A Unique Hunter

Chapter 852: Go to the Flower Fairy Tribe

Cook and Xi, as well as Lina and Manli, plucked the giant golden eagle. Jin Guangyan drooled and asked, "Human kid, what should this golden eagle do. Please use the interview This site."

"This is more troublesome, I'm afraid it will take several days." Cook thought for a moment and said.

"Yes, that is, this golden eagle needs to be marinated for at least two days and be beaten continuously, and then grilled on the fire. Then, there will be layers of sauce, layers of spices, and layers of honey. , Stuff your stomach..." Hobbi said happily.

"Stop, you are a dead soul, let me say to use it directly..." Yuwen next to him kicked Hobby angrily and said.

"Asshole, you dare to question what your Master Hubby said." Hubby was kicked away by Yu Wen, almost eating shit, immediately jumped up to Yu Wen, and then the two guys fought together.

"Okay, okay, half of you one." Cook shouted immediately.

"Huh, I'll come first." Hobby heard Cook say so, and he cut off the golden eagle's tongue regardless, knowing that this tongue is several meters long, and there are dozens of halflings of Hobby. The ogre helper ran away carrying his tongue.

"Asshole, asshole, Hobbi, you give you the temperature-resistant master." After seeing that the most essential part was taken away by Hobbi, he looked around anxiously, and finally he chose the golden eagle crown. , It's not that the temperature resistance doesn't want to fix the others, but the others are completely immobile. How can the defense of the golden eagle be broken by a halfling?

Jin Guangyan saw this on the side and asked curiously: "Human kid, who are these people and why do they need tongues and crowns."

"You don't know, the tongue is the most delicious part of poultry, and behind the tongue is the crown of the head." Cook didn't even look at it, plucking his hands vigorously. These hairs are like huge pieces of metal, but they happen to It's also soft, and its defense is even more abnormal.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, I used to just eat thighs or something." Jin Guangyan roared on Cook's shoulder.

"I'll tell you, those two guys are famous halflings of all races. The food they make is delicious." Cook's current cooking skills are not as good as the two halflings. Cook is just a comparison of ideas. Be advanced.

"What, those two little dwarfs are halflings." Jin Guangyan didn't see the picture after speaking, and it was self-evident where he went.

Lina saw Jin Guangyan go, and got close to Cook, excited like a little fox who stole a chicken: "Cook, got rich, got rich."

"Hehe." Cook also smiled.

"Cook, these things must be great for refining magic weave equipment." Xia also came over and said.

Cook shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Don't mention it, now any of us have the ability to refine items with these materials."

"It's okay to take a look." Xia rolled her eyes.

Windsor flew over to Cook at this time and said: "Cook, your words don't count."

"Uh, don't you worry about me." Cook immediately realized what was going on. Cook knew that he had forgotten it, but Cook would definitely not say that, instead he raked in the back.

"Ah,,,,,,." I didn't know that Windsor immediately rushed to Cook's head and grabbed Cook's hair vigorously. After a while, Cook's hair was turned into a chicken coop.

"Haha, haha, haha." Linasia and others laughed at the appearance of Cook.

"Will you go?" Windsor then stared with his arms akimbo.

"Go, why not, but let's take care of Jin Guangzhen first, and then let this guy take us there, how about it." Cook replied with a smile, knowing that the space in the natural ring is now very large. A group of flower elves live in it, so you don't have to worry about things in the natural ring from now on.

"When to go, give a certain time." Windsor said nonchalantly.

"Three days, how about three days?" Cook asked as he plucked his hair.

"Well, just wait three days, otherwise, hum." Windsor waved a small fist.

Cook did not see the threat of Windsor in the slightest. With this small appearance, he can handle it with one finger. Windsor may realize that his threat has no power, so he said again: "If you don't go, I will take you The brewed wine is broken."

"No, no, I'm going, I'm going." Cook put all the wine made with magic fruits in the natural ring. If it was really destroyed by Windsor, there would be no place to reason.

"Wine, the wine is there." Jin Guangyan suddenly appeared in front of Cook and shouted, and there were still some oil stains on his mouth, obviously eating.

"I said how about giving you 10,000 catties of wine." Cook said.

"Okay, okay, my father said that a man would eat meat and drink alcohol." Jin Guangyan immediately replied with joy.

"Then can you help me a little?" Cook asked with his eyes rolling.

"Help me, but I don't have any good things." Jin Guangxian looked at Cook warily, and covered his belly with his hands.

"Ahem, Windsor wants to go home and have a look, but you also know that this is your territory. Without you, we wouldn't dare to walk around here, so I want to ask you to help." Cook said with a smile.

"That's, I tell you, there is no one around my territory who dares not give me face, and whoever does not give me face, I will steal from their house... and make trouble at their house." Jin Guangyan heard Cook's Compliment, shaking his head and said.

Then Jin Guangyan looked around on his body, then gritted his teeth and pulled out a piece of hair from his tail and said: "This is my token. You hold this. It is unimpeded in my territory."

Cook, Lina and others looked at the hair in Jin Guangyan's claws, they were speechless, and when they looked at Jin Guangyan's pain, they thought it was a big deal.

"I think it's better for you to take us a trip." Cook said.

"No, no." Jin Guangyan said, shaking his head one after another.

"I have this good wine here." As soon as Cook gritted his teeth, he took out a bottle of wine made with magic fruits.

"Ten thousand catties." Jin Guangyan sniffed the bottle of wine, and then in full view, he stuffed his small paw directly into his belly. At this time, Cook discovered that there was a small abdomen in Jin Guangyan. The bag is just like the kangaroo's bag.

Cook was about to vomit blood, ten thousand catties. When Cook saw this guy like this, he immediately turned around and said to Windsor: "Don't count on this guy, let's go by ourselves."

"Hey, is there more than ten thousand catties?" Jin Guangyan flew to Cook's eyes all of a sudden, shouting with wide-eyed eyes.

"Ten thousand catties, I will give you one catty a month at most." Cook replied in an angry voice, knowing that in this wine, the elemental fruit added by Cook is in it, and the brewing process is also very difficult.

"One catty is too little, no, no." Jin Guangyan shook his head and said.

"Forget it, I don't have more anyway." Cook said with a shrug.

"Hey, hello, there are people who bargain like this, I will lower it for you, and you should also increase it." Jin Guangyan roared in an angry voice.

"Forget it, there is nothing to say to a guy like you. Tell me, is the wine I just given you good?" Cook waved his hand and looked like you don't understand.

"Who said I don't understand anymore. Didn't I tidy up without seeing it? One hundred catties a month." Jin Guangyan gritted his teeth.

"Two catties, at most, if you can help me find the people of Windsor, you can give you ten catties a month, because Windsor and their winemaking skills are the best." Cook said right away when he heard the door.

When Jin Guangyan heard that Windsor could make wine, his eyes beamed and said, "I used to think that only monkeys can make wine. I didn’t expect you guys to do it too. Say it earlier. Say you want to make wine. I’ll do it right away. went."

Cook was said by Jin Guangyan, and then looked at the eyes of a few people around him despising him, Cook vomiting blood in depression.

"Hey, you guys sit firmly, I'm about to start acting." Jin Guangyan instantly became tens of meters in size, with not only Cook sitting on it, but Siah, Lina, Mickey, Connie, Manli, etc. People, even several people, are shrunk in the fluff inside Jin Guangyan's neck, but now the hair is more than one meter long.

Jin Guangyan was reluctant to bring more people at first, but Cook said that in case the people of Windsor had winemaking tools that needed to be removed, or there was a lot of fine wine, Jin Guangyan immediately agreed.

Cook took out a rope made of khaka spitting spider silk, and stringed a few people together. Because Cook had seen the speed of Jin Guangyan, Cook heard Jin Guangyan's voice and said immediately: "Okay, let's go. "

Boom, everyone felt their eardrums tremble, and the surrounding scenery was distorted. After a full ten seconds, everyone’s sights returned to normal. Jin Guangyan, with a strong golden light, kept passing through the clouds, huge. With its wings spread out, it is four to five hundred meters long.

"Is there a problem?" Cook asked loudly.

"No problem." Lina who was sitting at the back said.

Cook and the others looked at the white clouds that were constantly drifting around, and some creatures ran away quickly, while Jin Guangyan rose up loudly: "Hoho."

Jin Guangyao is still climbing. At this time, Cook not only sees the peaks floating in the air, but these peaks are just floating, and there is actually a stream of water rushing down from above, and then turning into white clouds.

"What's going on?" Cook asked in surprise.

"This is the hollow mountain. The entire mountain range is sunken in. It's not the air flow that depends on the airflow, but its own strength." Jin Guangyan replied.

As the speed increased, Cook and others saw more and more peaks. Some of these peaks were placed sideways. The vines on these peaks fell in mid-air, and they were tens of thousands of meters long. There are all of them, and there are huge vines between some mountain peaks, and there are not no creatures that are thousands of meters long, but when they see the golden light, they rush away and run away.

The golden light flew for more than ten hours, and the surrounding scenery still surprised Cook and others. The huge vines suspended in the air are like white clouds, but the white clouds are from around the vines. Floating by, immediately absorbed by the huge leaves shot by these vines, and then these leaves are like balloons filled with water.

"Cook, the gravity area here is very chaotic." Xia said.

"Well, the area just now had five times the gravity, but here only twice the gravity." Cook also nodded.

Cook used the anti-gravity aura on Mickey and Lori, otherwise the bodies of the two women would not be able to withstand such gravity at all. Jin Guangyan roared: "Come on, the monkeys' territory is ahead."

"Don't you say that it takes a month to patrol the territory." Cook asked suspiciously.

"Yes, but the place where we started is close to the monkey's territory. Close to the sea there is not only a huge storm, but also a smell. The undead are full of bone racks, there is nothing wrong with them. There is food on the swamp. It's very poisonous, so I usually go to the monkeys' land." Jin Guangyan replied.

"Hoho, sir, I'm here." Jin Guangyan roared loudly, and then Cook and the others discovered to their horror that it was a huge mountain range not far in front. You must know that Jin Guangyan's flying altitude might be more than a dozen. Kilometers high, and the huge mountain peaks in front almost occupies the entire field of vision, and the width of the visual observation is at least several hundred kilometers.

It was only half an hour later that Cook found out what hundreds of kilometers there are, at least two thousand kilometers wide. The top of the mountain is relatively flat. A word in Cook's mind: "Plateau."

"I said it must be a plateau." Cook asked.

"What plateau, this is still a hollow mountain, but this is already halfway up the mountain." Jin Guangyan replied.

Cook and the others were shocked, what exactly this hollow mountain looks like, why there is such a place, if it is below the surface, then what is going on with the sea, not only Cook wondered, but Xialina and others were puzzled.

Xia said, "Cook, could it be that this is a huge mountain that cuts off the opposite side."

"It's possible." Cook nodded.

"Oh oh oh oh oh." At this moment, there were huge roars one after another on the opposite mountain.

Immediately afterwards, Cook saw the so-called monkeys. What kind of monkeys are there? This is an orangutan. The large orangutans are more than a thousand meters high, and the small ones are tens of meters high. There are at least hundreds of them. Over time, some orangutans rushed out of the forest.

"Shoo." Before Cook and the others could say anything, a purple gorilla in the lead lifted a huge rock that was hundreds of meters long and smashed it against Cook and his group. Cook called out: " This is the stone you are talking about."

"Yes, these **** throw stones at me every time they see me." Jin Guangyan replied in an angry voice.

"Zizzi." Countless rocks, accompanied by purple thunder and lightning, made a sizzling sound in the air.

"Asshole, asshole, you wait for me." Jin Guangyan yelled at the sky full of power grids.

Cook, Sia and others were pale, because the attacks released by these gorillas actually formed a large thunder and lightning net, covering thousands of kilometers wide. This kind of magic combined to attack, can not be used on the plane, because of this relationship When it comes to a frequency issue, such an attack must be accurate to the millisecond.

"Windsor, how did you come?" Cook couldn't help asking when he saw that he hadn't been to Windsor's home for so long.

"I don't know, anyway, I keep falling down, I haven't found my way home for a long time." Windsor said blushing.

"Monkeys, uncle is gone." Jin Guangyan roared as she looked at the huge power grid, and a beam of light spouted from Jin Guangyan's mouth.

The golden beam of light shot towards the purple power grid. When the golden beam of light touched the power grid, the entire lightning network suddenly tightened and directly wrapped the golden beam of light. Jin Guangyan suddenly accelerated and rushed through countless flying rocks.

What Cook and the others saw was thrilling. The largest of these stones was hundreds of meters in size, and the smaller ones were about a meter in size. Not only did Jin Guangyan not flinch, but screamed with excitement. Cook now understands, this guy Obviously the pursuit of such pleasure.

When Jin Guangyan flew to the big mountain where the orangutans lived, he flew for a long time. According to Cook’s estimation, it was at least tens of thousands of kilometers. At the end of these tens of thousands of kilometers, there was actually a huge and steep mountain. There is also a huge cave, Jin Guangyan called excitedly for a long time.

"How come there are mountains?" Xia asked, looking at the boundless huge peaks.

"A mountain is higher than a mountain." Cook sighed.

Jin Guangyan said with excitement, "Seeing it, these monkeys can't help me at all."

Cook is speechless. You actually said that such a big star is a monkey. Now Siah is not afraid of Jin Guangxian. This guy is just a little kid. It is delicious. Good face Siah said with a smile: "People are orangutans, not monkeys. "

"Orangutans, do orangutans also make wine? It's not that monkeys make wine." Jin Guangyan was puzzled~www.wuxiaspot.com~Cook thought of a joke, and immediately said: "I said you, those orangutans do you dare to make wine? drink."

"Why don't you dare?" Jin Guangyan asked suspiciously.

"You think, how do those orangutans make wine? They are nothing more than magic fruits. Not only do these magic fruits have other things crawling on them, they may also have some bird’s urine on them, and ah, those Will orangutans wash their hands when picking fruits? Maybe the monkey hair and everything are mixed into it, and maybe they know you are going to grab them. Those monkeys, bah, are the orangutans spitting inside and peeing..." Cook is serious. Said.

"Damn, **** bastard, how come I can steal it so easily a few times, bastard, bastard, see if I don't break their rags." Jin Guangyan retched when he heard this, and then turned around to ask Go to trouble with those orangutans.

"Okay, okay, there must be good wine in the tribe of Windsor. If you are late, besides, those monkeys, bah, orangutans will move." Cook quickly persuaded.

Jin Guangyan was relieved when he heard Cook's words, and gritted his teeth and said, "Monkeys, wait for me."

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