A Unique Hunter

Chapter 736: Rushing

"Our Green Forest Empire is an empire that mainly believes in the goddess of nature, among which elves occupy the vast majority, but there are still humans who yearn for nature and other races." The elves replied.

Cook said, and didn't ask too much, because the more asked, the more exposed. You must know that the Green Forest Empire borders the Farrar Empire. If it is so close, it is not clear.

Cook did not speak much along the way. Although the two elven soldiers asked Cook some things from time to time, and often led the topic to the head of a non-existent plant cultivator, Cook laughed past him, because There is no such plant trainer at all.

And after half an hour, a huge mana spacecraft followed Cook. The reason why it is said to be huge is because the mana spacecraft is thousands of meters long and more than a thousand meters high. It looks like a It was in the shape of a huge fish, and behind the head of the fish, what Cook saw was the small willow-like mana spaceship that was docked full of just now. He counted it roughly, I am afraid there are hundreds of ships.

Cook secretly smacked his tongue, and the huge Momagic spacecraft was surrounded by large magic crystal cannons. At least there were thousands of them. Even if Cook already knew how powerful the Blazer was, Can not help secretly pinching a cold sweat.

"This is the flagship of the Magic Corps of our Green Forest Empire. There are a total of more than 360 Attack 3 Magic Spaceships on it, and this flagship itself carries more than 900 Magic Crystal Cannons, and there is also one. It's a super magic crystal cannon." The elf soldier looked at Cook's face and said proudly.

"It's amazing!" Cook exclaimed sincerely.

"Okay, ready, we will enter the space node." The elf soldier reminded Cook.

"Space node, open the defensive cover." Cook was puzzled, and then he saw a dark hole in the void in front, similar to a black hole, but the attack type 3 magic spacecraft that piloted hundreds of kilometers away directly lit up. The rain cover then disappeared into the black hole. Cook also put down his doubts and opened the rain cover.

"Wormhole?" When Cook's Pioneer appeared again in the starry sky, Cook was surprised to find that it was in another piece of airspace. Cook's surprise was conceivable.

"This is?" Cook had just finished his surprise when a big tree appeared in the distant star field.

Yes, it is a big green tree. This big tree grows on a plane planet. The height is two-thirds of the height of the planet. It is as beautiful as it is, but it is more shocking.

"This is our capital star." The elf soldier next to him also said with a look of drunkenness.

Looking at the planet getting closer and closer, Cook felt more and more insignificant. The big tree is at least tens of thousands of kilometers high. The upper leaves are red, and the lower leaves are green.

Under the guidance of the magic spacecraft in front, Cook saw the natural space dock, which was actually a space dock built on a huge branch.

"Really?" Cook looked at a tree trunk that was larger than the six-lane two-way road on the earth, and he was speechless, and Cook also found that there were countless people living on each layer of the tree, as well as cities.

"Please, Cook, we will take you to apply for a new identity certificate." The two elven soldiers sent Cook off the magic spacecraft, and immediately another group of soldiers arrived.

What makes Cook even more surprised is that these soldiers’ mounts are actually a red beetle, but this beetle is more than three meters high, and its sharp mouth is shining with a cold light. Cook looked at it and found it was nothing but Cook was a little puzzled by the magic light of low-level warcraft.

Under the leadership of the new soldiers, Cook moved from the branches to the trunk area of ​​the big tree. The width of the branches in this area was several thousand meters wide, and the circular wooden houses were built on these branches. And relying on the backbone to build a huge castle, Cook was dazzled.

Through mental power measurement, blood measurement, and magic power level measurement, Cook got a mental power-bound identity card. Cook looked at the silver-white card, which was similar to his own identity card.

Because the identity card of the Green Forest Empire is not only a symbol of status, but also a bank card and a credit card. As long as others check the card, they will know the credit rating of the person. People with poor credit will be wary of others, and of course they save money. The figures are definitely unknown to others.

"Well, Mr. Cook, you can move freely, but we will monitor your spaceship. This is the map of our Green Forest Empire." The soldiers escorting Cook left after speaking to Cook.

Cook picked up the so-called map, which was a scroll at all. After Cook opened the scroll, he was immediately shocked.

Because the magic map displayed on the scroll, Cook had to sigh: "Is he really advanced!"

As soon as Cook's mental power moves, this magic map slowly opens, just like the search engine of a tablet computer, and there is no need to do it. With the mental power, the place to find is located.

Cook closed the magic map and admired the scenery of the capital star. In fact, this big tree covered two-thirds of the planet. Cook looked at the houses on the side of the street. There are various shapes, round, pointed, one-layer, two-layer, dizzying.

Cook saw a tavern and stepped directly in. In this world, the tavern is undoubtedly one of the most informed places, and this place is also the next home for the thieves' union to sell news.

After Cook walked in and glanced around, the area of ​​the tavern was not too big, but it was not small. There were more than 30 tables, all of which were made of thick wood.

But the customers inside made Cook's eyes light up. There were elegant elves, loud dwarves, squeaky dwarfs, strong orcs, and unknown humans.

In short, this is a place where all races gather. Before Cook had time to ask anything, the waiter in the tavern shouted loudly: "This is the first time for the guests. Let's have a cup of flames. This is a specialty of our Green Forest Empire. ."

"Haha, okay!" Cook looked at a big-bellied pigeon selling drinks to him, nodded and agreed with a smile.

"Guest, let me tell you, this flame is brewed from the sap of this sugar maple tree. It is sweet in the mouth, but it has a great stamina, but it has a unique fragrance." The Pig guy poured Cook in a wooden wine glass. Said loudly after filling up half a cup of green liquid.

"Sugar Maple?" Cook was puzzled.

"Haha, we live on the sugar maple tree. This is one of the oldest tree species. As long as there is water, it can adapt to any environment." The Pigman explained with a laugh.

Cook finally learned that the tree's name was Sugar Maple, and the Pigs obviously talked a lot. He looked at Cook and asked, "Is the guest here for business?"

"Yes." Cook knew that this man had an idea, and replied without moving his head.

"What kind of category, we have price information for all the items here. If you want to dispose of the goods, we can also help." The Pigman rolled his eyes and whispered immediately. At this time, the Pigman is gone. When I greeted Cook just now, it gave people a rough feeling, but now it gives people a shrewd feeling.

Why does Cook find it so weird, piggy, shrewd?

"It's some magic herbs." Cook said.

"Magic herbs, good things. The price of current magic herbs has increased by almost 50% from three months ago. This is not the most abnormal. The price of those magic potions has doubled several times." Hearing what Cook said, he immediately said.

"Strongly, step aside, you can't eat the goods this time." But at this moment, a group of people came in in the tavern, and the headed man sat down, and then waved his hand to push the two extremely strong bears. The tavern owner, and a middle-aged dwarf sitting in front of Cook said rudely.

"Huh, I can't eat it, Farah, I can't eat it, you can eat it again?" The Pigman pushed the two bear men away, and then asked the dwarf with his eyes wide open.

"Hey, I said you still don't believe me, I'm an honest dwarf. This guest has at least thousands of magic herbs above the treasure level, and they are still alive. You can eat them vigorously?" The dwarf smiled. Then turned his head and said to the Pig.

"Treasure level? Thousands of plants?" The Pigman was stunned, Nima, is this talking about magic herbs?

"Hehe, not only the treasure level or above, but also one hundred and fifty years old." Cook added with a smile.

"God!" Pigman exclaimed.

"Your Excellency, do you want to shoot this batch of herbs?" The dwarf called Farah asked Cook with bright eyes.

"Hehe, I'm worried you can't eat it!" Cook said to the dwarf with a smile.

"Hahaha, haha!" The Pigman laughed vigorously beside him.

"How do you know that I can't eat it?" Farah didn't look angry at all, but asked with interest.

"Can you buy six-flowered sunflowers? Can you buy the thick-wrist thunder vine? And the head-sized crackers? Can you buy the one-meter-high green velvet grass? I also have gem-level magic herbs here, at least the gems are Tier 3 or higher, at least more than 600, can you buy them?" Cook pouted and asked a series of questions.

The middle-aged dwarf was stunned immediately. You must know that the most sunflower Nima is one flower. Two are already rare. The six-flowered sunflower is just in existence and legend.

Lei Guangteng~www.wuxiaspot.com~A kind of thunder-type magic herb. It is the main formula for refining powerful paralytic poison. Of course, it is not only a poison, but the fruit of the thunder-type magical power recovery agent, the general Leiguang vine. Just the thickness of the toothpick, because that thing is too harsh on the growth environment. Only on those steep mountain peaks, thunder and lightning elements will be produced between the peaks and the clouds. The thunder vine lives in places rich in thunder elements. , As for the green velvet grass, Nima is generally only two or three centimeters high, this meter high?

"And they are still alive! Alive!" Cooke added.

"Our dwarf chamber of commerce is very rich." Fara the dwarf came over from the reactor and immediately jumped in front of Cook, yelling loudly.

"Haha, it's Little Farah!" At this time, a vigorous voice came in from the gate, and the people Farah followed were thrown out of the tavern one by one, and someone shouted Little Farah, obviously meant to be provocative, because Farah is middle-aged, so by calling this small character, it means his figure?

"Damn it, bastard, you're an insult to me, I'm going to the Dwarf League to sue you!" What surprised Cook was that the originally hot-tempered dwarf yelled loudly after hearing this. , But yelling means to sue. Cook thinks this is not a dwarf at all, but a kid who has been bullied!

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