A Unique Hunter

Chapter 732: Plane Alliance

There are still a lot of things that need to be handled by Cook. The trade with the Sea Clan is only reached an agreement and has not been implemented. Also, the promotion of Mekay Bank has just begun. The construction of the Bright Empire has just been planned, but it is different. What is going on in the big families? This is always a danger hidden in the dark

So Cook threw these things to the people around him, and then he began to travel to the plane alliance because Cook knew that even if there was something wrong with the things mentioned above, he would have a chance to remedy it and would not have much influence on his own power. It’s just making money, so Cook thought for a while and then went straight to the alien plane.

"Cook, take care," Lina reluctantly said to Cook. Originally, Lina and Sia were going to accompany Cook, but Cook considered that the family needs someone to sit in, so Cook didn’t bring anyone with Cook. I want to take Mickey, but Mickey herself doesn't want to because Mickey thinks it is a burden to go

Sia also has tears in Mickey's eyes, and even Manli with red eyes is also reluctant. As for Umei, she looked at Cook with encouraging eyes, and Cook looked around and hugged Xiaolei and sister Lily again, and then she didn't look back. Enters the pioneer magic spacecraft

The Pioneer magic spacecraft is the so-called prison that Cook obtained on the holy mountain of the Orc Empire. Cook put the magic crystals in the plane teleportation array into the Pioneer ship. Cook's current authority has increased a lot and a lot. Function Cook has been able to use

What makes Cook hopeful for this trip to the alien plane is that the pioneer can directly transmit across the plane. According to Cook’s understanding, it is a space jump and does not require any wormholes and the like. Just know the plane coordinates. Can be sent directly

Of course, this time Cook did not prepare the mechanical guards on the Pioneer to be brought on by Cook. The other legendary three-eyed fox was also brought on by Cook. Kaka was also brought to the mouth. Was placed in the pioneer

"Pioneering closed its exit"

"Start the power system, start the balance system, start the gravity system"

"Launch" Cook issued a series of commands. Originally, when Cook was a first-level Mageweave, he simply controlled the mana spacecraft by mental power for a short time. After the level was improved, Cook could directly use language commands and manually operate the connection. Cook also sighed that the treatment is different

Cook looked at the huge magic crystal ball showing the surrounding scenes. The reason why he said it was huge is because Cook was sitting directly under the crystal ball and the magic projection emitted by the crystal ball directly showed the scenery around the pioneer, and Cook was also in front of it. The best crystal ball and there are also some tie rods. The crystal ball in front of Cook is the core of the voice control, and the rest of the tie rods are not much different from those on the ship.

Under the gazes of Xia and others, the magical spacecraft gave out countless faint rays of light. Xia sighed: "The magic alloy used to depict these magic patterns is simply too good."

Lina also nodded because the better the magic alloy, the smaller the obstacle to magic power, the smaller the light it emits, and the magic fluctuations will also become smaller.

A hundred-meter-long mana spaceship needs so much power, but the magic light emitted by such a huge magic power operation is only a faint white light, and the mana spaceship does not emit light after it is activated.

The speed of the magic spacecraft increased suddenly. Cook can clearly see the smaller and smaller forest buildings and farmland inside the spacecraft.

Cook looked at the spacecraft. The height of the spacecraft has exceeded 20,000 meters and it is increasing at a speed of several thousand meters per second. Soon Cook can no longer see the ground covered by clouds. Instead, the sun is getting more and more dazzling.

The excitement in Cook's heart, the starry sky, the starry sky with countless legends circulating in that plane and world, Cook finally set foot

And the magic spacecraft has gravity magic patterns, so Cook walks inside the spacecraft as if on the ground, and Cook is also surprised to find that flying the magic spacecraft in space not only does not consume energy, but it is still replenishing it.

"Enable long-distance detection of the magic pattern array" Cook ordered again

This is an array composed of dozens of detection magic patterns. At the same time, Cook also has a preliminary understanding of space. The spacecraft consumes almost no power in space because as long as it reaches the initial speed, it will continue to use this inertia in space. The hardest thing in space is not to start but to brake

There are countless dangers in space. Distances of hundreds to thousands of kilometers in space are not difficult at all. Some meteorites fly at speeds of thousands of kilometers per second, so space is an extremely dangerous place.

And if there is no protective magic pattern of the magic spacecraft, the temperature facing the sun is as high as hundreds of degrees, and the place without light is tens of degrees below zero.

After Cook experienced the initial excitement, he felt uncomparable because the space was almost dark except for the planets that reflected light, but if these planets were visible, it would be a waste of time if they arrived.

"Activate Teleportation Mageweave" Cook felt very uncomfortable and then issued the activation of interplanetary teleportation

"Plane coordinates..." Cook entered that the coordinates are different from the thirty-six digits of the internal coordinates of the plane. The space coordinates are only six digits and the area covered by the six-digit space coordinates is a galaxy but a rough idea. Area

And this kind of teleportation actually depends on bad luck. It is possible to directly teleport into some planets, but in general, it will not be because as long as it is a planet, the magic wave will affect the teleportation. When teleporting, the magic pattern will be avoided. Open these interferences to achieve the best transmission effect

Now Cook is preparing to teleport. After the teleportation is activated, the magic pattern will form a spatial fluctuation between the two spaces to communicate the two places. At this time, the person who initiates the teleportation should pay attention to it.

Because it is a plane teleportation, the location is random. The teleport point mapped in this space will move randomly. During the movement, Cook will see the magic fluctuations on the opposite side. The greater the impact on the current teleportation point, the greater the proof that there are magic fluctuations around. The source and these sources may be an erupting volcano or a tornado, more likely a battle or a powerful monster passing by accidentally

So after the magic pattern transmission was discovered, people were very wise to choose to transmit to the point with the lowest transmission interference. This way, the safety factor of the area with no magic fluctuations has greatly improved what Cook is doing now.

"Transport" Cook breathed a sigh of relief that the probability of encountering magical fluctuations affecting the transmission is too low. Just after starting the interplanetary teleportation, Cook found that there is no abnormal reaction. The magic transmission is not abnormal because of the existence of magical fluctuations. Plane teleportation needs to consume more mana, so by looking at the fluctuation of mana consumption, you can see whether there is any influence on the mana fluctuation on the other side.

"Woohoo" even Cook felt that the entire magic spacecraft made a whine and the surrounding scenery went dark.

Obviously, the transmission affected the magic power transmission in the spacecraft itself, so the surrounding area of ​​Cook was pitch black, but the control magic crystal ball that was teleported across planes was still on, which proved that the transmission was normal.

After a few seconds, the light around Cook suddenly lit up. Cook found that he was still in the void and there were two suns around, one far away and the other relatively close.

Cook breathed a sigh of relief and then carefully looked around and decided to fly around to see the surrounding situation. Cook was in the control room in front of the spacecraft. Cook opened the protective shutter of the ship's porthole and must open the shutter when transmitting. The powerful energy will directly smash this porthole polished with a large magic crystal

"Warning you are close to the border of the Faral Empire, please report the spacecraft number. The purpose of the flight..." Just when Cook was puzzled, a harsh sound rang from Cook's control room.

"Who is talking on the pioneer" Cook asked loudly

Then Cook saw an astonishing scene. There is a quietly standing floating building tens of thousands of kilometers away. This building is like a huge sphere full of metal texture.

And what surprised Cook even more is that the pioneer gave out what this ball is.

"The magical guard sentry is used for border guards and the combat effectiveness is extremely low." Cook instantly understood what it was.

"Nima, an empire actually divides the border in space" Cook secretly complained

"The intruder informs the number of your spacecraft and your destination" and just when Cook hesitated what to do, five magic ships appeared and sent a message to Cook

"Peat" Cook doesn't know why he must have met the patrol

"I'm sorry I encountered an accident during the teleportation. What is your place?" How did Cook inform his identity that Cook had his eyes darkened, but Cook still bit the bullet and replied

Because the five mana spaceships on the opposite side are larger than Cook’s and are more than three hundred meters long, and the hulls of these mana spaceships have at least hundreds of black metal cylinders. Cook uses his **** to think about it. That must be a weapon

"Guardian 2 mana spaceship threat level: extremely low" Just when Cook wondered how big these five mana spaceships are, Pioneer already has detailed information about these five mana spacecraft. Obviously, Pioneer is scanning. When these mana spaceships were on the opposite side, they didn’t even notice

"The lucky guy doesn't know what kind of goods you are transporting" the person opposite exclaimed

"Uh, some magical materials, but how do I know that there will be accidents when teleporting?" Cook replied with a cry

"Well, you need to go to the fort with us to do a registration." Another message was sent from the five magic spaceships on the opposite side. Obviously the other party thought that Cook was a transport spacecraft.

Because there is no magic crystal cannon barrel on Cook’s Pioneer, of course, there are hundreds of attacking magic pattern arrays. The power of this thing is different from the hundreds of millimeters of naval guns and 60mm mortars.

Moreover, the magic pattern array can be combined at will. Several magic pattern arrays can be combined to attack together. This attack power must be abnormal. Even a single magic pattern is more powerful than this magic crystal cannon. After all, the magic crystal cannon uses a magic array. The magic pattern is one level higher

"Okay" what can Cook say, so I agreed

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