A Unique Hunter

Chapter 762: Tower mulberry castle

Cook was stunned in surprise. The twelve star regions, Nima, and Cook knew what a huge monster the Maru Empire Division was.

Cook was so shocked that Cook did not notice that he had reached the ground at all. When Cook found that he had reached the ground, he was already sitting in a speeding cart, yes, it was a huge flying carriage. The same guy inside.

"Cook, look at how my magic speed car is. It is three times faster than the magic airship." Leon asked with joy while looking at Cook.

Cook can see through the car window that this magic speed car is driving about ten meters above the ground, and there is a huge road on the ground that is twenty meters wide.

"The magic speed car must drive on this road, because the surrounding is other people’s private territory, and this is conducive to traffic, and the magic speed can’t exceed an altitude of 100 meters, and the space above 100 meters is the space of the magic airship. , But the minimum flight altitude must reach ten meters, and ten to one hundred meters is divided into two flight spaces." Leon looked at Cook and explained.

Cook didn't say anything. Not only Cook, but the Umei beside Cook, and Kesu behind were all attracted by the scenery outside the window.

"Well, guests, Tasang City is here." Seeing the shadow of the building in front of him, Leon also yelled.

"The place where we landed from the starry sky just now is a transit station, which is also the military jurisdiction of our plane planet." Leon continued to introduce.

After Cook saw Tasang City, he was surprised to find that Tasang City had no high-rise buildings at all, and there were just pieces of buildings, wide streets and towering old trees.

"After entering the city, all the magic speed cars can only be driven on the ground, and you should not think that they are very humble when driving on the ground. On the contrary, the guys who drive on the ground are very rich and think that they have to pay a lot of money. The cost of road maintenance.” Leon looked at Cook’s eyes and continued to explain.

"What kind of road is this built? It looks like it is very smooth." Wu Mei asked boldly.

"Hehe, this is the high-level magician using the soil puppet to crush, and then the fire magician using the fire wall technique to burn...I don't know the specifics." Leon replied with a smile.

Cook couldn't help smacking his tongue, and then Cook immediately remembered a question: "Lyon, it seems I didn't see a wizarding union."

"Magic, magicians are all under the direct jurisdiction of the empire, there will be any union there." Leon shook his head and replied.

"Almost half of the officials in the empire are magicians. Don't you know, magicians are powerful, so they are faster and better in handling affairs, and they are very popular." Leon continued.

Cook also found a strange place, that is, Tasang City did not have a wall, not even a moat. Although Cook was puzzled, he was not prepared to ask.

"Tasang City can be said to be one of the most prosperous cities on this planet. Tasang City is in the Loriaga star field. It is considered one of the wealthier star fields in the empire. Second, the planet we are on is Mulberry Shell. , Because our planet has a very famous magic plant, that is the golden mulberry, this magic plant can absorb the metal on the ground, and then condense into one fruit, the core of these fruits is rich in metal, metal The content is almost 90%." Leon explained the location of Tasang City, and then said.

Cook thought for a moment, and then asked a strange question: "Lyon, what if a first-level civilization or a second-level civilization is found in the star field of the Maru Empire."

"Hehe, this is impossible. The Maru Empire will treat every star region with intelligent life carefully. It is like a first-level civilization and a second-level civilization. Our Maru Empire will abandon this star region and let these The first and second level civilizations join the plane alliance, and the entire star region will also be divided into the plane alliance. As for the jurisdiction of course, the Maru Empire is in the hands, but the empire will not be developed. Only after these first and second levels When the civilization reaches the third level of civilization, the empire will be handed over to these civilizations to use." Leon explained with a smile.

"There is still such a good thing." Cook asked incredulously.

"However, there is a limit to support. As long as the third-level civilization is reached, then if the third-level civilization wants to obtain a higher level of magic civilization, they must exchange things." Leon nodded and replied.

Cook immediately understood that this is actually a pyramid structure, but the first and second civilizations have little use value, let alone threats, so they were supported by the Maru Empire. The third and fourth civilizations already have Ability gets the value that the Maru Empire needs, so it needs to be exchanged for things. Cook understands it, but Cook also knows that the Maru Empire is beyond reproach.

There are a lot of people in Tasang City. People come and go on the streets, dressed as mercenaries, dressed as magicians, archers, hunters, warriors, and some dressed-up women.

As well as some places that made everyone feel strange, Cook felt that the Magic Speed ​​had gradually stopped. When Cook saw a huge building next to it, he couldn't help but sigh: "Lyon, your house is really big."

"This is not my house yet. This is the police station. The two of them have to apply for temporary passes." Leon pointed to Wu Mei and Ke Su.

Applying for the temporary pass is very smooth, because there is the nobleman of Lyon as a guarantee. You must know that in the Maru Empire, nobles are very rare. In the Maru Empire, it may be easy to become a rich man. If nothing else, just a few The three-level and four-level civilized chambers of commerce will also earn a lot of income each year. However, the nobles in the Maru empire want real credit. Of course, the scarcity of nobles also represents the great power of the nobles. .

But Cook also learned that the rights of nobles are not in general aspects, such as roads. In the plane, all commoners will wait for the nobles to pass before they can walk, but in the Maru Empire, such things are impossible.

In terms of taxation, the taxation of nobles is the same as that of common people, without any distinction.

Of course, the privileges of the nobles are in the side that ordinary people can't see. For example, if ordinary civilians guarantee people of other planes, it will take at least a few days to review, but it is different if there are noble guarantees.

There is also that the nobles have the right to own their own territories and private guards, and in terms of weapons, the nobles can have private magic spaceships, can freely travel between various planes and so on.

However, these rights are almost invisible. Even if they are open to civilians, civilians cannot have magical spacecraft.

In addition, the greatest privilege of the nobility is still a judicial immunity, that is, if the noble commits a crime, it can be exempt from prison, but it will pay a huge amount of wealth or demotion of the nobility.

Of course there are more. For example, the news that the nobles know is more true than that of the civilians. Anyway, these privileges have no effect on ordinary civilians.

After listening to this, Cook couldn't help sighing that the superficial skills of the Maru Empire did a good job, and this was enough to give the civilians of the Maru Empire a sense of belonging, rather than resent the government.

Next, Leon took Cook for a round and gave Cook a brief introduction to the distribution of Tasang City, and then went straight to Lyon's territory.

"I see it, Cook, this is my territory, a small town." Leon took Cook out of Tasan City, and then the Magic Speed ​​car drove for a full half an hour. According to Cook's estimation, at least there was The distance of more than two hundred kilometers.

A prosperous small town appeared in Cook's field of vision, and Leon said excitedly, but Cook didn't say anything.

"This town is not big," Cook said, looking at the town.

"I'm just a baron, which is pretty good. In the Maru Empire, each title has a detailed territory division, and I have to pay for it every year." Leon said dissatisfied.

"Post money." Cook was really puzzled.

"Yes, there are only more than 2,000 people in my town. They are all civilians. The minimum number of people in my territory is 1,500. These 1,500 people must be citizens of the Maru Empire. I have to pay taxes. Once I have not paid for two consecutive years, my territory will be reviewed. If the situation is serious, it will deprive me of the jurisdiction of the territory, and the empire will give me subsidies every year.

Although the tax revenue can be leveled, the public security, management, road construction, canal construction, etc. all need to spend money. Cook, you don’t know that if you treat them badly, these guys will Will be poached by others," Leon got off the car complaining.

Cook also understands. Cook knows that the citizenship of the Maru Empire is very useful. In the third-tier empire and the fourth-tier empire, some people seem to be willing to pay countless wealth to become servants of these people. The Lu Empire stipulated that as long as they worked continuously in the Maru Empire, those who lived for 20 years could obtain the status of civilians in the Maru Empire.

Citizens and civilians in the Maru Empire are two different things. Commoners refer to those who have the right to reside in the Maru Empire. Citizens have the right to vote in elections in the Maru Empire. You must know that the Maru Empire also has a parliamentary system, so citizens and civilians are two different things. concept.

"Cook, this is my manor, how about it." After the magic speed car passed the small town, Cook could see a small river in the distance. There were countless farmland beside the small river, and two stone bridges crossed it. Xiaohe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the opposite side of the river is a grassland and forest. On the hillside where the grassland and the forest meet, there is a glass curtain wall-like building with three stories high and some flags flying on it.

"Tsk tusk, all metal structure, what kind of crystal is this." After Cook got off the car, he exclaimed in amazement, because this building was actually made of white iron.

Leon looked at Cook wryly and said, "Cook, you, you..."

"What's wrong." Cook was puzzled.

"Let me tell you, Cook, I am the cheapest building. After these items are purchased, those chambers of commerce will directly drive the large magic speed carts to transport these items. It can be built in two hours. It is the cheapest. Although those man-made crystals seem huge and transparent, they are actually very cheap." Saying the last few words, Leon gave Cook angrily.

"Really." Cook was puzzled.

"My God, Cook, don't you think it was built with that kind of stone? I told you that the cost of a stone-built manor is more than dozens of times that of my castle." Leon replied irritably, and the manor Everyone inside came out, it seemed to be welcoming Leon.

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