A Unique Hunter

Chapter 733: fighting

Please visit the latest free chapters in this book. What Cook didn't know was that the people on the five mana spaceships opposite were discussing Cook's five mana spaceships as a patrol team. The main mission of these patrol teams was to keep the guard mission on the border of the Farrar Empire.

In the starry sky, there are not only ferocious star beasts, but also some broken meteorites. These patrol teams not only clean up the meteorites leading to the empire, but also clean up the star beasts. They also face star thief, so they usually operate together with five mana spaceships. Because there is no deterrent to star beasts and star thief

"Captain, this is a fat sheep." A man in the lead of the five magic spaceships, wearing a Farrar empire costume, is looking at Cook's pioneer on the magical projection.

Rows of information are displayed, length, height, width, and approximate load. Cook’s magic spacecraft has no gaps at all, which proves that it is a pure cargo spacecraft.

It should be understood that the general cargo spacecraft in the Farrar Empire will not act alone. The cargo spacecraft that act alone, but with the presence of sunglasses and guns, are called armed transport spacecraft.

Spaceships like Cook that specialize in transporting goods generally transport valuable goods and then have a special **** spacecraft, so this man judged that it was a fat sheep

"Hehe, seeing that we are about to change defenses, there is still such a good thing, but let's first find out what is on the spaceship. Rassil asked the other party to fill in the check form and search to see if there is any space near our empire. Teleporting abnormal things" said the man who was called the group leader with a smile

The man next to "Head Wise" quickly flattered

And Cook looked at the item list that was asked to fill in by the other side. Cook touched his head and thought it was a routine. Cook didn't find the five magic spaceships around him sandwiching himself in the middle. Cook filled in some magic materials at random, of course. After all, it’s impossible to use the magic spacecraft to transport the more advanced magic materials.

Rassil looked at the list of items that Cook had filled out with a smile, and said, "The captain has a problem. Look at the magic materials on this. If you are transporting such things, there is no need to use a special cargo ship. There are two possibilities. The first is that this kid is afraid that we will have some thoughts when we know what is being transported. The other is that this is a smuggling spacecraft. These two may indicate that the cargo on this spacecraft is valuable. "

"Okay, order the spacecraft to turn to the meteorite area and solve this guy." The man called the captain heard Rassil's words and gave a loud command in his eyes.

"Yes" The personnel on the five mana spaceships are all excited. The reason why these guys are willing to come to the boring starry sky to do patrol missions is that sometimes there is such a chance to make a fortune. You must know that this is a vast starry sky that is worthless to kill people. Throwing things directly into the meteorite area or directly to the sun is a good way to destroy the corpses.

And the most important thing is that Cook does not have a pass. If this thing is recorded by the guard post, it is still a troublesome thing. If there is no pass, it is not the people who have the final say.

Of course, Cook didn’t know that he met a group of guys who made bad ideas about him. Cook was still glad that someone led the way. The boring flight didn’t last long. Cook saw a huge meteorite field in the distance.

"Excuse me, why are there so many meteorites ahead" Cook asked subconsciously

"Hehe, this meteorite zone is a natural defense." The answer on the other side left Cook confused. Although the defense is very good, it is also an obstacle to traffic.

Cook immediately asked: "Is it going to cross the meteorite belt?"

"Yes" The answer on the other side made Cook feel his scalp numb because the meteorite belt on the opposite side occupies a large area. From time to time, some meteorites collide with each other and produce countless lasing fragments.

"Improve the shield level by two levels" Cook subconsciously ordered

Cook’s Pioneer began to shine with a shining light. Cook didn’t know that it was this light that made the people on the five mana spaceships on the opposite side mistakenly think that Cook had discovered something, so the commander on the opposite immediately shouted: "No. So I was discovered by this kid and gave me all the magic crystal cannons to freely attack for three rounds"

"Boom Rumble" Cook didn’t react before the whole spaceship shook, and then a huge roar sounded.

"Warning warn of being attacked by the enemy" a harsh sound rang

"Damn" Cook also saw countless dazzling white lights from the five magical spaceships opposite from the magical projection. These white lights directly bombarded his pioneer.

You must know that the distance between each spacecraft in the starry sky is at least 100 kilometers. Because the starry sky is not as free to turn and brake as on the ground, the minimum warning distance is 100 kilometers.

The most powerful attack on Cook is the three magic spaceships behind Cook. More than 80% of the magic crystal cannons of the three magic spaceships have activated the attack on Cook’s Pioneer, while the two in front have the firepower. Weak a lot. After all, the two butts in the front are aimed at Cook’s Pioneer

"Okay." The people on the five magic spaceships cheered when they saw Cook's Pioneer being enveloped by the surging magic crystal cannon beams.

"You bastards, be careful not to blow up the contents"

"Don't worry, it's not the first time we have done this kind of thing, leader. We are sure to just smash the shell of this guy." Then there was a burst of laughter from the magic spacecraft.

And Cook did not react for a long time to the energy fired by the magic crystal cannon, directly hitting the pioneer, and Cook had never experienced such a scene, and the harsh sound of the alarm continued.

"Shield drop 2% warning warning" the harsh sirens made Cook wake up

"Attack the pioneer, attack me." Cook screamed. Cook now understands what is here. The patrol team is obviously a group of robbers.

"Please select the weapon type, attack system and energy intensity..." However, the Blazer does not have an intelligent system, so it keeps reminding Cook

"Damn damn" Cook now finally knows why the mana spaceship can't be controlled by himself, Cook hurriedly chooses the weapon, then the system, and finally the energy intensity

When Cook was in a hurry, the people in the five mana spaceships on the opposite side exclaimed, "Look at the leader."

Everyone saw through the magic projection that Cook’s Pioneer was intact, and the captain's eyes widened and then shouted: "Strongly attack Nima, there must be something in the transport ship with this level of protection."

"The captain should lower the defensive cover" a person next to him whispered quietly

"The energy of the rain cover is reduced by half and given priority to the magic crystal cannon. Give me a hard blow to the tortoise shell." The leader's saliva flowed down. The transport spacecraft that can withstand the bombardment of the Empire-standard magic spacecraft has not been damaged. How precious is the stuff

"No, this may be a transport ship of a higher level of civilization" and then a crazier idea appeared in the head of the regiment

The group leader thought that the rest of the people in the spaceship could also think of someone, so he shouted: "God, this is not an advanced civilized transport ship, right?"

"No, if that's the case, wouldn't we be developed"

"It's a high-level civilized transport ship that is a treasure here. If we dedicate this thing to the empire, each of us will have a noble title."

"Open fire to Lao Tzu and don't let this guy run away" and some people shouted loudly

Because the blockade of high-level civilizations against low-level civilizations is very powerful, especially for such important things as mana spacecraft. Because a mana spacecraft can be said to be a collection of the peak forces of the entire civilization. If the empire has such a spacecraft for research Objects are very good for the development of the empire

"Meteor Cannon Turns On" The man as the head of the group commanded loudly

"The Captain's Meteor Cannon is too powerful and consumes too much magic power." Someone immediately reminded that the Meteor Cannon was used to bombard the large meteorites in the channel. These meteorites are tens of kilometers in size, so they require extremely powerful attack energy.

Of course, this type of meteorite cannot be solved with a single attack. This patrol magic airship is aimed at meteorites with a diameter of one kilometer or less and the meteor cannon is not a product of the empire itself but a product of the fifth level of civilization. It is extremely precious and every maintenance requires an alchemist of level 5 civilization to maintain the price of maintenance is a huge number, but without this thing, the safety of the channel cannot be guaranteed.

The Meteor Cannon is also something that the fifth-level civilization has to sell. After all, the safety of the waterway is of great importance, but the Meteor Cannon, a low-level civilization, only has the right to use it. It only knows how to operate it and the number is limited. These five magic spacecraft have the Meteor Cannon as the flagship of the group leader. And the charging time is longer. After all, this is not allowed to be used in the battle to clean up the meteorite. This is also one of the methods of the fifth level civilization to restrict the abuse of the meteor cannon.

"Listen to my order to prepare the other magic crystal cannons to stop." The commander said loudly because the commander urgently wanted to know what precious things would be in the high-level civilized transport ship and as long as he owns this one. The magical spacecraft of high-level civilization itself is a spoiler of merit, and may be able to get a planet as a territory

The subordinate on the side of "Yes" immediately began to prepare

"The commander needs two minutes" the soldier controlling the meteor cannon replied loudly

"Rumble" But just after the soldier finished speaking, a violent explosion sounded, and then a dazzling fireball erupted in the magic image. Everyone was stunned because it was a magic spaceship of the patrol team that exploded just now.

"Boom Rumble" followed by a huge fireball rising again

"What the **** is going on" the head of the group was dumbfounded and asked sharply.

The third fireball of "Boom Rumble" only took two seconds.

"Look here, commander," one of the soldiers exclaimed and then pointed to Cook's pioneer.

After the soldier screamed, everyone looked at Cook's Trailblazer in the magic image. They only saw the strange patterns on one side of Cook's Trailblazer. Then these patterns converged on the center point and then one by one. A huge fireball with a diameter of tens of meters was formed, and then this super fireball rushed to the nearby patrol magic spacecraft

"Boom Rumble" huge fireball directly hit this magic spaceship to pieces

"What kind of fireball is this, why can destroy the mana spaceship? You need to know that the mana spaceship not only has a magic shield but also a shell made of extremely hard magic alloy." A soldier exclaimed in disbelief.

"Impossible, impossible, how could it be a magic pattern? How could it be a magic pattern? Meteor Cannon Meteor Cannon attacked me, attacked me," the man called the captain murmured to himself, and finally roared angrily.

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