A Unique Hunter

Chapter 804: Ready to kill

"Great Dimension Slash, does it have any effect on me?" the three-headed golden dragon asked with a terrible fart.

"Puff." But the next moment, half of the arm of the three-headed golden dragon broke automatically, and the golden dragon blood spurted out with a puff.

"Damn it." The three-headed golden dragon looked at the ejected golden blood and the lost arm in disbelief, cursed, and then grabbed his arm and stuffed it in the position of the fracture.

"Is it useful, puff?" Lina whispered, and at the same time the three-headed golden dragon's broken arm broke again, without any sound or warning.

"I admit defeat, I admit defeat, **** it, there is the power of the law, I admit defeat." The three-headed golden dragon looked at the broken arm. The dragon's powerful self-healing ability made the broken arm heal instantly, but then healed. The wound opened again, and countless blood spurted out again, but the powerful self-healing ability allowed the wound to heal again and spurted open again. Repeatedly, golden blood was everywhere, and the three golden dragons paled and roared loudly.

"Humph." Lina snorted coldly, thanking Cook in her heart.

Because this trick is actually the inspiration given by Cook, Cook asked Lina to condense the big dimension to the thickness of the hair, then the attack power must be doubled. This is not a consciousness in another world, but on earth, Almost everyone who has studied physics knows that the smaller the force unit area, the stronger the attack will be under the same pressure. This is like the force area of ​​a bullet is only that big, but the force area must be expanded to one. How much damage does the bullet hurt?

The three-headed golden dragon is really frightened. The space legend’s attack power is indeed strong. The three-headed golden dragon has just boasted. The golden dragon’s body is now comparable to the middle-level sanctuary, but the golden three-headed dragon itself is The giant dragon has a defensive bonus, so just relying on its defensive ability is comparable to a human god-level, not much difference.

But the three-headed golden dragon is powerful for the blind pursuit. Of course, there are some secrets involved. The three-headed golden dragon does this, and the three-headed golden dragon forgets that the body is strong, but this is like a person holding an invincible shield. What's the use, attack is the best defense.

The three-headed golden dragon is sweating coldly, and I can imagine the depression in my heart. Just now, West Asia’s theory has shown that West Asia has touched the level of the original law, and the legend of this space system is even more powerful. It is silent and is obviously original. Deeply applied, the three-headed golden dragon was jealous of Cook, and he cursed inwardly: "Little white face."

The face of the three-headed golden dragon was a little embarrassed, and Tux was even more shocked. The three-headed golden dragon, the king of the dragon, was defeated by a woman. Tux could not help but re-examine Cook and the forces behind it.

"It is a teleportation circle, and it is intact. The existence of the ice eye is just a means of self-protection of this ancient magic circle, and the huge ice eye you see at the beginning is the energy lost from this circle. The gap." West Asia continued to say lightly.

"Let's go in and take a look." The three-headed golden dragon said.

"You are not afraid of the devil." Cook asked with a smile, not knowing what the old guy thought in his heart.

"Hmph, the Devil God has existed for so long, even if there is, it must be extremely weak." The three-headed golden dragon replied with disdain.

Everyone admits that the three-headed golden dragon said that time is the biggest enemy. Cook is a little moved, but Cook has always been unsure about doing things, and when he doesn’t have a little understanding of the situation, Cook is even more Won't do it.

"I don't think so. After all, no one knows what the demon **** is." Cook looked at the dragons with a little heart. Cook knew that these dragons value treasures and the like, and first spoke.

"I think so." Xia also said, only relying on this magic circle to operate for hundreds of thousands of years, Xia knew that there must be something incredible in it.

Seeing that the three-headed golden dragon said so, the three-headed golden dragon would not speak, but the three-headed golden dragon was definitely not reconciled. The three-headed golden dragon was also a great dragon, and the dragon was also very greedy for money, but the three-headed golden dragon also knew that the devil was definitely not so easy to deal with.

"Someone is coming," Lina said.

Hundreds of figures flew towards Cook. Cook had a bad feeling. Sure enough, after hundreds of people came, Cook discovered that this was simply not the powerhouse of the plane alliance.

These people simply understood what happened, and they were all eager to try. Obviously, the demon **** is very attractive to these guys. Even Tucks was tempted: "Cook, why don't you go in and take a look at the existence of ancient times. Even if it takes a look, it's not a waste of time."

Cook is a little familiar with this, as some history lovers say, if you let me see ancient Chang'an, even if I die, this is certainly a way of expressing will, and knowing if this is not. Possibly, even though there is that kind of idea in my heart, but it is really going to be implemented, there are still some...

"Cook, you can go and see." West Asia was also a little moved. West Asia's hobby is the magic circle. Being able to see the ancient real magic circle in person, Xia definitely doesn't want to let this opportunity go.

"Cook, you can go in and take a look. After all, there are so many of us, and my offensive power is great." Lina also agreed. Lina felt a little invincible. After all, the three golden dragons were hit hard. It's not.

Cook is also a little tempted. Cook estimated that there are hundreds of legends, more than a hundred dragons, and three golden dragons, Lina, Sia, Tucks, himself, Sophia, and himself, and more There is little beauty, and the lineup is already very strong.

But then Cook thought of another idea and shouted loudly: "Everyone, everybody, god-level items are in this teleportation array, but we don’t know what's going on inside, so I have an idea now. I just took out a batch of magicweave equipment to auction. Although it is broken, it is better than nothing. And we still need to prepare well, so I suggest that we take the risk again in a month."

"Magicweave equipment, mentor, you really have it." Mori asked in surprise.

"Of course, but this magic pattern equipment is good or bad, it depends on everyone's strength." Cook explained.

"So there are a few magicweave equipment." Someone immediately asked loudly.

"Hehe, this is a secret, maybe a few, maybe a few hundred." Cook said jokingly.

Hearing this, the three-headed golden dragon murmured angrily: "Insidious, treacherous kid,"

"Old guy, why is this insidious and treacherous." Kalong asked irritably, knowing that the poisonous dragon clan has never been favored by the giant dragon clan, thinking that it has lost the face of the dragon clan, so Kalong simply Don't give face to the three-headed golden dragon, just the old guy shouted.

"Stupid, well-developed limbs, simple mind." The three-headed golden dragon confronted West Asia, and Lina might not dare to curse, but a young poisonous dragon would teach her the lesson.

When Kalong heard this, he smiled and replied: "That is, there are some old shameless people who actually smashed people's corners face to face."

"You, damn, if this kid tells the number of pieces of equipment, if these humans reach an agreement in private, wouldn't it be impossible to sell them at a high price? You must know that without an exact number, it's not easy to negotiate in private. This is the last one, so these guys have to raise the price desperately." The three-headed golden dragon said in a lesson.

"There are so many things to say, one answer." Karon was stunned, looking at Cook with an unknown light in his eyes.

"So humans are cunning, treacherous, and mean..." The three-headed golden dragon was insulted by humans, and was exuding a strong resentment.

"Teacher, if we leave, who will be watching here, in case someone comes in." Chakra asked worriedly.

"Hehe, it's impossible. This ancient teleportation array needs a key, and it is a key composed of 180 numbers. Even I need a few days to break it, and what you see now is just a teleportation. It's just an array. As for the specific location of the teleportation, it may be under the ground, in the magma, or in an unknown alien space." Xia Hahe explained with a smile.

The others breathed a sigh of relief, so that's good, even if it is destroyed, then everyone should not even think about finding it.

"Then let's go." Someone immediately suggested. Obviously, some people think that the magic pattern equipment is more attractive than the treasure, after all, it is only a visible and tangible thing.

"Cook, you really plan to deal with the magic pattern equipment." Kelong asked in a low voice.

Cook said with a smile: "Karon, if you can figure out why the three-headed golden dragon says you are God-level, I can give you a complete set of magic pattern equipment. Remember, it's a set. At least seven or eight good things."

"This is what you said, the magic contract." Karon looked like he wanted to bite Cook, then said.

"Of course." Cook smiled, because the magic pattern equipment was sold and given away. As long as it was equipped, it would definitely need to be maintained. Then who would maintain it, of course, it was West Asia, and these people spent a huge price to purchase the magic pattern equipment. Does it need to be maintained? It must be necessary. If there is damage in the battle, hehe, gather materials, ask for help, and find someone to repair if you owe favor, but who to look for, hehe...

Kalong walked towards the three-headed golden dragon, and it seemed that the two of them were still in a good relationship. Cook smiled.

"What if I don't have enough money," Tucks asked sadly.

"It's easy~www.wuxiaspot.com~The title deed, title deed, property, as long as it can be proved that it belongs to you, the magic spaceship is really not good. It is fine to sign a work contract for many years." Cooke He didn't hesitate to answer, Sia and Lina looked at each other in their hearts, and felt that the hundreds of people around them were very pitiful. After all, they had to maintain the equipment after they bought them. As long as they signed the work contract, I was afraid that there would be no turning back.

"Okay, I signed a one-hundred-year work contract with you." Tux said excitedly.

"You, you are already our housekeeper, what kind of contract is there." Cook looked at Tux, and replied angrily. Tucks almost jumped up when he heard this, but thought of Xiao Beautiful, Tucks calmed down immediately.

"Hehe, hehe, should the servant give priority to equipment?" Tucks asked unwillingly.

"Let's take a look, if there is anything left, I will definitely give it." Cook replied with a smile. Tux's eyes lit up immediately and decided to find a few familiar guys to bid up the price. There is a chance.

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