A Unique Hunter

Chapter 831: Sick puppet

"Destroy, destroy." The eyes of the magic puppet kept emitting red light, but they are now covered by a weird helmet. Covering the helmet is a bit like a pilot's helmet, except that the front of the helmet is not made of a whole piece of transparent material. It's done, but pieces are put together.

"Everyone, don't let this guy get angry and attack with magic." Cook shouted loudly.

"Isn't it that you can't attack with magic?" The people around asked while avoiding.

Cook was speechless and explained loudly again: "Now this guy is equipped with magic weave equipment and can't absorb attacks anymore."

"Asshole, fireball with beads." The long-range attacking magician, the archer woke up immediately, the first to shoot was a fire legend, with a staff made of fire crystals in his hand, a series of at least 30 washbasins The big and small fireball with white light shot at the magic puppet.

"Woo." The armor on the magic puppet rang out, and immediately a magic shield protected the magic puppet.

"Boom boom boom." Lianzhu fireball collided with the magic shield, making a loud noise.

"Water Dragon Strike" A water dragon legend burst out.

"To stab."


One by one, the long-range legendary powerhouses immediately attacked the past with a series of magical attacks, and the thieves also took invisibility potions to come behind the puppet, occasionally shot them, and then quickly avoided.

"Shoo." A dazzling streamer flashed, and then the roar of the arrow came.

"Puff puff puff." Cook quickly came to the heel of the magic puppet. There was no magic shield wrapped in it. Cook's thunder teeth were cut behind the puppet's feet, making a puff sound like cutting cardboard. .

"It's so thick." Cook cut a hole, but the metal block didn't react at all. Cook was so angry.

"Damn it, break it for me." The next moment Cook quickly attached one hand to the heel of the puppet, and then the thunder tooth in the other hand suddenly lit up with a one-meter-long golden sword blade.

"Kang Dang." A large piece of metal was directly cut off by Cook, and Cook's vindictiveness was almost consumed. There is no way, the quality of Thunder teeth is too high, so a lot of vindictiveness needs to be activated.

Boom, boom, boom.

The long-range suppression was manifested, and the shield released by the magic pattern armor on the mana puppet was constantly dimming under the constant magic bombardment.


An earth magician chanted loudly, and then the puppet’s feet became soft, but there were not many magic elements here, so the magic attack was greatly discounted, otherwise it would rely on you to have an iron knot, and then there is a magic Wen, dozens of legendary attacks can also turn you into a pile of waste.

This is not because of other things. Although magic lines are powerful, magic lines also need to consume mana. This is the biggest shortcoming of magic lines in this world. Although magic lines can absorb the surrounding elements, the elements here are very rare and the basic absorption is Can't keep up with the speed of use, this magic pattern itself is used in the sanctuary.

"Damn it, I said how thick it is." Cook got into the mana puppet's calf and found out that the blackened armor was actually a muscle-like external armor, and the real magic pattern is similar to the inside. On the bracket above the bone.

"Tsk tusk." Cook looked at the strange crystal-colored skeleton full of thick thighs in front of him, with countless magic patterns shining on it.

"Everyone, work harder, this shield won't work anymore." The magic puppet was hurriedly attacked by dozens of people, and his eyes flashed red.

In fact, everyone at the scene felt that there was a problem with the magic puppet’s brain. Although there was no magicweave armor outside, Nima did not dare to attack remotely. With a few melee combat, there was no damage to the magic puppet. Ma this guy's brain rusted, and he went back to put on the armor, and the remote suppression was reflected.

When Cook climbed up along the crystal-colored skeleton, Cook was stunned by the thought, because the joints of the skeleton are actually the same as those of a human, then doesn’t it mean that the soul puppet is made from a human skeleton? System.

"Dangerous, dangerous, extremely dangerous." The magic puppet's eyes kept shining, and then a series of rapid voices sounded.

"Attention, this guy is going to run." These siege guys have experience this time, and shouted loudly.

"Rumble." With a loud noise, the armor on the magic puppet flashed twice in an instant, and it exploded.

The powerful shock wave directly impacted several close combat members and flew a distance of thousands of meters, while those long-range combat professionals had reaction time, but they were also dispersed.

"Boom, boom, boom." Seeing the magic puppet escape into another channel again, everyone present was dumbfounded. This Nima really has a problem with his brain. Taking advantage of the good opportunity just now, taking advantage of the rush to kill, he will definitely lose heavy.

"Damn." Cook felt the huge shock and was almost knocked down, but he was constantly surprised on the way.

The outer armor of the Cook Discoverer Magic Puppet is actually modular, which is a piece of large pieces, and the traces of the assembly can be clearly seen inside. According to Cook’s estimation, there are some places in this area. The thickness is as high as several meters, and the defense power of such a thick thing is naturally needless to say.

Cook also saw the attack points of the magic pattern formation, which were actually connected directly with metal wires. When Cook saw this scene, he thought of his misjudgment just now. If there were thunder teeth, such a thick guy, he would be any If you attack, it may not be able to cause substantial damage to this guy.

"Puff, puff." Maybe it was to install the outer armor at the beginning. There was actually a passage in it. Cook followed this passage. When he encountered some points that attacked the magic pattern, he directly cut these points with Thunder Fang.

"Ka Ka, Ka Ka." A violent voice rang ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Damn. "Cook was startled by the sound, and then looked up, several magic puppets with fists the size of spiders did not know where they came out of, and they were rushing towards Cook.

"Zizizi." These magic puppets attached to the magic pattern skeleton inside, and red rays shot towards Cook. Cook quickly avoided, but the outer armor behind Cook was actually burned. There was a sizzle, and large pieces of metal were melted.

"Sample, Ka Ka, go on." Cook was frightened by such an attack. You must know that the outer armor of this magic puppet was extremely hard, and it was melted by these little guys.

Cook wanted to rush up and crush it directly, but the space inside was small, and Cook couldn't bear it, because Cook had already guessed the role of these little magic puppets: "Automatically repair the puppets."

Because there are such puppets in Cook's Pioneer, as long as they have enough energy and materials, these little things can repair any problematic parts, I have to say that it is very convenient and advanced.

Ka Ka was already eager to try. Hearing Cook's order, he swished and jumped over, and then in the process of jumping, a sprout of cobwebs sprinkled over like a net.

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