A Unique Hunter

Chapter 784: Master of Food

"The badge of the food master, it's not fair." Naiwen jumped up when he saw the golden badge in Cook's hand beside him.

After Endurance shouted this voice, he couldn't help but turn his head and look around. According to Endurance, his voice could at least make the rest of the halflings clamor, knowing that the food badge is not simply a badge. That's it.

In the world of halflings, the badge is the distinction of levels. The higher the level of the badge, the higher the level in the inner world of the halfling, which is equivalent to the noble status of the human world.

The surrounding half-length people not only did not object, but started talking: "Tsk tut, the badge of the master."

"What's wrong with the Grandmaster badge? Look at the way this hot pot is eaten. It is simple and delicious. The same kind of food actually caters to the tastes of hundreds of people. I have to say that this is a miracle." A halfling stuffed a piece of meat. He entered his mouth and said loudly, and hurriedly squeezed in after finishing.

"That is, if you eat it in this way, these ingredients can be three- or four-ripe according to your preferences, and you can eat the kind you want." Another halfling continued to add.

"Temperature, I really envy you." The other halfling knew the temperature and said enviously.

Naiwen was confused. He didn't know what the words meant, and asked in confusion: "What do you mean by this."

"What do you mean, Naiwen, didn't you just bet that you want to be a cook with Grandmaster Cook for three years? This is an opportunity. Since Grandmaster Cook can come up with something like hot pot, then who knows that Grandmaster Cook still has it in his hands? Nothing else." The halfling looked at Endurance with envy.

Endurance was originally extremely sad. Yuewei Endurance is already a master cook, but today I didn’t expect to fail. My heart was originally unbalanced. But when this acquaintance said that, Endurance was a little excited, a little excited, and enduring. Wen has been wandering about how to get all the food in Cook's mind for the remaining three years.

"Master Cook, can you go." Naiwen thought of this, and immediately rushed to Cook in front of him, and asked with a smile.

Seeing the expression of Endurance, Cook couldn't help playing the drums in his heart, and he hesitantly asked: "Endurance, my bet just now was a joke."

"Just kidding, no, no, for halflings of us, what we say is a decision. We never joked." Hearing Cooke say this, Newen jumped up immediately, knowing that endurance is already in his heart. There are dozens of ways for Cook to consciously teach food recipes, but in a blink of an eye Cook actually said that it was a joke, which makes Nai Wen despise Cook in his heart. Of course, Nai Wen will certainly not let Cook's trickery succeed. , There is such an answer.

"That's okay." Cook increased his vigilance towards Endurance, and Cook couldn't figure it out. Endurance had a pretty big opinion of himself just now. Is there a conspiracy right now.

"Hi Madam." Naiwen saluted Wu Mei again.

"Hey, this is our lady, not a lady." The guard captain of the temple couldn't help but said. Although we all know that Wu Mei and Cook must have an unusual relationship, after all, Wu Mei is now an envoy, so the captain of the temple guard has to Reminded.

"Shut up, the guy with the face on his face is not qualified to speak." The halfling was less polite to the orc, and shouted rudely at the orc.

"Puff." Cook puffed out, spraying out everything he had eaten in his mouth, and the head of the temple guard, Elephant Man's face was already black.

"San Cun Ding, not as long as Lao Tzu." Knowing that the Elephant Man is not a vegetarian, he turned around and cursed a few words, which surprised Cook even more.

"Wu Mei, let's go." When Cook saw Wu Mei, he immediately took Wu Mei and left. If this goes on, these two guys don't know what more shocking words will be said.

"Grandmaster Cook, I don't know if there are any spices for hot pot." A halfling came to Cook respectfully and bowed and asked, because Cook is already a master-level cook, if not for the master The elders of the presbytery within the halfling determine various things within the halfling, maybe Cook is already a great master.

"Yes, how much do you need." Cook asked with a package of prepared spices.

"Thank you, thank you, Master Cook, there are still more, I will change the ingredients, please see adults." The halfling immediately pulled out a wooden box from the stall next to it. After the box was opened, there was still some inside. Ice cubes, in the middle of the ice cubes, some round, thorny things are frozen inside.

"Sea urchin." Cook was shocked, this thing is living under the sea.

"My lord is wise, this is a sea urchin, but this is an ice sea urchin. This sea urchin has grown for more than a hundred years." The halfling replied proudly.

"Hehe, you are too precious. I will not only give you spices, but also hot pot recipes. I don't know which hot pot recipe you want." Cook asked with a smile regardless of the secret recipe.

"My lord, are there many kinds of hot pot recipes?" The halfling asked in astonishment when he was excited. At this time, some halflings had gathered next to him, and the personnel were still continuing.

Cook replied with a smile: "Of course, the hot pot just now is only the most basic. There are also dozens of hot pots, such as roast chicken hot pot, sausage hot pot, nourishing hot pot, ale duck hot pot and so on."

"My lord, my lord, is there any seafood hot pot? I have a special interest in seafood." The halfling asked excitedly.

"Of course, spicy crab hot pot." Cook replied.

"Crab, that kind of thing is full of shells, is it really delicious." Halflings don't catch a cold with crabs, mainly because their whole body is hard armor.

"Why it's not delicious, do you have any crabs here, I will show you a hand." Cook was very greedy for the ingredients in the hands of these halflings, and asked with a smile.

"My lord, you mean you want to teach it to me for free." The halfling asked excitedly, almost fainting.

"Ahem, it's not about teaching, but I'm doing it. It depends on your talent as much as you can comprehend it." Cook said quickly, looking at the halflings with green eyes around.

"Please, sir, please." The halfling hurriedly invited Cook to his booth.

"Go, go, what are you doing." The halfling yelled angrily when he saw a long list of people behind him.

"We are here to buy things, we can't." A halfling replied angrily. The halfling was depressed and about to vomit blood, but when he saw that Cook was ready to start, he gritted his teeth and left these people. , Got closer to Cook.

"What's this up front?" Nian Wen triumphantly walked in the posture of a winner, walking with his chest raised up, because in the verbal confrontation just now, the orcs finally lost. When Nerwen woke up, Cook had already It was gone, Nai Wen asked all the way, and finally came here.

"Temperature, why are you here?" This person knew Nawen and asked in surprise.

"Haha, I just taught a guy who doesn't open his eyes, how dare to quarrel with me," Nai Wen replied triumphantly.

"No, resistance temperature, but Master Cook demonstrated on the spot in front." The person shook his head and replied.

"What to demonstrate." There was a bad feeling about the temperature tolerance.

"Hot pot, it is said that there are many kinds of hot pot. This is already the third kind." The halfling replied.

"Ah." Hearing this, Na Wen jumped up immediately.

However, Yuwen couldn't squeeze in, because there were too many halflings around, and some halflings, no matter who was squeezing behind them, directly beat Yuwen.

"My lord, my lord Cook, my lord." Nawen shouted loudly.

With the sound of a pot and a cutting board inside, Cook seemed to hear someone calling him, so he asked Wu Mei next to him: "Is someone calling me."

"No, there are them there, but Cook, this konjac is really amazing. The originally poisonous thing is so delicious when processed by you." Wu Mei doesn't care about others, as long as he is in front of Cook. Besides, There are so many delicacies to taste, so Wu Mei shook her head.

"Oh, did you see it? This is konjac, a new type of food with a good taste." Cook said to the halfling next to him.

"My lord, you are so amazing." The halfling looked at the new type of ingredients, feeling excited in his heart, knowing that the emergence of a new type of ingredient might make him make countless flavors and countless dishes. Your name will be passed down along with these dishes, how can you keep this halfling from getting excited.

For the whole day, Cook was in the food circle of halflings. What Cook didn’t know was that after today, all the hot pot in the entire food area, the direct consequence is that the transaction volume in other areas of the entire trading area plummeted, and The halfling food area is overcrowded.

"So happy." Wu Mei whispered lying on Cook's back.

Cook couldn't laugh so hard. This Wu Mei Xiao Nizi was actually able to eat, so she had to carry Xiao Nizi on her back. Cook didn't expect that the happiness Wu Mei wanted was so simple.

"Then I will make so many delicious foods every day, okay?" Cook asked.

"Not good." Wu Mei replied, shaking her head.

Cook asked in surprise: "Why?"

"Because that will delay your time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I know Cook, you are very busy." Umei explained.

Cook was moved at this moment. Although Wu Mei's intelligence was not high, Cook was moved to tears by this feeling, but when Cook saw the temperature tolerance with a swollen nose behind him, he immediately had an idea.

"Temperature, you immediately return to the halfling for me..." Cook said.

"My lord, no, I don't dare anymore, don't drive me away." Nai Wen is depressed. Cook taught more than a dozen hot pots, but he actually missed it. Nai Wen is already thinking how to clean up that damn. He's a guy who's longer than himself, so he told him to go back without knowing that Cook had spoken. Nai Wen quickly squatted on the ground, begging for mercy loudly.

"Uh, I'm asking you to go back and find some halflings. I want to form a team of halfling chefs to make delicious food for Umei every day." Cook explained in astonishment.

"My lord, I'll go right away, right away." Naiwen heard such an answer and immediately jumped up and rushed back.

"This guy." Cook looked at the back of Tolerant and didn't know what to say. What Cook didn't know was that when he returned home, the appearance of Tolerant surprised Cook even more.

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