A Unique Hunter

Chapter 783: Hot Pot

ps: I met again, I wish you all good health. As for the red envelope issue..., bow to everyone.

"Haha, guys, this human kid really wants to fight me." The halfling said with a laugh.

"Uncle Wen, just show it to the human kid."

"Yeah, yeah, this human being just wants to find abuse."

"Big Brother Naiwen, you are welcome, let us also gain insights." The surrounding halflings started to quarrel.

In this area dedicated to selling food, it can occupy the position where the stalls enter, but the famous halfling culinary masters, the surrounding halflings are no longer set up, and one after another comes to watch, and more and more people are watching.

"Okay, I'll show it to everyone today." The halfling who was called the temperature-tolerant roared to the surroundings boldly.

"Human kid, can you start?" Na Wen asked loudly.

"Of course." Cook didn't care about being called a kid by the temperature tolerance. To be honest, this temperature tolerance is estimated to be 50 or 60 years old. Besides, after this temperature tolerance, he is Cook's cook. Since he is his own, Cook does not care. Up.

But if Nawen knew Cook thought so, I'm afraid he would have jumped and cursed.

"Uncle Wen, don't, don't."

"That's right, Uncle Wen, you have to explain what the duel is." Cook and Wen were just about to start, and the surrounding halflings shouted.

The temperature-tolerant beard trembled, and shouted, "You **** bastards, you actually want to learn my secret skills."

"Haha, Uncle Wen, you don't even think about hiding today."

"Yes." The surrounding half-length people shouted excitedly.

"Well, it's cheaper for you guys today, human guys, dare we come one by one and explain." Naiwen replied loudly, and then provocatively said to Cook.

"Okay, but who do we let the judge be the most." Cook agreed generously, and then asked.


"And I."

The halflings jumped up one by one. You should know that as a referee, they watched the temperature-resistant cooking up close, so the halflings shouted loudly.

"Human kid, you can choose someone." Tolerant said to Cook arrogantly.

The guards of the God of War Temple are all excited. After all, the referee is of great importance. Cook replied with a smile: "Okay, I'm the first to choose Wumei."


"We still have to choose us." The people on the orc side shouted loudly and cheered one after another. The other orcs also said they wanted to choose themselves.

"Unfair, unfair."

"That is, rude orcs can taste delicious."

"Yes, yes." The halfling shouted with dissatisfaction, and the temperature tolerance was also surprised, but the temperature tolerance was confident, and he was already thinking about how to suit the taste of the orcs.

But the next moment Cook’s selection was a surprise. Cook pointed and said: "You, you, you, and you."

"My lord..." The captain of the guard of the temple looked at Cook's fingers and almost fell to the ground. Cook chose those halflings, and they were older halflings. You must know that halflings live all their lives. Among the food, the older you get, the more silly you are.

The temperature tolerance was also shocked, but then I became distressed because the taste of the food cannot be satisfactory to everyone. Some like sweet, some like salty, and some like sour, so all of these must be considered when serving as a referee. factor.

"You are the referees." The reason why Cook chose Ume is because Cook likes Ume.

"Okay, human boy, come on."

"That's it, we old guys have a terrible mouth." Seven or eight halfling old men stood up and said to Cook with a haha ​​smile.

Cook smiled and asked: "Temperature, who of us will come first."

"Of course it's me. You choose the referee, but I have to do it first." Naiwen rolled his eyes and replied.

"Then please." Cook shrugged indifferently.

"Come here, show me the ingredients." Naiwen shouted loudly.

Several halflings came out with a bundled monster. When this monster came out, everyone was surprised.

"Temperature resistant, there are such delicacies."

"That is, this guy is not authentic, so good food is not brought out."

"It's a stick insect." Cook was also surprised.

Stick insects are a kind of warcraft. Although low-level, stick insects lurking under the ground to eat tender bamboo shoots and roots. Everyone knows that the place where bamboo grows is covered with bamboo roots. The roots are intertwined, and the roots are extremely tough. , Even a soldier may not be able to break through the roots to find these stick insects.

The reason why stick insects are delicious is that the cooking method of this thing is extremely simple. Stick insects are insects. Let the stick insects be hungry for a few days, empty the contents of their stomachs, and then directly put them away while they are alive. The legs of the insects were broken off, and then an appropriate amount of salt was directly inserted. The insect’s legs were hollow. After the salt was inserted, the salt-filled parts were directly plugged with bamboo, and then grilled alive.

Since the stick insects also have moisture inside, the salt will spread throughout the body of the stick insects when they are roasted by fire. With the bamboo plugging the broken legs, the whole stick insects taste very fragrant. Stick insects live underground for a long time, so they taste very tender.

The halfling people were cursing secretly in their hearts. This temperature tolerance was obviously because they were afraid that their secret skills would be learned by others, so they used such things.

The method of stick insects is very simple, but it takes a long time. After all, the stick insects are more than one meter long, and it takes a while to be cooked.

"Hey, kid, you can start now." Tolerant laughed while roasting stick insects.

Cook was speechless, but Cook replied with a smile: "Let's start then."

Cook knows how many people eat. In the catering industry, there is one thing that can satisfy a variety of tastes, that is, hot pot. Hot pot has the spicy flavor of red soup and the fresh fragrance of white soup. You can also mix it according to your own taste. Dip in water, you can choose the ingredients according to your preferences.

There are many seasonings in this world. Even if there are none, Cook also finds alternatives. Looking at the materials Cooked out, the halfling referees couldn't help but surround themselves.

"What does this human kid do, so many spices."

"That's right, so many seasonings, I'm afraid of the taste..."

As we all know, the more seasonings, the more you need to consider the mutual influence of flavors when you put them. It is wrong to have more or less flavors. If there is more sugar, the sweetness will be heavy. If there is more salt, it will be salty. If there are too many seasonings, other flavors will be suppressed.

Then Cook took out dozens of materials, including meat, eggs, poultry, and ingredients, and even fish. Some ingredients were covered with ice.

"Here." All the halflings gathered in front of Cook, because Cook was acting too strange.

"This dish I made is a new dish that I invented myself." Cook explained loudly.

"My new dish can adapt to the tastes of dozens of people." Cook continued.

"Absurd." Enduring laughed loudly at Cook.

"Shut up." The halfling referee shouted at the temperature in unison, because the practice of temperature tolerance made these halflings dissatisfied with a human being. After all, stick insects are known well.

Temperature-resistant shrank his head, and several halfling referees said to Cook, "You continue."

"I call this kind of dish hot pot." Cook took out a large pot with a full diameter of one meter with a bang.

"Hey, how can this pot be divided into two parts." A halfling referee asked in confusion.

"These are two kinds of soup." Cook took out a magic furnace, turned on the temperature directly, and put the pot on it.

Then Cook put an appropriate amount of water into the white soup, Cook directly threw in some of the bones of Warcraft, as well as fungi, and there are some bones in the red soup.

Then Cook began to process the ingredients. Some fish were sliced ​​directly into fish fillets by Cook, and the bones were thrown into the white soup to continue cooking. The fish fillets were also slightly seasoned with some seasonings.

"How do you cook this fish, barbecue?" a halfling referee asked.

"Haha, I'll understand in a while." Cook smiled.

Then Cook began to fry the sauce for the red soup. Dozens of spices were fryed by the oil of Warcraft, and then Cook threw the fried ingredients into the red soup pot.

Then some meat was frozen and cut directly into meat rolls. It looked very beautiful, and the fungus was processed one by one. After these things were processed, it was already an hour. The two soups showed different colors, one was creamy white, and the other was bright red, and the halfling referees around couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Cook picked up all the bones in the pot and said, "Now you can start eating."

"The way to eat is very simple. Did you see it? Here is the seasoning. Then each person has a bowl. Put the seasoning on your own if you like the taste, and then just put the ingredients on the chopsticks, rinse them, and dip them in the bowl. The seasoning, ebony, come." Cook picked up a slice of fish and fed it to ebony himself.

"It's so fragrant." After Wu Mei finished eating, she took the chopsticks and bowl that Cook gave her, and started to eat on her own.

As for the halfling referees, they began to play with their bowls and then began to taste them.

"It's delicious, my sesame sauce dipped in water and these delicious ingredients taste really good."

"It's really delicious." The halfling judge tasted it, and then they all exclaimed in unison. When it was over, these halflings suddenly accelerated.

"Hey, hello, you old guys are talking."

"Yes, I'm going to eat too." Seeing such a big pot standing there, someone saw halflings just eating, and drooling long ago, and then squeezed into the duel arena.

"What are we doing? We are tasting. This time the human kid won. Let's continue to eat." A referee shouted loudly, and said to the others after the roar, and then began to eat again.

"Impossible, impossible." Endurance roared loudly.

"It’s impossible to shit. People like human beings are not only innovative, but you look at other people’s ingredients and methods. They are all common and anyone can do it, but if you are resistant to temperature, you just rely on the ingredients. It’s a coincidence, so we always think you have lost.” A referee scolded while eating with a bowl~www.wuxiaspot.com~No, we have to try it. "

"That's right, you can't just eat it." The halflings who were watching by the side were already drooling by the smell of hot pot. Knowing that halflings have no resistance to food, they rushed into the duel arena. , The bowl and chopsticks are gone, these halflings actually share a bowl with two or three people.

"The fish fillets are gone."

"I have fish there, I will get it right away."

"The Coprinus comatus is gone."

"I have it."

Cook saw that his side had become like a banquet. The ingredients were gone. The halflings took out the ingredients from their stalls and continued to eat.

Cook walked towards Endurance with a smile, but Umei stuffed one thing to Cook: "These referees gave you this."

"What is it." Cook stretched out his hand to see, it turned out to be a golden badge.

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