A Unique Hunter

Chapter 757: Cocktail party

As for the elves, Cooke’s disease didn’t pay attention to it, but what Cook didn’t know was that after the elves heard that it was Cook, these people felt a little bad, even the elves in the deepest part of the Warcraft Forest. Kingdom, Cook’s reputation is also very loud.

First of all, if the elves go to trade in the baronian territory, they don’t have to worry about their personal safety. In Cook’s baronian territory, all races are equal. Humans, orcs, dwarves, dwarves, elves, even ogres and trolls are all equal. equal.

From this point of view, the elves are still willing to go to Cook’s baronial territory to start trading, and the other elves don’t like Cook, because for a long time, the entire Warcraft forest has been considered by the elves to be their own territory, and the elves love nature. , Advocating nature and believing in the goddess of nature, so elves hate and hate humans because humans unscrupulously destroy nature, kill warcraft, dig precious magic herbs, cut down precious trees, and some humans specialize in capturing elves as slaves.

So if you meet an elf in the Warcraft Forest, either you have to celebrate, because the elf can bring you huge wealth, or you have to run fast enough, because the elf will definitely kill all the humans you see. , Especially for the humans who go deep into the Warcraft Forest.

"Patriarch?" A male elf looked at his patriarch.

Although the elves admire nature, the temple of the goddess of nature is divided into many branches, and disputes of faith will cause elves to have various differences, and the losers in the differences will be expelled from their homes. This group of elves is expelled. A tribe of elves out of their homeland.

"Let's go out first." The group leader thought for a while and finally made a compromise decision.

"Patriarch, are you just surrendering this tree of life to that filthy human?" a clan member shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Cook's reputation has spread throughout the forest. It is not something a small tribe like ours can resist. Let's go!" The patriarch knows Cook's methods deeply.  Although the elf went deep into the Warcraft Forest, the news was not blocked. Moreover, the powerful patriarchs of Cook's baronial territory have personally seen them, not to mention the Argons and Dragons that have an excellent relationship with Cook.

The elves may think that they are invincible in the forest. That is wrong. The forest is always the territory of Warcraft, and in Warcraft, the Yalong tribe can be said to be the top existence.

"Stop!" After seeing the elves being threatened by Cook for a while, Phildor was so desperate to leave. Phildor could hardly believe his eyes. You must know that the temper of the elves is more arrogant than the dwarf. It's more than double.

"What are you going to do?" The elves themselves were reluctant, and were blocked by Phildor's lead, and immediately roared angrily.

"What are you going to do, I am Baron Cook's confidant and confidant." Ferdor shrank back, then said loudly.

"Firdo, do you have anything to do?" the patriarch stood up and asked at this time.

"You have lived here for so long, and you want to leave without taking any money?" Ferdor swallowed his breath after seeing these elves actually heard Cook's name, so he straightened his chest and shouted.

"Woo, bang!" Before Ferdor could react, a loud arrow shot between Ferdor's legs.

"Hmph, you elves are really promising. You actually know that they are threatening. I, Cook, put it here. If you don't pay, even if you run into the depths of the Warcraft Forest, I will get you out. "And when the sword was at a tense, Cook appeared. Cook was even more annoyed when he saw this situation. Nima, after living in vain, he actually threatened the owner here. Cook doesn't care if you are arrogant. Elves, or arrogant savages, Cook must make these guys pay the corresponding results for what they do.

"Your Excellency Cook, I am their patriarch. We really have no money." The patriarch of the elven tribe stood up. As the patriarch, he can feel the countless threats hidden around him. The patriarch is very worried about the tribe and Ku There was a dispute, which caused irreparable consequences.

"No money? No money, you come to live here with me?" Cook looked at these elves carefully, there are old and young, Cook is surprised, how did these elves enter the magic city, can it be said that the mercenaries are like this now? Kindly.

"We are also forced." Although the patriarch felt wronged in his heart, he still had to explain in a low voice in the face of Cook.

"I have no choice." Cook was speechless.

"Firdo, let them go." Cook said with a wave of his hand. Cook really couldn't think of someone who couldn't afford to pay, and he couldn't let the bull lay a cub, so Cook simply waved his hand to let him The elves left.

Ferdor hesitated for a moment, and let the people under his hands disperse. You must know that most of the guards at the Orc Hotel are orcs, who don't know how to pity and cherish jade, and in the eyes of the orcs, the elves are not a beautiful race at all, there is nothing at all. Attractive.

A group of young and old elves left the Orc Hotel, and Cook asked Fieldo: "How did these elves, young and old enter the magic city?"

"It's not the pass issued by your domain with your lord, you know that the pass of the baronial domain is very powerful now..." Firdo explained endlessly.

Cook is depressed. The dwarves like to nag, but Cook hasn’t thought that his Baron’s Pass would have such an effect. As for the final direction of these elves, Cook’s disease ignored him, but Cook was a long time later. It was discovered that these elves actually joined the Baron's territory and became a member of the territory.

"Oh, this is a trouble." Cook felt the tree of life faintly fearful. Cook had to spend some time comforting for a while, and in the end Cook didn't care about it. It is true that Cook has nothing to do with the tree of life. A good way, if it is handed over to Windsor to take care of it, it may not be determined what the final care will be.

Cook also had to take a trip to the underground world to connect with the dark elves, give some small gifts, and then exchange the iron crossbow in the fourth underground world for a bunch of so-called treasures from the shark, and give it to the black sheep The tribe brought two hundred magic crossbows to improve the guarding ability of the black sheep tribe.

It took Cook nearly a week for these miscellaneous things, and Cook's invitation reception time was also poured.

The cocktail party was chosen to be on the top floor of the Orc Hotel, which is not open to the public. You can see the crown of the huge tree of life, and you can reach out to touch the branches of the tree of life on the terrace on the top floor.

Of course, the tree of life is conscious and will control its growth direction. In fact, it is not only the tree of life, but even ordinary plants will avoid the construction area. This is already an instinct of plants. Of course, it must have Enough time, after all, it may take a long time for ordinary plants to avoid buildings.

"Master Baron!"

"Your Excellency, President!"

"Master Baron!"

"Your Excellency!" Cook personally stood in the gate to greet these mercenaries. Seeing Cook personally greeted them, these mercenaries immediately greeted Cook flatteredly, bending over and saluting, but they have any holy titles.

Cook’s memory is amazing. A total of thirty-two guests came. Among them, seven were level 9 professionals, 20 were level 8 professionals, and the rest were level 7 professionals. It can be said that they were at this reception. If the strong are united, it is a huge force, and it is not difficult to destroy an empire.

"Kang Dang!" When the last person to attend the reception came in, the door was completely closed.

The guests who attended the reception were surprised at first, but then they relaxed when they saw so many strong people.

"Thank you all for giving me the face of Cook. Here I will toast everyone a toast!" Cook stood directly at the closed gate and said loudly.

The mercenaries below all looked at each other, and then they also drank the wine in their hands. Of course, this was a superb fruit wine, but not a fruit wine made from magic fruits.

"Master Baron is so cautious, is there anything to say?" the deputy commander of the Blood Vessel Mercenary Group asked loudly.

"Haha, that’s right, what I’m going to say next is about the future of all of us, but I’m here to remind you that what you hear from me, you can’t reveal anything you see, here I want to ask everyone to sign a confidential magic contract." With a wave of Cook's hand, the waiter took out a magic contract and handed it to the people present.

When the people present heard that Cook was so cautious, they felt that there was a lot to do, and the contractual treaty was also very simple, that is, not to tell all the information about the reception.

"If you don't want to sign the contract, then I Cook here to say sorry to this group of friends, and then ask you to leave." Cook saw that some people did not sign the contract and continued smiling.

The rest of the people saw that the others had signed, and they simply signed the contract. After all, the content of the contract was obviously not.

"Well, what I want to tell everyone here is that the purpose of my invitation to come here is to invite everyone to go to a place with me. As for what it is, I will tell you carefully next, but first please everyone Sit down." Cook smiled satisfied after seeing everyone signing the contract, and then said.

Cook took out a memory crystal ball ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and began to tell about the plane alliance, when the people on the scene saw the huge magic spaceship, and the huge sugar maple tree of the Green Forest Empire At that time, they were all stunned, and when they saw hundreds of huge mana spaceships docked on the mana spaceship dock, some people's jaws fell in shock.

"And I am honored to have a territory in the Green Forest Empire, and now there are people in my territory who want to occupy it, so I want to invite everyone to help me drive out these enemies." Cook said after he finished speaking.

"Master Baron, how could we be opponents of those magic spaceships?" someone immediately asked.

"Hehe, you are only participating in ground battles, I will solve the matter of the magic spacecraft." Cook said with a smile.

"Master Baron, it's not that I don't believe you, but how do we know that this magical image is not a phantom magic?" Someone asked questioningly.

"Hehe, of course I have a way to show that what I said is true." Cook took a meaningful look at everyone, and then replied.

"Everyone, please go to the terrace!" Cook made a please gesture and said.

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