A Unique Hunter

Chapter 884: People from Gnomish Land

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Issuing currency is an extremely sensitive topic, because the currency of each race is different, and the issuance of currency itself is a challenge to those races. Although the autonomy of each city in each race is extremely strong, it is in currency issuance. , The management is very strict, and private issuance of currency is not allowed at all.

"So what kind of currency is Cook going to adopt?" Vincent pondered for a moment and asked.

Cook pondered for a moment, and then said: "I am going to use composite metals."

"Composite metals?" Both Wildhammer and Vincent were surprised, knowing that there are many kinds of composite metals, some of them are extremely expensive, and some are very cheap.

"Well, it's just that the face value used is different. This is a sample." Cook directly drew out a bunch of sample currency.

Wildhammer saw a brassy one and asked, "Is this a copper coin?"

"No, brass-colored composite metal, this is the lowest, equivalent to a copper coin." Cook nodded and said.

Then Cook took out the silver-white and golden ones, all of which had a single character, the shape and size were the same, but the number on the top was different from the pattern, and there was a bigger one with ten on top, a total of six kinds, and finally One is a golden hundred.

"One hundred yellow ones can be exchanged for one silver one, one hundred silver ones can be exchanged for one golden one, and the golden one has up to one hundred, just these seven." Cook explained.

"Then why not use gold, silver, and copper yourself?" Wildhammer asked.

"This is mainly to prevent counterfeiting, this kind of composite metal is special, even if it is to be refined, it is very difficult." Cook laughed.

Then Cook even said: "Furthermore, gold, silver and copper coins take their own value. According to the simple thinking of the kobold, how much gold, silver and copper there are in the underground world of the kobolds will take out a pile of gold mines in exchange for one. Pile of gold coins?"

Both Vincent and Wildhammer picked up the currency and looked at it carefully. Vincent didn't understand it, but Wildhammer was surprised. Obviously he was surprised at this composite metal. Vincent groaned and said, "Then What about the foreign exchange ratio?"

"According to price fluctuations, an indeterminate exchange ratio is adopted." Cook does not want to directly adopt a fixed exchange rate. Cook sees the fixed exchange rate now, and Cook thinks of the various financial instruments on the earth. The financial system of these races has collapsed. Of course, whether Cook will do it in the future depends on future development.

Vincent and Wildhammer didn’t understand it very well, but both of them had their own affairs. These were left to Cook to deal with at other times. Vincent and Wildhammer then left. Cook brought Murphy in, and then Issue currency.

After the kobolds finished their work this day, all they were issued were currency. The kobolds were still puzzled and noisy, but after the first kobold took the currency in his hand and exchanged the same amount of food, there was no kobold. People are making noise. After a few days, all the kobolds don’t change their food. After all, the food is not easy to keep. It is stolen in the camp, but the currency is different. You can just put a bag and hide it on your body.

"Finally, the issue is going on." Murphy also breathed a sigh of relief, because the pressure on the food was too great, the frigate could only be dispatched half of it, and the rest were buying and selling food. On the one hand, the magic crystal needed to be supplemented with magic power. Just for the sake of safety, with the gradual development of the city, more and more managers are needed.

Cook decided to go back to the empty mountain, take Lina, and build a teleportation array with the empty mountain. Because the demand for food is too great, and there are no cities around tens of thousands of kilometers near the city that Cook is building now, and there are in time Cities are also such remote small cities. There is not much food in stock at all. Thanks to Cook’s massive purchases, the price of food has doubled. This is also the reason why the money has to be released as soon as possible, because the kobolds A lot of food is needed, but on the other hand, the kobold's food cannot be eaten. Wherever it exists, this is waste.

"No, Cook, how can you leave?" Vincent, Wildhammer, and Murphy heard that Cook was leaving, and they all opposed.

Cook froze for a moment, and then asked: "Why can't I leave?"

"Cook, only you can make those kobolds surrender. Once you leave, if these tens of millions of kobolds are in riots, what should we do with our hands?" Vincent said immediately.

Cook shook his head and said, "Is it impossible?"

"Cook, you didn't know that you were called a humanoid demon in the kobold now." Wildhammer said directly.

"Humanoid demon!" Cook repeated.

"That is, as long as there are kobolds who are not satisfied, we only need to say your name. Even those kobolds who don't understand our language will stop talking." Murphy also agreed.

"That's all right." What can Cook say.

Of course, it was Jin Guangjian who was able to run errands. After Cook paid ten bottles of good wine, Jin Guangzhen disappeared. Cook didn't think Jin Guangyan could not find his way home.

Murphy manages business, Vincent is responsible for security, Wildhammer is responsible for city construction, Cook is responsible for planning, and the magic fleet goes to various cities to trade, smelt metals, magic materials, and most of the gems are sold. In the surrounding areas, grain, meat, and some equipment are constantly being pulled back, forming a temporarily circulating chain of interests.

However, it is foreseeable that as the markets around the cities become saturated, the price of smelted metals continues to fall, while grains continue to rise due to the long production cycle. This is the biggest reason why Cook had to let Lina build a teleportation array. , Or face the danger of collapse.

Jin Guangyan's speed was extremely fast. After a week, Lina directly teleported to Cook's side, but this time after Lina's teleportation, her face was pale, and she was obviously overwhelmed. Jin Guangyan was also panting tired, Cook. Apart from anything else, I gave two more bottles of good wine. You must know that these wines are all made from elemental fruits.

"This space is too stable. I almost got lost in the space turbulence." After Lina recovered her magic power, the first sentence said this.

"Of course, the sanctuary is so big, and the rules must be strong." Cook nodded and said, among other things, on the plane, Cook can fly freely, and here, the first-level sanctuary can't fly freely.

"It's okay to build a magic teleportation array, but it requires magic patterns, and it consumes a lot of energy, and can only build a single-player teleportation array." Lina then calculated and said.

"Well, I have this preparation. I will use the natural ring to transfer when the time comes." Cook nodded and said.

Cook accompanied Lina to look around, and Lina nodded: "This place is both offensive and defensive, and there are so many kobolds. Monopoly trade seems to be ours."

"There are too many kobolds and they need a lot of food." Cook said afterwards.

"So where is the Magic Teleportation Array going to be built?" Lina asked.

"I am going to build under the main peak." The main peak is the largest and highest mountain around this small basin. There are six such peaks, one of which is the highest.

"With such a large area, Cook, you will not build cities?" Lina pointed to the large forest around the blueprint and said.

Cook smiled and said, "How about the ogre coming to the sanctuary?"

"I can't stop ogres, but orcs can be too." Lina added with bright eyes when he heard Cook say this.

"Go, see Vincent and Wildhammer." Cook said with his arms around Lina's waist.

Vincent and Wildhammer were always looking for themselves with Cook, and they were very angry. Vincent walked in and complained first: "Cook, I won’t be looking for me if it’s not about our army. I’m trying hard these days. Where are the casual mercenaries."

"I'm more busy. The sluice is being built. After it is built, I am going to get a 1,000-ton hydraulic forging machine and a hydraulic blower. I am looking for someone to explore." Wildhammer came in and said.

Cook touched his nose and Murphy walked in. After seeing Lina, he cried out in surprise: "Sister Lina."

"Vinson, Wildhammer, this is my wife, Lina." Cook introduced.

"Hello, madam." Vincent shook hands politely.

Wildhammer glared at Cook and said, "Cook, don't take out the good wine. Since Mrs. Lina is here, it's worth celebrating."

"You just looked at my good wine." Cook replied grimly, but he still took out the good wine.

"Wildhammer, build an underground warehouse in the area below the main peak." Cook pointed directly to the map behind him, and pointed at a certain location below the main peak.

"Underground warehouse, Cook, please, this place has no roads, materials, how to transport tools, and how big is the warehouse?" Wildhammer asked after taking a sip of wine.

"I am going to build a magic teleportation array inside." Cook said.

"Puff!" Vincent and Wildhammer spit out the wine.

Wildhammer asked incredulously: "Cook, you don't have a fever, the magic teleportation array, that is a luxury. In the entire sanctuary, only the main city has the financial resources to build the teleportation array."

"Hehe, Lina is a space magician." Cook smiled.

Vincent and Wildhammer looked at Lina's eyes differently now. Although Lina only looks like the first-level sanctuary, but the first-level sanctuary of the space system is already very impressive, but Wildhammer still mumbles Said: "The Space Element Mage is a condition, and what about the Mageweave?"

"You can see the Mageweave in two months." Cook touched his nose and said. Of course Lina and Murphy knew that Cook was a Mageweave, but the two of them also knew that West Asia's hands-on skills were higher. .

"Is there really a Mageweave Master?" Vincent and Wildhammer both looked like undead. Mageweave Master, this is a very special existence.

"Did I lie to you? This is a gift for you two." Cook took out two weapons, Vincent was a knight's pike, and the wild hammer was a hammer.

The two picked them up and took a closer look, and then exclaimed: "Sure enough, it is magic pattern equipment!"

"Wildhammer, my warehouse is for the transfer of supplies, you can take care of it." Cook saw the surprise of the two and smiled in his heart. After this period of inspection, both Vincent and Wildhammer did their best. Of course, Cook will not be stingy, and the two of them do not participate in the management of the city, and are immersed in their own affairs. Moreover, when Cook does this, there is another meaning, that is to determine the relationship, the relationship between subordinates.

"Okay, no problem." Wildhammer got the magic pattern equipment and immediately agreed with joy.

Everyone was happy to have a meal in the evening. Wildhammer, Vincent and Cook drank one after another. Of course, the one who drank the most was Jin Guangyan, while Murphy and Lina whispered something, from time to time. Whispered.

After eating, Wildhammer went back with Vincent. On the way, Vincent said: "Wildhammer, you really decided to listen to Cook?"

"Vincent, I know how good my Wildhammer is. If I want to talk about management and construction, I am definitely good at it, but if I want to manage everything in a city, I am definitely not good at it. Let alone other things, I will say that it will consume for a while How did we get the food for the food, and Cook is also very good, a person worth following, and don’t you think the relationship between the Cotai Chamber of Commerce and Cook is a bit strange?” Wildhammer replied drunkly, and then Asked.

Vincent said sullenly: "I think they are originally in an organization, and it is very likely that they belong to a family."

"Hehe, that's right, and no spacecraft landed at all today, so how did Mrs. Lina come, and the kitten-like pet beside Cook, who has also been missing for a few days, and there is still a need to establish teleportation? Can a normal Mageweave Master do it?" Wildhammer asked.

"Okay, Wildhammer, I know what you mean, and I didn't say anything else. Anyway, I just take care of my own business. How can I say we are also the veterans of the city." Vincent did not say at the back. The meaning is already obvious, that is, Cook can't do anything with himself.

Wildhammer sneered and said, "Elder, the elder is a fart. If you light up your knight's spear outside, wouldn't that city consider you a veteran?"

"Hey, I don't care, and I don't want that much anymore. Anyway, Cook said I will try my best to do it well." Vincent shook his head and said.

Wildhammer replied: "That's the truth, I'm thinking, maybe we can get a set of magic weave equipment? If there is a set of this kind of thing as a family heirloom, I won't change it for a city lord."

Cook got up the next morning and looked at the sleeping Lina in his arms. Perhaps he had been abstinent for too long, so last night, with a slight drunkenness, he went crazy with Lina until dawn. Lina is still asleep. , Cook applied a sleeping technique to Lina, then quietly got up and covered Lina with a quilt.

While Cook was making breakfast, Vincent hurried in and said, "Cook, someone wants to see you."

"See me, who sees me and needs you to report?" Cook asked, turning the steak over and putting some spices on it.

"It's from the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce. I think these people are not good at coming." Vincent replied.

When Cook heard that it was the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce, he sneered and said, "It's no wonder that it's them. These guys just don't have a long memory. Go and see what they are going to say."

"Okay." Seeing Cook's appearance, Vincent knew that Cook must have a lot of confidence in his heart, so he turned around and went out.

When Lina woke up and had a loving breakfast, Cook came to the trade point by the bridge. Just walked into the trade point, Cook heard a familiar voice: "I want to see Cook, you guys Bastard, I'm from the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce."

"What are you going to see me for?" Cook didn't know how these guys knew that he was called Cook, but this didn't cause much confusion to Cook. Cook asked when he entered the door.

"You are Cook. You are so brave. You arrested our dwarf chamber of commerce, but you dare to show up?" Cook walked in and saw that there were a dozen dwarfs. One of them heard Cook's words and immediately He jumped out and pointed at Cook.

"Dwarf Chamber of Commerce, what?" Cook asked with a puzzled look.

Murphy is also a person with a sense of humor. Murphy replied: "Cook, the dwarf chamber of commerce is not a thing, but a chamber of commerce."

"Oh, it's not something." Cook suddenly realized.

"You bastards, this is provoking our dwarf chamber of commerce, you will be punished by the dwarf chamber of commerce." The dwarf chamber of commerce said viciously.

"You harp and ask, believe it or not, I will throw you out and let those kobolds entertain you?" Cook glared at the dwarf, and said coldly.

Seeing this, a dwarf next to him immediately stood up: "Cook, I am here to inform you on behalf of the dwarf clan. The area where you are now is the territory of our dwarf..."

"Bang, let me go, don't talk about that much here, dwarf territory, **** dwarf territory, believe it or not I arm the kobolds and destroy your dwarf ten or eight cities?" Cook slapped the table and shouted. Tao.

"You..." The dwarf who had just spoken was directly scolded by Cook, his face pale in anger.

"Come here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ throw these people out for me, and tell the kobolds below that these people are our enemies, and these people won't let us give the kobolds food." The face of the dwarf said something.

"You, you, you are framed, this is guilty." The dwarf who led the dwarf immediately stayed in cold sweat, and these words spread out. If any dwarf is attacked by a kobold, the crime is not all on him, the kobold Harm is the nightmare of the entire dwarf territory, these hungry guys do everything.

"I also told the kobolds that the dwarf clan told them to get out, and the dwarf clan said that the place they live now belongs to the dwarf clan, not their kobold." Cook sneered when he saw the representative of the dwarf clan. Continue to say.

"Throw it out." Cook told people to throw it out without waiting for these dwarf representatives to speak.

Murphy said uncomfortably, "Cook, do we have a lot of dwarfs here too?"

"Haha, this is different." Cook smiled and said mysteriously.

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