A Unique Hunter

Chapter 763: The mind of the fat elder

"Cook, do you know that the stones used to build the stone manor are not the stones of the standard plane. The cost of mining on the standard plane is manpower and the cost of restoring nature after mining, as well as the cost of engineers who know how to build. It’s just too much, and it’s enough to pay enough fees to the association for this kind of steel,” Leon said, breaking his fingers with Cooke.

When Cook heard this, he asked with some confusion: "What's the point of this?"

"There are countless planets in the star field that the Haha Maru Empire has explored, but those that can inhabit humans can be called rare, so the laws protecting the standard plane are very strict," Leon explained.

Then Cook nodded and followed Cook and slapped his tongue. Because a group of very beautiful women swarmed out, Leon said with a smile: "Cook envy me. The servants and maids here are all low-class civilized servants. Of the Lu Empire"

"I knew it" Cook rolled his eyes angrily

Cook's relationship with Leon is very close now, so he doesn't have any hierarchical barriers and he is much more free to speak.


All the maids and waitresses of "Master" salute Lyon respectfully

"I'm optimistic about this, but this is my best brother, but you have to watch carefully" Leon said loudly, his face was solemn

"Master" another manager dressed up and came to Lyon

"Okay, Cook, this is my manager, but a professional butler with the title of intermediate housekeeper" Leon introduced Cook with a smile

Although Cook does not understand what Lyon means, it is obvious that the title of steward is worth showing off. Second, it is definitely not a simple thing to show off a nobleman of the Maru Empire.

Cook nodded and smiled: "Hello"

"Let’s go, Cook looks like you don’t know how good my butler is. In the Maru Empire, it is not only a promising career. Some careers have more promising prospects than combat careers. My butler is proficient in the etiquette of six races and nine. The language of one race is more proficient in the words of the five races.” Leon saw Cook knowing that Cook didn’t understand at all and explained while walking.

"Oh, does this housekeeper understand the language of dragons" Cook asked with a curl of his mouth

"I don't know the language of the adult dragon" The butler twitched the corner of the dragon's mouth. It can be said that no one can learn the language of the dragon.

"So how much do you know orc language" Cook asked again

The butler beside "Three" replied triumphantly

"Wu Mei understands sixty-nine orc languages" Cook curled his lips again and motioned to Wu Mei

"There are more than sixty-nine languages ​​that I can speak as humans," Umei corrected.

"How can there be no sixty-nine orcs" the butler asked questioningly

"How could it not be possible that the fox tribe has as many as six, and Medusa has as many as nine. Right, I can also speak halflings" Wu Mei replied irritably, joking that some people dare to know orcs better than themselves

"Are there so many?" the butler asked suspiciously

"Why don't Medusa have a variety of scales, which are divided into many kinds of purple, white, red, etc." Wu Mei explained

The housekeeper was silent. How could humans know so much about the orcs. Cook smiled. Leon was also silent. The group entered the castle. Cook had a feeling of returning to the earth. What kind of magical world is there? It’s a science fiction world.

"How's it?" Leon asked triumphantly

"Of course it's not bad" Cook exclaimed heartily and looked around

The butler took Cook directly to arrange the accommodation. Of course, the brother butler knew how to arrange it with the sentence that Lyon started with, but the butler was still unwilling to ask Cook. The butler did not dare to ask Umei because even the butler knew too little about the orcs. After all, the orc steward is definitely not a human opponent, so the steward asked Cook: "My lord, you really understand the language of dragons."

"Of course" Cook replied directly in the language of the dragon when he heard it, and then he ignored the housekeeper and left.

The butler was taken aback for a moment, but then realized that what Cook said was the language of the dragon, but the butler worked hard for a long time and couldn't send out the two words Cook said. The voice butler confirmed that Cook said may be true.

Cook ignored the butler because after the arrangements were made, Cook felt that he should still refine some potions. After all, Cook was here to do the work this time. First, he was preparing to apply for a mercenary group in the Maru Empire, but Cook asked about it. The capital needed to establish a mercenary group in the Maru Empire is very expensive

In addition, I am preparing to transform my future territory. Although the current territory is not his own, Cook also knows that the transformation of the territory needs to apply in advance. There is a special chamber of commerce to be responsible for preparing this and it will also cost a lot of money.

There is also a need to spend money to establish a network with the nobles to send gifts

In a word, Cook found that the money needed is too much. Although Cook's money is not much, he is not afraid of it if he has the technology.

"For the laboratory, you may need to rent the laboratory from the Pharmacist Union. The Maru Empire has strict regulations on these dangerous industries." Leon's answer surprised Cook.

"Dangerous Industry Refining Pharmaceutical Agents" Cook was stunned by the incredible question

"Of course, your pharmacists will not only explode if they fail to refine the medicine, but the products after the failure of the refining will be very harmful, so..." Leon looked like you just understood

"Well then" Cook was speechless and had to go to the headquarters of the Apothecary Union

Leon did not have time to accompany Cook to the Apothecary Union because Leon was responsible for contacting the nobles to find out some news and also needed to deal with some things after leaving

Cook’s guide this time is the butler in Lyon. When the butler in Lyon saw Cook wearing the pharmacist grandmaster badge and walking into the pharmacist league headquarters under the bow of the pharmacist league guard, he still looked incredulous.

"Hehe, Cook, you want to refining pharmaceuticals, no problem. As for the rent, then you don’t have to." The fat elder at the pharmacist headquarters who received Cook actually forgot that this is the ranked elder but the fat elder of others. As soon as I heard Cook’s condition, I just smiled and said that this made the chins of the servants around the fat elder all fall off. You must know that this fat elder is the most famous stingy in the headquarters. Of course, this is related to the fat elder’s position and is responsible for the finances of the entire headquarters. Operation is not stingy

"Thank you Elder" Cook quickly thanked

"No thanks, no thanks, but Cook, can you refine more?" The fat elder smiled and his eyes narrowed.

"This is okay" Cook is a little at a loss, but the fat elder is so enthusiastic that Cook has no way to refuse

"Well, Cook, what materials do you need? I'll find someone to prepare it. I also know that the **** Maru Empire ruled that you must not bring enough medicinal materials." The fat elder's eyes became smaller and his smile became brighter.

"Uh, yes, I'm still going to buy medicinal herbs." Cook thought of the Maru empire's regulations and was shocked to answer.

"I don't know what potion Cook are you going to refine" the fat elder asked with a smile

"Powerful healing potion, energy-restoring potion" Cook felt more and more unpleasant but still replied

"Then we have a good herb, but we only need 5% of this powerful healing potion. How about 1% of the energy recovery potion?" Fat elder finally revealed his fox tail

Cook can't laugh at it. Cook finally knows why the fat elder doesn't want to rent and has to pay medicinal herbs. The reason is actually this. You must know that the 5% share of powerful self-healing potions is already very high. You must know that the success rate of such potions is 10 The average success rate below% is about 7%. Fat elders are going to go to 5% at once. This seems to others to be pure labor, so Cook replied with a slight start: "Is the 5% of powerful self-healing potions too much? Taller"

"Gao Cook, the herbs and the laboratory stuff, these are Cooks who need money, don’t you know that our headquarters are expensive, those..." The fat elder heard Cook say that the whole body is fat. After shaking twice, I immediately screamed

"3%" Cook said with a black line on his face and said no matter what the fat elder said

"Alright, 3%" The fat elder immediately grasped Cook's hand and the meat on the cheeks was shaking with a smile. The beauty in the fat elder's heart, you should know that Cook's potions are all high-quality potions. This 3% has exceeded Fat Elder’s expectations a lot

"Then this energy potion" Cook looked at the fat elder sadly, although 3% of the outsiders think that Cook has made a lot of money, but Cook knows the value of this 3% potion

This 3% refers to the 3% share of the medicine that the fat elder took out. Even so, Cook feels that the meat is painful and the energy medicine Cook is about to bleed, so his face is a little unsightly.

"Haha Cook, how can we get this energy potion? We don't need it anymore." What made Cook unexpectedly was the fat elder's answer

The fat elder muttered in his heart: "Fortunately, the success rate of the powerful self-healing potion is that if the success rate of this energy potion is too low, everyone will not look good at that time, and the quality of this powerful self-healing potion is something you have seen but the energy potion... "

Of course Cook didn’t know the little Jiujiu in the fat elder’s heart, so he hesitated and asked: "So is there a limit on the share of these herbs?"

"I don’t want as much as I don’t know." This sentence made the fat elder regret for countless years in the future. At the same time, Cook is the first person to be highly vigilant in the heart of the fat elder.

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