A Unique Hunter

Chapter 799: Reaching the ice eye

"I rely on." Cook was also stunned by the series of attacks by Karon.

Cook is sweating coldly, Nima, now the dragon has become a well-deserved king of melee warfare. Cook can't wait to give himself a few big mouths, nothing to do, and he thinks about the boring guy who sleeps all day long like the dragon. It is also very possible.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom." Kalong is like a wheel that keeps spinning, and the more you get back, the more familiar it is. As long as any part of the body approaches, the elemental creatures suddenly become a pile of powder. Even the core is the same.

"Damn it, when is this guy so powerful?" The dragons were dumbfounded, Nima's fighting skills.

Other dragons also started to learn Kalong in a similar manner. Of course, they won’t be able to learn it for a while, but these dragons are powerful and they take the freezing potions given by Cook, so even if they are occasionally hit by magic , Is also a slight scar.

But Tux's face was pale, because the dragon's fighting method just now was simply too abnormal. It made Tux think of his own way of fighting. Only three, picked up a sledgehammer, smashed, smashed hard, and at most. A sweep.

Looking at the giant dragon, Tux has been on the battlefield. What is the focus on the battlefield? The most important thing is not the attack power. Yes, the attack power is very powerful, but the attack power is strong and the defense must be very strong.

Through years of fighting, Tux found that it is better to fight alone on the battlefield, but what is the most important thing in a melee, the frequency of attack, that is to say, when others attack one move, you have to attack three moves, no, two Move, you will be invincible.

This is why, because if you want to attack or not, then the other party must be defensive. If your attack is so fast, what the opponent can do, of course, is defensive, which means you keep attacking and others keep defending.

But this is not the most terrifying thing. What is the most terrifying thing is to be attacked by people in close quarters, especially a guy with a thick skin like a giant dragon, who has a breath of dragon when he is anxious. Look at this series of attacks. Zhong has almost attacked more than five times. This frequency is invincible in melee.

"Boom." Tucks couldn't help learning how to get rid of his clothes, but Tucks was used to using weapons, and was not used to it. Several times he changed from palm to punch without success, but was bombarded by magic. .

"Haha, Tucks, you also want to learn this." Cook saw that this time there was no need to escape tactics. This elemental creature was just a fool. He kept leaning on the dragon, and then waved his crystal claws, Wang Julong, to greet him. The obvious congenital underdevelopment is not. If Nima disperses these guys, and then sets fire to each dragon, he will concentrate firepower on one person.

"Huh." Tucks ignored Cook and kept tossing himself.

"Hey, Tux, don't learn from Karon, he still teaches me." Cook looked at Tux, and he didn't know why he wanted to molested him. Cook wondered if he was right. Sexual orientation is abnormal.

"What." Tucks was really surprised, but Tucks didn't believe it, even the angels were rectified, and there was nothing that could not be rectified.

"Takes, you are optimistic. First of all, the whole body must be full of strength. Of course, the dragon does not need to stretch out the palms, change the fists, don't pay attention to the upper body, pay attention to the footwork, this is the most important." Cook said On the side the professor got up.

Tux’s comprehension ability is very strong. Cook just did a demonstration and then explained it. Tux is already decent, and Cook is still pointing: "Rhythm, you have to master the attack. Rhythm, you can slow down when you need to accumulate energy, and your footwork should be coordinated."

"Boom, boom, boom." The three elemental creatures were hit by Tucks three times, and they were resolved in less than a second.

"Very good, but Tucks, human bodies don't look like dragons, so you need to go step by step." Cook looks like you behaved well.

"I'll try it." Tucks left a word, like a child who got his beloved toy and rushed into the community of elemental creatures.

"Cook, you created a new profession." Sophia said sincerely, full of admiration.

"Cough cough, I'll take a look." Cook is now subconsciously away from women. After all, Cook has a lot of women himself, Lina, Xiah, Mickey, Connie, Manli, Ume, And all the looks are top-notch, Sophia is still a bit worse.

"Boom, boom, boom." But although Cook moves smoothly, his power can't be compared with the dragon, and the core of the elemental creatures can't be shattered.

"Roar, roar." Erpang is even more powerful, biting his mouth, tearing his claws, and stepping on his feet. Even two roars will shatter a large piece of elemental creatures.

"Second fat, draw those guys away, pay attention." But Cook looked at more and more elemental creatures, knowing that it would be impossible to fight them down. Although there are hundreds of dragons, Cook discoverer Ice Eye The core area seems to be a place that resembles the elemental realm, and the elemental creatures seem to be endless.

"Roar." When Er fat heard Cook's greeting, he roared, like a bulldozer, the giant bulldozer rushed towards the densest place of elemental creatures, and shouted.

Seeing countless elemental creatures being taken into the distance by Er Fat's roar, Cook breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why do you want Er Fat to go?" Sophia asked curiously as Er Fat went away with a large group of elemental creatures.

"You think I can sway these crazy guys." Cook replied helplessly.

"Haha, happy, Cook, I didn't come in vain this time." Kalongha laughed, Kalong is already very proficient in his clothes.

"Boom." But at this moment, in a certain area behind Cook, there was a loud noise, and a black mushroom cloud appeared in the air behind him.

"This is." Cook looked at the explosion of a nuclear bomb in astonishment.

"The self-destruction of the dark warriors." Tucks may have been prepared, and said a word.

"Damn." Cook knew what was going on, but Cook became more and more unhappy about the dark empire.

"Cook, you have to be prepared, the Dark Empire will definitely be deployed with all its strength, and Death Scythe is still the saint son of the Dark Empire." Tucks said with a smile.

"Hehe, it's okay, it will be a big deal when we Xiaomei visit the Dark Empire together." Cook replied with a smile.

"You, Cook, I'm leaving, Sophia, you have to follow Your Excellency Cook, you can't let..." Tucks said anxiously to Sophia.

Cook interrupted and said: "Takes, it's not as serious as you think, our plane is in a huge spatial turbulence, and currently no magic spacecraft can cross this huge spatial turbulence. "

"Space turbulence." Tucks was stunned.

"Yes, the last time the fleet that attacked the plane was swept into the space turbulence while passing through the wormhole, and then came here accidentally. This is why our plane has not been discovered for so long. Because outside our plane is a huge space turbulence wrapped." Cook explained.

"This." Tucks was really stunned, but Tucks also understood why Cook faced hundreds of legends without the slightest pressure. On the one hand, these guys are not of one mind, and there is this place. Without Cook's pioneer, it would be impossible to get out at all, that is to say, with these dragons, the plane of gods would not be defeated.

"Let's go, let's see Bingyan." Cook said to Tux.

"Let's go." Cook yelled, and more than a hundred adult dragons followed Cook.

Cook had already visited Ice Eye last time, so above Ice Eye, when other people saw so many frozen figures of various races and powerful monsters, they were all stunned. Such countless ice sculptures.

"This is, this is the remains of the Great War between Gods and Demons." Tucks was stunned and roared in alarm.

"Devil Warrior, this is a class that has disappeared, Demon Warrior."

"Monk is also a disappearing profession."

"This is the alchemist, claiming to be the most powerful spellcaster on the entire plane."

"Sorcerer, killer is the invisible killer." Tucks deserves to be the top talent cultivated by the Bright Empire, but after a while, he recognized several disappeared professions.





Races continued to appear in front of everyone. When everyone finally came to an invisible ice eye that was several meters in diameter and wide, they were all shocked, and the temperature here was extremely low, even if they were taking frozen potions. Everyone also shivered.

"Barry, go down and take a look." Cook shouted loudly without warning.

"Huh." Everyone just saw a fiery ball of fire falling directly into the middle of the ice eye.

"Boom." But the next moment, a huge shock wave burst out of the ice eyes, and the cold gas condensed into a huge white mist from thousands of meters in the sky.

"Damn, don't call me again next time." A voice roared, and then a fireball went directly into Cook's body.

"This is..." Tucks was surprised, because just now Tucks thought that Cook released a fireball~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now I know it is also a creature, and what creature can withstand the cold just now Temperature, let alone fire elemental creatures, fire elemental creatures dare not enter the core area of ​​the ice eye.

"Well, I don’t hide it from everyone. According to the information I got, under this ice eye is a god-level item, and around this ice eye is just a means of self-defense for this item. If you want to find this item, The only way is to go down here." Cook said.

"Couldn't it be digging from the side?" Kalong asked grimly.

"It's impossible. This kind of self-conscious divine machine item has turned the surrounding area into a semi-domain area. In this area, excavation is an unrealistic idea. Not to mention hardness, once excavated, Then the excavated ice surface will continue to repair itself, and there is nothing to add to it, so..." Tucks explained it very clearly.

Karon rolled his eyes and said, "I won't go anyway."

"Do you have any good ideas." Tucks turned to ask Cook.

PS: It is estimated that there will be one update today, even if there is a second update, it is very late.

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