A Unique Hunter

Chapter 836: aisle

KaKa's jumping ability is very strong, and he surpassed a distance of tens of meters directly from Cook's shoulder, and then a fluffy spider silk covered the automatic maintenance puppets.

"Hey!" Cook caught an automatic maintenance puppet that had fallen down.

One by one, the automatic maintenance puppets were constantly being shackled by the spider's silk, and they were fast, and they could also jump. Even the automatic maintenance puppets attacked and failed again and again.

However, in two minutes, Cook had harvested more than 30 automatic maintenance puppets. Kaka wandered around in the aisle and returned to Cook without finding any danger.

Cook crawled into the tunnel, and Cook found that the tunnel might be a dwarf or a dwarf, but it was definitely not built by humans anyway.

Sure enough, Cook entered the tunnel and found that there were magic patterns that transmit energy, and it was full of metal thick with a thumb, and it was also covered with a layer of obsidian which is an insulating element.

Cook was extremely shocked that the obsidian was polished into pipes one by one. How much energy would this require? For a distance of several kilometers, Cook quickly completed the inspection.

In the end, Cook found the energy control core of the fort at the end of the passage, a control room two meters high, five meters long, and three meters wide. Inside, there was a magic crystal half a person high.

Cook faced these things and was a little at a loss, because dismantling these things was not that simple. Cook first transmitted the energy of the fort to shut down.

"Okay, there is no danger. You can search for the loot first and be careful." Cook shouted to the bottom of the tunnel he dug.

"President, what about you" the people below asked loudly.

"I will disassemble these forts." Cook replied and retracted into the tunnel.

The people below were cautious. Sure enough, none of these forts were moving. For a time, dozens of people searched the underground space, and Cook searched carefully in the passage.

"Sure enough, it's a dwarf." Cook found the skeleton in an inconspicuous small room next to the control core.

Cook first performed a courtesy on the deceased according to the dwarf's etiquette, and then Cook searched. What surprised Cook was that the dwarf did not look very good, but the pale golden bones showed that the dwarf's The level is not low.

A bone can tell a lot of people later. The rotten clothes show that the dwarf is not high in status. The color of the bone shows that this is a strong man at least in the sanctuary. The bones have no obvious scars, indicating that the person died of a mental attack. The color of the bones also tells later generations that there was no poisoning before this life.

The preliminary judgment made Cook wonder, what exactly was this dwarf in the past, why such a strong man would die here, and the room looks extremely simple and the furnishings are extremely simple.

Cook searched the bones carefully and found nothing. Then Cook searched the room again, and finally Cook found a small box behind the wall.

There are some memory crystals in the small box, and some magic crystal coins, but these magic crystal coins have exhausted their magic power.

The memory crystals are just a few fragments. Cook took out these memory crystals, but most of the memory crystals contained nothing in them. Only a few of the slightly larger memory crystals contained fragmentary memories.

"It seems that it can only be demolished by force." Cook sighed disappointedly, turned and prepared to leave.

But just when Cook was about to leave, Cook saw some characters on the back of the small box. After reading it, Cook's eyes lit up. These were some magic spells.

"Ava, my love." Cook chanted according to the spell, but there was no reaction at all.

Cook was a little confused, what the meaning of the spell meant, and then Cook went out of the cabin and looked around. There were several cabins in the energy control room, but they were filled with various materials. It was almost consumed, and Cook's last gaze fell on the magic crystal in the middle of the room.

"Ava, my love." Cook chanted loudly again, although it was just a few simple words, but the tone of the chant was different, so the mantra would not have an effect, so the mantra was called chanting, and it didn't matter if it was read. Yes, just like the song, there will be a lot of tones.

Cook scratched his head, then remembered it all at once, and hurriedly went to the hole he dug and shouted loudly: "Hey, hello, you go back first, go back, I want to test the turret."

"President, just dismantle it." Someone shouted dissatisfiedly.

"Hurry up, I'll open it right away." Cook was speechless to these people, and after dropping a sentence, he withdrew. The people below hurriedly withdrew back into the passage.

Cook snickered on the passage and saw that all the people had gone back. Cook returned to the energy control room, opened the supply of magic crystals, and Cook sang again.

Just after Cook finished singing, another door appeared in the control room. Cook walked into the door that could only be opened with a spell. When Cook saw the contents of the door, he was surprised.

There are some magic crystals stored in this room. Cook took a closer look. This is the magic crystals on the bodies of the magic mechanical puppets. Cook also discovered that this is a studio at all, which seems to be the work of a dwarf. room.

For the laboratory, Cook was very familiar with it. Soon Cook found the test record, which is available in every laboratory. Cook opened the magic scroll after sending magic power.

After Cook spent an hour reading it, his heart was full of feelings, because the dwarf who died was a level five mageweave and a dwarf forge.In addition to the record of work, the dwarf's notes were to a man named Ai The love of the baby's person shows how much the dwarf misses Ava.

Cook opened some secret storage cabinets in the laboratory with spells according to the notes above. Because accidents are prone to occur in the laboratory, some valuable things are placed in the storage cabinets.

There are some rare materials, as well as Warcraft blood and other things, but things like Warcraft blood have decayed after hundreds of thousands of years, but there are some memory crystals, and things like magic crystals are still old. Look like.

Cook opened a memory crystal, but unfortunately, there was nothing in it. For hundreds of thousands of years, the crystal itself must have not been damaged, but the contents stored in it depend on luck.

Cook smiled bitterly too. It depends on his luck. Cook opened a few memory crystals one after another, but he didn't find anything. But who is Cook, some of them are patient, and he opened seven memory crystals, none of them. The slightest thing.

When the eighth memory crystal was sent into the magic power by Cook, the memory crystal suddenly lit up, and Cook was so excited that he hurriedly tapped his spiritual power in.

This was another hour or so. What Cook didn't know was that below, those teammates were already anxious, but Cook couldn't hear how loud they were.

After reading it, Cook was very excited.This is an explanation of the core of mana.It is not recorded in the laboratory, but prepared by the place where these things are refined.These things are also permanently portrayed in it, not at all. Will disappear over time, unless the crystal is damaged.

Cook hurriedly put everything else in the laboratory into the natural ring. The metal test bench was cut off by Cook with Lei Fang. The cabinet, after Cook searched, there were only metal walls in the room. If it weren't for the hard work of getting the wall, Cook might have emptied the wall.

Cook took the memory crystal, and then followed the steps in the memory crystal to check it first. The more Cook looked at it, the more he admired the people who refined these things in the ancient times.

Cook looked at the huge magic crystal, and then took out the automatic repair puppet that was just collected in the natural ring, and then directly opened the control core in the puppet, and followed the steps recorded in the memory crystal to turn on these magic powers. The control core of the puppet, and then re-enter Cook's own spell key.

"Take these things apart." Cook closed the magic crystal, looked at dozens of maintenance puppets, and directly gave orders with mental power.

More than 30 maintenance puppets immediately crawled to the magic crystal control room. Under Cook's suspicious eyes, these automatic maintenance puppets like crabs and spiders spewed hot rays.

"It's actually modular, but it shows that it is welded together with metal." When these maintenance puppets disassembled the magic crystal base piece by piece, Cook was immediately stunned.

It took ten minutes to automatically repair the puppets. The base was disassembled, revealing the magic crystal, and then the puppets began to dismantle the metal pipes that transmit energy.

"I'm down, this obsidian coat is actually screw-mouthed." Cook was shocked when he saw the obsidian shell of one meter long had been removed by the magic puppet.

The energy transmission metal tube inside is actually a plug-in type, just like the USB interface, but it is much more precise.

Five hours later, the turret, the energy transmission metal tube, and the obsidian shell were all dismantled. Cook was very excited, and then carefully installed these thirty maintenance puppets into the natural ring.

Of course there are still a lot of things. After Cook came down from the opening, the rest of the people searched for a lot of waste products. Yes, they were all waste products in Cook's eyes, but the others were very excited.

"Cook, is there any gain?" If the people below didn't see the fort disappear, they wouldn't dare to come out, and when they saw Cook came down, they would immediately ask.

"There are things, but there is no way to carry them. There are so many forts, how to move with them, I put them on them first, and carry them when I return." Cook said, not afraid of anyone going up to see it.

"Cook, there is something in front." But everyone present did not say anything, but said to Cook.

Cook hurriedly ran to the front to look. Cook was shocked when he saw it. The end of this space is not another defensive node, but at the end of this space, it is a huge space, enough It is more than a thousand meters high and thousands of meters wide. A dozen large-diameter pillars with a diameter of several meters support the entire space. Inside the huge space is a majestic sculpture, but it is incomplete, and there are huge scars everywhere. Obviously caused by a huge attack.

"It's spectacular," someone behind Cook said loudly.

Cook and others looked at the huge sculpture and confirmed their guess that this is a temple, and this may be the main hall of the temple.

"Go, go down and take a look." Cook greeted him, without carrying the huge puppet, he stretched his head to take a look, and then he tore off the flight scroll and prepared to fly.

"President, President, let's be more careful. I think there must be danger here. If it is a fort like just now, what should you do if this continues," someone stopped immediately.

"Haha, you said that there are defenses inside the temple, I can't see it, you said there are still people inside the temple." Cook said with a smile.

"President, I'll be more careful, there is no fort, so what about the puppets" someone asked.

Cook thought about it a bit, and felt it too, so he said, "Or I will go down and take a look."

The people around looked at each other, and they all agreed. When Cook saw this, he was the only one who went down first. Cook took out the thunder teeth, and then just jumped down.

Cook is a thousand meters high from the ground. Fortunately, Cook stretches out his hand quickly and constantly borrows force from the metal-built cliff, but when Cook reaches the bottom, he finds that the space below is too large, it is simply a giant The city, and below the sculpture, there is also a huge passage. Thousands of skeletons are piled up in front of this passage.

Cook was shocked by the huge ruins of the city behind him. The city was out of sight, but the ruins of the city still shocked Cook, but it is obvious that the city has been destroyed, one by one large pits with a diameter of tens of meters. The huge marks on the support pillars show how fierce the fighting here was at that time.

All the people above came down, and they were surprised to see the huge city ruins. Everyone looked at Cook.

Cook's magic eyes looked at it and found that there was magical light radiating from the flow of magic lines in the city ruins. Cook decided to search the city first. As for the passage under the statue, Cook had a dangerous feeling. This statue seemed to be The entrance to a **** is average.

"Search the city first, everyone should be careful, and it is best not to be too far apart." Cook reminded, and then the group began to move into the ruins of the city.

"A lot of bones." Because the elements here are pulled away, the progress of the decay here is relatively slow, but it can still be seen that there are a lot of bones, but these bones are not strong, they are some ordinary bones.

Cook was shocked, because the bones could tell that these people were slaughtered. Adults and children had fatal marks on their bodies, and there were almost no complete bones. Estimated, at least some people were slaughtered in such a large space. Millions.

What kind of hatred caused these people to be slaughtered, what kind of people came to slaughter, is it because of the gods who arranged the seal, one by one mystery in Cook's heart.

In the dilapidated city, the team of Cook kept searching, but there seemed to be no valuables in this city. Cook looked at everyone and found nothing, so he asked: "There is nothing here, or let's go. Look inside the channel"

"President, it's time to go long ago, there is really nothing in this shabby place." Someone immediately agreed.

Cook heard someone say this, so the group of people went to the huge passage under the statue. This passage was under the legs of the huge statue. Looking at the huge statue, Cook and others were shocked, but there is always a danger for Cook. a feeling of.

The dark passage seems to have a huge danger, like a huge trap. As the distance gets closer, Cook's feeling becomes stronger.

"Stop, do you feel something is wrong" Cook asked loudly.

"No, nothing is wrong." The soldier walking behind Cook looked at Cook inexplicably.

"I always feel wrong, or let's not go in." Cook didn't know how to answer, so he said.

There was an interface immediately: "Why don't we go in and see"

"I think it's ok. Anyway, it's a tunnel, and it won't be dangerous." Someone immediately agreed, knowing that this tunnel is almost visible to the naked eye, and there is no danger at all.

Cook was silent for a while and asked, "Do you all agree?"

Everyone agreed. Finally, a thief was selected to find the way.The thief was extremely fast, and he rushed into the huge passage in a smoky smoke. Cook's brows frowned, because Cook felt a chill. Breath.

"Puff puff puff puff!" The thief just ran into the passage, but at a distance of tens of meters, the thief's body was directly divided into several pieces, and blood sprayed all over the ground.

"Damn." The people around Cook took a breath of air. This silent, legendary-level thief was dismembered like this. You must know that this thief still has magic pattern equipment on his body, and he was easily killed. It's cut open.

Cook was also very shocked in his heart, this kind of extremely strange attack, without any signs, directly turned into a pile of corpses.

"President." The people around Cook looked at Cook, and the person who suggested to check in was even more ashamed.

"Everyone is looking around here. I guess this channel is a trap. Do you think, who can set up the channel like this" Cook said.

"We listen to the president." The people around had no choice but to listen to Cook. Just because they did not listen to Cook, one person was lost again.

Dozens of people searched around the huge statue, and Cook looked around, but the statue was damaged, and it was impossible to see what statue it was. Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ President, there is nothing suspicious about it. Signs. "Dozens of people quickly searched around, and then they found nothing.

Cook said musingly: "Everyone, my idea is very simple. Even if there is space behind this statue, it must be used by high-level religious people. Since it is high-level use, do you need such a large passage?"

"It's not necessarily. Looking at the huge momentum of this religion, it's not impossible to build such a channel." Someone asked.

"Hehe, this is also possible. According to the items we got, this religion is very large, and there are so many skeletons at the entrance of this passage. I think there must be an extremely important place behind this passage, but the defense of this place is definitely Very powerful, what can we use to break the perverted defense here?" Cook asked rhetorically with a smile.

The teammates looked at each other, and there was no way to answer Cook's questions. The defense was silent.

"What about the corpse" someone screamed. As expected, the corpse of the thieves who was still in the passage just now has disappeared. The passage is still the same.

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