A Unique Hunter

Chapter 728: Action "4"

"Everyone, everybody, the purpose of our gathering here tonight is to allocate a route to attack the Magic City at dawn tomorrow." In the headquarters of the small town of Wosai, near the border of the Magic City, the Satya Empire has several regiments. The chief and some important officials gathered together. It was the chief of staff of the Satya Emperor who was also the deputy commander of the war.

"Commander in chief, what else is there to say, everyone just rushed over, the soft eggs of Magic City, but the equipment is better than us." The first commander of the Southeastern Cavalry Regiment of the Satya Empire drank a sip of wine. Then said loudly.

This cavalry regiment commander had just finished speaking, and someone immediately stood up and shouted: "You are beautiful, if you do this, your cavalry is not full of mouthfuls, and we infantry deserve it?"

"Yes, yeah, this route must be allocated." The infantry occupied a large number of them, so someone immediately agreed.

"Hmph, what's the matter with the cavalry, who made you not a cavalry?" the commander of another cavalry regiment said angrily.

"You or him are nothing, should we go out and practice, relying on our wife to treat others as the head of the cavalry regiment, if it were me, I would have taken a knife and cut my own stuff? Forget it.” Someone scolded sharply.

"Damn bastard, who are you talking about?" the one who had just spoken immediately roared.

"Haha. Whoever talks about it, understand!" Someone immediately roared, cavalry and infantry are not compatible, because the military expenditure of the empire is several times that of the infantry, but the number is only a fraction of that of the infantry, so the chief of the cavalry unit There is a lot of money, which can be considered fatal, but the chiefs of the cavalry unit have backgrounds, so the infantry has been unconvinced.

The deputy commander smiled and said nothing, because the leader didn't want his subordinates to hold the city, especially the soldiers, that would be very difficult to manage and there would be some contradictions.

"Okay, okay, I'm now announcing the two latest orders of your majesty." The deputy commander stood up immediately and said loudly, because if he doesn't get up, the people below will fight.

"Wow!" Everyone fought immediately and listened solemnly to His Majesty's orders.

"The following is your majesty's order. First, your majesty ordered us to advance to the small town of Veria, which is 500 kilometers away from the Magic City, before sunset tomorrow. It is also the southernmost gateway of the Magic City and the most important transportation hub.

The Second Majesty ordered us to strike down the small town of Vilia if we can defeat it, and if we can’t, we will blockade the town of Vilia and wait for the arrival of the Royal Cavalry.

The third is a special order. Individuals can get half of the spoils in this war.

The fourth is that if necessary, logistics materials can be supplemented on the spot.

The order is over! The deputy commander announced loudly, seeing the eyes of these subordinates glow like a wolf, the deputy commander was very excited, because this time the commander in chief is the Emperor.

Opening up territory is a great contribution to history, so it is strange that the deputy commander is not excited.

"Yes! Long live your majesty, long live your majesty!" The generals of these regiments heard such good news, especially the next two news. They were thrilled. You must know that the residents of Magic City are extremely wealthy. They usually see them when patrolling. Those wealthy people across the river, these officials said it was false not to be jealous, but what is meant by your majesty’s order now, that is, just let it go. What an exciting order this is.

Moreover, there are so many nobles living in the Magic City, beautiful maids, strong mounts, and sophisticated equipment. All of these are now their own things in the minds of the generals of the Satya Empire.

"Okay. Let's assign the action route. Each legion has its own way. Our gathering place is the small town of Vilia. As for the specific action route, we will randomly assign it and let each legion commander grab it." Deputy Commander There has been a good solution for a long time, so that the distribution is the easiest.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" But at this moment, there was a violent cracking sound outside.

"What's the matter?" The deputy commander shouted immediately.

"Report, your lord, there is a fire in the tenth legion of the Northeast Army." The leader of the guards outside immediately came in and reported loudly.

"What, it's impossible, it's more than 30 kilometers away from us!" The deputy commander immediately shouted loudly.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up to inquire, and gather all the soldiers." The deputy commander saw everyone still in a daze, and immediately shouted loudly.

"Yes!" Everyone swarmed out of the headquarters of the town.

"God!" Everyone went out to look, and sure enough, there was a fire at the station of the Tenth Army of the Northeast Corps, and half of the sky was reflected in red.

"Beep toot! Toot!" A rapid whistle sounded around the town.

"My lord, I'm leaving first." The head of the 10th Corps left a word and hurried away with people.

"The first brigade, the second brigade, immediately marched towards the tenth legion’s resident, be sure to drag the army in the magic city, this time we can go to war with the magic city in an open and honest manner, the guards, immediately report to your majesty, we have suffered A sneak attack to the Magic City.” The deputy commander commanded loudly.

"My lord, but your previous report said that our small group of troops had already moved in the opposite side." The guard immediately reminded in a low voice.

"Damn it!" The deputy commander immediately cursed loudly. At that time, in order to make his majesty more determined to go to war, the deputy commander said in the report that part of the army had already entered the territory of Magic City.

"Order..." A series of defensive, offensive, and alert orders were issued, and all the generals hurriedly returned to their troops.

"Kill!" Baglu roared loudly, running over a thousand meters away from the intermediate beast mount, but only a few breaths.

The intelligence personnel sitting behind Baghlu looked at the marching, almost still a straight line of heavy armored cavalry. The heavy armored cavalry led by Baghrew had two hundred men in a straight line, and the distance between each cavalry was six meters. , There are three straight lines, and the remaining hundreds of cavalry keep running on both sides of the array.

"Boom!" The huge log fence was almost a piece of paper in front of the Intermediate Beast's eyes. With a loud bang, the huge log wall of more than 1,000 meters was directly smashed into a pile of sawdust.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Numerous magics were released from the monster mount's head and mouth, and everything within two hundred meters of the monster mount turned into countless fragments.

After the magic attack was completed, these monster mounts, whether it was a tent, a sentry tower, or other things, directly crushed them.

"Puff puff! Puff puff! Puff puff!" The heavy armored knight's weapon was only stretched out obliquely, and there was no trace of waving, but whenever the mount flashed past, the entire camp broke out densely. After the heavy cavalry passed, the entire camp was enveloped in red mist.

"Hiss!" The intelligence officer sitting behind Baglu took a breath of air. After the three heavy armored cavalry queues, there was no standing thing on the cavalry line, everything was mixed in the mud.

"Free attack!" Baglu's voice awakened the intelligence agent. At this time, the intelligence agent discovered that a military camp of 20,000 people had been penetrated in such a short time. The huge camp was full of blazing fires. There was also a disgusting scorching smell, and the original majestic barracks seemed to be run over by a huge road roller.

"General, there is no one left." A troll knight reminded.

"It's not fun. Take the squadron as a unit. Go ahead and go!" Baglu shook his head. He just finished warming up, and then ordered loudly. Then, under the guidance of the intelligence personnel, he pointed to another Satie. The place where the Asian Empire is garrisoned.

"Devil, devil, devil, this is the devil from hell!" Two soldiers emerged from a ditch hundreds of meters away. One of the soldiers kept shaking the bottle in his hand, his entire hand trembling.

"Damn it, what are you doing, run!" The other was awakened by the muttering of a companion next to him, and immediately roared. The two were looking for a place to drink alcohol. When the magic crystal bombarded the camp, the two of them They stood up, but before the two of them had time to do anything, they saw the frightening scene just now. The huge camp was as if it had never been before, but the blazing fire and the smell of burnt smell made People understand that all this is true.

"Ah! Devil!" The companion holding the bottle roared frantically and rushed towards the non-existent barracks, then was swallowed by flames, and the other disappeared into the black wilderness without looking back.

According to the final statistics, there were no more than ten survivors of the Tenth Legion of the Northeastern Corps of the Satya Empire. Six of them committed suicide in the following year. The rest became mentally ill, and only one was normal. But as long as he sees fire and red things, he immediately finds a dark place to hide.

"This guy!" When Cook saw the fire coming here after more than half an hour in the magic airship, he couldn't help being speechless. Cook went directly to the small town of Veria through the teleportation array, and then used the flying scroll directly. Came to the small town on the border of the Magic City, and then took the magic airship to the Satya Empire, but the speed of the magic airship was as fast as the intermediate-level monsters. When Cook arrived, it was already a sea of ​​fire, and watched it on the magic airship. Go, dozens of kilometers away is also a sea of ​​flames.

"Master, shall we still chase?" Sebastian asked with a bruised nose.

"Fart, go back!" Cook kicked Sebastian angrily.

"There is no mercy for the rebels!" Bagrul's voice was so conspicuous in the dark night.

"General, there are our intelligence personnel in the town of Serra. I think we will divide our troops into two locations and attack at the same time. Then we will follow this road and directly attack the capital of the Satya Empire." The intelligence agent behind Gelu saw the combat effectiveness of these heavy cavalry, and immediately began to think carefully.

"You, don't say it earlier, go look for it." Bagru roared badly, the intelligence agent immediately slipped off the mount, and then, under the guard of two ogre knights, marched on the street full of corpse fragments. .

The town of Serra is the temporary military headquarters of the Satya Empire, so the number of troops stationed is more than 30,000, and there are 5,000 cavalry. However, facing the cavalry wearing magical heavy armor riding an intermediate beast , It only took ten more minutes. It was just an interspersed back and forth. Of course, before the attack, it must be a round of magic attacks. The magic attacks of a thousand middle-level monsters immediately caused the army here to lose a third. One, the rest hadn't reacted and turned into countless fragments, and after seeing the intermediate-level monsters, the cavalry's mounts were all limp and only a few ran away madly.

The intelligence officer came back not long afterwards, behind him was a thin old man. This is the intelligence leader here. Baglu ordered loudly: "Large size, slow to attack the nearby garrison, fast to attack the other A garrison, and then let's march forward to the imperial capital of the Satya Empire, march forward!"

In the stunned eyes of the intelligence agent ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Baglu gave such a vague order, but the thousand cavalry immediately divided into two parts, and attacked their own targets separately, and for ten minutes From now on, the surviving people in the town of Sierra, no matter it was at night, all ran to the surrounding open fields. In the end, the town of Sierra was abandoned. Until hundreds of years later, the land here was smashed in any place. In the grass, you can see the broken bones.

"Devil! Devil! Devil!" Under the leadership of a dozen elite guards, the deputy commander of the Satya Empire rushed out of the town of Serra for the first time. The deputy commander was pale, because all this came from. It was too sudden, and people didn't have the slightest preparation. If it weren't for the clever guards, these dozen people would not want to leave.

"My lord, what should I do now?" The guard leader also paled. Although the leader himself is a seventh-level knight, when the seventh-level knight known as the sky knight on the mainland saw the lineup of heavy cavalry, the first The reaction was to set up the deputy commander and ran away. Only a dozen of the more than one hundred elite guards ran out. Just kidding, there were all mid-level monster mounts and magic heavy armor. The sky actually understood how terrifying this team was. , Not to mention the sky knights, even the dragon knights did not dare to confront the one thousand intermediate-level beasts and the tall and heavy armor knights.

"Empire, it's over!" The deputy commander fell into a coma after just saying this.

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