great, and Cook also knows that the inheritance of priests has been passed down in this world, and there is also a temple of the **** of war, and the temple of the **** of war here is not small.

Cook also got a rough map. From the map, this fourth-level area is an irregular circular area. Each area has countless tribes living in it, and there are some small tribes on the periphery, but from the distribution of the tribes. Cook knew that the leaders of the alliance were not at ease

Just like the area where Cook is located, there is no identical tribe. Although there are similar sheep tribes, the black sheep tribe and the yellow goat tribe are different, and the strength of each tribe is similar. Those big tribes are also big tribes of the same strength.

Cook asked tentatively: "Our empire used to be a tribe living together, you are"

"Hehe, in fact, this is something that there was no way at the beginning. After all, the underground world is not rich in materials, so disputes arose when the territories were originally distributed. Only when all the tribes were divided into small tribes and evenly distributed." Pouring a sip of ale this legendary thing quickly became popular with everyone

Cook did not expect that he had guessed wrong, but Cook did not feel embarrassed but asked again: "Then do you want to go back to the ground?"

"Of course I thought about it, but that is, we races like bats, owls, people like dark environments, they don't necessarily like to go back," said the head of the Huangyang clan drunkly.

The Black Antelopes even shook their heads and said: "How can we go back even though you know that you fell from the upper level, but there is a gap of several kilometers and there is a river blocking how we can go back"

"Hehe, there is a way to go back, but everyone should work hard to think about it." Cook said with a big smile, but then he found that the eyes of several patriarchs were wrong before adding the next sentence.

"Even if you can go back, but there is still a drow channel behind, you will also face the drow in the third world. I am afraid that no plan will work if there is no way to eliminate the drow." The Cyan Niu clan chief thought further

Of course, these patriarchs never thought that Cook would have something like a teleportation array. This is simply that the legendary item does not exist in everyone's mind. It is reasonable to have these concerns.

After two days, the processing of Warcraft is almost the same, of course, it is only the basic processing and the subsequent processing will continue for a long time. Cook found that everyone is in a busy state, so he decided to go to the nearest trading city and have a look, and there is also a dwarf. The name of the place where it lives is very dwarf-like stove fort

Not only does Cook go to the chief of the black antelope but also goes to the chief of the black antelope clan. Originally, the chief of the black antelope clan wants to distribute the trophies to Cook, but Cook doesn’t want it, so the patriarch of the black antelope wants to exchange something for food

In fact, in Cook’s opinion, the orcs in the underground world have a very bad life. Food shortages have led to slow population growth, and due to long-term lack of sunlight, the rate of illness is extremely high and life expectancy is generally low. Even tens of thousands of years have passed. Without getting better, having to live near the volcano can provide a lot of light and heat, but there is also a feature that there is a lot of toxic gas and dust near the volcano.

It can be said that the environment is extremely harsh, and only races like the orcs can live here. The Fortress is not only the largest trading market in the vicinity, but also the largest city. It is said that the Fortress was built on a huge volcano.

Although it is said to be nearby, Cook and the black antelope tribe have waited for two days and walked for two days. Of course, these tribes do not have a Warcraft mount to travel. Two days later, Cook has not seen the Fire Fort. The patrol team is responsible for cleaning up some of the surrounding monsters, and dozens of kilometers around the furnace are dazzling street lights. Cook looks at it is made of inferior fire magic spar, emitting a faint red light.

The fortress is very magnificent, but what Cook saw was only a gate because the fortress was expanded with a giant cave. Here, Cook also saw the Bunnymen.

The gate of the fortress is 20 meters high and the guards are tight around the gate. Cook also saw the metal crossbow next to the gate and there are dwarven warriors guarding it.

Cook followed the patriarch of the Black Antelope clan directly to the trading area. Cook was surprised to find that the refined iron weapons here are actually extremely cheap. Five kilograms of meat can be exchanged for a general quality refined iron weapon, and the daggers are even cheaper. A fine iron tower shield is much more expensive and requires 100 kilograms of fresh meat, but the meat here refers to the meat of ordinary beasts.

The patriarch of the Black Antelope Clan did not stop but went directly to the magic area. Cook already knew that the fortress was divided into a normal trading area and a magic trading area.

And when Cook saw the price of the magic trading area, he couldn't help but swear loudly. A magic core of a third-level beast can actually be sold for a high price of 1,000 diamonds, and a first-level magic core is two or three hundred gold coins.

As for the other parts of Warcraft are extremely expensive, Cook couldn't help but ask: "I said the price of this Warcraft is so expensive."

The patriarch of the Black Antelope was unknown, so he realized that Cook came from the ground and explained: "The minerals here are extremely rich and the safety factor for mining ore is very high. Hunting of Beasts is a more dangerous thing, so it caused Beasts. Is very expensive"

Cook instantly understood that Cook also ignored this point. The patriarch of the Black Antelope continued to explain: "And minerals are of no use at all. A person may just need a weapon in his life, but his stomach is hungry every day."

Cook asked excitedly: "So is there a similar slave market here?"

"The slave market is big and many people who can't eat enough will sell themselves." The answer of the patriarch of the Black Antelope clan made Cook feel very strong and not enough to sell himself. What a harsh environment.

"Let's take a look." Cook hurriedly pulled the chief of the black antelope to meet the patriarch of the black antelope, where Cook's strength can be compared, but in desperation, we can only take Cook to the slave market first.

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