A Unique Hunter

Chapter 737: dispute

Cook did not look back to see who it was because Cook knew why these people were here. Instead, Cook said vigorously to the frowning Pigeon, "One more drink."

After talking about Cook, he handed over the empty wine glass and watched Cook’s actions vigorously. First, he was shocked and then quickly filled Cook with it.

"Fara won't leave and want me to throw you out" Cook finally appeared in the corner of his eyes, but Cook was surprised that this was actually a human

"Huh, this is not the territory of your pharmacist alliance" Farah hummed coldly and replied with some lack of confidence.

"Well then, gentleman..." the human turned his head and said loudly to Cook

"I'm sorry I don't like being disturbed when I drink." Cook interrupted the human being and replied with a smile. At the same time, he picked up the wine glass and walked to another table and began to taste the wine.

The humans of this pharmacist alliance are angry for it, and the dwarf Farah stuns loudly and yells: "Who should I pour wine?"

"I don't welcome you here, Gun Lao Tzu," the Pigman roared vigorously at the dwarf

"Rude Orc" Farah scolded angrily

"Insidious dwarf, dwarf, little dwarf," the Pigman replied vigorously and not to be outdone.

The dwarf is almost the shortest dwarf of all races. Although it seems short, it is mainly because the dwarf is very strong. In fact, the dwarf is generally more than one meter and five meters tall, while the dwarf is generally 1.2 meters tall. Then maybe there are only creatures like caveman goblins

So the little dwarf refers to the dwarf Farah who blows his beard and stares, but there is no way because this is after all a pub with a strong dwarf. If the trouble is here, the dwarf will definitely not have the advantage.

"Mr. Cook, our dwarf chamber of commerce is willing to pay a big price for Mr.'s magic herb." The dwarf was so angry that he had no choice but to suppress the orcs in business.

"Our dwarf Chamber of Commerce is willing to be 10% more willing than this **** Piggy" Farah pointed at the Piggy and shouted loudly.

Pig's face is green. Pig's strength is just making money as an intermediary. This **** dwarf has nothing to expect after saying that.

"Hehe Mr. Cook, our pharmacist alliance is willing to exchange high-quality potions for these magic herbs," while the humans of the pharmacist alliance laughed and said with confidence.

"Despicable" dwarf and Pigman cursed in a low voice at the same time because the herbs themselves are Cook's pharmacist alliance in exchange. If they are not fleece on the sheep, it has to be said that such conditions are very attractive because of the high-quality magic potions. Not so easy to buy at all

And Cook finally showed a hint of expression on his face without the slightest expression, but this expression makes people very puzzled, somewhat playful, disdainful, and even despised.

The three people present were puzzled about what this new Cooke meant, and the Pharmacist Alliance continued: "Your Excellency Cook, we can provide you with a batch of top-grade magic potions."

"Is there any sample of the top grade magic potion, let me take a look" Cook finally said again

The humans of the Apothecary Union laughed at Cooke’s words: "Your Excellency really found the right person. I just happen to have some high-quality magic potions on my body, which my mentor gave me."

And when the Pigeons and the dwarfs heard this human being said that their face was a little dark, the dwarves even secretly slandered: "Isn't Nima just having a master-level tutor?"

The Pigeons are even more depressed. You must know that the orcs are basically outstanding in close combat, so the demand for magic potions is even greater. It can be said that most of the orcs' income has become equipment and consumables, of which the potions occupy a large proportion. And high-quality medicine is even rarer to see. After all, the orcs in this world do not occupy the mainstream.

"Please see that this is a bottle of high-grade magic recovery potion." The humans of the Pharmacist Alliance looked at the frustrated Pigman and the dwarf with a smile and proudly took out a bottle of potion and said to Cook.

Cook took the potion with a smile, then glanced at it and shook it twice, then opened the potion bottle and smelled it, then shook his head and said: "The formula of this potion is no problem, but the temperature was a little bit lower during refining, so it became It’s no problem to become a bottle of top-grade medicine if it’s top grade."

Cook threw the top-grade magic power recovery potion to the humans of the Pharmacist Alliance, and this human being looked like a **** because the potion had been pointed out by his mentor that the temperature was one degree lower during refining. The quality becomes top-grade because of defects, and it is precisely because of this that I will use it for myself, but how does Cook know this?

Before this pharmacist alliance had time to ask the outspoken Piggy, he asked, "How did you know?"

"Hehe I'm sorry I am also a pharmacist" Cook smiled

"Aren't you a level six hunter" the dwarf Farah asked incredulously

"Hehe Hunter is also my profession" Cook smiled again

When the humans of the Pharmacist League heard Cook say this, they immediately relaxed a lot and said seductively: "Since Cook, you are also a pharmacist, I think you can find a master-level tutor in the Pharmacist League."

"I'm sorry I already have a mentor" Cook replied with a smile again

"Cook, don't be polite. Our pharmacist alliance has the best pharmacy on all planes..." the human said again

Cook glanced at the human with disdain and then interrupted: "My mentor is a master of pharmacy"

"Pharmacy Master" dwarf and Pig jumped up in shock

"Yes" Cook replied very seriously

"How is this possible?" The humans of the Pharmacist Alliance exclaimed in disbelief with their open mouths and wide eyes.

"Why is it impossible that my mentor gave me the best potion?" Cook reached out and there was a bottle of potion. Although space equipment is rare for these people, it is not something they have never seen before.

"Sorry to take the wrong one" Cook said awkwardly while preparing to take the potion back.

"Perfect quality potion" But just when Cook was about to take it back, there was a wind on the ground in the tavern. Then Cook's potion disappeared, and a middle-aged dwarf stood next to Cook and held it in his hand. The potion that Ke took out

At this time, people discovered that the medicine in Cook's hand showed a silvery-white light, but after the light passed through the crystal bottle, it showed a colorful light and the medicine in the crystal bottle was like alive. Flow rotation

The "perfect level potion" the dwarf was fascinated holding the potion in his hand, while Cook was at a loss because Cook discovered that the dwarf in front of him was a legendary powerhouse.

"Sir, can you return the potion to me" Cook finally said to the dwarf

"Return it to you, oh, this potion belongs to you, sorry." The dwarf reacted only after Cook's reminder. But instead of returning the potion to Cook, the dwarf kept the potion away.

"What's the matter with you, this is the pharmacist of our pharmacist alliance." The humans in the pharmacist alliance are so excited to see the perfect level potion. This is simply unexpected and there is a potion behind this perfect potion. If Grand Master Nima brought this Grand Master Pharmacist into the Pharmacist Alliance, his credit would not be soaring.

But the proof is that the bottle of perfect-level potion was snatched by someone else under his eyelids. How could it not be annoying for the human beings in the Pharmacist Alliance? He immediately shouted loudly.

Cook took a breath of air and sighed in his heart secretly: "My buddy is brave enough to yell at the legendary old guy"

"Shit, your eye sees that this person belongs to your pharmacist alliance, look at you, this person is dressed and not a villain, how can you talk and do things now is a complete villain? Human beings exist like you. He will be despised by people of other races.” I didn’t know that this dwarf rolled his eyes at the humans of the Pharmacist Alliance and said

Cook was stunned for an instant. This legendary old guy has sharp words. There is still that kind of hot-tempered dwarf. Hearing how tactful and cursing people are, and without dirty words, dressing up is a villain, please, that person can tell by dressing up. Is a villain

The last meaning is that you are alive to discredit human beings, which is the culprit of human beings’ bad reputation among other races. That means it’s better to die.

"You, you..." The humans of the Apothecary Alliance stammered at the dwarf with a grimace from the dwarf.

Cook also looked upset and said, "Your Excellency, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean by buying this medicine? What's the point?" The dwarf replied with a puzzled face

"Buy ha ha, okay, let's go to an auction house to evaluate and see how much this perfect-level potion is worth." Cook was very angry at the dwarf's words. This is because he is ready to buy and sell.

"Okay, you're going to that auction house. I'm familiar with it here." The dwarf asked with a smile and said this meaning that I, a dwarf, can eat here.

"Well, I think the Pharmacist League or the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce must have an auction house," Cook replied with an indifferent shrug and looked at the humans in the Gnomish and Pharmacist Alliance.

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