A Unique Hunter

Chapter 873: sneak into

The task of the Cook team is to copy the back roads of the bloodthirsty kobolds. Although it is said to be more than 600 kilometers of road, it is a straight distance. And Cook and others have to go around behind the bloodthirsty kobolds, at least The distance is doubled, reaching a distance of about 2,000 kilometers. Cook estimated the speed. Today, I don’t want to reach the established target area. It will be about noon tomorrow, and noon tomorrow will be the agreed attack time.

Cook was originally a magic helicopter made by himself on a whim. It has to be said that the magic helicopter made by Cook has many shortcomings, and there is no facility for observing altitude and speed. Observed by the naked eye, and there is no rack for hanging weapons, but at the bottom of the magic helicopter, there is a multi-barrel attack meteor cannon. However, due to the limitation of the magic crystal, the attack time does not exceed five minutes. Of course, there are benefits. Yes, Cook can put this thing into the natural ring at any time.

"Oh, oh, too slow, too slow." Jin Guangyan exclaimed in dissatisfaction from the driving cabin.

Cook ignored this. Cook's current mood is neither excited nor excited, but there is some helplessness, because the speed of this thing is too slow, whether it is riding the golden light or driving the magic spacecraft, it is better than this The speed is fast, so it doesn't feel much like a small agricultural plane that has been used for combat.

It can be said that this magic helicopter is a chicken rib. The flying altitude is not high, at most two to three hundred meters, and the protection ability is not strong. The propeller is the biggest weakness, and the altitude of two to three hundred meters, in this one who wears a badge. In the eyes of professionals, it is the lowest attack range, but Cook does not have a good mount right now. Er Fat is still living in the fourth world of the plane, and the demon spider KaKa is too small, Jin Guangzhen This guy can't expose his body.

As for the ice dragon Phyllis Deman, this guy is on his own plane now, and he did not dare to let this big mouth know about the sanctuary, so Cook was very depressed to find that he did not have a good mount at this time. Cook doesn't like it, but there is nothing rare.

"Hey, forget it, I'll just do it." Cook sighed in his heart, only Jiang was on his way with the magic helicopter.

But what makes Cook thankful is that even if it’s tasteless, the speed of the road is much faster than that of the mount running on the land below. Although the thunder elephant can also fly in the air, if it is not a flying monster, it consumes a lot of energy. In case of any trouble, the decline in combat effectiveness is not a good thing.

The group did not speak, because the distance was too far. Many mercenary teams could be seen in the same direction as Cook and others on the road. However, in this field, each team kept a safe distance between them. Inside, it's not that there is no such thing as robbers, so it has become commonplace to release each other.

After more than 50 kilometers away from the outer city of Cold Spring City, the forest has become a lot denser. That is because 50 kilometers is the warning range of Cold Spring City. The trees in this range are felled by the residents of Cold Spring City, and beyond this distance , Is the more dangerous area, even if there are people, they are some professional adventurers.

The jungle, the endless jungle, where trees up to four to five hundred meters are everywhere, but today this road is quite lively, so there are no unopened beasts coming to harass, but Cook can always see some after being hunted. The corpse of the World of Warcraft, someone will pick it up at this time.

The mercenaries usually take the most valuable magic materials, and there are still some internal organs left. The meat and other things are searched by the residents of Cold Spring City who follow. Sometimes a piece of beast meat can be eaten by a family for a year Time can't finish.

"Okay, we can take a break." McCann roared loudly.

"Roar." Under the command of McCann, the two-headed dragon roared and landed next to a stream near the stream. This is a chaotic area, but the two-headed dragon just stepped on it with its feet. A flat land.

Kasha's Pegasus landed gracefully on a large rock, and the McCann brothers let their mounts go out for free movement, and then watched Cook's magic helicopter land.

After the two giants waited until Cook came down, they immediately put their heads in front of the magic helicopter and looked at it carefully. After looking at it for a while, McCann said, "Cook, this is a good thing. I think this kind of stuff. If it is sold to the main city, it will definitely be snapped up."

"What's so good about this thing? If it doesn't fly high or fast, it's a tasteless one." Tallinn rushed over at this time and let the Leixiang move on its own. Kasha said in an annoyed manner. Kasha didn't care about my business. Sitting silently on the side of the big rock, eating fruit.

"Those rich young masters only need to pull the wind. As for the tasteless, those guys don't care." McCann said with a smile.

"Huh." When Tallinn saw McCann doing this, he snorted and went to the other side, taking out the dry food and drinking while eating.

Mike had already taken out the food in the package and invited Cook, "Cook, let’s eat together?"

"Thank you." Cook looked at the barbecue Mike took out. Although it was dark, Cook didn't dislike it. You must know that the bacon on the earth is not dark, but the taste is delicious.

"Tallinn, Kasha to enjoy together?" McCann invited the other two.

"Thank you, no need." Kasha replied dryly.

But Tallinn said angrily: "It looks so dark, I don't eat."

It was not the first day that McCann and Mike came out to mix together. Knowing that the temper of the dwarf is inversely proportional to the height, Mike has already cut the black meat. Mike explained: "This is our giant’s secret food. Try it. Look."

"Excuse me, please give me more. My pet also eats meat." Cook saw that Jin Guang's saliva was about to flow down, and he had to say with embarrassment.

"Very good, eating meat will increase your strength." Mike smiled and cut a small piece to Jin Guangyan. He didn't know that Jin Guangyan ignored it and ran over to grab the largest piece and eat.

You must know that this food seems to be the thigh of some kind of beast. It is more than a meter long and half a meter in diameter, and the rest is at least half.

"Delicious, delicious, delicious." Jin Guangyan exclaimed vaguely while eating.

Cook looked at Jin Guangxian dumbfoundingly, and then took out a small barrel of fruit wine from the space bag: "Thank you for your hospitality, this is the fruit wine I brewed myself."

"It's great to have wine." Mike's eyes narrowed when he saw Cook pouring himself.

Tallinn watched Cook take out the wine and swallowed a few mouthfuls, but the face of the dwarf could not be trampled on.

Cook invited Tallinn again: "Tallinn, let's drink together."

"I don't drink bad wine." Tallinn replied with contempt.

When Cook heard this, he didn't care, but he had made up his mind to ignore the arrogance. Cook had a team Kasha invited and said, "Kasha, don't you drink?"

"Thank you, no need." Kasha is still these four words.

"Good wine, good wine." Mike took a sip and said in admiration.

The four guys were pushing the cups in this outskirts to change, the two of the McCann brothers, Cook, and Jin Guangyan. McCann looked at the magic helicopter and asked Cook, "Cook is an engineer?"

"No, I'm just a hunter, and I have a little knowledge of pharmacy." Cook shook his head and said, indeed, what kind of engineer Cook is, the whole magic helicopter was pieced together by himself. Without detailed calculations, one needs to know that an engineer needs to do this, at least to calculate the volume, the pulling force, the size of the propeller, etc., but Cook has none.

"Pharmacy, this is a very popular industry." Mike said in admiration.

"Hehe, arrogant, pharmacy, haha, this is the funniest joke I have ever heard." Tallinn said sarcastically.

Seeing this, McCann stood up and said, "Tallinn, what do you mean, if you don't want to be with us, everyone will go their own way."

Cook glanced at McCann. He didn't expect this captain to have some captain's aura, but as a captain, he also needs to have enough skills, otherwise, how to say risky things in the future.

Tallinn heard McCann's words and jumped up and said: "Mccan, is there **** in your mind, pharmacy, if you know pharmacy, you can take risks with us."

Cook hadn't paid attention to such a spice clown originally, but he didn't know that this dwarf was actually getting more and more arrogant. Cook poke Jin Guangyan with his finger: "Show that guy a little bit more power."

"A good bottle of wine." Jin Guangyan raised a paw and said, Mike looked at Jin Guangyan in surprise.

"Two bottles." Cook came and did the opposite, and said two bottles directly.

"Boom, boom, boom." Just when Cook finished speaking and Mike was still surprised, Jin Guangyan was gone, and there was a booming sound right after Tallinn was.

Mike opened his mouth wide in surprise, watching Tallinn constantly being slapped flying by Jin Guangyan’s little paws, and then flying again, then flying again. In the end, perhaps it was not pleasing to the eye, and he directly slapped a big rock and hit it in the air. On the dwarf who was a hundred meters away, even the thunder elephant that heard the movement came by was shot and flew directly by Jin Guangyan.

"This, this, is this my illusion?" Jin Guangyan walked back proudly, looking like a proud rooster, McCann asked suspiciously.

Mike replied solemnly: "I don't think so."

"You are too much. Although there is something wrong in Tallinn, it is not good to deal with the players. I quit." Kasha said coldly when he saw this, and then disappeared directly on the Pegasus.

"Big brother," Mike said, looking at McCann.

"What are you afraid of, keep going, two factors of instability are missing, maybe we will get more rewards." McCann said irritably.

McCann turned his head and asked Cook again: "Cook, will you continue?"

"Hehe, of course you have to continue." Cook laughed, and then the three of them left again. Since the rest of the journey was not dragged down by Tallinn, the three of them were very fast, and gradually the three of Cooks had become the whole The mercenaries who ran the back path were the vanguard.

The three of them found a place to rest all night, not because they were afraid to drive at night, but because they had a great influence on the battle at night. No one knew if there would be a surprise attack by Warcraft. There were two powerful double-headed flying dragons at night. It's next to the camp, so no monsters dare to offend. Of course, Jin Guangyan doesn't mind having a delicious barbecue.

At noon the next day, the three of Cooke accurately arrived at the designated area, but to Cook's surprise, there were already several mercenary teams here. After McCann went to the team meeting, he came back angry. Unfairly cursed: "These **** actually arranged us in a remote area."

Mike hurriedly asked what was going on. McCann narrated it again, and Cook realized that this area had been divided into countless areas. Those guys saw that there were only three people in the Cook team, so they looked down on it, so they divided it. In relatively remote areas, these areas have almost been separated from the combat area.

Cook thought for a while and asked, "Mccan, how long does the regular army attack?"

"There is still half an hour." McCann replied, looking at the time.

"So does the mission say that we can't take the initiative to attack?" Cook asked again.

McCann took out the mission scroll and looked at it carefully, then said, "No."

"Miken, let's attack." Cook thought again and said.

"Offensive, Cook, we are just three of us." Although Mike is not as smart as McCann, he still knows that this is impossible.

"Haha, you two, think about it carefully. As soon as the regular army appears, the bloodthirsty kobolds will definitely deal with those regular army with all their strength. Let's stab the knives behind the bloodthirsty kobolds and take the bloodthirsty kobolds directly. Lao nest." Cook said with a map.

"Thinking about it, it's enthusiastic, but Cook, we are not very sure about the three of us." McCann was excited, but still refused.

"Don't, I have good things here." Cook took out a few bottles of medicine.

"This is?" McCann looked at the potion, his eyes widened.

"These are a few bottles of low-level invisibility potions, which can keep the body invisible for 15 minutes, but within these fifteen minutes, you cannot use magic or grudge, or the potion effect will disappear. This is a popular potion, which can double the speed. Healing potion." Cook said.

McCann still shook his head and said, "Cook, we won't be able to rush into the bloodthirsty kobold camp for fifteen minutes."

"It's okay. I think all the energy of the bloodthirsty kobolds is on the regular army. Let's take a look. If we don't have a chance, we will attack, but when we have a chance, we will attack. How about?" Cook stuffed the medicine to Mai Ken and Mike said.

"Okay, let's go and see." McCann heard Cook say so and decided immediately.

So on the surface, the three of them went to the divided site, but in fact they touched the kobold camp.

"Cook, you're so amazing." McCann pulled a bush away. Inside the bush was a dead bloodthirsty kobold. The two brothers of McCann had seen Cook's greatness. Often these bloodthirsty kobolds Did not understand what was going on, he died under Cook's arrows.

"Hey, you see that the color of the branches is different from the surrounding ones. This is the result of the movement." Cook said in a low voice with a smile, and then moved forward again.

The two brothers of McCann looked at Cook’s back, until a few minutes later, Cook reached out his hand and gestured twice, and the two began to move forward again. McCann cut off the ears of the kobold again for more than half an hour. Seven or eight bloodthirsty kobold sentries have been resolved.

"Miken, we can't do it now. We have reached a distance of five hundred meters. There is a patrol team in front and it is already a camp. Do you want to attack?" The three Cooks hid behind a big tree. Negotiating quietly.


There was a loud bang, the whole ground shook, followed by the shouts of human beings and the cries of kobolds. McCann said, "The regular army has started, brother, let's attack."

"Okay." The three drank the potion, and then rushed directly towards the kobold camp. Although the bloodthirsty kobold had long known the human attack and was ready, when the fight really started, there was chaos in the camp.

The three of Cook had agreed on a location, which was a gray tent in the camp. After all, the invisible potions were invisible to each other. After Cook rushed into the gray tent, they found that the two brothers McCann had arrived. Cook didn’t. Some lament the advantage of height and long legs.

"Cook, what's the matter?" McCann held a two-handed sword several meters high.

"I just investigated and found that this may be the location of the leader of the entire kobold." Cook pointed to a large tent more than 300 meters away from him.

McCann and Mike glanced at each other, and then chose to believe in Cook, but McCann still asked doubtfully: "Isn't it the big tent in the middle?"

"No." Cook didn't answer what the reason was, and he denied it directly. Cook couldn't tell the two giants that the tent magic fluctuations over there were greater, and there was not much magic fluctuations in the middle.

Cook glanced at the things on McCann's body, and immediately patted his forehead and said: "Two, you should pack up the odds and ends, or it will affect the battle for a while."

"It's a calculation..." McCann looked at a string of ears behind him. Behind Mike was the tail of a bloodthirsty kobold, as well as eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even the skin was covered. Stripped off, the bloodthirsty kobold's eyes, tail, and skin are all good magic materials, because kobolds have a demon blood, so they are all treasures.

Of course, a dog with a dog head and a long tail just walks on two legs upright, even when running, it still touches the ground with four feet, so it can't be connected with the kobolds on the plane.

Before McCann's words were finished, Cook handed over a space bag, which was made from the skins of ninth-level beasts. It was not a good thing in Cook's count. McCann held Cook's gift in his hand. The space bag flushed, and Mike also opened his mouth, because space items, no matter how low quality they are, cannot be assembled by ordinary people. They are too expensive.

"Okay, don't let this look, this is considered a gift from me, put things in quickly, we are about to start." Cook said to McCann angrily.

"Cook, thank you, don't say anything." McCann said with excitement when he heard Cook say so, and then asked about the use of Cook's space bag.

"Hey, let me make a loud noise first." Cook smiled and took out an engineering bomb, which was a liquid bomb made from the slurries of several elemental fruits. Cook struggled to direct the liquid bomb towards the bloodthirsty kobolds in the camp. The gathering place was lost.

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