A Unique Hunter

Chapter 798: Perverted Cook

When Tux and Sophia took the freezing potion, they realized that their bodies were not afraid of the cold temperature. Both of them were speechless to Cook. How could Nima meet such a person? Tux could not figure out how , Nima ran before and after these few days, but there was such a good thing that she didn't say anything. Please remember the URL of this site:.

It's no wonder that the two people have resentment, because the two of them can't absorb the elements around the ice eye to supplement the consumption. Tux has always worried that if it is in the ice eye, there will be no combat effectiveness.

"I still have the magic power recovery potion, or else." Cook took out two more bottles of light magic power recovery potion and asked shaking.

Tucks bit his teeth: "Yes."

"This price is more expensive than the frozen potion just now." Cook took out a scroll, and it suddenly stated that Tux owed Cooks 20,000 magic crystal coins. Cook passed the pen to Dax and said.

"Why?" Tucks asked without understanding.

"Why? First, what is this place, Bingyan, this thing is a life-saving thing, and second, what is my identity." When he said the second point, Cook shook a hand and hugged it. Little beautiful.

Cook continued: "Third, I am the best potion, the best potion, understand it, and fourth, how much water is blended with the holy water of the Holy See of the Holy See of the Bright, I have no water, or I I will also add water to you."

"How much is it?" Tucks asked silently, and Cook made a lot of sense.

"Also, it doesn't make sense that you think I'm strong buying and selling. Fifth, I'll show you the way. If it weren't for me, you could get here, so..." Cook continued to stop. .

"Okay, okay, how much." Tucks directly interrupted Cook and asked.

"Well, this thing is a life-saving thing, how about a bottle of 30,000 magic crystal coins?" Cook asked tentatively.

"Okay." Tucks didn't say much. If he said more, it might be like a frozen potion. In the end, there was more. Tucks directly wrote the IOU for 120,000 magic crystal coins.

"Could it be that the price I want is too low." Cook whispered.

"Not low, not low." Tucks took over Cook's potion and said quickly.

Sophia’s big eyes kept firing on Cook. Cook did not move at all. Sophia reluctantly wrote an IOU of 150,000. Cook sold a total of nine bottles of medicine, and Cook carefully collected the IOU.

"By the way, this owe to the Holy See will not be reimbursed." Finally, Cook said.

Tucks and Sophia couldn’t laugh. Since knowing the position of angels in this world, Cook’s brother actually regarded the Bright Empire, one of the three giants of the five-level civilization, as his own, but Tucker Si and Sofia can't object yet, depending on the little angel's dependence on Cook, this may happen.

"Our family can still get the money." Tucks had to explain.

"That's good, that's good, I'm afraid I won't dare to take things out in the future, I'm afraid there is no money." Cook breathed a sigh of relief.

Tux almost vomits blood, Nima actually needs to buy things here, Tux can’t wait to slap her mouth hard, knowing that tens of thousands of magic crystal coins are not caused by the wind, but now I am a **** servant, everything is enough.

"Our family is a small family." Sophia whispered.

"Well, I'll talk about this later, any IOUs are for writing." Cook said, waving his hand indifferently.

Sophia's face was immediately unsightly, but Tucks snickered. Sophia's wealth is richer than himself. Tucks saw Cook almost get into Qian's eyes, and then asked: "Just these few of us, I am afraid that we will break through. Not the core area."

"A few of us, whoever says we are just a few of us." Cook asked angrily.

"This, this, we are not a few people." Tucks opened his mouth, looked around, and then said.

"Hehe." Cook smiled, and then disappeared, leaving only a thumb-sized magic spider on the ground.

"This, this, this..." Tucks and Sophia were stunned, but before the two of them had time to check, Cook appeared again.

"The **** place, it's really cold." An urn sounded.

Tux was shocked, and Nima's big men kept coming out. Although these big men had reduced their breath, Tux could still feel the terrifying power contained in the bodies of these leading men.

"I said Cook, if there is no harvest this time, don't blame me for eating poorly you." Karon finally came out.

That’s not to say, the last one came out was a huge Hell three-headed dog. Er Fat still likes to roar to express his existence, but this time he was beaten by Cook first: "Don't make a noise."

A super-order beast can only bow his head obediently, cover his eyes with his paws, and look embarrassed. You must know that Tux, who has been fighting the dark empire for a long time, knows that **** three-headed dog is **** creature, and **** creature is more than demon creature. High-level existence, and the three-headed dog in **** can be said to be one of the kings in hell.

"Okay, let's not say much. First of all, everyone distributes the potions, right? We only have one, which is crushing. We have fifty adult poisonous dragons, fifty adult red dragons, and five Ten adult yellow dragons, plus a few of us, I have only one request to clean up all the annoying guys around here, but one thing to note is that these elemental creatures will reorganize, but each time they reorganize, their strength will decrease." Cook said to everyone seriously.

"Let's just fight directly like this." Tucks saw Cook's team, and there was no worry in his heart. Nima has pulled more than a hundred adult dragons. What kind of power is this.

"Of course not. Our tactics are like this. First, we need one person to attract these elemental creatures, and then the rest of us will continue to intercept and kill behind the elemental creatures." Cook's plan is simple.

"It's not me to attract it." Seeing the densely packed elemental creatures, the scalp numbs.

"Ahem, originally I was going to let you go, for this I also prepared a set of magic weave equipment, but seeing what you look like now, I found..." Cook coughed twice, then said.

"Equipment, equipment, I'll go, I'll go." When Tucks heard such a good thing, he jumped out in a hurry and said.

"It's a pity, I plan to go by myself now." Cook said with a helpless shrug to Tucks.

"Okay, the plan is complete, everyone is absolutely right according to this method." Cook said loudly. Although Cook has some doubts about whether these dragons listen to his orders, Cook has no better way. .

Ku overcomes with several potions, and then takes out the bow in his hand. Of course, Xiao Meili continues to return to the natural ring. After all, it’s too dangerous outside. Xiao Meili’s level is too low. Although the angel’s starting point is high, Can't stand it, isn't it small.

"Haha." Cook laughed, then loosened the bowstring in his hand.

"Boom." As you can see with the naked eye, Cook's arrows carried a puff of white mist, and then made a boom.

"This, this." Tucks didn't expect Cook to be so strong. You must know that this kind of fog is not a freezing relationship, but a speed that is manifested by reaching a speed, which is what we call breaking the sound barrier.

"Boom." The arrow that Cook shot was like a huge drill, rumbling towards the ice elemental creatures, and any elemental creatures that were touched along the way were twisted into pieces.

"Nima." Tucks was really stunned. The arrows plowed a huge ravine among the elemental creatures. It looked so eye-catching, and there was no elemental fluctuation in this attack, that is to say. This is purely a power attack.

"Boom." All the elemental creatures rushed madly at Cook in an instant.

"Hehe, Rainstorm Pear Blossom Crossbow." Cook yelled, and then a silver-white metal box was placed in front of him.

"Boom boom boom." Hundreds of powerful magic crossbow arrows swept towards the elemental creatures.

The elemental creatures rushing to the forefront immediately fell down like wheat, but as long as the elemental creatures weren't hit by the core, there would be no big deal, but for a moment, these elemental creatures stood up swayingly.

"Nima, come again, magic bomb." Cook slapped his head, then took out a cylinder, a cone-shaped silver-white metal object was thrown into the cylinder by Cook.

"Tong." With a sound, the silver-white metal object flew out all of a sudden, and then landed in a straight line thousands of meters in front of Cook.

"Boom." With a sound, a shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across the kilometer range.

"Boom Rumble." After the shock wave, Er Fat ran out. When he came back, there was already a lot of ice element core in his mouth.

"Tong." The second silver-white metal flew out again, and the ice elemental creatures fell down again.

"Perverted." Sophia's eyes widened. Even in the Light Empire, there is no such weapon against the sky.

"This seems to be an extremely rare sonic weapon." Tucks said with a groan because of his extensive combat experience.

"Roar, damn, this guy is going to steal the limelight." Kalong roared and rushed out directly, like a cannonball.

"Boom." An ice elemental creature was directly punched by Kalong into a pile of white powder.


"Boom." The elemental creatures are like flour, and there is no one in the hands of Karon.

"Zhenyi eighteen stumbles." Kalong roared with the rise of the performance.

"Boom." The palm of the knife killed one.

"Boom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the palm turns into a fist.

"Boom." One of his wrists was wiped out.

"Boom." One elbow flicked out.

"Boom." One off the shoulder.

"Boom." One head hammered out.

"Boom." Turning around and killing one.

"Boom." An **** wiped out.

"Boom." Rotate the knee to kill one, and do it again, repeating.

Kalong is like a windmill. As long as the body can exert force, it is a deadly weapon. The ice elemental creatures turn into a pile of powder, and the huge shock force directly shatters the heart.

"Guck." Tux's face was pale, because although the dragon is invincible in close combat, it has no moves, just a brute force, but when such a guy uses the same trick just now, Tux thinks of himself The appearance of being knocked down and his whole body fractured made him shiver.

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