A Unique Hunter

Chapter 853: Arrived at the Flower Fairy Tribe

Please remember the URL of this site:. Cook still doesn’t understand that Jin Guangxian came here deliberately to see how excited the boy was just now. Jin Guangxian’s speed is extremely fast and the gravity area here is very chaotic. Cook does not know how this situation is caused. And this mountain is too big. According to the current situation, at least tens of kilometers high

The highest mountain that Cook had heard before seemed to be some kind of mountain on Mars, but now it seems that the mountain here is much higher. Jin Guangyan said loudly: "Not far in front is the small gathering area. I also came here accidentally. here"

"No wonder Windsor can't find home" Cook finally understood

However, Jin Guangyan said that it took a full flight for most of the day. A platform appeared in front of Cook and others. The width of the platform is not known how many kilometers. The entire platform is shrouded in clouds and fog. The trees on the platform are thousands of meters high.

"Roar" Jin Guangyan roared

Jin Guangyan’s roar just fell. Numerous flower elves flew up from the dense jungle, but to Cook’s surprise, some flower elves were about the size of a human and the size of Windsor.

"Fly higher" Cook said immediately to Jin Guangyan

"Windsor, see if it’s your clan" Cook released Windsor and said to Windsor

Windsor flapped its transparent wings and rushed directly to the flower elves below the forest below. When they saw Windsor, they were also relieved. Cook asked Jin Guangxian: "Is this empty mountain so big?"

"My dad said that Kongkong Mountain is the largest and highest mountain range. No one can cross the Kongkong Mountain and there is a great danger on the Kongkong Mountain. Even the giant dragons dare not climb over. We Jinguangyan is different. As long as I grow up, I can go to the mountain. According to my father, there are many beauties over there, as well as mountain-like food and wine. The people on the other side of the mountain are said to be very low-powered and let us bully." Jin Guangyan said with bright eyes.

"So what exactly is this hollow mountain like" Cook asked again

"I have a map here, but let me say that you have to pay it back after reading it. This is my father left me." Jin Guangyan was asked by Cook and Jin Guangyan took out something and said.

"Okay" Cook quickly agreed to the map

Jin Guangyan took out a transparent crystal. Cook saw that it was a superb crystal the size of a head. Jin Guangyan murmured something, so a map appeared in front of Cook and others. Jin Guangyan said: "The above shows Is the map of our area"

Cook opened his eyes wide and was surprised to find that the platform he was on was just a small platform on a huge and steep cliff, and the platform where the orangutans lived was larger and the current location according to the map was not yet It’s about one third of the entire mountain range and the hollow mountain is like a huge crescent mountain

How does Cook think of this hollow mountain as if it was impacted by something huge. The bottom of the hollow mountain is the sea, and the position in the picture below is a wide and dark crack. According to the ratio, there are tens of thousands of kilometers wide canyon. On the map, there are scattered lakes. Obviously, the swamp area is tens of thousands of kilometers wide and it is not known.

"It seems that we can't go out for the time being." When Cook looked at this place, he knew that it was a paradise. There was a canyon of the undead. There was a swamp on the top. There was a sea and a huge hollow mountain. According to Cook's estimation, the hollow mountain must be huge. The product of the impact of something the size of a planet

Cook then asked Jin Guangyan: "How much land does this hollow mountain occupy?"

"It looks like my dad said that the size of the hollow mountain and the whole world is about the size of the pin **** and my dad, but I haven't seen this pin butt, I don't know if it tastes good or not," Jin Guangxian replied in doubt

Cook, Sia and others immediately sweated in cold sweat. Not to mention that Jin Guangyan’s father is a needle butt. Compared with Jin Guangyan, this Nima place is too big. When Cook asked, Windsor flew up and Windsor told Cook. Said: "Our tribe is on the other side"

"Let's go then" Cook said to Jin Guangyan

Jin Guangyan flew for half an hour. According to Cook’s estimation, it was at least 10,000 kilometers because the surrounding scenery was distorted as if it was a space transmission. When Windsor saw a huge rock in the middle of the forest, the rock had How big is at least a few square kilometers above the stone is a 1,500-meter-sized plant Windsor immediately cried out excitedly: "That is my home."

Windsor rushed down like a gust of wind. Cook and the others were not in a hurry to go down. Jin Guangxian was impatient. Jin Guangyan flashed in his eyes and said: "Let's go and get something delicious."

Jin Guangyan came to a place a few kilometers away as soon as he shook his body. There is a big cyan bird with a length of five to six hundred meters. Its elegant figure is flowing with cyan light.

"Roar" Jin Guangyan roared twice and then rushed towards the big blue bird

When the cyan bird heard Jin Guangyan’s voice, he was frightened and slumped to the ground, but Cook felt something was not right, so he patted Jin Guangyan and said, "Slow down, don't worry."

"How can I not worry, I'm starving to death, look at me flying so many days, good wine and meat, I want to have fun, roar," Jin Guangyan roared angrily

"Don't becook, this is our patron saint beast" Just when Jin Guangyan was about to do it, Windsor hurriedly flew over and stopped loudly.

"The sacred beast is also called the sacred beast" Jin Guangyan roared and obviously thought that the sacred beast had insulted him

"Dear guest, this is the patron saint of our tribe, but it’s not an adult," the flower elves who thought of grace flew to Jin Guangyan and said to Jin Guangyan.

"Quick..." Jin Guangyan yelled immediately, regardless of so much.

Cook quickly patted Jin Guangyan and said: "Good wine and good meat, what I have here is that we will go down first and then talk about it."

"Bring it" Cook and the others just felt that a few people fell on the ground with their eyes, and Jin Guangyan had become the size of a kitten and stretched out his paws at Cook.

When Cook saw this guy, he took out a small barrel of wine made from magic fruits and then a lot of ingredients and then took it out of the natural ring. The two chef teams took it out and ignored Jin Guangxian. See Ha Bi and Naiwen immediately yelled: "Hurry up, uncle, I'm hungry"

Cook rolled his eyes. Jin Guangzhen commanded Hobby and Temperature just like his own servant. Windsor also sent some ingredients for Hobby and Temperature. Without Jin Guangzhen's urging, his eyes shined dry.

"Dear guests, thank you for bringing my daughter back." The graceful flower spirit invited Cook and the others to the big tree in the middle of the big rock. Under the big tree is a huge cave. The woman bent over and thanked Cook and others. Tao

"It helped me a lot without using Windsor." Cook wondered that this Windsor was only one foot long and this Windsor's mother was actually two meters tall and the surrounding flower elves were not all one foot or half a meter in size. The size of the meter is ultimately two meters high

But Cook can’t ignore these flower elves. Cook found that the taller the flower elves, the stronger the magic fluctuations they emit, and the magic fluctuations emitted by this Windsor’s mother are almost comparable to that of West Asia. You know that West Asia has a **** core. In the future, there will be a law attack in the attack, which shows how powerful this Windsor mother is

"When Windsor was young, we were also anxious to sneak out naughty. This place is full of dangers and powerful monsters, so we always thought..." Windsor's mother said that tears were streaming down here.

"Mother is not good for me" Windsor immediately grew bigger, half a meter tall, and fell directly into his mother's arms.

Cook was embarrassed to see the two mothers and daughters like this, while Lina and Xiya looked at each other secretly. Cook waited until the two mothers and daughters calmed down and said: "Then the patriarch, I would like to ask you what this plane is. what is the place"

“I’m not very clear about this. It’s just that there was a war hundreds of thousands of years ago. Our tribe lived here in seclusion at that time, but even the situation at the time is rarely spread. After all, so many years have passed.” Windsor’s mother shook her head. Said

Cook asked again: "Then I don't know how many people are in your tribe."

"Our tribe has about 15,000 people," Windsor's mother looked at Cook puzzledly and replied

Cook hesitated and said, "Your Excellency Patriarch, you are very dangerous in this place, so can you move to another place?"

"Other places are even more dangerous. In our area, at any rate, the number of monsters is still relatively rare, only some flying monsters," Windsor's mother said, shaking her head.

Cook quickly explained: "I'm talking about the territory of the guy outside"

"Jin GuangJan, you mean we can move to Jin GuangJan's territory, but we are not slaves." Windsor's mother was also a little excited. What is Jin GuangJan? That is the overlord of this area. Of course, I have only heard of it before.

"I can discuss this for you. You just pay a certain amount of fine wine to Jin Guangyan every year. That's it. You see, can this work?" Cook said

"The area where Jin Guangzhen can be large is huge. We have heard about it a long time ago and it is the richest area only Jin Guangzhen can agree to," Windsor's mother asked suspiciously.

Cook turned around and left and brought in Jin Guangxian who was eating a big bite of meat. Cook asked Jin Guangxian: "Xiaoxian, first come and taste the wine made by the flower elves"

Windsor hurriedly moved a bottle of wine out of Jin Guangxuan. He opened his mouth and swallowed the meat. Then he bit the wooden bottle and took a sip: "Not bad, better than monkey brewing. Good"

"I said this can be compared to you. Look at how much flower elves like to be clean. The materials used to make wine are very clean. The bottles for wine are also full of artistic sense. Knowing what art is," Cook asked deliberately.

"Don't talk about monkeys, I just want to vomit when I talk about monkeys" Jin Guangyan said with an angry stare.

"Art is very valuable, my dad said," Jin Guangyan replied afterwards

"Look, your territory is yours alone, so I let these flower elves live in your territory and give you this kind of wine every year," Cook asked.

"Ten thousand bottles a year" Jin Guangyan immediately stretched out a toe and said

Windsor nodded, but Cook said in disbelief: "I just don't know if your words count as if your parents come back and drive them away, or what if your son disagrees."

"My dad will definitely not say that my mother loves me the most. As for my son, he dares" Jin Guangyan immediately stared.

"Well then, let's sign a contract or what if you regret it" Cook asked still in disbelief

"If you are good, sign the contract" Jin Guangyan said

Cook whispered to Jin Guangyan again: "I don't think 10,000 bottles are so good. You said your territory is so big. If someone makes more wine, you are not at a loss. I think you want 10% of their wine. Ah, so many of them make one bottle for one person, and in the future, the more the number of the flower elves, the more your wine will be."

"Well 15%" Jin Guangyan was heartbroken after listening

"I will write the contract" Cook wrote the contract immediately, but the contract contains tens of thousands of words and almost covers all the conditions.

After reading Jin Guangyan, he said, "I didn't expect that you kid would actually be able to read our Jin Guangyan words."

After signing the contract, Jin Guangyan rushed out. Of course, Windsor's mother also asked to give wine to Jin Guangyan. The contract written by Cook was written in the dragon script and the human script, so the flower elves also read it. Understand that Cook waited for Jin Guangyan to leave and said: "I'm really sorry to change it to 15% just now."

"Actually 15% is not very high" Windsor's mother said

"Hehe, I didn't mean to look at the 15% of the final output. I didn't say how much wine is made." Cook whispered

Only then did Windsor’s mother realize that Windsor’s mother saw such a contract and asked: "Your Excellency Cook, can we take other tribes there?"

"I'm afraid it won't work. The contract is the name of your tribe, but if other tribes join your tribe, it won't be a big problem." Cook shook his head first and finally said something.

"Cook, thank you, sit and let me contact the other tribes." Windsor's mother knew that this was an opportunity for her tribe to grow. Jin Guangyan occupied the best territory in the entire mountain range.

Cook just wandered in the tribe of Windsor. As for Lina and others, they were fascinated by the exquisite clothes on the flower elves. A few women went to learn how to make such gorgeous clothes. Jin Guangzhen lay lazily in Cook. Jin Guangyan, who flicked his tail on his shoulders, said puzzledly: "Why didn't I think that I would go to grab a drink and drink as long as there are more flower elves, am I still worried about not drinking?"

"But Xiaoyan, you are going to teach you all the big, disobedient guys in your territory. Do you think if these guys killed the flower elves, who would give you wine?" Cook looked at the tall trees around. These trees are too tall and there are ancient war trees in the Flower Elf tribe. They are five or six hundred meters high and are covered with durian-like fruits. But these durians are a meter in diameter. You can imagine how huge such ancient war trees would be in war. Attack power Cook sees drooling

"Hum, I will kill all those who do not open my eyes when I go back, and dare to influence my uncle's drinking" Jin Guangyan immediately yelled when he heard Cook say this.

"I said you are a fool" Cook said irritably

"How can I be a stupid?" Jin Guangyan jumped up and shouted

"Hey, why do you get bullied by those monkeys every time" Cook asked with a sigh

"Because of the large number of them, there are lightning attacks" Jin Guangyan replied after thinking about it.

"That's it, you said that if you bring a large number of subordinates with more than monkeys, then you can directly let your subordinates catch the monkeys for you to make wine and use them to grab them" Cook asked in an angry rhetoric.

Jin Guangyan immediately jumped over Cook's shoulder when he heard it: "Why didn't I think of it, why didn't I think of it"

"So you go back and find more subordinates as soon as possible, and then directly send out subordinates that are twice as many as the monkeys and not ten times more than the monkeys and kill them directly at the door of the monkey's house, so that the monkeys can hand over the good wine." Cook Chunchun taught.

Jin Guangyan was very excited at first, but then said, "But I don't know how to command subordinates."

"If you trust me, I can give it to me to help you manage this, but then I will share the loot." Cook said while paying attention to Jin Guangjian's expression. Cook just said to help Jin Guangyan manage Jin Guangyan's eyes, so he became vigilant. Ke Cai said the latter part

Jin Guangyan was wary when he heard that Cook wanted to manage himself. This human kid was treacherous and managed to help himself. Could it be a conspiracy, but then Cook said that he wanted loot. Although Jin Guangyan likes to drink and eat meat, he does not mean he is a fool

"That's good, but at most 10% of the spoils we have to sign a contract between us" Jin Guangzhen agreed after thinking about it.

"Good but I'm afraid those guys won't listen to me" Cook said with his eyes rolling.

"Then let them sign a slave contract with you, but I have a condition" Jin Guangyan replied with his eyes rolled and looked at Cook triumphantly.

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