A Unique Hunter

Chapter 756: Orc Hotel

Wu Mei was accompanied by Cook in a gentle manner. I am afraid that no one knew that the woman next to Cook was a perverted priest who could release all the halo of the war song.

In fact, Cook had long expected this consequence, because the alliances between the major guilds were originally formed, and the main reason was that the wizard guild was a powerful opponent, and the wizard guild has been under pressure on the major guilds for countless years. , But with the gradual disappearance of this threat, it is inevitable that several major guilds will oppose each other because of conflicts of interest.

This is not to say that a certain guild can be reversed by a certain person. This is a struggle for the interests of the entire union. So at the beginning, Cook did not participate in dividing the interests of the site, and now Cook does not want to come to this muddy water, because Cook's vision has jumped out of his own plane, and he sees a broader plane alliance. In the plane alliance, there are not tens of thousands of planes like the standard plane, but there are as many as thousands, let alone the standard. According to the civilization rating, the face is still at the second level, and Cook is already a citizen of the fifth level of magic civilization.

But Cook didn't want to participate, so trouble came. Early the next morning, the heads of several major guilds, the Assassins Guild, the Thieves Guild, and the Mercenary Guild blocked Cook in the Hunter Guild.

"I don't know how to talk about this matter. After all, I wasn't there when you were divided." Cook replied with excuses.

"Cook, what you said is wrong. At the beginning, our thieves guild gave the most effort, but now, we get the least benefits. If this goes on, I will not be able to convince everyone." The president of the thieves guild was angry. Complained.

Cook's originally smiling face immediately became gloomy, and he replied in a cold voice: "Did I participate in the first place, what did you say to me?"

The president of the Assassin’s Guild immediately complained: “In the beginning, your thieves’ guild had a lot of power, but everyone agreed on the range of choices. It’s meaningless to say that now!”

"Meaning, if I could collect so much money every day, I would say the same." The president of the Thieves Guild replied irritably.

"Talk about it yourself, I still have something to go out." Cook was very upset when he saw the thieves' guild look like this, so he left a word and left.

"Hmph, our Assassins Guild is not easy to bully. Your Thieves Guild had better evacuate our Assassins Guild's territory within a time limit." The president of the Assassins Guild saw Cook like this, and left with a cold snort.

"Your territory, okay, come here, and see if our Thieves Guild is afraid of you?" The president of the Thieves Guild was angry with Cook's attitude, but he didn't want to turn his face with Cook. In fact, the Thieves Guild complained a little bit about Cook. Because most of the expenses in the sphere of influence of the two guilds are to run supplies to the Montau Empire, because it is now the most important sugar trading base in the entire continent, and the income of the two guilds is just a little drizzle.

When Cook established the sugar production base, several major guilds were doing their best to deal with the wizards’ guilds, so they missed the good opportunity. Now the sugar trade alliance is even more wealthy, and in the Montor Empire, it’s against the major guilds. The attitude can be said to be ignored at all.

The Monto Empire was even managed by the Sugar Beet Planting Alliance and the Snow Sugar Trade Alliance, and the major guilds did not get the slightest benefit.

The meeting of several major guilds broke up in such an atmosphere full of gunpowder smell, and Cook was visiting some people.

It can be said that if the Mercenary Guild knew Cook’s actions, he would jump up anxiously, because Cook is now in contact with some of the leaders of a large mercenary group.

Cook's first contact was the high-level professionals of the mercenary group that resisted the beast tide in the Montau Empire, almost all of them were strong at level 8, and the most important thing was that these professionals all stood out from the mercenaries. Yes, the combat experience is very rich, and the combat effectiveness is also very strong.

Although the third-level civilization has been able to use magic spacecraft to fight, the financial resources and technology of the third-level civilization limit the focus of the war on the ground. To put it bluntly, the third-level civilization does not have enough resources to continuously attack the ground from the stars. .

Therefore, in the battle between the Green Forest Empire and the Faral Empire, the ground battle is always the balance that determines the outcome. However, because the disputed territory is not suitable for human habitation, the battle is carried out between senior professionals, and the legendary level does not allow it. Participating in the war, so the eighth and ninth level professionals are the pinnacle power in the war.

Cook hopes to form an elite force. Cook’s idea is to be composed of all the eighth and ninth-level powerhouses, plus the potions he refines, and then buy some advanced magic equipment. During the battle, there may be unexpected results, and of course, it also prevents the Green Forest Empire from changing.

Of course, Cook did not say anything to the leaders of the mercenary group in detail, but directly invited these people to participate in the reception, and also hinted that there are friends of the same level, all can participate, and the setting location of the reception is the top floor of the Orc Hotel.

Although Cook thought he was doing a relatively low-key job, it was an honor for everyone to be invited by Cook. You must know how loud and loud Cook is on the plane.

After Cook sent a circle of invitations, he returned to the Orc Hotel. The business of the Orc Hotel is still so busy, and there are a lot of people practicing here. This also has a consequence, that is, eating a meal. The time will last for one day.

"Huh?" As soon as Cook entered the Orc Hotel, he faintly felt that the Tree of Life exudes a trace of spiritual fluctuations. Cook carefully distinguished it and found the Tree of Life exudes excitement of emotional fluctuations.

"Master Baron, you are here!" The dwarf in charge of the management of the Orc Hotel surprised Cook when he saw what Cook said.

"Firdo, can anyone come here to make trouble?" Cook asked humorously.

"My Lord Baron, don't you know, my God, a group of nasty elves have taken over our garden, these **** green hairs." The dwarf's nagging Cook has been taught.

"Elves? How did they get in? Didn't the guards stop them?" Cook asked angrily.

"No, they paid." The dwarf replied quietly.

Cook looked at Phildore and didn't understand there. It must be the result of Phildor's greed, but the calculation of the dwarf is the most famous.

"Tell me more carefully!" Cook glared at Ferdo and replied sullenly.

"My Lord Baron, these elves won't leave after they come, and don't pay." Ferdor first dismissed himself.

"You, I got into the eyes of the money." Cook didn't know what Ferdor meant, and replied without looking back.

Cook passed the corridor and finally came to the yard where the tree of life was planted. When Cook saw the scene in the yard, he turned his head in amazement and asked Firdo: "This is also a masterpiece of the elves?"

"Yes, these elves can control the branches and roots of the tree of life, and then just..." Firdo shrugged.

What Cook saw was a piece of architecture. These buildings were all made up of the roots and branches of the Tree of Life. It could be said that this place was actually a small elven village.

"What about that dark elf?" Cook thought of another person, the dark elf responsible for communicating the tree of life.

"I was driven away by these savage elves." Ferdor replied indifferently.

Cook's face is not good now, these elves simply didn't put themselves in the eyes, and Cook said angrily to Ferdor: "You do what you do, you can get rid of these elves. No, don't these elves still owe us the money for the house? Get these guys up first."

"Master Baron, if you could catch it, you would have caught it long ago. These elves are the first to climb trees, and these elves can control the tree of life to interfere with our guards." Ferdor replied frustratedly.

"What, there is such a thing, **** it." Cook didn't expect that the elves actually controlled a part of the tree of life, which was definitely not what Cook wanted.

Cook was about to leave just now, but now Cook realized that he couldn't show up, so Cook sneered and walked into the big garden where the tree of life was planted.

"Woohoo! Bang!" Just as Cook stepped into the small garden of the Tree of Life, an arrow flew from a distance, making a woof sound and landed in front of Cook.

Cook's face is even more ugly. You must know that this kind of arrow is responsible for warning, which means that you must not step into the place where the arrow fell.

"Haha!" Cook laughed angrily.

"The people inside will listen to me and get out of it. If I ask for it by myself, then the consequences will be at my own risk." Cook's voice rolled out, and Cook's voice could be heard in the entire Magic City.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!" Green-haired figures appeared from the tree of life. These elves all carried bows and arrows and looked at Cook warily.

"Who are you?" a seemingly leading elf looked at Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and asked in a cold voice, accompanied by a feeling of disgust.

"You green-haired bastards, this is the owner of the Orc Hotel, Lord Cook." Ferdor jumped up and explained loudly.

"I don't care who you are. Give you half an hour and get out of the Orc Hotel. Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite." Cook did not expect these elves to occupy other people's territory and make such an expression.

"Firdor, start timing!" Cook dropped such a sentence and left without looking back.

The irritability in Cook's heart, Phildo loves money is not right, but the elves occupy the tree of life. This is not what irritates Cook the most. What irritates Cook is that these elves can control the tree of life. You must know the tree of life. The tree has just begun to give birth to consciousness, and once it has been in contact with the elves for a long time, the tree of life may not recognize itself in the future.

"Firdor, I will list the elves as unwelcome objects in the orc hotel in the future." Cook glared at Phildore, then ordered.

"Remind me in another half an hour." Cook once again dropped such a sentence and entered the room, leaving Ferdo in a daze.

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