A Unique Hunter

Chapter 721: Magic ship

While watching the battle scene recorded with the memory crystal, Cook explained what happened just now to Sia and Lina. Lina and Sia watched the image of the memory crystal and listened to Cook's explanation. After listening to Sia and Li Na looked at each other.

Lina and Xia came to the space under the obsidian base again. Seeing such a setting, Lina and Xia were shocked. The design of this area teleportation array is too abnormal, and this setting has never been heard of. of.

At this time, Cook carefully looked at this underground space. Obsidian is in the shape of a funnel below. The dense magical loop on it makes Cook wonder, because obsidian is the hardest stone. Who has such great ability The magic circuit is portrayed to the bottom of the obsidian, and the magic circuit on it is not one or two, at least a hundred thousand.

Xia said on the side: "Awesome, the person who designed this magic circle is amazing."

Although Cook can draw the magic pattern, when it comes to a deeper understanding of the magic circle, Cook is not as good as West Asia. Cook looked at West Asia in confusion, and Xia explained with a smile: "Look at the magic on this ground. Array, this is not a conversion magic array in a simple sense, but a two-way conversion magic array!"

"Two-way conversion magic circle?" Cook had never heard of it.

"As the name suggests, this kind of transformation magic array can not only provide pure magic power to the plane teleportation array, but also can absorb the magic power in the plane teleportation array." Xia explained.

"Oh! I understand!" Cook suddenly understood.

"That is to say, if this kind of plane teleportation array encounters space turbulence, or the teleportation fails, the space magic power will overflow, and the excess magic power will be extracted by this two-way conversion magic circle, and it will not cause the plane teleportation array. Crash?" Cook continued, but he was not sure.

"Yes, the danger of plane teleportation is even greater, and the magic power required for plane teleportation is more powerful, and these magic powers will not be consumed all at once, there will be some residues, and the teleportation magic array of the wizard union needs Regular cleaning and maintenance is because the magic power remaining in the magic array will condense into magic crystal particles for a long time, and these magic crystal particles are condensed between the magic circuits, and the danger is very great, and this plane teleportation array is like this Once designed, these troublesome things are avoided at all." Xia said affirmatively.

Sia then pointed to the obsidian above her head and said: "And according to my eyes, this kind of base design is also very unique. Let's take a closer look. Is there a subtle change in this magical circuit?"

Cook and Lina shook their heads, and Xia explained: "The magic metal used in the magic circle depicted below is heavy and hard. Looking at the color and luster, the content of fine gold must occupy a large proportion, and the fine gold above The ratio has dropped a lot."

"Why is this?" Cook asked suspiciously.

"Hehe, let’s make it clear, it’s like a big tree. Since the bottom part of the magic power is relatively large, the pressure on the magic power circuit is relatively high. When it reaches the top, the magic power in the magic power circuit is dispersed. The pressure is less, so there is no need for such precious magic metal, and this space actually has a constant temperature magic circle." Xia explained.

Of course, Cook knows the effect of the constant temperature magic circle. It is like those large computer rooms with air conditioners, which are mainly used to cool the computer. Once these air conditioners fail to operate, the computer will overheat and eventually cause accidents. Of course, the current large-scale computer room has a monitoring system, which will alert the administrator if the temperature is too high.

"This kind of crystal ball is rare." Xia looked at the crystal ball that was as tall as a person. At this time, there was something flowing like mercury in the crystal ball, so even Xia didn't know the type of this crystal ball.

"Hehe, this is the magic crystal, the biggest..." Cook explained with a smile. In fact, Cook is a little proud. After all, his woman knows more than himself, and there is always such an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

"Isn't this the magic crystal?" Lina was surprised, knowing that the magic crystal is an extremely rare crystal. The function of this crystal is to store the magic power and extract it at a critical time, but the magic crystal does not I've heard that there is a big guy who is as tall as a person. Generally, a thumb size is very rare.

"Yeah!" Cook also remembered, the magic crystal, this is what every magician dreams of. With a magic crystal in hand, there will undoubtedly be more life-saving means when fighting, and this magic is the magician himself Usually stored, it is easy to extract. It does not require mental power extraction like magic crystals or magic cores. The magic power stored in the magic crystal is originally its own magic power, so there is no need for spiritual power extraction at all. It is just that when the spiritual power is moved, the magic power is immediately Back to the body, this is also the reason why the magic crystal is so precious.

However, the three of them sighed helplessly, because such a large piece of magic crystal was reluctant to cut it, and Sia then said to Cook: "Cook, this magic crystal may not be able to be installed back to the original one. Location."

"How do you say this?" Cook was completely stunned.

"Look at this base for yourself." Xia pointed to the base where the magic crystal was placed just now.

When Cook saw it, he was sweating profusely. Originally, the base of the fixed crystal ball had dense metal contacts. Cook now wants to know that the installation of the magic crystal must be particular.

"Then there is no way?" Cook asked hopefully.

"Why not, just use the magic circle to connect this directly, but the plane teleportation circle is estimated to be less stable in the future. After all, the magic power transformed by the magic circle will fluctuate, and the magic crystal before The effect is equivalent to a stable source of magic power." West Asia's answer gave Cook a sigh of relief.

"But the good news is that now before this plane teleportation array is repaired, no one can reach our plane through the plane teleportation array." Xia said later.

"Xia, I'll leave it to you, I have a little more." Cook thought of something, and hurriedly left with the magic crystal.

Cook returned to the underground laboratory in the Baronian Territory, and then Cook took out a chubby object. This was the guardian obtained in the wizard ruins, and the magic of this thing was exhausted.

Cook first spent a few days in a secret room, and then Cook took the chubby thing to the Mekai Empire. On a volcano in the Mekai Empire, the spaceship-like prison that Cook harvested was still in the crater. Continue to draw magic.

Cook used his own administrative authority, the lowest level of administrative authority, to open a room, and then threw the chubby thing in.

After this round metal lump was thrown in, Cook immediately got a string of information: "Room number, room 16 in area d on the first floor, a new personnel, personnel category, magic mechanical puppet, more detailed scanning is required. ?"

"Scan!" Cook immediately ordered mentally.

Cook saw colorful lights flashing in the prison room, but in a few seconds, Cook got the message.

"Category, magic mechanical puppet.

Name: Guardian Type IV of the Wizard Library.

Function: Organize, manage, maintain the library, screen out people entering, and have functions of anti-theft and arson.

Structure: The fourth-generation magic mechanical puppet designed and manufactured by the Wizards’ Guild, using magic crystal, adamantine, mithril, magic silver, magic iron...materials.

Combat evaluation: extremely weak!

It is recommended to destroy it directly, the value of detention is not great. "A series of news made Cook stunned, this thing is too powerful.

Cook had seen the round metal bumps smashing dragons and wizards, and the assessment here is actually extremely weak! Cook was speechless.

But Cook didn’t care about the chubby Guardian IV. Instead, he came directly to the core of the spaceship-like prison. Before, Cook didn’t know that the crystal at this core was called the Monon Crystal, but now Cook knows the core The huge one-meter-diameter crystal is also a magic crystal. Cook looked at it and found no other empty positions to place this magic crystal.

"Look at me, just take it out and say it might have a reaction." Cook stunned for a while and patted his head directly, then took out the magic crystal under the plane teleportation array.

"Found a new power source, do you want to install it?" Sure enough, just after Cook took it out, a message appeared directly in Cook's mind.

"Yes!" Cook replied mentally.

"Buzzing!" Immediately after Cook replied, countless fist-sized holes were opened around the room, and all the spider-like objects crawled out of these holes.

"I'm actually a puppet?" Cook was completely stunned, because at least thousands of spiders that came out were mechanically constructed. The spider's round belly was replaced with a thumb-sized magic crystal. , And the paws and head are shining with the light of metal, and there is a layer of transparent glass on the metal surface.

Soon these egg-sized mechanical puppets came to Cook, and then these spider mechanical puppets moved the magic crystal together. At this time, Cook also discovered that the wall next to it originally looked like a whole metal. A square groove was actually cracked on the surface, and countless mechanical spiders moved the magic crystal into this groove, and then some fiery red mechanical spiders released a dazzling red light on their front legs.

"Nima, micro robots, actually know how to weld." Cook Lima Waterfall Khan.

"The energy reserve reaches full value, open the database."

"Congratulations on your management authority upgrade to level three!"

A series of information poured directly into Cook’s mind. Cook digested it for a while before shouting directly up to the sky: "Nima!"

It's no wonder that Cook didn't yell, because the magic crystal added by Cook just opened the prison database directly, but Cook thought it was a prison, and this is also a function of imprisoning powerful creatures.

But this is not a prison, but a magical spaceship from the ancient times. It has a very resounding name, Pioneer 7. This magical spacecraft was used by those who explored other planes in the ancient times. And these countless so-called prison-like rooms are nothing more than containers used by the magic spacecraft to hold the biological specimens of the powerful alien planes, and these rooms can also extract the energy from these powerful creatures to power the spacecraft.

As for Cook’s escalation of authority just now, it’s not because Cook’s strength has increased, but because Cook has made a significant contribution to the safety of the spacecraft. Cook also knew that the escalation of authority is not only based on the level of Mageweaver. Those who have made significant contributions to the spacecraft can also directly raise the management level.

The magic crystal added by Cook just now directly doubled the performance of this magic spaceship, because this magic spacecraft relies on energy. The higher the energy reserve, the higher the performance.

"Energy?" Cook's eyes brightened, because the more information Cook gets, the greater the worry, because once a higher-level Mageweaver appears, the spaceship will be controlled by others, of course. This is not to say that as long as they appear, they will be controlled by others. This requires a certain period of time, but the possibility of this kind of appearance will make Cook feel a sense of crisis.

This time Cook directly unearthed the largest elemental fruits from the natural ring, two large elemental fruits with a height of a meter and five. Sure enough, as soon as these elemental fruits were taken out, Cook heard the sound of the spacecraft.

"I found a rare-level magic medicinal material, do you store it?" But Cook was dumbfounded when he understood it, isn't this Nima directly digested?

"Could it be that there is a standard for this energy?" Cook couldn't help but wonder. As for the standard, everyone understands that it is like a car can burn gasoline or diesel, but the same combustible vegetable oil cannot be used. This is the standard.

Cook walked out of the magic spacecraft. Cook turned his head and saw that the place where the spacecraft was was actually empty. This is the concealment function opened by the spacecraft. Cook had to sigh. This Nima is too powerful, and Cook needs to digest There is a lot of information, and a lot of information. As for the magic spacecraft, it needs to be charged in the crater for 13 days before it reaches its full value. Of course, the three-level management authority allows Cook to have some effects. For example, Cook can now issue the spacecraft. Order to collect the metal in the volcanic magma.

After Cook returned to the Hunter Union, the situation in the Magic City was still very stable. The Magician Union was originally a bit chaotic, but when the insiders appeared, the hearts of the people became much more stable. Coupled with the joint operation of several other major unions, the Magician Union has a few The remnants of the big family were eliminated one by one, and Cook shut himself in the room as soon as he understood.

Cook took out a leather scroll, then picked up a quill pen, and began to list the things he had to do now, and then Cook selected the important things among these things, and then marked them one by one. The amount of information obtained in the magic spaceship was too great, and Cook's mind was a little confused.

"Oh, Sebastian, are there any guests coming to see me today?" Cook patted his forehead, because Cook had a very important date today. Of course, before learning about the Dao Magic Spaceship, this date is very important Cook didn't take it very seriously, but after having the magic spacecraft, Cook felt that this spacecraft was extremely important.

"Master, yes, they have already left." Sebastian was speechless. People have been waiting for you for a long time before asking.

"Go and see if those guys are still there, invite them over, just say I invite them to dinner." Cook immediately ordered.

Soon Sebastian came back. Those who followed Sebastian were the three people who used the Star Beast Eggs as collateral. The identities of these three people were known to Cook, plane mercenaries, all three With the strength of the ninth level, the so-called plane mercenary is to drive the mana spacecraft to take risks in all planes. This is an extremely dangerous profession.

"Excuse me, something was delayed just now, you know, the Magic City is a bit uneasy now." Cook saw the three plane mercenaries and immediately stood up to greet them.

"Your Excellency President told a joke." The leader is the eldest brother of the three. The three are in an extremely embarrassing situation now, because the spacecraft they took has been mortgaged to Cook, and the three cannot leave this plane now. As for the news about the plane’s teleportation formation, the three of them couldn’t find out how, and after returning to their plane, the mercenary union was still in trouble. After all, the spaceship was leased out, although the three of them were missing. It is acceptable, but the decline in credit rating makes the three people extremely uncomfortable. This credit rating is common to all planes.

"Please sit down, please sit down!" Cook said to the three with a smile.

"Thank you!" After the three said thank you, they were seated.

"I don't know what the names of the three lords are?" Cook asked people to drink a drink and asked. Cook's purpose is to further understand what the magic spacecraft is like outside, and about the magic spacecraft. Can crystal news.



"Charles!" the three introduced themselves immediately.

"Are you three brothers?" Cook asked in surprise. After asking, Cook knew that he had made a mistake ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The last names of these people are different from the first names.

"Hehe, we are not real brothers, but we are better than new brothers. We have been adventuring together for more than a hundred years. At the beginning, we were on our own plane, and finally we were on other planes." Chuck replied, seeing it, speaking, It is Chuck who is in charge.

"Hehe, this time I am looking for you, I also want to give you some tasks. Compared with you, you also know what happened on our plane." Cook said with a smile.

"Those guys will definitely be punished by the plane alliance." Chuck also said.

"Yes, I came to you just to get to know what is happening on other planes outside, and then I want to entrust you to inquire about some things, or if possible, I will entrust you to take me to the Alliance of Planes, because In some accidents, the plane teleportation array is no longer usable." Cook sorted his thoughts and said.

"But if we want to leave, the three of us can control this spaceship, you see?" Chuck's eyes lit up. If Cook said that, he would use the spaceship to leave, and the three of them could be together. I left, because Chuck knew that only the three of him could control the magic spaceship. This is not something that you can see if you look at it, it requires strict training.

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