A Unique Hunter

Chapter 869: Nicky's battle

"Nicky blames you for selling potions and not being careful. Now we are being targeted by the **** robber" Rocky roared loudly on the side and the whole spaceship was shaking Rocky knew it was because of the flying speed. The entire spacecraft is under too much pressure.

Nicky himself was in a bad mood, and Rocky immediately turned his head and shouted loudly: "Damn shut up, do you think we are all dead here, ready to listen to my order to abandon the luggage"

"Heavenly Nickey's **** luggage has a portrait of my grandmother" Rocky cursed as he ran to the trunk behind

Nicky tried his best to control the spacecraft and stared at the instruments. Most of the pointers of these instruments have entered the red zone. This is already an extremely dangerous signal. Nicky kept manipulating the steering stick and the whole spacecraft looked like he had just learned to fly a fat goose cub. It's bumping, but the spaceship behind is not the light ball that bursts out a dazzling light.

Nikki suddenly pressed the steering stick to the end. The whole spacecraft rushed to the countryside. The three spaceships behind saw that Nikki's movements also rushed down one after another. Nikki was pressed against the seat by huge force. Behind him came the exclamation of other dwarfs. Nicky shouted: "Luggage lost."

"Asshole **** I will be killed by you" Rocky cursed loudly and then gave the order

The luggage compartment suddenly opened. The spacecraft itself was falling at a high speed. After the luggage compartment door was opened, the entire spacecraft vibrated more severely because the luggage compartment door was opened outwards. Niki then followed the power lever to the left. The whole spaceship rolled over to the left and a lot of luggage was thrown out like bird droppings.

"Dodge and Dodge" the leading spacecraft behind saw this scene and screamed in horror. You should know that even the impact of a small bird in a high-speed flight could destroy the entire spacecraft.

However, you can imagine what the most dwarf’s luggage is, that is, the first spacecraft led by the metal model directly hit these luggage without any suspense, and then the entire spacecraft was directly hit by these luggage plus the power of the spacecraft itself. The huge tearing force of the riddled with holes instantly tore the spaceship to pieces

One of the two spaceships behind "Asshole" could not evade the tail wing and was directly hit by a piece of debris. The whole spaceship lost its direction at all, spinning and falling to the ground. The captain on the remaining spaceship roared.

"Ooh Nicky, you drunk drunkard actually have this trick" Rocky roared incredulously after seeing the result of the spaceship behind.

"Your Captain is catching up again" Nicky's assistant shouted again.

"Asshole this **** guy" Nicky cursed secretly

Rocky said on the side: "What is Nicky missing now?"

"What to throw? We were just surprised. You thought those guys could be fooled by throwing anything." Nicky roared.

"Then what to do" Rocky asked in astonishment

"We can only pray" Nicky said in silence

Nicchi can be said to be a surprise just now. No one would have thought that a transport ship would have the means to attack. It is reasonable to say that this attack is the most sure when flying upwards, but the latter must be vigilant during the upward flight. The huge inertia did not give the spacecraft dodge opportunities at all, plus unexpected attacks, and finally received the best results.

"Boom" Niqi felt a shock all over his body, obviously he was hit again

Rocky yelled from behind: "If the flanks are hit, we need to slow down or we will be torn to pieces by the huge tearing force."

Niki is unmoved because Niki knows that the only thing that the transport spacecraft is reliable is that it can be beaten a few more times. After all, the transport ship has no attack ability when it is designed, and the strength of the composite metal required for large construction is relatively high. What Qi has to do now is try not to let the spacecraft behind hit the key parts and other parts, it depends on luck.

"The place where the **** hit is expanding" Rocky shouted again

"Shut up, **** it," Nicky cursed loudly.

Niqi drives the spacecraft to fly fast in the air. The spacecraft behind is getting closer and closer to the spacecraft Niqi is driving, but the frequency of attacks is getting lower and lower. Obviously the spaceship behind either has some ideas or lacks energy.

The sweat on Niqi's body has been soaked. You must know that there are thousands of people on this transport ship. Among them are acquaintances that Niqi knows. Niqi steers the spacecraft to roll and avoid the attack of a magic crystal cannon behind. With the passage of time, the height of the spacecraft Nikki is driving is constantly decreasing because Nikki is also afraid that if the altitude is lowered by one meter, the chance of surviving will be greater.

"Boom" finally the spaceship behind hit the engine with a huge explosion sound behind the engine

"Damn the main motivation was hit" Rocky yelled

"Notify all the guests that we are going to make an emergency landing." A bitter smile appeared on the corner of Niqi's mouth. Not only is there a huge danger in an emergency landing, but also the danger of pirates behind. It can be said that this flight may be his last flight.

After Niqi’s order was passed down, the dwarves hugged everything that could hold the body tightly. Niqi’s joystick could hardly grasp the swaying descent of the entire spacecraft. 5000 meters 4000 meters 3000 Meter

As the altitude continues to drop, Niqi and others can see the scenery on the ground through the driving cabin. What makes Niqi desperate is that this is actually a mountain area. You must know that such an emergency landing is the most dangerous place to hit the mountain. The shock will smash the internal organs of all creatures in the spaceship.

"Boom" Just when the spacecraft was still one hundred and fifty meters high from the ground, Nicky gave up the joystick and watched the spacecraft hit the mountain hundreds of meters away, but suddenly there was a sound of the speed of the entire spacecraft. Stopped immediately

"Boom" the huge inertia put Niqi's head directly on the console

"Oh, this is the most perfect emergency landing I have ever experienced." Rocky calmed down after feeling the huge inertial force. Rocky exclaimed not only the passengers on the entire spacecraft of Rocky. Obviously the passengers thought the emergency landing was successful.

Niqi looked stupidly at the huge cockpit as well as the altitude gauges. The gauges showed that the altitude is now 1500 meters and the flying speed is surprisingly high. Gao Luoqi and others also discovered this strange scene. Before what happened

"Captain Captain, look, look." A dwarf in charge of repairs opened the skylight above his head and exclaimed.

Everyone in the cockpit looked up and found that the spaceship was actually a huge spaceship. This spaceship gave people a shocking power. Niqi quickly climbed up to see and was shocked because his spaceship was adsorbed on the bottom of the huge spaceship. And there is a huge magic shield besides the spaceship. Nicky can guarantee that this is definitely not the attacking pirate spaceship behind.

Not only Nikki was surprised, and the others were also astounded. Several hours later, the spacecraft fell on the ground. At this time, Nikki knew who he had met, that was Cook.

"Oh Captain Nicky welcomes you." Cook came down from the pioneer and gave Nicky a hug. In fact, Cook directly hugged Nicky.

Speaking of it, Niqi is lucky. Cook has always wanted to get the Pioneer over, but Cook has never dared before. In the end, it was Jin Guangxian who helped Cook with a lot of help. The huge Pioneer was directly stuffed into his belly pocket by Jin Guangxian. In this scene, Cook was shocked and opened her mouth. Finally, Lina came to a conclusion that Jin Guangyan might be the beast of the space system.

So after the Pioneer was transported by Jin Guangyan, Cook hurriedly carried out flight tests and found that the Pioneer could fly at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters in the sanctuary. During a voyage, Cook found that the detection magic pattern was abnormal and waited until Cook rushed over to save it. After Captain Nitch’s life, the pirate ship was captured directly by the Blazer

"Your Excellency Cook is so happy to see you." Nicky still suspected that he was grateful after seeing Cook.

"Haha I want to know what happened" Cook asked

"My God, Cook, is that the spaceship we need to control?" Rocky was very excited when he saw Cooke. The rest of his life felt really good, but when Rocky saw several tens of meters next to the spacecraft under construction, he exclaimed stand up

"Yes, but it's not finished yet" Cook nodded and replied

"Okay, okay, you can take a closer look after you settle down," Cook said immediately when he saw Rocky eager to try.

"I think it's okay to see now," Rocky said impatiently

"Okay but please don't disturb their progress" Cook nodded and said

A group of gnomes who were in charge of repairing the spacecraft dropped what they had in their hands and rushed over. Then there was a cry of exclamation. Cook said to Nicky: "Well, we have prepared a place for you, Sinna, you take them over."

"I think we need to have a good talk" Cook turned around and said to Nicky

Nicky had a detailed conversation with the two behind Cook. Cook didn't expect that Nicky and his party would encounter such a thing. But from here, Cook also saw Nicky. On the other side, Cook thoughtfully said: "Nicky now you have two choices. The first one is the commander of the transport fleet I said. I think you will be able to do it."

"Then there is another choice" Niqi suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and asked again

"The captain of the frigate, in addition to the transport ships, I have to form a frigate fleet of fifteen ships," Cook said.

"Then I can look at the detailed information of the fleet" Nicky was a little eager to try, but after years of work experience, Nicky still asked.

"No problem, but these data need to be kept secret" Cook nodded and then gave out the data of the two spacecraft

After seeing the information on the transport ship and the frigate, Nicky was shocked and his jaw dropped out. Nicky just glanced at it and asked, "How many frigates are now?"

"There is only one" Cook raised a finger

"One is too few," Nicky immediately jumped up and replied

Then he almost approached Cook and shouted, "You said fifteen ships."

"Your Excellency Nicky even if there are fifteen ships now, do you have so many people driving?" Cook said, shaking a finger.

"You say that means you can give as many people as I have." Nicchi immediately caught the meaning of Cook's words.

"Of course" Cook nodded and replied

"Well, I will be the captain of the frigate" Niqi finally made up his mind

"Okay, you go down and have a rest. I will hold a welcome reception for you in the evening." Cook is very satisfied with Nicky's choice. Cook saw from Nicky's experience that Nicky is the best person for the battle commander. It can be said that both the logic of thinking and the means of handling things have reached extremely high standards.

Nicky stood up and said, "I'm not those girls. I want to see who is chasing me."

"Okay" Cook nodded and took Niqi to the place where the prisoners were held

To be precise, this is an interrogation room. The trolls are responsible for the interrogation. These trolls are frightening. The blue body and the long fangs of the trolls were once considered demons by humans.

Cook got the interrogation record and handed it to Nicky, "Nicky, this is the result of the interrogation."

"Damn bastard, I thought it was selling potions that attracted the robbers. I didn't expect it to be from the Chamber of Commerce. Damn it." After seeing the results of the interrogation, Nicky jumped up and thought it was someone from the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce who was chasing Nicky.

"I think the Chamber of Commerce definitely does not want this trading point to be exposed. Niqi, I think you need to master the flying skills of the spacecraft as soon as possible. I don't mind letting you go back and take revenge." Cook's smile is full of demonic temptations.

How to get revenge, of course, is to grab the dwarf chamber of commerce's spacecraft. There is Niqi, an experienced captain who knows the route of those ships. Niqi is also angry: "Yes, I think if I have three such ships. The battleship can let those pigs in the Chamber of Commerce understand what it means to be unhappy."

Cook saw that Nicky was successful in inspiring Nicky with a smile, and he walked with Nicky and said, "Nicky, I think you will be happy for your decision."

In the next two months, the material trading volume of the mountain giant made Cook's smile leak out. The mountain giant is naturally close to the earth, so the search for minerals is almost the same as picking vegetables from their own vegetable garden, and the dwarf provides new ideas. Mining methods include the extravagant use of space bags to transport ore, mining with engineering bombs, and some semi-automatic tools that have applied magic circles to allow mountain giants to produce ore in one month, which is almost equivalent to the output of the previous six months. Murphy is responsible for issuing currency. Circulation of the range

During the two months, Cook relied on the huge production capacity of the Plane Alliance. The huge number of magic spacecraft reached thirty-two. The frigate reached half. After two months of training, Niqi's first frigate finally took shape.

Jin Guangyan stood beside Cook with great vigor, but when he looked at Cook’s taller body, he immediately swelled a circle. Cook faced Jin Guangyan and ignored Cook’s words to Nicky: "Nicky is ours. Your Majesty the King will now grant you the flag of the frigate fleet and the rank of colonel."

"Originally serving your majesty" Niqi also understood for two months that Jin Guangyan is the king here, but Cook is the master of everything.

"Very good" Jin Guangyan now understands the benefits of the king. Jin Guangyan has allocated his territory to the surrounding large warcraft groups and built a large 30,000-head warcraft army and is the staff of the two swords in Baglu The army, navy, and air force was formed, and three legions were formed. Among them, the air force legion was the weakest, and the sanctuary-level flying warcraft had less than 300 heads, but all of them were powerful. The land legion reached more than 20,000 warcraft sea legions. In the territorial waters

But Jin Guangxian only pulls people, so it takes Cook to feed these guys. After all, these guys are the guards of the territory and they work hard under the leadership of Jin Guangxian. The purpose is to achieve a little obedience to the leadership and listen to the command. Cook gritted his teeth and provided it. These Warcraft Legion supplies only two months. Cook has invested no less than two million magic crystal coins in this so-called Legion, mainly for food.

If it weren’t for the Plane Alliance, Cook would have been eaten up a long time ago, so when Nick’s fleet has reached the size of the fleet, Cook can’t wait to send Nick out.

"Colonel Nicky, you can now lead your fleet to familiarize yourself with the route. Of course, I think I need to punish the dwarf chamber of commerce. Lien, this guy has been eating for nothing. I have been drinking for nearly a year." Cook patted Nicky. Shoulder said

"Yes." Niqi’s heartbeat, according to the flight performance of the new spacecraft, gives the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce a heavy blow. There is no problem.

But Nicky still said: "Your Excellency Cook can bring some Marines. After all, sometimes we also need to fight on land."

"Bring three hundred people" Cook immediately waved his hand and said that the Marines are guards equipped with magic armor.

"Your Excellency, I will definitely hollow out every Intel from those **** pigs" Niche said immediately when he heard Cook agree.

"Well, my Majesty and I are waiting for your good news." Cook said to Nicky that Nicky's fifteen frigates disappeared in Cook's eyes. Of course, Nicky only has the ability to control warships, the rest of the spoils and the maintenance of the spacecraft. Another group of people

Lina waited until the spaceship disappeared and said, "The number of Cook Mana Crystals is not enough, even if it is sold by the Plane Alliance."

"Just take a look at Nicky's gain this time. I have quietly asked to follow the staff of the fleet. The magic crystal is used as the first strategic material." Cook also has no way to build a large number of magic spaceships, causing the price of the magic crystal to turn over. It’s been a few times, so now even if there are some, I’ll suppress watching for a while

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