A Unique Hunter

Chapter 868: End of transaction

"I hope you can bring your family here." Cook replied.

"Well, I think we can talk in private." Nicky was obviously moved.

"As you wish." Of course, Cook is eager. As for Cook's current residence is not his own territory, it seems that Cook has never thought of this problem.

Niqi and others went to discuss, obviously they wanted to negotiate a better price with Cook. Cook ordered that while preparing the reception, the transaction should continue. At this time Murphy came over and whispered to the library. Ke said: "Cook, do we issue some currency, otherwise it would be too troublesome to barter like this."

"Murphy, I want to do this too, but I think it's impossible. These rock heads will definitely not agree to do this." Cook replied.

"Actually, all I want is your authorization." Murphy looked at Cook and said.

Now that it's all about it, what can Cook say, Cook said with a smile: "Well, you can do it."

The elders of the mountain giants, Niqi and others were invited by Cook to participate in the banquet. The banquet was held in the mountain giant’s castle. When the mountain giants entered their castle, they could hardly recognize this as their own castle. The floor was covered with a carpet, and the lights on the walls that were originally gemstones were replaced with brighter magic crystal lights, and these lights also had exquisite crystal covers.

The original bare walls were also covered with some abstract oil paintings. The table inside the room was replaced with an original wooden table painted with paint. The reflections on it could see people's shadows. As for the chairs next to them, they were replaced with metal. Seats, the backs of these metal seats also have a lot of crystals and gems inlaid.

"Sorry, I changed the furnishings here without your consent." Cook said to Elder Songxi.

Elder Songxi and the others were already stunned. Is this still the mountain giant's castle? When Cook said that, Songxi and others shook their heads and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

"Come on, I will toast everyone first." Cook took a glass of blood-red fruit wine and said with a toast.

Although the mountain giant of Songxi has never experienced such a thing, those dwarfs are proficient, so the noisy cocktail party began, and Cook secretly gave an admiring look at the dwarf in charge of the cocktail party. The atmosphere of the cocktail party was cheerful and warm. At midnight, Niqi and other dwarfs have no resistance to delicious food because they have been on spaceships for a long time. As for mountain giants, they are even more troublesome.

Cook is also very excited. The territory of this mountain giant is a cornucopia, a huge source of raw materials. Cook believes that after he has himself, the number of mountain giants will rise quickly, and the more mountain giants there are It means more and more material for yourself.

The entire mountain giant’s transaction lasted for a full week, mainly because several large tribes needed too much, and in a week, Cook traded more than 100,000 tons of food and thousands of sets of equipment. There are also a lot of spices, these spices only sold after Cook hosted the banquet.

Cook holds a luxurious cocktail party every day, and the castle of the mountain giant was re-decorated from the inside out by a stick dwarf and gnomes. It looks very gorgeous. Of course, how many good things Cook has gained is unknown, but Knowing that the dwarf in charge of this decoration has obtained a performance of 60,000 magic crystal coins.

Cook even let Nick’s agile dwarfs pilot the magic spacecraft. Cook’s deal is about to end, and Nick and the others are reluctant to leave. As for the goods Nick brought this time , No one wants it at all, and there are a large group of gnomes who have become Cook's prisoners.

"Your Excellency Cook, don't worry, I will definitely let Lean's relatives pay." Nick said, patting his chest.

"Well, you can buy a spaceship after you sell the potion, and then bring as many people over as you need." Cook also patted Nick on the shoulder and said.

Nick and others have signed an agreement with Cook, but Nick and others have to go back to their family. Cook did not know the current prices, so he gave thousands of bottles of medicine, not the best, or the top-grade medicine, Nick Said that this is enough to buy a spaceship.

"Your Excellency, don't worry, we will come here as soon as possible." Nick heard Cook say so, thinking that Cook didn't believe him, and said again.

Cook said with a chuckle: "Don't mind if I ask a question."

"What's the problem?" Nick asked in confusion.

"That is, since you are all from the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce, I caught Lien, why are you not angry?" Cook asked.

"This dwarf Chamber of Commerce is said to be an organization, but this organization is not so rigorous. Those of us who are responsible for transportation are a tribe, and their transactions are another tribe, so..." Nick finished speaking and gave Cook a The look you know.

"Then how much ransom I should have to ask for Lien's family." Cook asked, rubbing his nose.

"At least 20,000 Intertel is needed." Nick said without thinking.

"Well, I want 20,000 yuan." Cook doesn't know what Intertel is, but Cook estimates it is a currency. Cook has made up his mind and he must interrogate Lien carefully when he returns. From Lien's mouth, he took out what exactly this plane was.

Nick took the letter that Cook wrote to Lean’s relatives and drove off in three spaceships. Murphy was being surrounded by the elders of the mountain giants, because Cook left the matter of setting up a trade point in the mountain giant territory to Murphy. , Murphy sent his subordinates to the tribes to establish purchase points first, and the spacecraft regularly gathered the goods, Murphy himself began to build a huge storage and transportation center here.

"Cook, I think we need a magic airship." Murphy walked into the spaceship excitedly and said, ‘

"Well, the magic airship can be used for short-distance transportation, and the long-distance airship is still used. Let's go, let's leave and wait for a few days to come back. Then we will study some and see if it is necessary to establish a teleportation array." Cook said to Mo Fei said.

Guards were also sent to protect the Chamber of Commerce. In fact, it is not necessary for Cook to say that those mountain giant tribes treat the Chamber of Commerce people as guests. Moreover, in the territory of the mountain giant, there is no danger at all, so the magic airship can be used in short distance .

It took another month before Cook returned to Spike Fortress. Cook summoned Lina, Sia, Connie, and Murphy, closed the door and opened a confidential meeting. After this meeting, Connie and Murphy are arranged to be responsible for the transaction on the mountain giant's side, and Lina needs to establish a magic teleportation array at the chamber of commerce storage and transportation center on the mountain giant's side, linking to the Spike Fortress.

West Asia is responsible for setting up a studio to purify these high-quality magic metals, while Cook summoned a large number of manpower from the plane to expand the Spike Fortress. After the meeting was over, Cook asked Lien to be brought in and carried out. Fan asked.

The dwarf is very proud and arrogant, but the dwarf is also very inferior and timid, so Cook took out what Lien knew, and Lina and others did not believe that Lien said Really.

After Lean was taken away, Xia shook her head and asked, "Cook, is this true? This is actually a sanctuary."

"Hehe, I have this hunch for a long time, don't you think that the monsters here are much larger than ours, and the strength is very strong." Cook said with a smile.

Lina said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that this place is actually a sanctuary, but it's a pity that the magician guild of the plane will actually discard this plane."

"Cook, since it's a sanctuary, and you heard it, this dwarf clan is powerful, we are offending the dwarf clan, what should we do now." Connie thought more.

"So my next time is to deploy the defense here. Although the dwarf clan is strong, don’t forget, this is the most famous wild place in the sanctuary and the most dangerous area, so the dwarf clan’s large-scale attack is Impossible, the most we face are the attacks of a few strong dwarves, and I believe that the number of strong ones will not be many. After all, according to Lien, the sanctuary is the most powerful in the temple, the dwarf The status of a family of gods in this province is not very high, if the strong leave again, no one can guarantee what other forces will think." Cook carefully figured it out and said.

Murphy didn't react at all, and was still dizzy, Sanctuary, how many people's hearts are affected by these two words, and how many strong people are looking forward to getting here, but he didn't expect to be confused. Came to the sanctuary.

Murphy couldn't believe this was true. Murphy's appearance fell in the eyes of Lina and others, and several people sighed from the bottom of their hearts. After all, these people had been guessed by Cook, and they had always thought that Cook was delusional. , I just didn't say it clearly, but I didn't expect it to be true, and several people felt a little unbelievable.

Lina calmly said: "Cook, what do you think this teleportation array is all about."

"Lina, I think our original plane is in the interlayer between the sanctuary plane and the alliance plane, and before the war between gods and demons, the whole world was not divided into sanctuary, low-level planes and gods. This classification is just The elemental tides were separated later, and it happened that the original plane was between the two planes, and the ancient teleportation magic array was extremely powerful, and it happened that the sanctuary was within this teleportation range." Cook guessed.

Lina also nodded and said: "This ancient magic teleportation array seems to be very different from our current magic teleportation array, but as for the difference, I still don't understand it."

"Haha, Lina, the ancient teleportation formation was established by those god-level monsters, so you don't have to dig into those things." Cook replied with a smile.

Although everyone has this doubt in their hearts, Connie still asked worriedly: "Cook, let's focus on our strengths. Facing the dwarf clan, I'm afraid there is no chance of winning."

"Hehe, don't forget who owns this territory." Cook said with a smile when he saw a few people worried.

This time a few people reacted, this place was not Cook's territory at all, but Jin Guangzhen's territory. If the dwarf came to trouble, he would not only face himself, but also Jin Guangyan.

"I don't know what happened to Baglu." Cook said with some expectation.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away from Spike Fortress, Jin Guangyan was standing on a hillside, and Baghru was standing next to Jin Guangyan and said, "Second master, look, those guys on the other side are the doorkeepers. The best guys, they run fast and there are many, and the colors on their bodies change with the surrounding colors."

"Baglu, isn't it just a bunch of dogs? We need this kind of stinky guy." Jin Guangyan was a little unwilling.

"Second master, what you said, we can't all have high-level monsters. We have to be worthy of our own status. Although these magic wolves are lower in level, you are not allowed to offend you by some low-level guys. At that time, you have to send a guy of comparable strength to clean up these unopened guys. You said that if you take the shot yourself, you will lose face. If you let other strong shots, people say you bully the big and the small, so there are thousands of them. The Demon Wolf is your best fighter." Bagrul said with a smile.

"Okay, let them do it." Jin Guangyan thought about it and said it was right, and immediately nodded and agreed.

"Everyone, the second master let everyone do it." Baglu said as he turned to the back.


"Roar." As soon as Bagru's words settled, a lot of monsters popped out of the entire mountain forest, including giant saber-toothed tigers, giant magic spiders, and fat rats, some weird guys, anyway, just a little. The guys are hundreds of fingers in a team, and thousands of monsters rushed to the demon wolves on the opposite side, and there were hundreds of flying behemoths in the sky, also rushed down toward the demon wolves.

Jin Guangyan looked at the scene very excited, and now he just had to say what he wanted, and someone immediately took care of it. He just gave an order, and thousands of magic wolves were arrested.

The head wolf of the demon wolf was quickly caught in front of Jin Guangjian. Just as Jin Guangyan was about to speak, Baglu said, "Second master, this guy is rebellious at first sight. date."

"Well, bastard, **** bastard, dare to run wild on my turf. If you come, drag me out first." Jin Guangyan roared.

"Yes, Your Majesty."; The two giant bears ten meters high stood up, twisted their big butts and dragged the magic wolf down, and then there was a club.

The demon wolf head wolf was stunned for a long time, and was beaten fiercely by the demon bear again. He was frightened. Although the wolf is fierce, it also depends on the target. If the wolf is confronted with the lion, Fierce but not fierce.

A map was already placed in front of Jin Guangyan, and there were many small areas outlined on it. Jin Guangyan called the magic wolf over: "Come here."

"Woo." The devil wolf crawled in front of Jin Guangzhen, terrified.

"From here on this mountain, the river 1,500 kilometers west, the highest snow-capped mountain 2,300 kilometers north, south to the sea is the territory of your magic wolf, but you have to pay me a certain amount every year. It is necessary to send a hundred demon wolves to the imperial capital. Listen to my command and understand if it is.” At the end, Jin Guangyan revealed his aura.

"Woo, woo." The magic wolf immediately said that he understood.

"Well, first tell me if there are other beasts in your area..." Jin Guangyan asked.

What Cook didn’t know was that with the help of Bagrul, Jin Guangyan actually started to sweep the entire Kongkong Mountain. Everywhere he went, he first found out the tribes of monsters that were not powerful, and then Jin Guangyan canonized these tribes in the name of the king. , Gave it to the territory, and then cleaned up the most powerful monsters. It has to be said that Bagru moved the human empire and the kingdom, the principality, and the aristocratic territory, but it was different. Yes, the warcrafts in the territories of Jin Guangzhen do not need to pay taxes, just send some warcrafts to follow Jin Guangzhen to do things, and Bagru's two heads did not expect that these guys will follow Jin Guangzhen and eat.

Of course, even if Bagru thought of it, he would leave these things to the elder, and Cook would take care of it. After Cook found out that he had to support so many foodies, Cook knew that he had sent Bagru. What a stupid thing to follow Jin Guangyan.

Everything is progressing smoothly. The mountain giant will come out with thousands of tons of good ore every week, as well as some other magic materials, and the mountain giant has gradually accepted the currency issued by Cook, Cook from Lien’s mouth I know that Sanctuary’s currency issuance is rather chaotic. A race or a temple will issue its own currency, and the dwarf hairstyle is Intel, a currency made of composite metals.

"Well, this currency is exquisite enough." The currency issued by Cook is a magic crystal coin, but now this magic crystal coin has an image of golden light on the front, and it is gilded, looking very dazzling, with a line on the back , Freedom Kingdom, and in the middle is a golden claw, the difference is that a finger is raised from the claw, which means that this is a magic crystal coin.

"Cook, why are you doing this?" Connie asked after reading the currency.

"Hehe, you will know this naturally in the future." Cook smiled.

The living standards of the mountain giants have also improved a lot. Salt, sugar, wine, clothes, furniture, etc. are gradually available. This is the benefit of Cooke, and each tribe has prepared a large number of offspring. You must know that life here was hard and adults couldn't get enough food, so many children died. Now that tribe didn't save enough food for several years.

"Nick, hurry up, those **** **** are catching up." The adjutant next to Nick roared loudly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, a chubby ship was dangling by the sky, and There are two spaceships behind, but the difference is that the hulls of the two spaceships behind are exposed with ferocious metal pillars, and these metal pillars are constantly emitting light.

"Damn, I have pushed the thrust to the maximum. This is just a transport spaceship, not a combat spaceship." Nick's face was sweaty.

Rocky also ran over: "Your Captain, the power system is overheated. If this continues, the power system will be damaged."

Nick cursed loudly: "Asshole, you have to figure out a way for me, hold on for half an hour, or we will all die here."

"Boom." Just as Niqi finished roaring, the entire transport spacecraft shook violently again.

"Asshole, throw away all the salutes, **** it, they almost hit us." Nicky jumped up in a shock, then shouted loudly, and then Nicky pulled the joystick very hard, and the whole spaceship flew up diagonally. Up.

"Nick, what are you doing? This is an extremely dangerous area." The adjutant next to Nick looked at the outside of the spaceship and shouted to Nick hysterically.

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