A Unique Hunter

Chapter 748: Transaction "Next"

"Okay!" Cook's suggestion was quickly accepted by the two, and both introduced themselves. After all, they can make a good pharmacist, especially a pharmacist who can easily refine top-quality medicines like Cook. , It is the sweet pastry in everyone's heart.

The identity of the pharmacist master is not enough to give these people a high-level look at the scene, but the pharmacy refined by Cook is of the highest quality. The best quality pharmacy not only has a good effect, but also lasts for a long time, and the most important thing is that the side effects are minimal.

Magic potions are also resistant to users. The most specific manifestation is that after a certain potion is taken more times, not only the effect will be weakened, but also some negative effects will be produced, especially inferior potions, but the best quality There are also drug resistance and negative effects, but the number of uses is almost N times more than inferior drugs.

One of these two is a ninth-level alchemist, called Senna, and the other is a thief at the ninth-level peak. No wonder they are so eager for Cook’s invisibility potion, and both are the elders of the Green Forest Empire Alchemy Association and the Thieves Guild .

With the turnover of Cook’s potions, the trading atmosphere on the scene immediately became lively. Of course, the last one who had the most traded items was Cook, but most of these items were some magic materials. After all, a single magic material was expensive and was not used. Way.

Cook was also very excited because the items in this transaction were of extremely high quality, especially a fist-sized piece of wind copper, so that Cook could refine his flying equipment.

After returning to the cocktail party again, the rest of the people who participated in the cocktail party did not know that a transaction was completed in this way, and it would end in a lively atmosphere. Cook refused the invitation of several beauties.

When Cook walked out of the reception, he was embarrassed to discover that he had no place to go, but Ballas appeared at the right time: "Cook, let's go, I will take you to your residence."

"Uh!" Cook said in astonishment.

"Haha, you don't think that as the Pharmacist of the Pharmacy Alliance, the Honorary Elder has no place to live, do you?" Baras laughed loudly, and Baras received a reward from the Presbyterian Church. This time, Cook can say it is What Barlas discovered, for the Alliance of Pharmacists, means that the new pharmacist is also worth celebrating, not to mention the enchanting talented pharmacist like Cook. You must know that Cook is only in his twenties. What is the concept? ?

Baras took Cooke and said as he walked: "Cook, do you want to serve in the Green Forest Empire or the Maru Empire?"

"Employment?" Cook repeated puzzled again.

"Hehe, you are definitely an honorable elder. Everyone in the Pharmacist Alliance has the obligation to contribute to the alliance. Of course, the alliance will also provide a lot of resources, and the price of these resources must be a bit of the market. One, appointment is just one of the methods, and the other is to do the tasks issued by the union for pharmacists, but there are specific number of tasks, such as a minimum of D-level tasks a month, and a C-level task is equivalent For ten D-level tasks, one B-level task is equivalent to 100 D-level tasks, and one A-level task is equivalent to one thousand D-level tasks. As for the higher ones, let alone, and Cook, you are the master level. , At least one A-level mission must be completed a year." Ballas explained with a smile.

Cook was stunned, and Ballas then continued to explain: "Of course, the task will not be done in vain. There are contribution points and corresponding rewards, but it must be lower."

"Well, I'll go see it tomorrow." Cook nodded and agreed.

Barras took Cook to the back of the Apothecary Union. Cook discovered that behind the Apothecary Union, there are actually a large group of buildings. These buildings are all located on huge tree trunks and branches. There is a building on the eight-meter-wide branch.

"How about, Cook, this is the place we have prepared for the pharmacists of the trade union level to live. The defense here is also the most tight. There are guards patrolling day and night." Ballas said to Cook with a smile.

"It's really good." Cook stretched his head and looked at the bottom of the tree trunk. It was almost white and could not be seen clearly, but Cook saw a pair of flying insect riders patrolling non-stop.

"This is your residence." Ballas took Cook to a building similar to the Mage Tower, and then gave Cook a crystal ball.

"This is the Mage Tower?" Cook asked in astonishment after putting his mental power into the crystal ball.

"Of course, this mage tower has five floors. Each floor has a different function. Look at it for yourself. The first floor is the place for cultivating herbs, the second floor is where pets and servants live, and the third floor is for materials. In the warehouse, the fourth floor is the living space, and the fifth floor is the laboratory. There is a magic elevator connection between each floor. Do you need me to prepare a servant for you?" Ballas explained and asked Cook.

"No need." Cook shook his head and replied.

"In addition, Cook, I give you a reminder that when accepting tasks or trading, it is best to use the union's contribution points or magic crystal coins, and try not to hold too much of the rest of the currency, because the contribution points and magic crystals The currency can be exchanged for any empire's currency at any time." Ballas finally reminded.

"Thank you." Cook smiled and thanked.

"Cook, in fact, you can accept a few apprentices, because after all, apprentices have a certain knowledge of medicine, so they are very good at serving as assistants. As for cultivating herbs or caring for demon pets, they are better than other servants, and These apprentices will not only work for you for free, but also give you a lot of respect every year. As for those female apprentices, hehe!" Ballas said with a squinting smile.

When Cook heard Ballas say this, he hesitated and said, "Then please come to Ballas, the apprentice who took me to the test, I think it is good."

"Would you like a girl?" Ballas asked after hearing it.

"No, my wife is really good." Cook replied half-jokingly.

Barlas curled his lips disapprovingly, but after Barras saw Lina and West Asia, he realized that what Cook said was true, Nima, a legendary lady, and there were still two, one of which was the magic circle. Grandmaster, another legendary powerhouse in a rare space system.

Baras took Cooke to familiarize himself with the residence, and then left. Cook looked at the mage tower and was a little unbelievable. This mage tower can be said to be a fortress, not only attacking the magic circle, defensive magic circle, but also There is a magic crystal cannon, and there is also a space for cultivating magic herbs at the bottom of the mage tower, and these mage towers use space to expand the magic array.

But then Cook also got a headache, because the magic power consumed by the wizard tower is for Cook himself to spend, and the Apothecary Alliance deducts a lot of contribution points every year, because the magic power of the magic tower is unified by the entire Apothecary Alliance branch. which provided.

And Cook also needs his own steward, a mount, etc. It can be said that there are still many things.

Cook was planning to go out to see if there was a housekeeper there and hire one, but he didn't expect Lord Lyon to come.

"Welcome, welcome." Cook smiled and greeted Leon on the fourth floor. Everything here is standard equipment. It can't be said to be good or bad.

"Cook, congratulations." Leon handed Cook a small box, obviously a gift.

"Thank you." After Cook thanked them, the two sat down.

Leon looked at Cook up and down, and then said, "Cook, I heard you have a magicweave spear?"

"Well, yes." Cook nodded and replied.

"Then do you have any good magic weave weapons that you can use?" Leon hesitated and asked.

"How is this possible, I have spent a lot of money on this thing." Cook immediately shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Cook, don't get me wrong, it's not that I want it, but that you entrusted me to inquire about the results." Leon explained quickly.

"Is there a result?" Cook looked at Leon in surprise, how long has it been since then.

"Hehe, I am a nobleman of the Maru Empire. I can go to all places in the Plane Alliance. The same is true for you. As long as you have Maru Empire citizenship, there is no limit to teleportation. You must know the planes of all planes. The teleportation array is controlled by the Maru Empire." Leon said with a smile.

But when Cook heard this, he was shocked, because Cook knew that in his plane, those families came through the plane teleportation array, so that means there are the shadows of the people of the Maru Empire. ? Cook had this guess, but he was not sure.

"What's going on?" Cook asked suspiciously, curious on the surface, but in fact he was already in doubt.

"It's very simple. All the plane teleportation arrays were built by the Maru Empire. During the construction process, the authority level has been set. The civilizations of each level are not allowed to travel easily, that is to say, the third level. In most cases, civilization can only communicate with the third-level civilization. Only our nobles in the Maru Empire do not have this restriction. They can reach any plane. Citizenship can only be performed on the fourth-level civilization plane at most.” Leon explained Replied.

"So if I go to the Maru Empire, I won't be able to return to the Green Forest Empire?" Cook exclaimed.

"You are not the same. You are the honorary elder of the Pharmacist Alliance, but it's just a little troublesome." Leon shook his head and replied.

Cook asked again: "Isn't every plane teleportation array guarded by people from the Maru Empire?"

"Of course not, but the teleportation arrays of our Maru Empire must be guarded by someone, because they are afraid of smuggling, smuggling the products of the Maru Empire's advanced civilization to the lower planes." Leon shook his head and replied.

"Isn't the mutual communication between this civilization and civilization very good?" Cook said in a low voice.

"Cook. You are wrong. The human heart is the most difficult to figure out. Our Maru Empire does not mean to occupy the fifth level of civilization, but the development of civilization must have a process. More than 200,000 years ago, Maru The empire has no such restrictions yet. Do you know how much the population of the entire plane alliance dropped during that period? As high as 25%, some people who have the ability to obtain the products of high-level civilization will use the magical spacecraft of high-level civilization after reaching the low-level civilization. The magic crystal cannon comes to launch a war~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to get a lot of benefits. In this process, hundreds of empires’ royal families can be said to be replaced almost every few years, and every war will die. Most of them are ordinary people, so later the Maru Empire had to restrict the exchanges between civilizations." Leon explained.

As soon as Leon explained, Cook also understood that, just like a chamber of commerce in the third-level civilization, it may be able to conquer the entire first-level civilization, and plundering has become an eternal theme, just like the natives of the American continent with bows and arrows and guns and the European continent The firearm confrontation is the same.

"Cook, the Maru Empire is an open country. Due to the complex structure of the leadership, there is no power in the Maru Empire that can cover the sky with one hand. I have two news from me this time. Both are dukes. First I want to get the fragments of the law, preferably about the water system. The second is to get a magicweave weapon, preferably a long-handled weapon. The first life is only about a hundred years left. Comprehending the law, stepping into the sanctuary, the consequences are unimaginable, the second is the ability to step into the sanctuary, but the situation in the sanctuary is complicated, there is no powerful life-saving thing, and the chance of falling is very high." Leon once again told Cooke Said.

When Cook saw Leon say this, he asked curiously: "Lyon, do you know the situation in Sanctuary?"

"Why. I want to know, hehe! But I have to change things." Leon said with a smile.

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