A Unique Hunter

Chapter 735: Mix into the Green Forest Empire

Cook was excited and rushed to the warehouse, while the pioneer is still flying. Flying in space does not require any skills. Just don’t hit those meteorites or planets. It seems that the distance between the planet and the planet is extremely far away. In fact, it’s not far to fly for countless hours. What we have to do now is to stay away from the Faral Empire. After all, we just solved a magic spaceship patrol.

Cook watched as the muzzle of the meteorite that was thicker than his own thigh came out. The meteorite gun was actually a metal cylinder, but it was obviously a special magic alloy.

This meteor cannon is more than two meters high. There is a square base at the back and the meteor cannon is fused together. The cylinder of the meteor cannon has countless strange patterns. But a closer look at Cook found that these are some magic patterns.

And these magic patterns are embedded in the metal barrel. Cook understands this refining method

According to the method of refining, the refining of magic pattern equipment is divided into three types. The first type is extremely simple and flat, which is to engrave the magic pattern on the surface of the equipment. This is called the primary magic pattern equipment. The characteristics of the magic pattern equipment are easy. Repair and the material requirements for the equipment are not very strict, but the disadvantage is that it is easy to damage

The second type is the Meteorite Cannon, which is embedded. This type is to first refine the magic pattern and tie it up in advance like the steel bars inside when pouring the beam, and then pouring the magic alloy cylinder.

This method requires very strict requirements for the refining technique. The ratio of temperature, the hardness of the magic alloy and the refining of the magic pattern can not make a mistake, and because the magic pattern is inlaid in the magic alloy, it is against the magic metal of the refining magic pattern. The requirements are very high. After all, the magic pattern is wrapped in magic alloy and too much magic power is lost during operation, which will affect the operation of the magic pattern.

The third and deepest one is to directly use the spirit force to depict the magic pattern when pouring the magic alloy cylinder. This is very abnormal for the refiner's technical requirements, but the advantage is that such magic equipment does not work as long as it does not work. Others can't find out that it is magic equipment. After all, the magic pattern is hidden in the magic alloy cylinder.

And the third refining method is the most confidential because when refining the second embedded type, the refining magic pattern is definitely harder than the magic alloy, and the temperature resistance is also higher. If the technology is good enough, you can take it slowly. The stripping of the magic alloy is like smashing the steel bars in the concrete, but the third type cannot be cracked at all.

Cook watched carefully for a while and discovered that the meteor cannon is an embedded magic pattern equipment refining method, and Cook was moved: "Can the pioneer scan this meteor cannon?"

"The Burst Meteor Cannon is classified as a confidential level and the authority is not enough." How can I know that the pioneer directly rejected Cook's request?

Instead of being frustrated, Cook asked excitedly: "That is to say, there are drawings."

"Yes, you can check it when you reach the fourth level of the Mageweave Master." The pioneer replied affirmatively.

"What level am I now" Cook asked awkwardly, forgetting what level he was.

If the "Level 3" pioneer was alone, he would definitely not answer, but this is just a system composed of some memory magic patterns.

"Level 3" Cook is depressed, it's just one level worse, isn't it

"So how to quickly escalate permissions" Cook asked

"Learning to use the knowledge of magic weave" The pioneer's answer made Cook's eyes wide open

Cook took the Meteorite Cannon and left because it was not time to learn the magic pattern knowledge base. Ke directly threw the Meteorite Cannon into his natural space, but in exchange for the roar of Windsor, it was obvious that Cook was throwing things out again.

Cook feels that he should study the star map first and better. Cook is still a little bit confused about the star map because the star map is a three-dimensional image. The star map contains the star maps of the two star regions. blurry

The two star regions are the Cancer region, because the 13 stars in this region form a Cancer shape, and the other is the Kilo region. The Kilo region is a circular star region.

The Farrard Empire is in the Cancer Star Territory and there are several empires in the Cancer Territory. The Farrer Empire is just near the big tongs in the upper left corner of the Cancer Territory, and there are two empire Cancer's backs around the other big tongs. And there are several empires in the belly of Cancer

Kilo Star Region Cook does not think about the distance is too far unless the space coordinates are known, and the Farrar Empire does not mark the space coordinates of the Kilo Star Region.

However, the more than 20 human habitable planets in the Cancer Star Territory have spatial coordinates and a brief introduction.

"Go here for the Green Forest Empire" Cook took a look at the empire near the pincers in the upper right corner of the Cancer constellation. This empire has four living plane planets and the rest are mineral planets or volcanic glaciers and other planets are not suitable Ordinary human settlement

"Space Teleport Start" Cook chose this place because it is relatively close to his position. Teleportation consumes very little energy because when Cook teleports from home, the magic power in the magic crystal consumes a third of it. It’s not that two magic crystals, Cook, dare not teleport again

The area that Cook chose was more than 4 million kilometers away from the planet Leysen of the Green Forest Empire because this was the border of the Green Forest Empire.

"Intruder report your identity and purpose." Cook heard the same voice as soon as he approached the border of the Green Forest Empire. Cook looked around this time and found a spot mixed with metallic light hundreds of kilometers above his head. Obviously this is also a warning post

"I just want to replenish it." Cook didn't say his purpose but just replenish it.

"Please wait" the guard sent this answer

Cook waited for half an hour to find a small magic spacecraft quickly approaching his pioneer. The shape of this small magic spacecraft was very strange, and it was still green like a willow leaf.

"Intruder, I am the Green Leaf, a subordinate of the First Patrol Squad of the Third Army of the Green Forest Empire Southeast Corps. Please let go of the magic rain cover. We have to conduct routine inspections." Cook has not had time to ask anyone else and report his identity.

"Okay" Cook is also a last resort, plus the opponent is just a small magic spaceship, so Cook released the rain cover and opened the hatch

Cook widened his eyes and watched the 20-meter-long little magic spaceship on the opposite side. Two figures flew out from above. These two figures were all wrapped in a magic shield and went directly into Cook's magic spaceship.

The magic spaceship is not like a spaceship on the earth. There is a transitional compartment when entering the magic spacecraft. There is a magic barrier at the door of the magic spacecraft to protect the air from losing. The gravity area is also limited in this barrier but does not prevent people or things from passing through. Pass

"What are the things going there for life, age, occupation level?" After the two came over, Cook took them directly to the control room. The two people were surprised when they saw the gorgeous control room and then asked.

"Cook's age is thirty. The human occupation is a hunter. The level six transports some magic herbs." Cook knew that this was inevitable.

"Open the cargo compartment, let’s see." The two patrolmen are always wrapped in a strange costume, but they seem to have almost the same function as the space suit.

"Please" Cook directly opened the cargo hold. This cargo hold is equipped with a space expansion magic array, so it seems that these two cargo holds occupy a large volume of the spacecraft.

"It's actually a living magic herb." The two asked in astonishment as they looked at the live magic herbs in the cabin.

"Hehe, I bought it from a plant trainer" Cook replied triumphantly. The plant trainer was told by Cook from the three mercenaries.

"My God, they are all treasure-level magic herbs." After the two entered inside, they realized that these magic herbs were actually treasure-level. You know, the cargo compartment is tens of meters wide and there are magic herbs on the shelves. There are thousands of plants and there is no way Windsor wants to clean up the garden, so Cook had to put these things into the magic spacecraft. Cook originally planned to sell them.

"You are going there" the two soldiers finally asked

"Falar Empire" Cook touched his head and replied

"Unfortunately to tell you that these treasure-level magic herbs are not allowed to circulate in the Farrar Empire. Now you have two choices. The first is to transport these things to our Green Forest Empire to trade in the Green Forest Empire." Two soldiers one Listen immediately

"What about the second kind" Cook asked suspiciously

"That is to resist and wait to be confiscated by our Green Forest Empire directly with the people and the ship." Cook did not expect that the second answer was actually this kind of answer.

Cook said palely: "But I already have a buyer"

"No, our Green Forest Empire and the Faral Empire are hostile, so all strategic materials cannot be circulated to the Faral Empire." The two soldiers obviously did not know that it was such a ship that looked like a transport ship that directly destroyed one part of the Faral Empire. Only the patrol team replied arrogantly

"Otherwise you would have not seen me" Cook asked pretending to be weak

"Oh no, you choose," the two soldiers chuckled and refused.

"But I go to this price like this" Cook showed a trace of worry

"We will not interfere with this as long as the items are not out of the Green Forest Empire" one of the two soldiers replied

"Okay, but my identity" Cook pretended to be helpless and agreed.

"You can rest assured that you are a smuggler, not as long as you are willing. Our Green Forest Empire will give you an identity." The joy in the hearts of the two soldiers. Looking at these treasure-level magic herbs, it is obvious that the level of the plant trainer is very high. It is a master-level war magic potion, but the higher the consumables, the higher the price of the magic potion during the war. If you have a good relationship with this plant trainer, the empire will gain some advantages in the war against the Faral Empire. This is related to the entire empire, so the two soldiers do not matter whether they do it or not, the master replied in a big way

"Okay, then" Cook made a gritted teeth movement, as if he was determined, in fact, he was already happy

After communicating with the patrol spacecraft for a while, the two soldiers of the "elves" directly ordered Cook to follow the patrol spacecraft, and the two of them finally took off the equipment that exuded the shield on their bodies, and Cook exclaimed after taking a look at it.

However, I glanced at the **** of the two female elves and then sighed in my heart: "Airport, airport"

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