A Unique Hunter

Chapter 720: Emergencies

"Damn it carelessly" Cook rushed to the bottom of the mage tower

Cook can't help but regret that he originally thought that there would be no problems with the plane teleportation array in this mage tower after Xia and Lina had checked it, but just now Cook discovered that the meaning of the existence of this mage tower is not to protect the plane teleportation array but to say This mage tower is just an ancillary facility of the plane teleportation array. The meaning of the existence of the mage tower is to provide sufficient power for the plane teleportation array. You must know that even in the science and technology age space on the earth, it is a difficult science to understand. The energy required for an object to span a long space is extremely large, so even the plane teleportation array with a mage tower cannot be opened for a long time

Cook's consciousness is not good because this teleportation array absorbs the energy provided by the mage tower. It is a good example of what Fencia and Lina did is to lock the teleportation function of the plane teleportation array, which is like a car being unplugged. It’s like a key, but the plane teleportation array is not powered by the plane teleportation array. Just like the car is powered by the engine, even if the key is taken away, as long as the other parts are normal, the thief still steals the car. In theory, the teleportation array can still be used forcibly, so Cook realizes that if someone forcibly teleports it, then the locked plane teleportation array will not make much sense. If there are high-level wizards in the space system, remember this face coordinate. It’s even easier to send

"Boom Rumble" The bottom layer of the mage tower kept roaring. Cook knew it was the sound made by the magic crystal cannon and the magic giant crossbow after they attacked.

"Om" and at this moment Cook heard a hum in his ears, the entire mage tower gradually lit up

"Nima" Cook cursed after seeing this situation because this phenomenon is the effect of the magic circle on the mage tower running at full force because the teleportation circle has a defense function, but this defense function needs enough energy. This is obviously a plane. The teleportation array is attacked and the magic array on the mage tower runs at full capacity

"Om" is just two seconds after the mage tower makes a louder noise, and Cook also rushed to the bottom of the mage tower and saw the bottom of the mage tower. Cook breathed a sigh of relief. The plane teleportation array was flashed with a layer of fluorescent light. The shield was covered, and the surrounding magic crystal cannon and magic giant crossbow hit the shield and emitted ripples on the shield.

"Focus on a little attack" Kaluri yelled calmly, but the look of walking back and forth was still betraying his inner tension

Attack a little bit. This is the best way to attack the magic shield because the magic shield needs to be supported by magic power and this support is not an infinite attack. A little bit can speed up the magic consumption of this shop and accelerate the operation of the magic circle. The strength is high enough, the magic circle has no time to replenish the energy on the shield. At this time, the shield is damaged.

Cook breathed a sigh of relief, but Cook took a closer look at the surface teleportation array that actually emitted a five-meter-high beam of light, but this beam of light appeared to be indeterminate under the surrounding attacks. Obviously, the attack affected the operation of the teleportation array.

"Damn" Cook immediately became nervous again, then Cook quickly rushed to the platform where the plane teleportation array was located, and then Cook crawled under the obsidian platform and quickly searched around the platform.

"Don't be afraid to attack me hard." Kaluri breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Cook looking around the platform and commanded loudly.

Kaluri received the order that the plane teleportation array had a slight abnormal reaction and immediately launched the surrounding weapon attacks. Kaluri also knew what happened in the magic city these days, so it was tight when the plane teleportation array reacted slightly. The tense nerve immediately yelled the word attack subconsciously, but after yelling it out, Kaluri regretted it. Although Kaluri didn’t know what the magic circle was in front of him, Kaluri had long been a guard in the Baronian territory. But you know the value of this obsidian base

Kaluri has always been afraid that he has done something wrong, so he has always been worried. At this time, he saw Cook rush down and didn't say anything to him. Kaluri knew that he gave the order this time.

"It's here" Cook finally found a suspicious place because Cook knew that such a large teleportation array must be maintained, and there must be an energy channel between this teleportation array and the transformation magic array of the entire mage tower. This energy channel

What Cook saw was a piece of obsidian with a slightly unusual color. If ordinary people can't find it at all, but Cook has seen a lot of magic materials and Cook's magic eye can be equivalent to the existence of a microscope, Cook immediately found something wrong.

Cook fumbled for a while and finally didn't gain anything, so Cook directly groped out Thunder Tooth. Thunder Tooth is the sharpest weapon that Cook has found so far. I don't know what material it is made of.

"Kang Dang" Cook cut a hole the size of a fist with Thunder teeth beside a platform over a meter high. The obsidian cut out fell on the ground and made a clanging sound.

"Sure enough." Cook looked at the obsidian with a thickness of more than ten centimeters and there was a passage behind him. Cook breathed a sigh of relief. Just like tofu, a passageway will appear in front of Cook in a few seconds, and there will be a downward step.

"Kaluri" Cook yelled

"Master" Kaluri has long since raised his ears to listen to Cook's call.

"I will stop attacking as soon as I have a little idea later," Cook said loudly.

"It's sir" Kaluri replied immediately

Cook got into the channel when he was short. The channel is not only a dozen meters long, and the situation under the channel surprised Cook. The channel is actually a space with a radius of more than ten meters, and there is a huge space in the middle. The magic crystal ball is about one person tall and under the crystal ball is a complex transformation magic circle crystal ball. Above it is the base of the obsidian. The obsidian presents a funnel shape. Obviously, the obsidian is not as flat as the surface.

The entire crystal ball now emits a dazzling light, and the naked eye can see a burst of magic power being transferred into the giant crystal ball by the transformed magic circle and then absorbed by the obsidian base.

"It's amazing workmanship." Cook took a rough look and exclaimed, but then a strong green light appeared in Cook's eyes.

Destroying the magic circle is not as simple as imagined, especially the current magic circle full of magic power, which is like a high-pressure water pipe. It needs to be destroyed in the right position. On the one hand, it must cut off the transmission of magic power and on the other hand, it will not cause magic. The array reacted abnormally because of the cut of magic

Of course, the so-called abnormal reaction is the consequences of explosions, bursts, collapses, etc., and Cook still wants to use these magic circles, so he has to look carefully.

However, the magic power conversion magic circle that can be provided to the plane teleportation array is not composed of one or two magic circles, but hundreds of magic circles, and the hundreds of magic circles contain dozens of millions of magic circuits in the eyes of Cook. There are dense magic circuits

"Master, come and see" Kaluri's exclamation came in from the tunnel

"Asshole" Cook doesn't need to look at it to know that it must be that the plane teleportation array has been unstable, and the opposite side is preparing to forcibly teleport, and there will be a certain delay in crossing the space. That is to say, at this time, there must be a shadow of someone in the dazzling beam of light. The array is stable, so it takes more than a second, but the transmission array is unstable, so the time is relatively long and there is a high possibility that the transmission failure will cause extremely serious consequences. There are three possibilities. The first is that the person who is transmitting is involved in spatial turbulence. The second is that not only people are involved in the space turbulence and the teleportation array is also collapsed. The third is that the teleported people receive a small backlash.

Cook cursed secretly. It was only a dozen seconds. Cook is not a god, so Cook has not found the exact point of damage from the dense magic loop of tens of millions.

Cook looked up again and looked at the crystal ball that was one-person tall in the middle. The crystal ball now emits a dazzling light, and in the crystal ball you can see something like mercury flowing. This is a liquid element.

"Magic Crystal" Cook hasn't paid attention to this crystal yet, but now he is very surprised to see this crystal, because Cook also knows this kind of magic crystal soon.

Cook learned from the information of the dragon wizard that the magic crystal is an extremely rare crystal type. The only function of the magic crystal is to store the magic power and release it again. Simply put, it is like a rechargeable battery.

"Peat" Cook's eyes widened and saliva flowed out because Cook knew that magic crystals are the best core of magic puppets.

"Master, someone is coming out," Kaluri roared loudly. At the same time, the magic circle under Cook's feet became more and more dazzling.

"Fuck you?" Cook cursed loudly and poured several bottles of potion in succession. Then he stretched out his hand to the magic crystal of how tall this person is. Cook was covered in green vindictiveness and then pushed vigorously against the magic of one person. Ability Crystal Because Cook saw that this mana crystal is also the most critical factor, obviously moving this thing is more grasping than the random destruction of the magic circle.

The "K" magic crystal was directly moved by Cook from the magic circle, and the fighting energy on Cook's body was instantly extinguished because the magic crystal also absorbed fighting energy.

"Huh" Cook's imagined explosion did not happen. Cook breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the few bottles of perfect-level defensive healing potions just drank for nothing

Cook looked up again and found that the magic pattern on the obsidian had dimmed. At this time Cook quickly shouted: "Stop."

"Rumble" But just after Cook called to stop, there was a loud rumbling noise outside

"I stopped by saying that, who is still shooting? You know this is priceless..." Cook immediately jumped up because there is no magical power to maintain the magic circle, and if the magic crystal cannon attacks this again If the plane teleportation array is damaged, Cook will have no place to cry, but after Cook jumped out of the channel and watched it, he didn’t say much.

"Master" Kaluri worriedly watched Cook lying on the plane teleportation array, carefully inspecting Kaluri weakly and shouted

"Good risk" Cook breathed a sigh of relief. The attack just did not destroy the plane teleportation array.

"Give me the memory crystal" Cook told Kaluri here, but Cook arranged for a magician to record the battle scenes with rare memory crystals.

"What happened to Cook" and Lina rushed in hurriedly and asked with an anxious expression that West Asia followed behind. Obviously the movement here shocked the two of them.

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