A Unique Hunter

Chapter 854: Flower Fairy Migration

When Cook heard Jin Guangyan's words, he was wary, but he didn't show the slightest performance on the surface, but he said with a careless voice: "What is our relationship?"

If Sia or Lina is here to know that Cook is so generous, he must be wary of his heart. Cook is a bit of a money fan. Sometimes you see that Cook is giving you money, you have to be careful because Cook does this The purpose is to better pay out of your pocket. According to Cook, this is long-term investment.

Jin Guangyan saw Cook like this and said with a smile: "Those guys are not worthy of being my servants, but they can’t be cheap. You are not so I want you to compensate me for 50,000 bottles of this kind of good wine. change"

Cook originally thought that Jin Guangyan had to offer any conditions, but he didn't expect it to be this, not to mention one hundred thousand bottles, or two hundred thousand bottles. Cook would immediately agree without hesitation, but who is Cook would definitely not agree so quickly and readily. So Cook said: "Although I have taken a big advantage in the calculations, there are some things that we have to say clearly. I definitely can’t get it out at once. It takes a lot of time. I can only say that. Anyway, I must I'll give it to you, but there is one more thing that is that the monsters must be strong enough or they can't beat those monkeys."

"That's for sure, I will look for those who are not pleasing to the eye" when I go out, Jin Guangyan immediately patted his chest and answered

Cook feels a little weird when you hear this. But Cook is too lazy to care. Although 50,000 bottles of wine are a big number for Cook, don’t forget that ordinary magic fruits can be collected outside. It is said that the most indispensable thing in the elemental fruit cook space ring is that kind of thing

Cook promised: "OK"

Jin Guangyan thinks he has a big bargain. Anyway, he can't ask those low-level guys to be servants. 50,000 bottles of excellent wine. This is not a free profit. Although Cook has command power, the spoils themselves occupy the bulk of it. Cook steals too. I can’t help laughing, although Cook seems to have produced 50,000 bottles of the best wine, but Cook has won a batch of high-level beasts. It’s not that the spoils, please. If you don’t have these beasts, Cook would dare to move. Mike’s guy, Cook, is back to his original plane with only ass.

Cook took out two more bottles of good wine and said: "Come on for our happy cooperation"

"I like it" Jin Guangyan said with a smile when he saw that Cook actually took out a good wine

When Cook was wandering around in the flower elves territory, the flower elves tribe caused an uproar. The flower elves tribe's territory seems to be huge, but there are many dangers in this place, not to mention the strange warcraft flying with the clouds at any time, there are some insect warcraft, etc. Although every tribe has guardian beasts, these beasts need food from the flower elves tribe

To put it bluntly, every flower elven tribe attaches to these sacred beasts and becomes a servant of the sacred beasts in exchange for a stable life. What is the flower elves. No wonder that is the overlord of the entire Xingkong Mountain. That is the real sacred beast and the rest of the flower elves tribe. There is doubt in my heart, even if it is a contract, there is doubt

Dozens of the patriarchs of the Flower Elf tribe all came together to the Windsor tribe and couldn’t wait to join the Windsor tribe after seeing Jin Guangzhen. Windsor’s mother was unanimously elected as the Queen of the Flower Elf. You should know that the position of the queen is already empty. Everyone disagrees with each other in the new year, but the environment here is also relatively bad, so the scale of fighting with each other is much smaller

"Mother, what happened to what I told you" Windsor asked when looking at her mother

Windsor's mother sighed and said: "How could I ask Cook presumptuously in Windsor and obviously the space you said should be a kind of space that comes with a sacred tool. If I ask Cook to take the initiative, I think I have bad intentions."

"Then I'll go ask" Windsor was ready to ask after saying

“Don’t worry about the things that we need to prepare for the migration of our tribes now. Don’t look at my mother, who is the queen now. Who knows what tribes think in their hearts.” Windsor’s mother is not as simple as Windsor.

Windsor smiled and said: "Mother, don't be afraid that if Cook does this, he must have a back hand. You don't know Cook..."

Windsor said something about Cook. Windsor's mother looked at Windsor and then looked at Windsor. When it came to Cook's deeds, Windsor's mother sighed secretly.

Finally, half a month later, more than one million flower elves in the flower elves tribe gathered together. Originally, some guardian beasts wanted to do something, but before they could implement it, they were killed by Jin Guangyan with two halfling chefs. Become delicious and delicious. The rest of the beasts are terrified and run away in one night.

In the past half month, Lina and West Asia have cooperated to establish a temporary teleportation array. Fortunately, Cook and the Flower Elf tribe do not lack magic materials. However, due to the short time, this teleportation array consumes a lot of materials and can only be teleported once. The energy needed to transmit more than one million flower elves is also huge. Fortunately, Jin Guangyan has killed many tyrannical beasts for more than ten days. These magic cores are enough to use, and Jin Guangyan is even more delicious. It is also a good wine brewed by the Flower Elf tribe, although it is said that elemental fruit is not added, but it is also brewed by magic fruit.

"The teleportation begins" Lina shouted loudly that the flower elves lined up in fear, first through the teleportation array, and then the flower elves team began to move forward quickly. Fortunately, these flower elves flew the team to move quickly, and the flower elves let the flowers in the Spike Fortress. The elves keep flying away so that the others continue to come out

One million flower elves took a full day and Cook also collected some seedlings of ancient war trees and tens of thousands of ancient war trees in dozens of tribes were watered by Cook once with the water of life.

"Lina, let's build up here too" Cook said to Lina

"I'm too slow alone" Lina said while looking at Cook

"Don't worry, there are talents in the plane." Cook smiled slightly and finally Lina disappeared with Cook.

Cook is still busy after he goes back. Cook wants to re-plan for the flower elves. The flower elves need at least thousands of square kilometers of land. Cook first made Jin Guangyan a thousand kilometers away from the Spike Fortress. I chose this because Spike Fortress can form a horn with the gathering place of flower elves

Jin Guangzhen is very interested in killing Beasts, because now the Beasts can be used not only to eat for themselves, but also to exchange for wine from the flower elves. For Jin Guangzhen, killing Beasts is much easier than stealing wine at the monkey’s house. Of course they are powerful. Was immediately imprisoned and became Cook’s slave

Cook was still very excited, but in the end Cook was surprised to find that his mental power was not enough to sign the slave contract for these guys. If he signs the slave contract forcibly, I am afraid that he will be in danger of being backlashed by the spirit of Warcraft.

But it’s not important. The important thing is to set up the flower wizard Cook and let Jin Guangyan take a tour around the place and draw a detailed map.

The rest is Cook's work. Cook first planted a large number of trees of life in the flower elves and watered them with the essence of life. With the help of the flower elves, the flower elves grew hundreds of tall trees of life in one day. The tree of life is great for the growth of flower elves. Cook then assigns the site. Almost every flower elven tribe has a tree of life. Then there is a fruit tree bread tree that grows a lot of magic fruits in the flower elves colony and the final bank of ancient war trees. Ke also used all the water of life in stock and the flower elves themselves to plant a large circle of devil vines and thorns around thousands of square kilometers of land. The devil vines have been re-bred by the flower elves. Moreover, these devil vines are also Will not attack the flower elves who are close to nature

In just a few days, thousands of square kilometers of land has become a huge forest. However, the periphery of these forests is the ancient war tree, the thorns, the devil vine, and the tree of life and various magical fruit trees.

"Tsk, good, good, so many fruits, there must be a lot of wine making." Jin Guangyan saw that the busy flower elves on thousands of square kilometers were collecting fruits. The trees of life not only grow fast, but also bear fruit. The bodies of the big and multi-flowered elves have increased several times under the condition of the life force radiated by the tree of life.

"I said people should leave enough food too, okay" Cook replied angrily

"Hey Cook, what about World of Warcraft now. I didn't expect that your strength is so low that you can't sign a contract at all." Jin Guangyan laughed at Cook.

"How can you sign a general work contract?" Cook took out the contract scroll and said

"What's on this?" Jin Guangyan asked

"Hehe, I'll read it to you" Cook read it again with a smile

Jin Guangyan heard that Cook had spent half an hour reading and sweating down, and said: "Insidious, cunning, despicable and shameless, you might as well be a slave."

"Is that right? Anyway, when the time comes to force those guys to sign a contract, that's it. If you don't sign, just kill it," Cook said with an eyebrow

Jin Guangyan saw Cook like this and immediately jumped in and said: "Why don't you give me some scrolls. Next time I see those **** dragons, I must let them sign this kind of work contract."

"No problem" Cook said with a smile. The so-called work contract is similar to the overlord contract on earth, but it is even more powerful than the overlord contract.

But what Cook did not expect was that with the support of the tree of life, the flower elves could actually expand their territory, the devil vines and the thorns were slowly moved outside, and the trees continued to increase, and the flower elves raised some low-level beasts on the ground. As a food reserve

"You flower elves also eat meat" Cook asked Windsor suspiciously

“We didn’t have the tree of life before, we didn’t dare to eat meat, which contains things harmful to our flower elves. Long-term consumption will reduce our flower elves’ physical fitness, but the tree of life is not a problem in all this,” Windsor explained

Cook immediately understood: "Oh, I mean, sometimes my barbecue is missing."

"Huh, isn't it just to eat some of your barbecue" Windsor replied in embarrassment and then angrily

"Aren't you your natural darlings, how can you kill Beasts" Cook asked again afterwards

Windsor said irritably: "Do you understand what nature means"

"Nature is the reincarnation of life and death. Big fish eat small fish. Why can't they kill Beasts? Look at the autumn leaves falling to provide nutrients for the trees, and then new leaves grow in spring. This is nature" Windsor looked at Cook with contempt.

"Oh, I understand, it's like what we eat is the fruit that pulls out the stool, and then the stool is absorbed by the fruit tree and the fruit grows..." Cook said so vulgar intentionally

Jin Guangyan raised his head and stretched out his tongue to lick the oil on his mouth and asked, "Doesn't Cook mean that you ate the stool?"

"Xiaoyan, please stop for me." Cook wanted to tease Windsor who knew that Jin Guangxuan, who knew that he was teased by Jin Guangxuan, teased himself, and Cook immediately smashed the barbecue in front of him. He knew that Jin Guangxuan swallowed it in one bite. Put out his tongue, roll all the food on the table into its mouth, and then a golden light disappeared. Cook immediately went out.

Lina and the others laughed. Obviously they didn't expect Jin Guangyan to have such a trick. Windsor was even more angry to catch up with Cook's hair. The family was frolicking.

The flower elves are preparing to hold a grand celebration to celebrate their migration to such a fertile place. There is a large area in the middle of the flower elves gathering place. This place is hundreds of square kilometers. The largest elven city will be built here, and there will be dozens of medium-sized elven city. Cities and countless small villages

Form a huge network, but the flower elves have a little advantage without building roads, no matter how small the flower elves can fly, but as the day calms down, the flower elves also have different voices inside, and a meeting is held at this grand celebration to elect the queen.

When Cook heard the news, he sneered: "There are really people who don't know how to promote, I want to see who jumps out."

"Cook, I think it's fine. Everyone is from the same line of flower elves." Windsor's mother said with some worry when she saw Cook's appearance.

"Hehe I certainly won't kill the flower elves, but it seems that I have to talk to them," Cook said with a smile on his mouth.

Seeing Cook’s smile, Lina and others looked at each other and knew that someone was going to be unlucky

With a strip of cloth on his face, Jin Guangyan said to Cook excitedly: "Cook, this is the first time I have seen such a professional technique. Are you a thief?"

"Otherwise, what do you think will happen?" Cook was speechless to Jin Guangxian.

"I thought it was like my witch monkey stealing wine and rushing in and taking it away." Jin Guangyan was creeping on the ground and wretched, but a long tail with a tall tail and golden fur covering his head is useless.

Cook squatted aside and said, "Is that a robber?"

"Cook, are you sure which guys will meet here? There is nothing here," Jin Guangyan said with his tail flapping.

"Don't rush to drink this first" Cook took out two bottles of invisibility potions and threw a bottle of Jin Guangzhen

"What is this?" Jin Guangyan asked suspiciously

"Invisibility potion" Cook drank the potion and said, following Cook's body slowly disappeared

Jin Guangyan was taken aback and then stretched out his toe to poke at Cook and found that Cook was still jumping up excitedly: "Wow, there are such good things that I won’t take out earlier."

Then Jin Guangyan also drank the potion, and then Jin Guangyan saw that his body was gradually disappearing. Jin Guangyan was very excited: "After Cook, I will ask for such a good thing."

"Don't use energy or it won't work," Cook warned

"Hoho has this kind of thing to see if I don't kill those **** monkeys, how about I pee on the food of those monkeys" Jin Guangyan asked even though he couldn't see Cook

"You can do whatever you want, but the ingredients for this potion are not cheap" Cook said on purpose

"Which one of us and who needs what you need" Jin Guangyan said immediately, patting his chest.

Cook interrupted and said, "Someone is coming."

One by one, the patriarchs of the flower elves landed on the trunk of the big tree of Cook and others. The elders of the flower elves exchanged words with the tree and said, "No problem, no one else around."

"It's hard for us to live like this if we are found out," an elder said with a sigh

"If you don't live well, you can be a queen by virtue of Wendy, regardless of your own level." Another disdainfully said Wendy is Windsor's mother.

"Wendy always helped us anyway" someone else said

"The **** is just that they are lucky. If it wasn't for Windsor to seduce the man outside Wendy, what would it be that we can directly trade with Jin Guangyan? Isn't it just wine? There are such good conditions, what kind of wine is there?" Someone said

These flower elf elders talked a lot and agreed with some abstentions. Just discuss it like this. Cook took out a bottle of potion and placed it under the tree where the elves could not see. Jin Guangzhen was just going to see what potion was covered by Cook. Dragged away slowly

Jin Guangyan asked in a low voice after the two guys left several kilometers: "What kind of potion is that?"

"Nothing is just a potion of truth" Cook replied with a smile

"The truth potion and what is the use of this potion now to tell the truth?" Jin Guangzhen asked suspiciously

"There is no trigger, but tomorrow I will take out the catalyst that triggers this drug at the meeting and you will see a very exciting scene" Cook had to tell the truth

"There is such a good thing to bring and I'm going to make those monkeys look good" Jin Guangyan hugged Cook's head and shook it vigorously.

"Just give it to you. Don't shake my head, you are so hard."   Cook quickly begged for mercy if other human beings would have been shaken by this guy.

"Hey, I'm looking forward to tomorrow's meeting." He rolled his eyes when he heard Cook promised to say that Jin Guangyan was very dark.

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