A Unique Hunter

Chapter 686: robber

"This is the slave market?" Cook was surprised. Compared to the colder trading market, this place was extremely hot. Groups of orcs gathered together in piles. These people were wearing relatively tattered clothes, and they seemed to be A kind of clothes made of plant leaves, and some few people wore gorgeous furs, shuttled among them, but Cook also made strange discoveries.

"Hey, why are all men here?" Cook asked strangely.

"Hehe, men eat a lot, and women in the underground world are vital. Women do more things than men, such as planting, and the same woman consumes much less food than men." The patriarch of the Black Antelope explained Tao.

But when Cook turned around for a while, his eyes widened in disbelief, and Cook asked with trembling fingers: "This, this, what is going on, these flame giants are also slaves?"

"Ahem, sir, our slaves in the underground world are a little different from those on the surface. The slaves in the underground world can only have requirements for work, and the master can't force them in other aspects." The black antelope clan chief quickly explained.

"Oh, these flame giants?" Cook thought that this was like a slave.

"Although the flame giant has a lot of fighting power, first, it has a huge appetite, and the fear of water is a natural weakness. Therefore, the flame giant can only work in a safer place. Hunting and other things are possible, but if you encounter water monsters... "The patriarch of the Black Antelope explained.

"The flame giant is really so afraid of water?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I am very afraid. To be precise, it should be fear." The Black Antelope Clan chief nodded and said affirmatively.

"Then what are the requirements of these flame giants?" Cook asked cautiously.

"What else does the slave request? Just eat and wear warmth, but the fire giant's appetite is very terrifying." The patriarch of the Black Antelope clan looked uneconomical.

"Look at the bull head clan, the sheep clan is so strong, and eat only one-third of the flame giant, work is not comparable..." the black antelope clan chief tried hard to recommend.

"Needless to say." Cook waved his hand and said, Cook was disdainful, this flame giant is a technical skill.

Cook went straight to the flame giant. Cook took a look at the beginning. There were probably more than one hundred flame giants. This is already the number of a tribe. Just when Cook came to these flame giants, how many The flame giant stood up.

"Will you weld such metal?" Cook asked with two pieces of white iron.

"This child of our clan can do it." A tall flame giant looked at two pieces of white iron carefully and replied.

"Well, you all go with me." Cook was so excited, he didn't expect it to go so smoothly. With the addition of a hundred flame giants, then the shipbuilding work must go smoothly.

"Your Excellency, what do you want us to do?" a flame giant asked suspiciously.

"It's just welding metal, you don't need to fight." Cook knew what the flame giant was worried about, so he nodded and replied.

"That's good, that's good, we are a tribe, and we have to leave our homeland when we encounter some things." Another flame giant explained.

"Black antelope, what should I do?" Cook turned his head and asked.

"If you want to report to Fireforge, you need a guarantor, that's enough." The Black Antelope looked at the more than one hundred flame giants, and wondered how much they would eat in a day if they went to their tribe.

"Then leave it to you." Cook is not a troublesome person, so he just threw the burden to the patriarch of the Black Antelope.

Cook has gained a lot this time, and the patriarch of the black antelope is also very rewarding. Anyway, when he went back, the patriarch of the black antelope was always smiling, and the patriarch of the black antelope also brought a few large carts back. Sweeping is just a few household utensils, there are also cloth woven with unknown fibers, most of which are salt.

Although the underground world is full of dangers at any time, there are more than one hundred flame giants who walked with them, and they did not harass without opening their eyes. However, the patriarch of the Black Antelope told Cook that the underground world is usually chaotic. Due to the environment, there are some bandits. Loot some tribes and kill them all without leaving.

"Hey, no, there is a situation." Just when he was about to get home, Cook vaguely heard the sound of fighting, and the sound of fighting came from the Black Antelope.

"Damn it, it must be the robbers. I knew we had such a great harvest this time. Someone must be jealous." The patriarch of the Black Gazelle also heard it. In fact, the orcs have more sensitive hearing than humans.

Moreover, the environmental sounds of the underground world spread farther, and the Black Antelope tribe and the dozens of tribesmen who followed immediately dropped what they were holding and rushed over quickly.

Cook took out some weapons and threw them to the flame giant: "Everyone is optimistic, if anyone dares to resist, kill me!"

The flame giants were stunned, because the weapons that Cook took out were not ordinary weapons, and they were all long-range weapons, and they looked like they were specially made for giants. The flame giant knows that this thing is extremely powerful. The flame giant’s favorite is the long-range weapon, which is much safer, and the flame giant is a natural fire magician, the combat power is very weak, but no matter what creatures have shortcomings, The flame giants were afraid of water, especially when they heard the rumbling waterfall in the distance, many flame giants hesitated.

Cook has never thought of letting the flame giant charge. Knowing that this is Cook's baby, Cook directly summoned Er Fat.

"Roar! Roar!" When Er Fat saw Cook, his two heads stretched their necks and roared loudly.

"Kill!" Cook stepped onto Er Chuan's back and shouted.

"Boom!" Er Fat rushed forward with excitement.

Cook finally saw the battle. Hundreds of tall knights were besieging the black antelope tribe. The subterranean world's residences have chosen relatively dangerous areas, and most of them have defensive measures. Although hundreds of robbers are powerful, But the robbers never thought that there would be so many people in the Black Antelope. You should know that there are not only the Bainiu, Qingniu, Huangyang and other tribes, but the food loss is heavy because most of the food is outside.

"Damn it, grab something for me first, so many corpses of Beasts, you can **** it away." A tall knight shouted loudly.

Hundreds of knights immediately went out to rob and decompose various things after the decomposing of Warcraft, while the other continued to besiege the black antelope clan's resident. In the underground world, there is a world of difference in fighting power between mounts and no mounts.

However, the mounts of these people are also diverse, there are murine monsters, canine monsters, and wolf monsters.

"Damn robber, kill me." The patriarch of the Black Antelope clan watched as a large amount of food was snatched away, waving his weapon and rushing up.

"Haha, looking for death!" A few robbers looked at the black antelope clan chief who rushed up on foot, roared with laughter, and then turned their mounts and rushed towards the black antelope clan chief.

"Boom!" But the black shadow around the patriarch of the black antelope flashed, and the sound of rumbling surpassed the patriarch of the black antelope.



"Ah!" One of Er Fat's two heads looked at the several robbers who charged, one head spewed out a large amount of fishy liquid, and one head spewed out a lot of fiery red flames. Several robbers didn't have any. After reacting, it fell directly and screamed loudly. The two heads of the two-headed dog were of two different types. One was the largest chorismate of the highly toxic type, and the other was the fire type. Contaminated with acid, or burned by the high temperature, these ordinary robbers could not resist, even the mounts under their bodies, such low-level monsters were the opponents of the second fat.

"Roar!" Er Pang exclaimed in excitement. As a **** creature, Er Pang has a bellicose factor in his bones. Hell creatures are famous for their brutality.

"Damn, how come there are **** creatures here?" The robber leader felt the mount under him trembling, and turned his head to look at him and cursed loudly.

"Huh, kill!" Cook wielded the dragon spear in his hand, which was seven or eight meters long, but Cook made another modification, and the spear of the dragon spear was sharpened.

"Puff! Puff!" Cook's dragon spear wields like a windmill. Whether it is a Warcraft mount or a robber knight, as long as it is contaminated, it will immediately end in blood.

"Use a crossbow!" someone shouted loudly.

"Shoo!" The dense crossbow arrows shot towards Cook like raindrops.

"Roar!" I saw a flash of red light, and a huge fire magic shield directly turned countless crossbow arrows into ashes.

"Use a steel crossbow!" someone yelled.

"Haha, kill!" Er Fatty's speed is very fast. Although the robber uses a continuous crossbow, the crossbow box of the continuous crossbow also takes time to reload.

"Puff puff puff!" Cook is like a tank rushing into the flock. On his way, Cook emptied a route more than ten meters wide, and the robbers on this route, whether it was a warcraft or something. , Have become piles of minced meat.

"Kill!" But the nightmare of the robbers was not over yet, hundreds of figures burst out from the tribe of the Black Antelope tribe, and these figures pounced on the robbers with various weapons.

"Damn it, go to hell!" The bandit leader's eyes stared out~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You know, this is one of his own best soldiers.

"Wolf soul, fusion!" What surprised Cook even more was that this leader was actually a beast soul warrior, and more than 50% of his body had been beastified, obviously an intermediate beast soul warrior.

"Haha, good come!" Cook is not afraid at all, not to mention the wolf soul, it is the fusion of the bear soul, and Cook is not afraid, because Cook can easily solve it with the devil bear itself, let alone a beast that has inspired a part of its power. Soul Warrior.

"Be careful, sir, this is the blood wolf." The patriarch of the Black Antelope clan looked at the change of the bandit leader, his face changed and roared.

"Shoo!" But the following scene made the Black Antelope clan chief feel terrified, and hundreds of metal crossbow arrows with thick thumbs directly penetrated the blood wolf's body.

"I... Kill!" Cook was speechless, looking at a man with a little weight, who was actually shot by the flame giant, hundreds of crossbow arrows, not to mention the intermediate beast soul fighters, even advanced ones. After avoiding Sanshe, Cook rushed to the other robbers.

"Roar!" But a strange scene happened. The blood wolf, which was penetrated by countless crossbow arrows, actually stood up, roared loudly at Cook, and then rushed towards Cook with a **** color.

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