A Unique Hunter

Chapter 837: Evacuate production workshop

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Cook’s question made everyone asked. It’s a passage, but the thieves were killed strangely and now the body is gone. Everyone who dares to go there is no warning at all, and according to the previous harvest, the religion here was strong before. It is conceivable that the magic pattern is equipped with a powerful attack power turret, so what will appear in the core place here

The disappearance of the thief’s body is even more frightening. Everyone is standing there waiting for Cook’s decision. Cook now doesn’t know what to do because Cook’s magic eye just didn’t find anything.

Cook walked and analyzed that there were only two magic attacks in the attack. Physical attack. Just now, his magic eyes did not find the magic fluctuations caused by the magic attack. There are only two situations. The first is that it is not a magic attack at all. The second is that the strength of the magic attack is far away. Far beyond the range that my magic eye can see

No matter which of these two points, it’s not easy to deal with Cook. After watching everyone watching him, Cook gritted his teeth and then took out an automatic maintenance puppet and ordered the maintenance puppet to remove the front one.

The automatic repair puppet is only the size of a palm, but the legs of these guys can automatically stretch and the strength of these long legs is also very strong. The tip of the leg can easily move on any smooth stone wall metal wall. The automatic repair puppet rushes directly with light steps. aisle

Cook, this is a dead horse, as a living horse doctor Cook doesn’t know if this channel is also in the maintenance range of the automatic maintenance puppet. According to the introduction of the automatic maintenance puppet, it should be repairable.

Cook’s heart is brought up, and these automatic puppet repair techniques are far beyond the level of Cook’s reach. It can be said that there are some places that cannot be understood at all. If they are damaged, there is no place to add them.

The people around are also staring at the maintenance puppet released by Cook. What is this thing? No one knows except Cook, but they know the shape of the maintenance puppet. These people know that this maintenance puppet is not easy to watch the maintenance puppet rush to the passage. I can't help but look forward to it. After all, behind such a tight defense, there must be something extremely precious.

"Kacha Kacha" just after this automatic maintenance puppet entered the passageway, there was a metal-like crisp sound after the automatic maintenance puppet became a pile of discarded metal

Cook sighed and the loss was so great. Cook looked at everyone and said, "What to do?"

"How about we quit" someone suggested

"It's not difficult to quit, but the three-headed golden dragon and you still want to give up" Cook asked with a smile

Sata heard Cook say this and immediately said: "I think we should move forward a little bit. Why are we people still staying on this plane? Isn't it because we are afraid of going to the sanctuary and being oppressed by others? You need to know what the sanctuary is. We are not very clear, but one thing is certain, that is, the stronger the strength, the higher the chance of survival. Do you still want to wait on this plane until your life is near before going to the sanctuary"

Sata said that the rest of the people have a firm look in their eyes. Everyone is a genius and comprehension that can only appear among tens of billions of people. There is no need to say anything. Someone suggested: "Since this passage is so weird, then we will tear it down. I don’t believe that there are so many of us and the medicine given by President Cook.

This person's proposal made Cook shine brightly before Cooke's eyes and said with a smile: "Okay, since this passage does not let us go, then we will make a passage by ourselves. That's a very good proposal."

After Cook finished speaking, he took out Thunder teeth and asked: "Which of you is proficient in engineering"

"My silver hammer is the great master of engineering, what will President Cook do?" A dwarf stood up and asked

Cook pointed to the statue of Gundam and asked: "Look at what location is the best place to dig the tunnel, and calculate it."

"President Cook, let’s dig a tunnel here, even if we use engineering bombs, it will not have any effect on our newly created tunnel." The silver hammer looked at the corner of the huge metal wall where the statue was carved. This is the best place. s position

"Everyone get out of the way" Cook waved his hand and then directly started to drill with thunder teeth to drill the cave. The hole drill is particular about the depth of the position and the straight and inclined ones.

After Cook opened his eyes, he began to take out the unstable explosive solution he had configured with elemental fruit, and then stuffed it into it, and directly controlled the small magic device in the middle with his mental power. Cook set the time for ten seconds and then Swiftly ran to the ruins of the city to hide

There was a loud rumbling noise just after Cook's multi-signal. Cook's location was a kilometer away from the explosion site and was separated by a lot of buildings. But this huge shock wave blew the bones in the ruins of the city. Dust everywhere

When Cook and the others checked, Cook himself was stunned. A huge hole more than ten meters high and ten meters deep appeared in front of these people. The silver hammer watched Cook swallowed his saliva. This Nima was only a big thumb. There is so much power in the test tube

The Silver Hammer saw that Cook went to make a hole again and immediately went to help Silver Hammer calculate the measurement of the unknown engineering bomb that Cook just used, and then commanded three holes. The Silver Hammer was the master of engineering, so he knew that the three exploded together. Although the power of the explosion is great, the depth of the explosion is greater

"That's not right." When Cook hid again, Cook found that something was wrong. It stands to reason that the huge shock wave just now, the dust must not fall so fast, but it took only a minute or two for the dust to disappear.

"Boom Rumble" This explosion actually blasted through the metal wall. At this time everyone discovered that the metal wall was more than ten meters thick, but what was depressing was that the huge hole actually exploded out of groundwater and a large amount of water rushed in directly. Inside the ruins

"Can the Silver Hammer still be done?" Cook asked worriedly

"The worst plan is that we blow into an underground lake, but looking at the rock structure, it is likely to be an underground lake" Yin Hammer replied worriedly

Cook thought for a while and then asked: "Do you think this is a trap?"

"President Cook, what do you think?" Sata asked

Cook rationalized his thoughts and said: "From the moment we came in, we can see that the people who arranged this place were very careful and expected our reaction. Take the average person to see the current environment and the affirmation in their hearts. If there is a treasure behind the passage, then you say that the treasure is not behind that but just a trap."

"It's possible and it looks like this is the face of the gods and demons who have fallen during the war between gods and demons. I think the other side will definitely arrange some traps. Maybe behind the statue is the biggest trap, but since the trap behind it attracts others' attention. The real treasure," Sata said in a deep voice

Cook thought for a while and said: "According to this idea, the location of the treasure should be ignored, but this treasure can't be in other places. If there are treasures in other places, they will definitely be found. There must be a place to attract attention. Then it should be in the ruins of the city"

"I understand that because this passage attracts attention here, the ruins of this city will not be noticed by people" someone immediately replied

Cook nodded and looked at the ruins of the city and said: "Walk everyone to search for the ruins of the city. Note that the more inconspicuous the place may be, the more the treasure is located."

When the group heard Cook’s analysis, they were secretly wary. Because those who can arrange this way will definitely have a back hand, everyone is very careful and they are all in small groups. The city’s ruins are huge, but dozens of square kilometers. It won’t take long to search for these legendary powerhouses with extremely powerful mental power. Although the mental power is consumed very quickly here, it can’t stand it. Cook gave high-quality potions.

After a few hours, everyone gathered together. The good things are harvested but the number is very small. As for the treasure, I didn’t see everyone spontaneously searched again, but there was still no treasure. The silver hammer asked: "Will it be the devil after defeat? The clan’s materials have been almost consumed or they were robbed by others.”

"No materials will be scarce, and nothing will be left. As for why they should seal it if someone else snatches it, and call it the Demon Seal" someone immediately said.

Cook looked at the weird passage under the statue and then at the ruins of the city. Suddenly Cook’s gaze fell on the huge square under the statue. Cook said immediately: “Don’t say where I know where the ruins of the city are. Very good place, but the ruins of the city were still the city not like it is now, but this square will have a great chance of being"

"But there doesn't seem to be any cracks in this square. You see, the water hasn't leaked." Someone immediately pointed to the water that was constantly pouring out and said

"Is it right? Let's try it out." Cook took out Thunder teeth and started digging holes. Thunder teeth are extremely sharp. Cutting these floors is like cutting tofu. After a while, a hole is completed. Everyone is tacitly hiding away.

"Boom Rumble" a pit several meters deep was blown out on the ground, but it was actually made of metal

Others were disappointed, but the silver hammer said: "There is no need for such thick metal on the ground in question."

The Silver Hammer’s words made everyone immediately understand that Cook made a hole again and exploded three times in a row. The thickness of the metal is more than ten meters deep, but it has not yet penetrated Cook. Some doubts Silver Hammer suggested: "President Cook will This place happens to be a support column or some other place"

"Then fry it next to" Cook asked

"President Cook, you see that the obsidian poured in the metal is obviously to isolate the spirit power and magic fluctuations, so I think it will be blown next to the bottom," Silver Hammer said.

There was a rumbling sound of Cook coming from a position next to him. This time he actually exploded a downward step. Cook took a look and found that the place where the explosion started was the supporting wall next to the stairs. Cook took the lead and walked down the rest of the people. It also followed. This is a wide downward staircase, ten meters wide and more than ten meters high. There are railroad tracks on the steps. Obviously this was once a busy passage.

It has dropped a full kilometer away. What appears in front of Cook and others is a huge passage, and on both sides of the passage are huge rooms. Each room is tens of meters wide and 20 meters high. There are two railroad tracks in the middle of the passage.

"Oh my god, this is a huge workshop. See if this is actually a semi-finished fort." When Cook and others approached a room cautiously, they were stunned by the contents of the semi-finished fort and a lot of magic metal. The ingots are stacked neatly

"These people were killed by others." There are dozens of human skeletons in the room, and the bones of these people are exuding gold. Obviously they are the strongest among the legendary strong men. However, it can be seen that these people were easily killed by others. Is inserted from the chest

"Let’s search first to see if there is any danger." Cook first said that everyone had no opinion, and then he began a room-by-room search. The further behind, the more shocked everyone was. Ready to make a workshop. The pattern weapon production workshop and the magic pattern speed car production workshop. The mechanical puppet production workshop, including the automatic repair puppets in the hands of Cook, is also made here. Obviously this is a huge arsenal.

There are hundreds of rooms and dozens of rooms are all made of the same thing. It can be seen that the production capacity here is not small, but Cook shook his head because the production capacity here is not as good as the supply of the army during the war of gods and demons. Cook and others found several huge material warehouses but there are not many magic materials in them

Moreover, the magic crystal and the magic core have become a pile of dust and other magic items, but the magic metal can still be used. The magic metal here is in thousands of tons, and Cook and the others looked at the huge magic metal warehouse with five Ten meters wide and 20 meters high, there is a column of support pillars in the middle and there are kilometers long. If it is filled with magic metal, it may be hundreds of thousands of tons because the weight of magic metal is larger than that of fine gold and hundreds of times that of ordinary metal. The bones of giants were found, obviously these giants are workers here

When Cook and the others finished searching, they faced a downward channel. Cook felt a hint of chill in this channel. It was like facing a prehistoric beast. Cook said, "Everyone, I I feel there is danger down here. Do you think we should continue or stop here"

"Of course it ends here." When Cook said that there is a danger, everyone's eyelids jumped to know that Cook said that it was dangerous. You didn't believe it, so a thief died. Now Cook said that it was dangerous. Up

"Well, everyone knows that I am a Mageweaver, so all the materials here, including semi-finished products, are not good at all, but what about the test equipment and everything else belong to me" Cook said with a smile

"President Cook’s semi-finished products are useless if we take them. We only need you to agree to build a set of magic weave equipment for us. All the semi-finished equipment belongs to you. We only need the materials." Sata said, because these people clearly took the semi-finished products. I don’t have the slightest use for myself because I still want Cook to build it. Maybe Cook will come directly to a lion and open his mouth.

When Cook heard Sata say this, he said generously: "Okay, I will build a set of magic weave equipment for each of you for free, including the guys outside."

"Chairman Cook is generous." Sata and others were delighted that Cook was really generous, so he also flattered.

"It's easy to say that everyone should pack up the materials first. The magic pattern can be opened up to open the space and equipment." Cook immediately replied that Cook also knew the value of these test instruments, but these instruments are a pile of waste in the hands of others. The best effect can be achieved only in the hands of the Mageweave Master, of course, this is one of the reasons for Cook's generous

How many appliances are there in hundreds of rooms? This is an extremely large number. It can be said that a room is an equipment manufacturing factory to empty hundreds of factories. Even if Cook is physically strong, he is tired. Cook is breathless. I don’t know how to assemble it, so I had to take it away along with the floor. The machines for building magic patterns equipped with magic patterns weapons and automatic maintenance of puppets are not big, but they are facing the workshop of building magic puppets, especially the huge magic puppets driven by Cook. The machine is enough to choke a huge forging machine, the hammer alone is more than fifty tons, let alone other things

Cook drank three bottles of potions to replenish his mental power before he could finish moving things. With the help of his teammates, everyone was very satisfied with the harvest. Cook promised to create a magic pattern suit for free and he also harvested priceless magic metal. So everyone is going to leave

"The president is not good, the dragon is here," the teammate in charge of the guard hurried down and said loudly.

"Damn these guys can't come and finish, we have to hide." Cook heard the news when he used the automatic maintenance puppet to dismantle a huge machine for making soul puppets.

"President, let's fight it" someone said carelessly

"You don't have to go to the material warehouse and drink the invisibility potions and hide behind the support column in the middle." Cook said immediately after thinking about it.

"President, let's not be afraid" everyone said confidently now

"Since the idiot is in danger below, let's let the dragon find the way first" Cook said angrily

Everyone's eyes lit up and quickly followed Cook's instructions, while Cook himself used two scrolls in the downward channel to blow away the dust in the channel and quickly hid.

"The **** guy must have been taken away by that mean and cunning villain Cook and just watched these metal floor cutting marks not long ago." A huge voice rang from the passage.

"Just so many rooms, there must be a lot of good things. Let's hurry up," another dragon said anxiously.

The door of the material warehouse was violently dismantled by two giant dragons and then picked up. As for the giant dragons that looked empty in the warehouse, they did not come in at all. Cook and others listened to the dragon’s footsteps and left far away.

"Let's go and follow behind." Cook calculated silently and found that there were more than a hundred dragons, Cook said, and the rest of his teammates laughed and followed behind Cook.

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