A Unique Hunter

Chapter 693: Successful sea trial

"Ignite" the dwarf mechanical master roared loudly on a cylindrical object. This is the ancient microphone leading directly to the bottom of the boiler chamber below.

"Anchor" Gnomish Master Mechanic then gave a loud command

"Hey hey" I saw a dozen tall bear people pushing a huge turntable. Underneath the turntable was a thick iron chain that was pulled up little by little as the turntable went on.

The reaction time of the steam engine as a power is not very fast. After all, the steam engine needs a heating process. Cook is not anxious but is interested in viewing it. To be honest, Cook is just telling some of the principles of some steam engines. Design and production are dwarf and Things about the dwarves have shown great interest in these things. The two races of dwarves and dwarves have shown that the two mechanical masters in the dwarf clan are here. Not to mention that more mechanical masters participate in it, and the blacksmith of the dwarf clan is even more important. There are hundreds of grand masters and several grand masters, even two

It can be said that such a huge lineup cannot be achieved with money. Of course, the steam engine designed by the dwarf has been demonstrated at least hundreds of times as a power source. Of course, that is the model used.

Cook came to the driver's cab The driver's cab is located at the back of the ship and the highest point of the entire ship. There are not many facilities in the driver's cab, but a half-meter square magic crystal is embedded in the front. This is to display the information of the detection magic array. This is a design by Cook The magic pattern detection array on this shows that there are dangerous beasts or life fluctuations. Yellow represents the power of the beasts. Green represents life fluctuations that do not harm the ship. As for the gray ones, they represent rocks. A kind of lifeless things

This magic pattern is a composite magic pattern. Because the ship sails on the water, Cook designed hundreds of magic patterns that absorb water elements and then transform the magic pattern into the magic pattern needed to detect the magic pattern. Magic Power This is a combined magic pattern array. The purpose of this is to not consume magic crystals or magic cores.

The magic metal consumed by this magic pattern is worth hundreds of millions of gold coins. If there is enough magic metal, Cook can even design a ship that directly sprays water as power, but the time required and the magic metal are an astronomical figure.

On the magic crystal screen, you can clearly see the banks of the Da Murray River, and the surroundings are mostly green dots, yellow and red, but those are abnormal characters like the dwarf grandmaster on the ship.

In addition, there are still some joysticks. Cook didn’t know the purpose of these joysticks and didn’t touch them. Now they are operating a group of gnomes because there is no better captain than gnomes, but these gnomes are strictly selected for this matter. Learn to swim and other skills, the captain is also the only master of the dwarf clan, so Cook deceived him to come here.

Cook also saw some meters. Some of these are Cook's masterpieces. Some are handed down from the dwarf family. Because Cook saw steam-powered carriages in the underground world. The mechanical inheritance of the dwarfs should not be underestimated. It is just that the dwarves did not have the ability to make them. The platform provided by Cook allows the dream of the dwarf race to be fully realized.

"Lord Baron, see if there is any value in my design." A dwarf trot to come to Cook and handed over the drawing in his hand respectfully.

"Uh, this is a submersible" Cook asked suspiciously when he saw this whale-like thing

"Master Baron, you are so wise. This is the machine I designed based on fish. Look here. This is something similar to a fish bubble. As long as you inject air into it, you can float to the surface and sink into the water..." This dwarf hurriedly Flattering

"Is this too dangerous" Cook squeaked

"My Lord Baron, I just want to do some experiments and it won't cost much." The dwarf thought that Cooke couldn't get the money.

"Okay, I agree with this plan, but the results of the safety first test must be shown to me." Cook signs his name. There is no way Cook. As long as they show up, these dwarves will hold their own ideas and think that Cook's signature is needed. Only the dwarf has the test material funding and venue

"Ou Ye" master dwarf cheered with the drawing signed by Cooke, then turned around and ran away. Several dwarves cheered when they saw this scene. Then the group of dwarves trot away and left. Obviously this is one of them. Small groups of interest

"Master Baron, this is my design drawing." Another dwarf next to him quickly stood up and handed his own drawing.

"Hey, this is a steam carriage" Cook asked in surprise looking at the drawing

"Yes, the steam wagon does not require much power, so the white iron can withstand the pressure. I think this is an epoch-making plan." The badge on the chest of this dwarf is just a low-level mechanic. Anyway, the level is not high.

"Okay, I agree, but you thought about not replacing the steam with other power sources, such as burning Warcraft grease," Cook suggested while signing.

"My Lord Baron, what do you mean" The dwarf immediately stared at Cook with shining eyes

"It's very simple. The grease of Warcraft is very flammable. Once the combustion produces a lot of heat and the air can also push the piston. Compared with this, the power is more powerful and the power machinery is definitely much smaller than that. But there is a key to it. An oil pipe that injects oil into the piston also needs the timing of fuel injection. In addition, the intake valve is also needed because the oil needs air to burn. It also needs to exclude the air. There is also a coordination problem in these aspects. The timing of the exhaust and the timing of the exhaust require a series of complex machinery to control." Cook drew a simple schematic diagram of the internal combustion engine.

"My Lord Baron, your idea is so good. In comparison, I calculated a little. The power of burning grease is at least much less than that of steam-powered machinery." The dwarf exclaimed loudly.

"Okay, take this drawing. I agree with your test plan." Cook smiled and handed the drawing to the dwarf. What Cook didn't see was the face of the mechanical master who was the captain behind Cook. Smile

In this short period of time, Cook saw at least a dozen groups of dwarves and dwarves. The dwarves are coordinated with the gold formula and need to be sponsored by Cook, while the dwarves are some strange ideas. As long as Cook thinks it is feasible, Cook does not hesitate It’s really impossible to sign, and Cook gave them a suggestion. For example, a guy designed an airplane, but without powerful power, the airplane would be dead. So Cook talked about the concept of bicycles and let this guy go to study bicycles.

"The Lord Baron is going to sail" the dwarf captain looked at the numbers on the pressure gauge and loudly reminded Cook

"Hehe, Your Excellency, this is your business. I'm just a passenger." Cook said with a smile. Cook is not the kind of person who interferes with other people's affairs.

"Toot toot toot" The length and number of the whistle sound of the dwarf captain's successive whistle and the number also represent a certain amount of information. After the horn is honked, the dwarf captain pulls several joysticks.

"Hua La La" Cook stretched out his head and looked towards the stern of the ship. The four-meter-diameter water wheel slowly turned

This water wheel is actually a circular cylinder with large white iron plates horizontally on the top. You need to know that the bearing **** of these power positions are all mixed with magic metal, and some closed power devices are also Cook Refined with mental power and also applied some advanced beast animal skins to seal it. You must know that this advanced beast animal skin is hundreds of times better than rubber. It is not only Cook who did this to reduce the loss of these parts and the frequency of training. After all, these Things are troublesome to repair

Huge black smoke came out of the boiler and the water wheel behind it turned more and more powerful. Cooke drilled out of the captain’s room and stood on top of the ship.

"Moved," a loud shout came from the shore. There were at least tens of thousands of humans, orcs, dwarves, dwarfs, and a few magic airships in the air because Cook decided to carry two on this ship. The magic airships are all small magic airships. This kind of magic airship is powerful and small in size, and its speed is comparable to that of an intermediate-level warcraft.

The huge ship is constantly advancing under the operation of the dwarf captain. It is constantly advancing in the lake, turning and reversing, etc., and each data is recorded. This is only one of dozens of sailing trials, but it also means huge success

Cook returned to the Magic City on the same day because it has been a month since Cook left and the Hunter Union still has a lot of things to deal with. Cook just arrived in the Magic City and Sebastian said: "Congratulations, sir."

"Hehe I don't know what your congratulations are" Cook said jokingly with a smile

"Congratulations, Master Snow Sugar on the successful production and the successful trial of the trade ship" Sebastian replied with a smile, saying that the trade ship was the name Cook gave to the ship.

"How is the snow sugar selling in Magic City" Cook asked a key question. You should know that the Snow Sugar Trade Association has set a unified wholesale price that is one silver coin and the retail price is divided into several The area is unified. If someone does not comply with this price, then the Snow Sugar Trade Association will punish the person and stop supplying a huge fine.

"Don't mention it is out of stock long ago" Sebastian said depressedly

"Impossible, the Magic City is five silver coins and there is no one." Cook knows that the price of the Magic City is set at a maximum of five silver coins and the rest is much lower.

"The Chamber of Commerce took ten boxes and a total of 100,000 pieces of sugar were sold out within two days, Lord, did you see that some guys actually used diamond coins to buy Nima" Sebastian exploded in a foul language to know a hundred. Gold coins for a purple gold coin, a hundred purple gold coins for a diamond coin, a hundred silver coins for a gold coin, that is to say, a diamond coin, one hundred thousand copper coins, which means that one diamond coin can buy 20,000 pieces of sugar. Two boxes of silver coins are 500% profiteering. Besides, the members of the Fore Snow Sugar Trade Association are all big growers. It is calculated that the profitability of planting sugar beets is seven or eight times as much as it is foreseeable. The sugar beet planting storm in the field and the Snow Sugar Trade Association’s voice will increase accordingly

"Hehe I expected it a long time ago" Cook smiled because Cook, the snow sugar itself, is the noble and the rich. You must know the comparison between the nobles. It's a trend of people who have me or not. This is no face.

And how many nobles in the entire continent are there at least one hundred thousand? Each of these one hundred thousand people spends one hundred gold coins to buy snow sugar, which is 10 million. This is still calculated according to the small nobles. There are also medium nobles, large nobles, and large nobles. Spending thousands of gold coins a year is nothing at all, and the mainland not only has humans, dwarves, dwarves, elves, and even the underground world. If you count this snow sugar, the annual trade volume will be over 100 million, not to mention that the sea race has a big head. exist

"Moreover, the forging plant has just received an order from the Snow Sugar Trade Association and ordered ten sets of production lines. It is very urgent." Sebastian gave another news.

"Hehe, let's go, the current situation of the trade union is like this." Cook laughed. These ten sets of production lines are accounted for hundreds of millions of gold coins. Can Cook be unhappy?

"Master, but a distinguished guest has been waiting for you for almost half a month." But Sebastian only reported this time.

"Guest" Cook is puzzled that the guest needs to wait half a month to see him

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