A Unique Hunter

Chapter 749: Tentative

Please use to visit this site. "Take it" Cook rolled his eyes and threw a bottle of potion to Leon

"Hey, thank you, I know... perfect quality" Leon smiled and thanked him, but then he was stunned when he saw the potion.

"Hehe Lord Lyon is just a bottle of potion and you are already so surprised?" Cook chuckled. Cook is ready to open the second nobleman who ordered the Maru Empire

But at present, Cook only knows Leon, a nobleman Cook believes that Ang must have his own circle among the nobles of the Maru Empire, so Lyon is Cook’s key attack target, Cook will pull Lyon into his own battle when necessary. Car and this perfect quality potion is the key to knocking on the door of the noble circle of the Maru Empire

"If you know it, just say it quickly" Cook replied irritably

Leon took a deep look at Cook because Leon knew that Cook's perfect potion should be gone, but now he actually took out another bottle of it. Lyon only smiled and replied: "Cook counts I owe you a favor. "

Cook was relieved when he heard Leon say that. Cook just took out the potion. It was actually a gamble. It was Lyon's character. If Leon got bad thoughts, Cook would be in trouble, but fortunately Cook also has a back hand. And Lyon’s character is relatively firm

"To be honest, I can tell you Leon's perfect quality potions, but I can refine them, but it's only limited to mid-level potions." When Cook heard Leon say this, he revealed some to Leon.

"I know your kid is definitely not that simple, but Cook, if I turned my face and grabbed you just now, you will be at your level." Leon said angrily after listening, and asked in confusion.

Cook took a look at Leon and said: "Things are just a bit more troublesome. Although you are a legend, I also have the means to save my life. When that happens, I will say that you rob my potions and I can also exaggerate some non-existent potions. Or say a few more bottles. I think more than one person will find your trouble."

"Despicable" Leon took a breath of air-conditioning. If Cook speaks out the potion that does not exist, he just took a bottle of perfect quality potion. Cook insists that even Lyon will be chased and killed even if there are ten bottles and eight bottles. The credibility is not high, but just in case, this perfect quality medicine is not an ordinary thing that cannot be met.

"But you are sure to escape within this kilometer. I can say that I can catch you in an instant." Leon said disdainfully.

"Come out" Cook said lightly

Behind Leon, a half-meter-long fox flicked his big tail and jumped beside Cook. Leon was shocked. When he took a closer look at the fox, he stood up and was dripping with cold sweat.

"Legendary Familiar" Leon is not in a cold sweat, and he blames this legendary beast for hiding behind him. If anything happens, Leon estimates that he will not be able to escape.

"It's not that the devil is one of my captives" Cook said irritably, because after he captured this legendary three-eyed fox, Cook still imagined that someone would come with a ransom, but he didn't know that this legendary beast was all his own. So Cook not only didn’t receive the slightest ransom, but also offered delicious and delicious offerings.

"Captive" Leon was even more shocked. You must know that the three-eyed fox is not a normal monster but a legendary monster. It can be said that capturing a legendary monster is almost several times more difficult than killing a legendary monster.

Of course, Cook will not say that the three-eyed fox has reached a contract with himself. Cook and West Asia have refined a set of equipment for the three-eyed fox, all of which are magicweave equipment, and the three-eyed fox has provided protection to Cook for two hundred years and is a bodyguard. This is also the decision that West Asia made when he learned that Cook was coming to the Alliance of the Planes. The three-eyed fox’s front paws have a set of claw sleeves that are a set of magic pattern equipment, and the collar on the neck is a protective magic pattern equipment. So just now If Leon does something, this three-eyed fox would be enough to make Leon lose his combat effectiveness. In addition, Cook gave the three-eyed fox a powerful stealth potion and it was of perfect quality, so Leon did not find the existence of the three-eyed fox.

After Leon was seated again, he asked Cook directly: "What do you mean, Cook?"

"Hehe doesn't mean anything but I want to enter the noble circle of the Maru Empire and I still need your help from Lyon. Let's talk about the sanctuary first." Cook replied with a smile.

Leon now treats Cook as an equal person. Not to mention other Lyons, he can also think of how powerful a legendary beast would be if he took the potion in Cook's hands.

"Sanctuary is actually a higher-level plane. The concentration of magic elements in the sanctuary is greater. The population is more powerful. The powerhouses are everywhere. Magic resources are more abundant. But the law in the sanctuary is also more powerful. Powerful is like our legend can fly directly with the body in our big plane, but in the sanctuary at least the peak of the sanctuary can fly directly with the body, and the legend in the sanctuary is only a middle-class existence.

The lower ranks in the sanctuary are the ninth level and the lower ranks of the ninth level. The middle rank is the existence of the legend and the sanctuary elementary level. As for the middle rank and the sanctuary peak, it is the high rank existence." Leon said Pause for a moment and wait for Cook's question

"Sanctuary also has professionals below level 9" Cook asked curiously

"Hehe, the most in the sanctuary are actually these low-level existences. Because the magic elements are extremely rich, even ordinary people who have not practiced are equivalent to the strength of low-level fighters. And the people of the sanctuary have to give birth not as long as there is a population to multiply. There are people with low or no talent. These are the lowest level existences" Leon explained with a smile.

Cook then asked again: "Then why do we need powerful weapons if we can enter the sanctuary?"

"Sanctuary is an extremely dangerous existence because it is said that Sanctuary is actually just a plane planet, but no one knows how big this plane planet is. There are so many forces intertwined and there is a bad place in Sanctuary that gods can The free movement of the sanctuary is of course only low-level gods, but this is enough. Above the peak of the sanctuary is the lower god, but a hundred sanctuary peaks don’t necessarily make anyone advance to the **** level. Because lighting the fire and condensing the gods is not something ordinary people can do. "Leon paused after speaking

"God-level is the gods enshrined in the divine residence" Cook asked in surprise

"Of course, it's the existence of the peak in the **** level, of course. These are a bit far away. The legend level is the threshold of the ninth-level transition sanctuary. To cross this threshold, you need to understand the law and have your own domain. Once you use the domain, you will Being rejected by this plane and directly entering the sanctuary. This is also why many legendary powerhouses dare not easily use the sanctuary because for us people, the sanctuary is very dangerous. The guys born and raised in the sanctuary not only have powerful strengths. After all, the magic elements are strong and there are powerful equipment. Although it is not very common in the sanctuary, the guys who reach the sanctuary level almost have one in their hands, so many legendary powerhouses have to suppress their strength and go deeper. The level of comprehension law is stronger for the deeper the comprehension of the law, the stronger the field is stimulated. Of course, because the magic elements of our plane are thin and the law is not very strong, the comprehension is very difficult, which has led to some legendary powerhouses for hundreds of years. I dare not step into the sanctuary easily" Leon explained again

Cook smacked his lips and said, "Isn't that dangerous?"

"That's what you said wrong. Such an old guy doesn't dare to do it. Once his strength is slightly exposed, he will be rejected by the plane and into the sanctuary." Leon shook his head and replied.

Cook now has a certain understanding of the sanctuary, and Cook also knows the importance of igniting the sacred fire. Cook couldn't help but look at his arm. There is an elemental creature that sacred fire breeds, Barry, but Cook did not ask about the sacred fire. Because it will cause Leon to doubt

"I know the magicweave weapon, but what is the fragment of the law?" Cook scratched his head and asked that these two things were the prices offered by the two dukes.

"The law fragments are rare treasures. Every time the law fragments appear will cause a **** storm. To be precise, the law fragments are actually a huge category. Generally speaking, they are the core fragments left by the sanctuary-level creatures." Leon watched Cook took a look and said

"You can get these things" Cook asked again

"Only in the ancient battlefields where the ancient gods and demons fought, but it is extremely dangerous. Even the legendary peak has a high chance of falling in it," Leon replied with a smile.

"Then there is such an ancient battlefield" Cook asked again

"Ahem, Cook, you really want to go. Let me tell you that although such ancient battlefield remains are very dangerous, they bring huge benefits. Therefore, as long as the ancient battlefield is blocked by those big forces, it is the largest ancient battlefield. Just in our Maru Empire, Lyon was surprised by Cook’s words

When Cook heard this explanation, the worry in his heart became more intense. He should know that he is on more than one ancient battlefield. Cook knows several that this is still a continent, but he still doesn’t know how many such places there are on the entire planet.

"Oh, but most of the magicweave equipment comes from the ancient battlefield. But Cook, where you got the spear, is it related to the three major families of the Hyland Empire?" Leon asked with a sigh, but then guessed.

Cook was completely shocked and looked at Leon with a stunned look and wailed in his heart: "This Nima is too abnormal to be able to associate it."

"Cook didn't really get what I said, right?" Leon asked in a low voice after seeing Cook's expression.

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