A Unique Hunter

Chapter 872: Bloodthirsty Kobold

When the two soldiers roared, Vincent jumped over. It looked like a leaf blown up by the wind. Cook narrowed his eyes because just now Cook discovered that Vincent was actually windy. The wind system is exactly the mutation system, but the warriors of the wind system are very powerful. Cook still remembers that Loli’s grandfather has two wind system knights, and the combat effectiveness is very strong.

The surrounding soldiers also looked at the half-high pumpkin in front of him vigilantly. Vincent did not speak, but waved his hand from a distance. The whole pumpkin was torn apart, as if it was cut with a neat knife. No one else saw it. , Cook's magic eyes clearly saw a magical light of wind shining from Vincent's hands, and cutting the pumpkin would not harm the contents of the pumpkin.

"Wow." After Vincent cut the pumpkin, a red shadow inside the pumpkin rose directly into the sky, making a harsh sound.

"God, it's a kobold, these nasty guys, thieves, robbers." The village chief standing beside Cook shouted loudly.

The kobold who rose up into the sky wore simple leather armor and wielded a weapon of unknown material in his hand, and then rushed to the nearest dwarf warrior. The soldiers in the dwarf territory are all residents. Obviously this dwarf has already acquired The resident status of Cold Spring City, Cook is now only a temporary status.

Vincent snorted coldly when he saw that the kobold wanted to hurt his subordinates, "Wind-binding technique."

Countless lines of wind magic that are visible to the naked eye directly entangled the kobold. The kobold was restrained and could not move. As soon as the kobold fell to the ground, he was firmly suppressed by several soldiers. Cook only watched now. Glancing at the kobold, the kobold was covered in red skin, and his eyes showed bloodthirsty rays.

"No, this guy must have a companion." Cook took a look and immediately exclaimed, because this kobold has almost no hair on his body, even if it has hair, it is that red, but the hair that Cook found It is brown.

"Rumble." At the moment Cook just opened his mouth, the ground next to him swelled and made a loud rumbling noise, as if something was arching the ground under the ground.

Jin followed the kobold on the ground and yelled. Cook felt bad. The kobold was obviously sending out a distress signal. Cook took the bow on his back and held a magic metal in his hand. Devil-broken arrows created. There is a powerful paralytic poison in the arrow.

"Ah!" a soldier screamed and was dragged into the ground by something.

Vincent roared: "Earth creatures, everyone, be careful."

Actually, there is no need for Vincent to call, everyone else knows. These soldiers raised their weapons one after another, and then slammed them down to the ground. Cook saw the ground shaking constantly, like small earthquakes. Obviously this is the best way to deal with earth creatures.

Seeing that he had lost a subordinate this time, Vincent shouted, everyone concentrated, defensive formation, and then Vincent flew in the air.

"Boom." But suddenly a stone flew up on the ground and shot directly at Vincent in the air. With a wave of his hand, a dense wind blade cut the stone into countless dust, and the dust scattered all over the place.

Seeing this scene, Vincent immediately exclaimed: "No, look at the kobold."

But it was too late. In this chaos, the ground where the kobold was already sinking, but at this moment, the arrow in Cook's hand shot out.

"Boom." The arrow was like a drill bit, and went straight into the ground, leaving a big hole with a thick wrist.

"Bang." Just when Vincent thought the kobold had been rescued, a two-meter-long gray-brown mouse rushed out of the ground hundreds of meters away, still convulsing constantly.

Vincent and others rushed over immediately, but when they rushed over, they discovered that the mouse was actually a unicorn gopher, a very rare beast, which generally lived thousands of meters underground.

As soon as Vincent saw this, he was shocked, then walked forward and pulled off the kobold's leather armor. He saw some blue tattoos. Vincent immediately roared: "Come here, take these two guys Take it back."

Seeing Vincent’s dignified look, Cook and the others felt that things were not so good. Vincent said to Cook: "Brother, thank you very much this time. I have something to do. I will talk later."

Vincent hurried away, and the village head gave Cook a certificate of completion of the task. He was told not to talk about today's affairs outside, and Cook didn't have much gossip.

Cook was rewarded with two Kintels. As for the points, he was given fifty points. You must know that general tasks are basically under ten. Obviously, this time things are not that simple. In the next few days, Cook found There are more official missions, and there are more magical spacecraft to and from Cold Spring City, and there are also some large mercenary groups, and many of them wear bronze badges.

However, the prices on the market have not changed much, but everyone who is interested knows that a big action is about to begin.

In the mansion of the lord of Cold Spring City, the huge conference table was full of people. Vincent was talking: "According to the information we have, there is a large number of people in Heishi Mountain, 650 kilometers away from Cold Spring City. A camp of two thousand bloodthirsty kobolds."

"Bloodthirsty kobold, this is a good thing," said a barbarian wearing a bronze badge.

"Your punk, bloodthirsty kobolds are a good thing, but what I want to say is that these bloodthirsty kobolds are still gathering, and there are shamans in this bloodthirsty kobold camp, and there is another two hundred. A cavalry team composed of bloodthirsty kobolds." Vincent looked at the barbarian leader and reminded.

"Vincent, just talk about the battle plan." The city lord of Cold Spring is an elderly dwarf, but no one dares to underestimate it, because as a city lord, at least a strong silver badge, if it is a larger city, it is gold. The strongest of badges, as for the major cities, it is the presbytery composed of multiple golden badged strongmen, or the council composed of **** servants, and the main city is generally a certain temple or a certain race. capital.

"Yes, Lord City Lord." Vincent immediately replied respectfully.

Vincent opened the big map and pointed and said: "We now have a total of 50,000 people, of which 20,000 are regular troops, 10,000 of them are reinforcements sent by Irontooth City, and the remaining 10,000 are local. There are also 30,000 people composed of six large mercenary groups and sixteen small elite small mercenary squads. Our regular army dispatched 18,000 people to take charge of the frontal attack. The mercenary group 30,000, of which six The large mercenary group is divided into two wings, attacking from the side, and the rest of the mercenary squad forms a team that goes deep behind the enemy, and then surrounds these bloodthirsty kobolds. The detailed plan is..."

After Vincent finished speaking, no one else had any opinions. Vincent did not say that the mercenary groups should be combined together. After all, there are some contradictions among the mercenary groups. If the arrangement is not good, there may be major problems. Therefore, Vincent let these mercenary groups be combined and reported to himself. As for small elite mercenary teams, this kind of team itself is strong in action, but if it is forced to be combined, it will be troublesome, so let these guys Going behind the bloodthirsty kobold camp to fight guerrillas is the best choice.

After the arrangements were made, the city lord said to these people: "Everyone, Cold Spring City has prepared enough remuneration, and I will wait for everyone to return in triumph."

The entire Cold Spring City suddenly fell into a tense atmosphere. The mercenaries who came and went were heavily armed. There were dozens of farms open for mercenaries in the outer city, and the inner city also cancelled the entrance tax. The inner city is overcrowded.

The merchants in the inner city were grinning, because there were tens of thousands of people in Cold Spring City, and the mercenaries were very generous, but the city lord strictly did not allow price increases. In the Sanctuary World, what the city lord said is absolutely effective, Cold Spring The location of the city is remote, and it is even more of a word from the city lord.

Of course, in such a place, the city lord must have absolute power, otherwise the entire city will react faster when facing danger.

Cook looked at the official missions. There were many, many, large enough to follow the large army to destroy the bloodthirsty kobolds, small enough to go to the workshop to supply the logistics of the entire large army, and countless tasks were densely packed.

Bloodthirsty kobolds are a kind of demon-blooded kobolds living in the sanctuary. This type of kobold is not as timid as ordinary kobolds, but is very powerful. These kobolds can be said to have the same character as wolves. , And I like to attack human towns in hordes, and these bloodthirsty kobolds do not occupy towns to rob property, but treat the people in the town as food. In the eyes of bloodthirsty kobolds, humans are nothing but It's just food.

Therefore, as long as the bloodthirsty kobolds are discovered, the surrounding intelligent races will destroy the bloodthirsty kobolds, because the bloodthirsty kobolds can no longer be regarded as the intelligent race, but beasts.

Cook looked at it and decided to join in the fun, see the war in the sanctuary, and see how it is different from the original plane. Thinking about the battle scenes in hundreds of sanctuary, it must be very thrilling.

"Warrior, you need a shield warrior, come quickly if equipped."

"Therapist, I need a therapist, and I'll take the task quickly."

Since the lowest goal of the mission is to take a small team as a unit, so the lone mercenaries went in groups one after another, and Cook looked around inside and chose the one he needed.

"Brother, is there a team?" a giant warrior stopped Cook and asked.

"No." Cook replied, shaking his head.

"We are only one missing. It looks like you are a hunter. You can move freely when you join our team. No one interferes. The spoils are their own, but the task rewards are divided equally." The giant warrior heard Cooke say. , Said immediately.

"Okay." Cook is looking for such a team, because the distribution of the loot is usually the captain, and the task reward is also received by the captain, and then divided according to the size of the credit. Of course, sometimes other people are in a group and come in later. People suffer a bit, and there may be people who stabbed them in the back for some spoils.

The giant's team will sign a contract in advance, and the task reward will be divided equally. As for the trophy, it depends on whose hand is fast.

"But let's say it first. Seeing that teammates are in trouble, the one who can help is still help." The giant heard Cook's answer and said seriously.

Cook looked at the giant more than four meters tall in surprise. He didn't expect that the giant would have such an order. Cook nodded and said, "As much as possible."

"That's good, welcome to join us, my name is McCann, and our team is over there." McCann raised his hand with a smile.

Cook took a slap on the giant's hand. The giant's understanding is to slap, which means a welcome, and shaking hands is the same.

When Cook came to the so-called team, he realized that it was a very strange combination, plus his total of five people, which was the lowest team standard. McCann pointed to another giant and said, "This is my brother, Mike. "

Then he pointed to another elf and said, "This is Kasha the Bowman."

The last one turned out to be a dwarf, and looking at the badge, it turned out to be a thief. McCann added, "This is a thief, Tallinn."

"Hello, my name is Cook, and I am a hunter." Cook introduced himself with a smile.

"Welcome." Mike cracked his mouth open and said with a smile, and he looked straightforward and honest.

"Can you go now?" The elves have no affection for humans, so they ignore Cook.

"Hunter, is this your pet, oh my god, I bet your pet can run faster than anyone sees a beast." Tallinn looked at Jin Guangyan on Cook's shoulder and said Jin Guangyan is to dwarf Ignore, not even look at this Tallinn.

"Okay, this is a contract. Let's sign the contract first." McCann saw that the scene was a little embarrassing, so he took out the magic contract to sign it.

Cook took a closer look, and there was nothing, that is to say, the task reward was evenly divided.

When Cook was about to sign, the dwarf yelled: "It's unfair. What if I get too many bloodthirsty kobold ears?"

"Tallinn, this is a trophy, I immediately note it." McCann also knew that he had made a mistake, because the reward of the task has a lot to do with the ears of the bloodthirsty kobold. The ears represent a human head, and the reward of the task It is calculated based on the number of ears.

After the magic contract was revised, several people signed the contract, and then McCann went to pick up the task.

"Okay, are there any plans?" Cook asked after seeing the task.

"Is there any plan? Let's just rush in and kill those bloodthirsty kobolds." Mike said puzzledly.

Tallinn yelled: "I don't care about the others, but the bloodthirsty kobold shaman wants to leave it to me."

"Huh, the patriarch of the bloodthirsty kobold is mine." Kasha snorted.

Cook is a little speechless. What do these two guys think they are? If you solve it this way, then this Cold Spring City will dispatch so many soldiers and recruit so many mercenaries, but Cook does not intend to oppose, so Cook nodded Said: "This depends on their respective abilities."

"Okay, let's go." McCann felt that this task was a bit tricky.

The five members of Cook's team went directly to the mission. In the outer city of Cook, I saw that the soldiers in Cold Spring City hadn't moved yet, but there were many mercenaries going to the bloodthirsty kobold camp.

"Or let's wait, those soldiers haven't started pulling out yet." Cook suggested.

"Cook. If we wait for the regular army to go, nothing will happen to us. I heard that there are only two thousand bloodthirsty kobolds." Tallinn cried directly.

Cook doesn't think this bloodthirsty kobold is so easy to fight, but Cook is not afraid, Cook has more methods, and there are so many things that can be used in the natural ring.

After leaving the city, Tallinn yelled: "Well, hurry up and summon the mount, let's speed up."

After Tallinn finished speaking, he chanted a spell directly, and then a thunderous elephant that was more than eight meters high, which was the size of a three-story building appeared.

The Lei Xiang is a Lei-type monster with extremely powerful combat effectiveness. Tallinn looked at his teammate triumphantly, and then Lei Xiang directly stretched out his big nose and rolled it up, then placed it on his back.

Kasha snorted, took out a green flute, and then blew it, a snow-white flying horse appeared in front of Kasha. Although the flying horse is only more than three meters high, it is not afraid of more than eight meters high. Lei Xiang's eyes were full of disdain.

"Haha." McCann and Mike chuckled, then they called together.

"Double-headed flying dragon." Cook cried out in surprise.

Two-headed flying dragons that are exactly the same at both ends, a full ten meters long, you must know that the Yalong Beast is very powerful no matter where it is, and it looks like the double-headed flying dragon is still a nest, and it seems that it is about to enter the beginning of the sanctuary. The level is up, the two-headed flying dragon has two heads, and you can imagine that it is powerful.

Everyone looked at Cook, and Cook was a little embarrassed. Jin Guangyan would definitely not be able to take it out. KaKa was too small and the magic puppet was too big. The key is that the magic crystal consumes a lot of magic power and the magic puppet is assembled. It will take some time.

"Hurry up, Cook." Tallinn was very proud to see Cook like this, but he screamed.

"Well, wait a minute." Cook took out a space bag, and then a pile of parts appeared.

"Space equipment!" At this point, the four teammates were all surprised, and Tallinn was even more jealous.

What Cook assembles is a magic helicopter, but this kind of thing can only fly below 200 meters, because there will be abnormal gravity areas at high altitudes, and the impact of airflow on the helicopter is great, although Cook The body is strong, but Cook will not do shameful things.

"Wow." Cook quickly assembled, and then activated the magic crystal, the helicopter's wings immediately began to turn.

"It's amazing." Mike exclaimed heartily, knowing that machinery is a dwarf's profession~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not a human's profession, but it is already rare to assemble a lot of parts into a magic machine.

"Okay, let's go." Cook directly controlled the helicopter to take off. Of course, he still has manual control. After all, if it is fighting, it is not good to be distracted.

The mercenaries around all watched Cook flying at an altitude of 200 meters with a strange flying machine. Tallinn looked at the people around him looking at Cook, and he was very dissatisfied with Cook. It's rare, but it's not running on the ground. Although others say it's just a bunch of machinery, it's not flying after all.

Kasha's Pegasus widened his black eyes and looked at the magic helicopter controlled by Cook. There were question marks in his head, because the magic helicopter had no wings and made a screaming sound. The flying dragon is also a flying monster, so the thunder elephants of Tallinn are left running on the ground.

You must know that in some places, the straight-line distance is only a kilometer, but the mountains, ravines, and trees on the ground cannot keep up with the speed.

"Damn it, I must make that human kid look good." Tallinn blamed Cook for all of this. Looking at Cook's magic helicopter, he couldn't wait to smash it into a pile of waste, and at the same time, he was thinking about how to clean Cook.

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