A Unique Hunter

Chapter 805: Slaughter begins

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After Cook and the others returned to the Baronian Territory, Cook personally issued an auction notice to the major forces on the plane. The minimum requirement was a ninth-level powerhouse, and entry required 10,000 magic crystal coins or something equivalent.

For a while, the whole continent was a sensation, and the magic pattern equipment on the continent had another sacred object called sacred artifacts. The sacred artifacts in the previous continent were the top things in the Holy See. Of course, not only the entire Holy See, even the entire place In the face, the sacred artifacts are also top-notch things. These things are often secretly kept by the leader of a party, and are used as strategic weapons of various forces. This is also one of the reasons why the major forces on the plane are balanced.

Cook's notice was not only on the mainland, but even the sea clan Cook also issued a notice, because there are more magic materials in the sea. It can be said that the magic materials in the sea are countless times that of the land.

After the announcement was issued, one after another strong people came to the Baron’s territory. Even the strong people in the Warcraft clan expressed their desire to participate through some strong people in the Yalong clan. Of course, Cook agreed. Those who participated The more, the higher the price.

At this time, Mori even gave Cook an idea: "Instructor, you said if this announcement is in the plane alliance, what will happen?"

"Hehe, I have thousands of magicweave equipment here." Cook said with a smile.

"Count, count, thousands." Mori was shocked immediately, stuttering, and nothing was more shocking than this.

"Of course, I found a warehouse, a warehouse for magicweave equipment, but unfortunately the warehouse has not been repaired." Cook showed a regretful expression.

"This, this, this." Mori is already speechless, even if it is tattered, this Nima is a magicweave equipment.

When Cook saw Mori, he smiled and asked: "I know you want to learn the knowledge of magic lines. I now have one for you to exercise. I don't know if you want it or not."

"Yes, yes." Mori just thought about it for a moment, and immediately thought of what it was. Thousands of magicweave equipment needs to be repaired. No, even if there are West Asia, but if you want to fix so many things in a short time, obviously not. In reality, there is any way, of course, to increase the manpower, but this manpower is not something that can be easily cultivated, and there is a chance for a few of my own.

"Well, you can participate in the repair of these thousands of broken equipment, and if the materials are out, you can use them to practice your hands." Cook said with a smile.

Mori jumped up excitedly, and asked excitedly: "Teacher, what about them."

"Cough cough, of course together, but don't tell me I have thousands of magicweave equipment, okay, I am very optimistic about you." Cook patted Mori on the shoulder and said.

"Thank you mentor, thank you mentor." Mori immediately thanked him incoherently, excitedly.

"Okay, okay, let them know, I will take you to West Asia." Cook was very satisfied with his win.

The reason why Cook wooed Morrie was because Cook found that the others were vaguely repelling Morrie. Of course, Cook didn't know that this was the consequence of Morrie's flattering and causing other people's dissatisfaction.

However, as a superior, what you need is to support some minorities. In addition, if your subordinates are united, wouldn't the leadership be difficult to manage? This is also the art of leadership.

After a while, Morrie brought in Challak and others, but Cook found that the number of people seemed to be a little higher, and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with these people."

"Instructor, if you want to repair the magic pattern equipment, the knowledge alchemist may not work. These are the most famous appraisers of the Plane Alliance. They can appraise a lot of magic materials, and these few are very special in handling certain aspects of materials. Where." Morrie explained in a low voice.

"Haha, okay, okay, here I have prepared a set of magic pattern equipment for you alone, it's a welcome gift for me as a tutor." Cook said with a smile.

"Meet the mentor." Mori and the others were overjoyed, squatted on the ground, and practiced student etiquette. From this time on, Cook was officially the mentor of these old guys.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see West Asia." Cook took these people to see West Asia. West Asia is now in a special place and occupies one-sixth of the magic airship manufacturing base in the territory of Baron Cooke.

Magic airships are now a popular thing on the entire continent, and there is competition between countries, because this thing is too strategic. If a country does not have such a thing, it will feel unsafe in the heart.

In addition, Cook has launched a small magic crystal cannon. Although the power of this magic crystal cannon is not great, it is equivalent to the attack of an intermediate magician. Therefore, the war on the mainland has been out of the scope of ordinary people. Many empires They all sent ordinary people home, and then equipped magic airships, because for these empires, it is possible for a army of 100,000 people to be wiped out by a magic airship.

Of course, these empires certainly don't know that Cook is already preparing to experiment and build a magical aircraft that has never been seen before, and this aircraft will be slowly introduced at that time. This is the so-called upgrade, but it is just money.

West Asia is very famous in the entire baronial realm, and the entire continent is also very famous, because this is the only great master of the magic circle, and it is still the only master of the magic pattern.

"West Asia." Cook saw West Asia from a distance and shouted loudly.

"Madam." Morrie and the others hurriedly shouted in unison.

Although it is a name of a lady, the etiquette is different and the meaning is different. Mori and others bend their knees and bend over, this is already the most important etiquette.

The same name of a lady, nodding is a meaning, kissing a hand is a name, in short, there are many differences, this is the etiquette of nobles.

"West Asia, they are here to help you repair the magicweave equipment." Cook said straightforwardly.

"You come with me. First of all, I have to make sure that you are familiar with what you are familiar with, and then I can divide the work for you. Of course, certain assessments are needed. If you have good grades, I will personally be my assistant." Xia said with a smile.

Then Xia brought this group of old guys into the laboratory, and Cook left with a smile. There are a lot of people who have come recently, so Cook needs to receive a lot of people. After all, they are all based on the plane, and Cook is not easy to lift. It's not to be arrogant.

But when Cook saw a group of people, his face immediately became bad. This person was Ivis' father, the overlord of the Sea Clan. After seeing Cook, Ivy's father was also very unhappy. Asked: "Boy, I asked you to marry my daughter, why you haven't come to propose marriage now."

"This, this, uncle, I really talk to..." Cook was speechless.

"Hmph, you are bullying our Sea Clan no one." Ivis' father asked with a sneer.

"No, no, uncle, uncle, let's discuss it." Cook said quickly.

"No, there is nothing to discuss. Just say whether to marry or not." Ivis' father refused.

Cook looked at the hundreds of big guys behind Ivys’s father, and felt bitter. Cook knew that he was beautiful now, but in fact he was walking a tightrope. No matter how powerful Cook, Lina, Sia and others are, it’s just a few Personally, Cook also has many relatives and friends. In the event of a conflict, Cook can guarantee that, except for Sia and Lina, the rest will definitely be on the sidelines, including Mori and others, because as long as they fail, what is the magic pattern? Naturally, these people will get it.

"Okay." And Cook knew that the matter of men and women gave other people an excuse to watch, so he gritted his teeth and agreed. Of course, this is also the impression that Ivy gave Cooke.

"Haha, haha, is this all right, come on, let me introduce to you, this is the patriarch of the sea dragon clan, this is our current king..." Ivis' father laughed and patted Cook Said on his shoulder.

Cook hurriedly arranged these people. When Cook finally walked out, he muttered to himself: "No one is a fool."

This sentence is because Cook asked Ivis’ father why he didn’t give him a chance to trade. Ivis’ father replied in a drunken manner: "I'm afraid you can say it, I can't refuse it, you know You are a Mageweave Master, and I have you as my son-in-law. Mageweave equipment is not a fart."

Cook has been very busy these days, but it was not until Connie found Cook that Cook had forgotten one thing, and that was that none of the strong men of the orcs had come.

Cook hurriedly asked Connie to issue a notice in the Maykai Empire, and the strong of the orcs got the news.

One month passed quickly. In this month, the prices of high-grade materials and rare quality materials above www.wuxiaspot.com have almost doubled. Of course, there is Cook who does not sell magic. Materials, but also a large number of magic materials, because the plane does not have a pioneer number, it is very difficult to enter, and after a large number of magic weave equipment is sold, those who need to repair magic weave equipment will definitely need materials.

This is one reason, and the strong are also constantly acquiring materials. Everyone here is going to ask, won't the strong look for materials themselves.

Haha, this not only involves the issue of face, but also involves the agreement between legendary levels. If your human legend hunts and kills Warcraft, wouldn't it be possible to kill the Warcraft, and if the legendary powerhouse in Warcraft kills humans, I am afraid humans It is possible to kill even after killing, so legends have an agreement with each other, after all, whether it is low-level monsters or ordinary humans, these are the foundation of the entire world. Without ordinary monsters, ordinary humans, then all creatures will face One result is destruction.

The day of the auction finally arrived. The number of people participating in the auction this time exceeded three thousand. Among them, dragons, seas, gnomes, dwarves, elves, night elves, drows, orcs, even ogres and so on are all races. Here, Cook had to rebuild a huge auction site near the Golden Pass.

"Haha, welcome everyone to this sacred artifact auction. First of all, I want to introduce ten appraisers to you." Cook said loudly from the center.

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