A Unique Hunter

Chapter 692: 150 times profit

When the purchase price of four copper coins per catty of beet was passed out, the Monto Empire and even the empires around the Monto Empire immediately set off a planting frenzy. You should know that beets are very productive. The beets here are like sugarcane on earth. Same but the leaves are very soft just like spinach leaves, of course the leaves are not sweet

In the past, because beets were not resistant to storage, even brown sugar made by the local method could not be stored. Therefore, the planting area of ​​beets has been very small. It is just a snack and vegetable for civilian households. It is different from sugar cane in that the height of beets can be three meters high. The edible parts are as high as two meters and five feet thick enough to be as thick as bamboo, so the yield is very high

And sugarcane almost only needs to be planted once. Every time it is cut, the roots will give out a sprout again to leave thick shoots. The rest are usually five years before the roots are thrown away for replanting and it is more than the grain beet. It’s not a big problem to resist drought and flood water with a yield of 10,000 catties per mu, and it’s no problem to harvest two seasons a year in the Montau Empire.

The yield of grain is only a few hundred catties per mu and the yield of sugar beets is almost dozens of times the yield, so the Monto Empire almost overnight all the nobles of all sizes removed the grain from the ground and planted sugar beets.

Gerry has big opinions about this because the planting area of ​​sugar beets is too big. Gerry is very worried that the factory is too busy to come to Cook, but he smiles because Cook knows what a huge market he is about to face. It is several times that of the land and the land occupied by humans is only a fraction of the land. So Cook is not afraid of the number of people who plant it. It is just a few more production lines.

Cook focused his main energy on the installation and commissioning of the snow sugar production line, and various raw materials were also piled up in the warehouse of the factory. Charcoal bidding, sugar beets and some other raw materials were piled up.

Finally, a few days later, the installation of the production line was completed. The following is debugging. A production line requires six magic apprentices, but Cook has placed 12 apprentices because Cook implements a two-shift system. This system can be said to be the best in the world. Second implementation

The six magic apprentices are mainly responsible for clarifying that some medicines will be added to the squeezed beet juice to decolorize and the cooking temperature is the key temperature. If the temperature is high, it will become caramel. The cooking is mainly to make sugar. The liquid crystallizes and then the water is separated. Of course, on the way, Cook will add some juice and make it into various flavors of fruit candy

After several trials, the first batch of snow sugar was finally made, but Cook made thumb-sized cubes. After all, the sugar cubes are small. The marine people live in the water and are afraid that they will melt when they see the water. So Cook made white ones. There are also various colors of fruit candy

"Oh, I forgot about the packaging." Cook discovered this extremely serious problem after the sugar was produced. You must know that this is supplied to the marine people and is transported in the sea. Therefore, the packaging needs to be specially customized in this world without plastic. It’s troublesome to ensure the effect

Countless solutions flashed through Cook's mind. The first one was the crystal bottle. Cook quickly gave up because the crystal bottle was too expensive. The price is not the key, but Cook can't buy so many crystal bottles.

The second is the wood. Cook also shook his head and gave up the wood. It is still easy to be softened in the sea water and seepage. If the water is not seepage, the treatment process is more troublesome.

Both plans were rejected. Cook then thought of using wax, but the world is all natural wax. There is no industrial wax, so this material is still not enough.

"By the way, oiled paper" Cook finally thought of a relatively simple packing oiled paper

But Cook is facing trouble again, that is, he has to build a paper production factory. Although the world also has paper, it is extremely inferior. It is of little use. The most used in this world is the thin paper made of sheepskin. Something called parchment

Parchment paper is troublesome to make and the price is not cheap. There are several silver coins for a piece of paper. What Cook makes is the kind of ordinary paper, and then this paper is brushed with waterproof oil on the paper. The earliest oil paper was used for umbrellas in ancient China.

There are a lot of wood in this world, but the wood used for paper needs good fiber wood, but these are not difficult for Cook, and the tung oil used to make oil paper, Cook decided to use the grease of Warcraft. The price of low-grade Warcraft’s grease is very low but waterproof. it is good

Moreover, using oil paper can also pack sugar cubes separately, which is more conducive to sales. After all, it is impossible for the sea people to eat sugar. It is impossible to say that it is unrealistic to eat slowly after opening it like on land.

Cook wants to do what he wants. There is still a shortage of time. Cook has to go to the shipyard again. Here is the largest forging machinery in the mainland. Now the shipyard has developed into a large town with a radius of tens of kilometers. Hundreds of wagons for transporting ore, fuel and living supplies, etc. are needed. Now there are more than 20,000 dwarves in the shipyard.

Because of the urgency of Cook’s needs, the forging factory first produced the papermaking machinery for Cook, mainly the pulp-making machinery. It took only two days to make the pulp-making machinery. Is ready

Hundreds of dwarves and thousands of human workers were busy for three days to install the machinery and then Cook started to make pulp. Cook's purchase of fresh plants also surprised many people but faced a copper coin three kilograms. Of plants, people don’t have time to think about it. Of course, what Cook bought was five poisonous plants.

However, Cook made a small change, that is, only to buy the branches and not the backbone. The main thing is to make the pulp. The paper in this world will come out soon after a few days. Although it is a bit thick and a bit rough, it is brushed and refined. After World of Warcraft Grease, first-class waterproof performance

Then Cook added some dyes to make yellow, green, red oil paper corresponding to different flavors of fruit candies. Now several production lines have been fully opened, which can produce more than a thousand catties of various sugars, snow white cubes, and green mint. Sugar-red, over-flavored, purple grape-flavored sugar and creamy toffee, etc.

Various sugar samples have also been unanimously approved by the members of the Snow Sugar Trade Association. This meeting is the third meeting of the Snow Sugar Trade Association.

"Everyone sees that the ship is about to be built, how are you all thinking about the issue of the shareholding of the ship" Cook asked.

"My Lord Baron, we all decided not to participate in the transportation and sales." The head of a large family led the mouth and replied because Cook’s ex-factory price for sugar is one silver coin, that is to say, a thumb-sized piece is worth one silver coin. Sugar is worth more than 30 silver coins, and the sugar beet needed to make a pound of sugar is only three catties. The cost is only twelve copper coins plus the packaging fee of one copper coin and the production cost of five copper coins. Less than 20 copper coins. How much profit is there. A hundred times the profit is almost one hundred and fifty times the profit. Of course, only members know that those who grow the alliance will not know this. Everyone is in a tacit understanding.

For those who are present to trade with the sea race, they know that it is a huge profit, but that sentence is too risky. You must know that the boats that Cook builds are at least hundreds of millions of gold coins. The cost of investing in shares is at least millions of gold coins. Everyone present at the scene knows that one or two hundred and one hundred and twenty-one things will happen when the ship is on the road, that is, there is no more copper coin left, so everyone present is wise not to participate. After all, one hundred and fifty times the profit is enough.

"In this case, you will need to worry a lot about the snow sugar production factory in the future. I will settle the settlement with you once a month, but I hope that in half a month, there will be three thousand tons of goods." Cook doesn't know what these guys are thinking. But since these people are not willing to make a fortune, Cook will not force

"It’s okay, Lord Baron, you’re optimistic." Everyone’s eyes are shining to know that one catty is worth thirty silver coins, that is to say three catties is a gold coin, three thousand catties is three thousand gold coins and three thousand tons are how many catties. It's six million catties and more than two million gold coins. This is the amount of one trade. How much snow sugar can the Monto Empire produce in a year. This is a trade of hundreds of millions of gold coins. The original members who participated in the shares and did not have the right to vote secretly calculated it. I regret it

Cook left these things behind and rushed to the shipyard because the ship was about to undergo sailing tests. During this time, Cook spent tens of millions of gold coins to clean up the large rocks in the Damurei River. Thousands of mercenaries and water magicians, and there are also a few guards patrolling the banks of the Damurei River to clear the water system of Warcraft

Cook’s big ship is driven by steam, that is, there is a huge water wheel behind the bottom of the ship. The water wheel is also made of white iron. When Cooke stepped on the big ship, he felt very emotional.

The deck is made of wood frame and cast iron, but the building above the hull of this ship has only two floors because it is to resist the strong wind in the ocean. Below the deck is a large cargo hold, but the cargo hold and the cargo hold are also separated from each other. The cargo holds are separate and the hull is in the form of watertight compartments

Behind the hull is the huge boiler for pushing. Don’t underestimate the fact that most of the boiler’s castings are doped with magic metal. It can be said that the hardness and toughness are extremely good.

Of course, there is still a large amount of coke accumulated in the hull. In addition, the boiler also uses a magic pattern. When necessary, magic crystals or magic cores can be used to increase the speed. Of course, this ship is not commercial. There are five layouts in the hull building. The ten magic crystal cannons and more than two hundred giant crossbows can be said to be a full-fledged hedgehog. The engineering bombs produced to defend against the beast dwarves in the sea have also been converted into depth bombs and there is a magic pattern on the ship. It can detect large monsters within ten kilometers, so the cost of this ship is very high.

"Master Baron can start running" a dwarf ran to Cook angrily. This is the chief engineer responsible for building ships, a dwarf mechanical master.

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