A Unique Hunter

Chapter 727: Action "3"

Half an hour later, a thousand elite heavy-armored cavalry gathered together. These cavalry lined up in a neat line. The queue was the first item that all the soldiers under Cook had to evaluate. There were not many people in one thousand. But these thousand people are all heavy-armored cavalry wrapped in tin cans, which is a little daunting. The dark heavy armor looks a bit cold under the light.

"Take the team as a unit, follow me forward." Bagru simply ordered.

Not far away, more than a dozen magic airships were starting up. One by one, heavy armored knights lined up on the magic airships, and then these magic airships continued to rise into the air, and then toward the Satya Empire and magic more than a thousand kilometers away. The place where the city junction flew over.

"General Bagru!" A human thief saluted Bagru. Bagru is now a general. Of course, the guide sent by Nicos must have never imagined that there are only a thousand generals under the ogre in the Baronian territory. In the distant Maykai Empire, it was still the commander of a full 50,000 or 60,000 ogre warriors.

"Well, how many people are our opponents?" Baglu asked directly. Baglu likes to pretend to be a human gentleman, but he has no interest in such subordinates. According to Baglu's words, these people The identity is not enough.

"According to the information we have, the 1st Cavalry Regiment, the 5th Infantry Regiment, and the 9th Pike Regiment of the Southeastern Army of the Satya Empire. The first, third, sixth, and tenth corps of the Northeast Army are all gathered in the Magic City. There are more than two hundred kilometers across the border of a dozen small towns such as Sara, and it is expected that the elite Royal Knights of the Satya Empire will also arrive before sunset tomorrow, accompanied by several corps. Before dawn the day after tomorrow, there will be more than 200,000 troops in these two hundred kilometers." The intelligence officer immediately pointed to the map and explained.

"Then how many enemies are there on the opposite side tonight?" Bagru asked after a long time, dizzy.

"Less than 100,000," the intelligence officer immediately replied.

"Then you said that the Southeast Army and the Eastern Army are stationed together?" Baglu asked again.

The intelligence personnel were a little puzzled. What does it matter if they are stationed together or not, but they immediately replied: "No, they are stationed separately. There are four places in total. They are the original station of the First Cavalry Regiment of the Southeast Army Corps. Small town, the station of the First Corps of the Northeast Army, and the station of the Tenth Corps."

"That is to say, the total distance of these stations does not exceed two hundred kilometers?" Baglu asked again.

"Yes!" the intelligence officer replied again.

"Then can you find these four locations?" Baglu asked again.

"Of course, but this doesn't..." the intelligence officer replied immediately.

"Okay, you can go to rest." Baglu interrupted the order.

Baglu's men directly pushed the intelligence agent out rudely. Baglu stood up, looked at the ten squadron captains under him, then shook two heads and said, "We are the most elite cavalry. Warcraft mounts, the high-quality heavy armor built by the dwarf master, facing a group of poorly equipped enemies, we actually have to defend. Tell me, do we need defense?"

"No need!" Baglu's men are either ogres or trolls. These guys followed Cook in the orcs empire and fought countless rendezvous, so the human warriors are even more despised.

"Yes, no, the master once said that the best defense is offense, so I decided that we will attack these four strongholds overnight, and then we will give this **** Royal Knights a good look tomorrow." Bagru said loudly Roared.

"Yes, bring that **** Princess of the Satya Empire, the queen back to the master as a maid."

"That is, what is it, dare to add to the master at this time."

"Hey, forget about the queen, I heard it's an old woman."

"The princess is not a good thing, you don't know, when I was in the Magic City, there were several princesses...hehe!"

Baglu rolled his eyes, and immediately shouted: "Shut up to me, and now I announce the battle plan, that is, we will eliminate these gathered enemies in one breath, and then quickly advance, directly to the so-called elite A surprise attack by the Royal Knights."

"Yes!" The people below knew that Baglu's tactics were that simple.

More than a thousand kilometers, the magic airship also flew for more than three hours. In a small town near the Satya Empire, a thousand elite heavy cavalry were put down, together with some defensive wars. arms.

"Are you the sheriff here?" Baglu asked, looking at the people who came to meet him.

"No, I'm the captain of the third patrol squadron of Magic City." The visitor was depressed. Anyway, I was in charge of a thousand people, and there was a sheriff who managed dozens of people.

"Will these things be used?" Baglu asked, pointing to the exponential crossbow.

"Yes!" The captain nodded in confusion, all soldiers in the Magic City could use this thing.

"Well, very good, these things will be handed over to you. Use these giant crossbows to block all the cable bridges for me, understand, Captain!" Bagru shouted majesticly.

"Yes!" The captain saluted subconsciously, and when he reacted, Baglu and others disappeared.

"Quick, come here!" The captain looked at dozens of giant crossbows and the piles of crossbow arrows. He was excited. They only touched these things once a year. It's strange that the captain is not excited. A giant crossbow, a dozen cable bridges, these cable bridges are just like a horse-drawn carriage, as long as there are four magic giant crossbows arranged in a high and low shooting square, how many deaths Nima come, the captain seems to have seen countless His military exploits shined on his head, but the captain might have overlooked one point. The thousand heavy cavalry went there.

"Boy, how far is it from the nearest garrison?" After Baglu and others crossed the cable bridge, they asked the intelligence personnel who followed.

"You are not observing the order. I want to sue you." The intelligence officer was directly covered by a knight when he got off the magic airship. Now he is free, and immediately shouted loudly.

"Hey, don't you tell me, let me tell you, I saw that big guy, he is not interested in women, but he is interested in men, if you don't tell me, I will give you to him, who knows our ogre How old is it?" Baglu said with a smile.

The intelligence personnel looked at the ogre over three meters high and imagined that he was crushed on the ground by an ogre. The intelligence personnel’s expression instantly changed. Bagru said again: "And there is not only one who likes men. By the time……."

"Okay, okay, I just lead the way." The intelligence personnel compromised in grief.

"Release the mount and check the equipment." Bagru roared loudly.

The intelligence personnel's eyes widened immediately afterwards, and the hehe voice in his mouth just didn't say a word, but the shock in his heart was no longer added. What is the mount summoned by these heavy cavalry? There are a hundred heads. This is a fifth-level monster of the fire system. The sharp unicorn can release flame attacks, while the intermediate-level monsters release intermediate magic.

And what is it, porcupine, dark magic porcupine, this kind of beast that can shoot out the bone arrow as a crossbow arrow is the most difficult of warcraft, not only has the tyrannical, but also the fearful long-range Attack, and the Dark Element has increased the attack power for this bone arrow.

"No, this is a mutated Dark Demon Burst Porcupine." But then the intelligence officer observed carefully and discovered that these were all mutated beasts, which meant that the arrow on the porcupine's back would explode.

"Sand Scorpion!"

"Green Ape!"

"Rock lizard!"

The intelligence personnel looked at the different types of Warcraft mounts in the squadrons, and every time they murmured a name, the intelligence officers groaned. This Nima is a thousand intermediate-level Warcraft mounts, a thousand!

The next scene was even more shocking to the intelligence personnel, because the intelligence personnel saw the colorful magic crystals in the hands of Baglu and others, and then directly inlaid them, the original dark heavy armor shone with a faint light. , And then dimmed.

A heavy weapon also gleamed with a faint light, and then it dimmed. The intelligence personnel almost fainted to the ground. This dimming was a normal reaction, which meant that the magic equipment had been activated.

It is difficult for intelligence personnel to imagine the effect of a three-meter-long axe with a magic boost, and a strange single-edged sword with a four-meter-long handle slashing at the enemy.

After receiving the intelligence personnel, they saw something they had never seen before. Some heavy armored cavalry carried a two-meter-long black painted metal pipe with a large bowl and mouth on their backs. There were not many such people. Only two teams, twenty people.

"Boy, lead the way!" The intelligence personnel woke up with a loud shout.

"Okay, get ready to go. First, give the mount the wind-strength potion, the stamina recovery potion, and the defensive potion." The scene after Baglu's order at this time even caused the intelligence personnel to fall to the ground, because a bottle of magic potion filled the monster mount. Go down.

"Go, follow me!" Baglu shouted loudly, putting the intelligence officer behind his mount.

In Magic City, Sebastian reported weakly to Cook: "Master, Bagru took all the officers away."

"What? Officer! Why didn't you say earlier that the officers are all mid-level monster mounts, and they all have magical equipment. What is Bagglu doing?" Cook immediately screamed.

"Master, I don't want to, Bagru threatened me, if I inform, he will let me clean my butt!" Sebastian replied aggrievedly.

"Then what do you say now?" Cook asked angrily.

"Baglu said he can tell you after three hours of walking." Sebastian replied weakly.

"Ah!!!" Sebastian's scream almost resounded through the entire Hunter Union.

Baglu looked at the huge brightly lit military camp ahead, and shouted in a low voice: "Hold on to me. If it falls, I don't care!"

"Yes!" The intelligence personnel sitting behind Baghru were full of enthusiasm, because Baghru's mount is a high-level monster. The intelligence personnel never thought that one day they could be the back of a high-level monster, and the intelligence personnel finally knew this. Bagru’s confidence has grown. At a distance of more than 30 kilometers, almost no one has discovered this team of 1,000 people. The intelligence personnel also know that ogres have the ability to see things in the dark. This is for those human sentries and patrols. That said, it was undoubtedly a disaster, and it took less than 15 minutes to travel more than 30 kilometers.

"Give them some fireworks first!" Baglu ordered in a low voice.

"Yes!" the captains of the two teams with black metal pipes immediately replied.

The intelligence personnel watched curiously as the cavalry of the two teams stuffed a black metal cylinder into the tube. After a while, the two team leaders replied in a low voice: "Ready, General!"

"Three rounds of free shooting!" Baglu commanded with a wave of his hand. In fact, Baglu wanted to do it himself, but Baglu thought of what his master said: "Only those upstarts will do it themselves~www .wuxiaspot.com~ The nobles always give orders, just like those nouveau riche who drive their own carriages. They don’t know that among the nobles, there are full-time carriage drivers, and there are also special door-opening servants who serve as backrest servants when getting off the carriage." When Cook said this, he thought of the upstarts on the planet driving their own luxury cars!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" A dazzling light directly fell into the huge military camp more than a thousand meters away, and the skyrocketing flames and violent explosions resounded through the clouds.

"Ni, Ni, Nima, magic crystal cannon!" The intelligence personnel's voice seemed to be choked by something, sharp and harsh.

"Charge!" Baglu shouted, and then roared, and the huge pressure almost caused the intelligence personnel behind Baglu to fall to the ground, and the intelligence personnel immediately caught Bagglu behind him in cold sweat. Belt.

PS: Oh, I don’t know what’s going on on the website. It’s used to upload chapters for more than an hour every day. It shows 403. I searched it and the server refused to access. There is always a yellow exclamation mark under the page to upload chapters. Other pages are fine. , Including the author’s background, Nima, the new chapter page, is too frustrating. In addition, we welcome the strong return of shuaiguo. Thank you for your votes. Now the codeword time per day is not as much time to upload chapters. Nima, I want collapsed!

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