A Unique Hunter

Chapter 832: Inside the puppet

A large pile of spider silk sprinkled towards a small automatic maintenance magic puppet. This automatic maintenance magic puppet has a pair of magic crystal glasses that constantly flashes light, and continuously shoots red rays, rays. Although it can burn the spider silk, after all, the spider silk is a large piece, and this time is very short, but in less than a second, a small magical puppet is tightly wrapped by the spider silk.

"Swish! Swish!" KaKa kept jumping up and down, and a fluff of spider silk kept covering these magic puppets.

"Good job" Cook exclaimed loudly, and then directly reached out and grabbed the guys who were getting tighter and tighter.

After Cook's observation, he discovered that these little things are definitely not that simple.A few feet are actually made of a sharp metal structure, and they also depict the existence of magic patterns. As for the weapon that attacks people, it is actually a kind of magic. The pattern, and it is the micro-processing of the magic pattern. It can be said that this small maintenance magic puppet is more advanced and advanced than the pioneer

Cook disassembled the magic cores of these guys, and then put these little things into the space ring. This is a good research object for Cook, and Cook is very curious about what these guys are doing. Self-maintained

Cook took more than a minute to solve these nasty little guys, and then moved forward quickly, maybe the guy who made these magic puppets did not expect Cook to have such a thing in his hands

Only guys like Cook who can enter the magic puppet so quickly, because when making magic puppets, he did not expect a legend to have a weapon like Thunder Fang. According to common sense, people with such a weapon are very This magic puppet may be a spike, and for those without such a weapon, there is no way to break the thick armor, so almost no one can predict the appearance of Cook

On the way, Cook met several waves of small magic puppets. There were various styles, spider-like, cockroach-like, and a sucker-like guy who resembled an earthworm, but it was sticky. Under the attack of spider silk, they were no opponents at all, and they were captured by Cook one by one.

Soon Cook entered the abdomen of the magic puppet. Cook looked at the almost empty space. There were only some remaining materials.

"It's actually a material warehouse" Cook's discovery also allowed Cook to solve his doubts, which explains how these maintenance puppets repair this huge puppet

Cook continued to move up and saw a structure that resembled the floor, and there were various magical materials in it.Although the quantity was not many, the three-meter-high space on each floor still surprised Cook. It's just a huge building

The position of the abdomen is as many as 8 floors.When Cook saw this building that looks exactly like a building on the earth, he couldn't help but want to live here, a familiar feeling

And this space is extremely stable, it seems that there is a balance system, Cook just took a rough look, and quickly moved up.

"Boom!" When Cook estimated that he was entering the area of ​​the head, Cook just came out of his head when he was severely hit by a black shadow

"Kangdang, kangdang, kangdang" Cook rolled down the channel

"Puff" Cook stabilized his body after rolling down more than ten meters and vomited a mouthful of blood

"Kang, bang" a dull sound rang

"Magic Armor" Cook looked at the two-meter-high metal machine in front of him. This thing is the same as the Mana Armor of the Plane Alliance, and it is also in human form.

"Destroy the invaders, destroy the invaders" a sound came from above the magic armor

"Hmph, come on, **** bastard" Cook jumped up, holding Thunder Fang with his backhand, as if he was going to fight melee.

"Kang-kang-kang!" The magic puppet rushed towards Cook directly

A smile appeared at the corner of Cook's mouth, and then threw thunder teeth in his hand suddenly

"Boom!" Cook's Thunder teeth accurately hit the puppet's knees. The puppet lost its balance, and then the whole body became a ground gourd under the strong inertia, and then rushed past Cook, directly Hit the metal wall nearby

"Small" Cook pryed open the mana puppet's chest armor, then took the mana core, and then threw the guy who lost power into the natural ring

Cook just did a test just now. Cook made a melee stance, then the magic puppet actually adopts a corresponding combat stance. This is Cook's test of the fighting stance of the magic puppet. Sure enough, this guy was fooled. He was hit by Cook's Thunder teeth, which caused his body to balance, and then Cooked easily

Cook continued to move forward cautiously.When Cook came to his head and saw the huge magic crystal in the center of his head, Cook was ecstatic. It was a huge ten meters in diameter. Mana Crystal, you must know that Cook’s Pioneer is only one meter in diameter, and the power it provides shocks Cook.

"Haha, got rich, got rich" Cook was excited

"There are still so many puppets" Cook saw another puppet around the brain space. These puppets are exactly the same as the guy Cook defeated just now, but these guys obviously have no source of power.

Cook looked at a large metal pillar with a diameter of three meters, and a tray with a diameter of five meters on the top of the metal pillar. Inside the tray is the huge magic crystal, which is shining with colorful light.

"This is..." When Cook looked closely at the pillar supporting the huge mana crystal in the middle, he was completely shocked, with magic patterns on it, dense magic patterns.

Obviously this is the control route. This route and the entire body of the magic puppet, energy, and control are all transmitted through this route.

Cook gave up the idea of ​​moving the core of the magic energy, because the position of this thing is almost accurate to the micron level. Cook does not have the confidence to take this thing over, and then install it back.

"Core, control core" Then Cook can only give up this simple and crude idea, and then turn to look for the control core

"This Nima is too big." Cook looked at the huge space. This space was divided into several layers, but it was just surroundings. On the lower layer were dozens of puppets, and the upper layer was filled with various materials. In this way, there is no research at all, it is not that I don't want to research, but there is nothing for myself to research

With a sound of "Woo!", Cook suddenly found that the entire magic puppet stopped moving, and the entire space was dark.

"Is there no energy, it's impossible, there was still so much energy just now" Cook muttered to himself as he looked at the dark surroundings.

And outside, dozens of people fighting with magic puppets looked at the magic puppets running into another channel.These people were very fortunate, because just at the moment when they were knocked up in the remote range, the magic puppets followed the words of the surprise attack. , I am afraid that the combat effectiveness of this team has dropped by more than half

Watching the magic puppet enter a dark corridor, dozens of people immediately formed a defensive formation, and watched the huge corridor vigilantly.I don't know what strange things this magic puppet will bring out, everyone is more I put a protective cover on top of it regardless of consumption

Everyone waited quietly, until ten minutes later, the magic puppet hadn't come out, and dozens of people present were a little uneasy and a little confused.

"Let's go in and take a look, know that Cook is still inside" someone suggested

However, someone immediately objected: "Go in, just like this channel, the big guy just now just needs to directly collide, where can we escape?"

This problem is something everyone is worried about. After all, the space to escape in the tunnel is very small, and the magic puppet can absorb the elements of the attack, and close combat is even more impossible.

"Let's wait, wait another half an hour, let's go in" someone said, this proposal was accepted by everyone

But later, the person who proposed this proposal was almost blamed to death, because it was only half an hour that a huge amount of trophies were collected by Cook. Of course, this matter knows that Cook himself is proud of himself hundreds of years later. Under the circumstances, I accidentally said it. At that time, the people present were all height weights, but when Cook said what he had harvested, his envied eyes turned red. The guy who proposed the suggestion at the beginning was even more violent. pause

Cook directly lit a thick candle. It is necessary to know that there are unknowable factors in the use of magic lighting equipment, so this extremely primitive thing is the safest

Cook knows that this puppet is a soul puppet. The characteristic of the soul puppet is that the soul control core will subconsciously respond accordingly according to the reaction of the enemy, but this soul core has been restricted to grow. simple

This is what Cook knows, so just now this guy played for a while and went back to wear equipment. What does this prove? It proves that this guy is a little timid, yes, timid, so just now Cook felt a little weird.

Of course, this is also the reason why the magic core suddenly stopped.Cook guessed that the magic puppet was so timid to pretend to be dead, and only this explanation can explain the magic puppet's weird behavior.

Of course, this is only Cook’s guess, but with this kind of guess, Cook made the act of lighting a candle just now. In fact, Cook’s magic eyes have long been opened.

If it is a normal creature, and seeing the dark environment, Cook would actually light candles. It is not strange to light candles, but is it not strange to wear crystal glasses?

Cook seems to be holding a torch to find the cause, and he whispered something. Cook's magic eye has long been discovered. In this seemingly dark environment, at least dozens of magic patterns are activated around it. Although the magic lines are not exposed entirely, as long as a tiny bit is exposed, when the magic power passes through these circuits, more or less magic waves will occur.

And the elements in the environment of this underground world are very scarce, so this extremely slight magic wave is like a star in the night sky in the eyes of the demon of Cook, which more affirms Cook's thoughts, this soul has a simple consciousness. But very timid

Cook snickered in his heart, step by step following the direction of the magical energy circuit observed by the magic eye.The brain is hollow, but there is a balcony-like building around it, which has five floors.

Cook stepped onto the second floor smoothly. Cook saw that there were neat metal cabinets. When Cook opened one of the cabinets, the colorful light shone out.

"The magic core, neatly arranged magic cores, the lowest level is nine, and there are magic cores that Cook does not recognize, but depending on the shape and size, they are all above level nine." Cook took a deep breath. , Cook didn't do it

Cook quickly checked all the cabinets on the second floor and found that they were actually magic cores, there were tens of thousands of them, and the largest one was actually bigger than Cook's half body and a huge magic core with a diameter of more than half a meter.

Cook resisted the robbery, and then he reached the third floor. The third floor is also the same below, but it is not a cabinet, but a huge shelf with some magic crystals and magic cores. These magic cores look better than the ones below. It seems to be much smaller and does not emit light, but under the observation of Cook's magic eyes, these magic nuclei have no magic fluctuations. Cook estimates that this may be a sanctuary-level magic nucleus. As for the magic crystal, there is no brilliance. , But Cook knows that there is something called Magic Crystal Marrow, Cook just has not seen it

On the fourth floor, Cook saw the shelves full of equipment, intact as before, and more advanced equipment than Cook's military magic pattern equipment, Cook couldn't help jumping up

Cook got some news in the Plane Alliance. During the ancient gods and demons war, the magic pattern equipment was the same as the current military system. The equipment was also distributed according to the level. Military products can only be said to be military supplies, and they are elites in the army. Soldiers are equipped, and there is another level of equipment that is officer equipment, but no one has ever seen officer equipment. According to the statement, these officer equipment were all searched away by the victor. After all, officers have great rights.

"Officer Equipment" Cook judged at a glance that this was an officer's magic pattern equipment, because these equipment are restrained and give people a sense of atmosphere. This is not the main thing. Cook saw a badge on the chest, and a representative was The badge of the officer during the war between gods and demons, this is the most important

The value of this badge may be enough to value millions of magic crystal coins. If the name on the badge has descendants, quack, Cook needs as many offspring as you need, this badge has a mysterious purpose, of course Cook can’t verify it. Yes, that is the first time the soul of the person wearing the badge can be guaranteed, that is to say, it is a soul container, and to open this, it can only be opened by the bloodline of the bloodline of the badge owner. It has a magical effect, so in ancient times , The badge is the standard for calculating military merit

Cook took a rough look, at least there are thousands of officers' equipment, one of which seems to be worn by a tens of meters high Titan, Cook is ecstatic

On the fifth floor, some broken weapons were found by Cook on the fifth floor, but these weapons gave Cook a feeling of extreme danger, and they were not magic patterns, but **** patterns. In other words, the fifth layer was Broken artifact

But this is not important. Seeing so many good things, Cook is even more confused, how did these things come from, why they are collected here, and there is no one else here.

"Understood, understood" Cook thought for a while and immediately figured it out

After Cook understood, he went directly to the third level of his brain, and then he held Thunder Teeth in his hand and said excitedly: "Such a big crystal,   how good it is to take it back to make a window, I have never seen it. Such a big crystal can sell for a lot of money after cutting it."

"Crack!" The metal fence was cut open by Cook as if undoubtedly, and immediately cracked a huge hole

Cook's magic eyes looked around, and at this moment, Cook caught a very secret magic pattern circuit bright.

"Boom boom boom!" Cook quickly jumped down, and then just under the stairs from the first floor to the second floor, Cook's thunder tooth cut the metal plate like tofu.

A passage reappeared in Cook's line of sight. This passage is not big and only half a meter wide. According to Cook's estimation, this place is near the chin and the location is very hidden.

Cook did not rush down, but said to Ka Ka, Ka Ka, go and bring out the contents, be careful

Because Cook saw that there are magic patterns in this channel.Although it is an extremely simple attack magic pattern, in a channel half a meter wide and less than half a meter high, these magic patterns are enough to kill any creature.

Sure enough, it clicked, and the entire brain space immediately lit up, and the countless magic patterns around it kept flashing, and the channel was shining with colorful light, which was the light caused by attacking the magic pattern.

"Huh, if you want to explode, you have to see if I agree or disagree" Cook snorted, and within two seconds he drew a mysterious magic pattern in his hand, and then directly threw it into the huge magic crystal.

The magic crystal was hit by this magic pattern, and it dimmed suddenly, and the magic pattern flashing around it also dimmed in an instant, but only for a moment, the magic crystal lit up again, and the surrounding magic patterns also lit up. Cook did the same

Finally after more than ten seconds, the entire brain space magic crystal was completely dimmed, and a smile appeared on the corner of Cook's mouth. Cook displayed a kind of interference magic pattern, and the magic crystal on Cook's pioneer was disturbed by this. After the magic line interference, as long as the number of times is exceeded, the entire magic line system will restart. This is a setting in ancient times, just like the computer crashes and then automatically restarts, it is a repair method, and it also avoids interference with damage to the magic. Power crystal, you know that this thing is extremely expensive, magic crystal has no protection at all

A few minutes later, KaKa dragged a fist-sized thing and appeared. This thing was like a crystal wrapped in a circular hollow metal skin, but it was not a crystal, but a soul crystal. There are many **** patterns on the metal skin wrapped by crystal

"Hehe, soul core, it's not easy" Cook looked at this core, and his heart relaxed a lot

"Hey, there is actually a substitute" but when Cook took a closer look, he found that this thing is actually fake

"Cuckoo!" At this time, a dark shadow rushed up from the upward channel from below

ps: The five-thousand-word chapter will be updated

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