A Unique Hunter

Chapter 885: Unexpected challenge

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Murphy watched Cook leave without explaining, and grumbled dissatisfiedly: "Only you are the smartest."

"Hey, you bastards, you are also of the dwarf clan, how can you do this." The dwarf representative looked at the surrounding dwarfs and watched his party being driven away, and couldn't help but shouted in an indifferent manner. stand up.

One of the dwarf engineers sneered and said: "We are the dwarf clan, yes, but you are you and we are us."

"What you are you, we are ours." The dwarf representative asked in confusion.

"It's so simple, it means you can't represent all dwarfs, and this kind of representation is just your own wishful thinking." Cook came out with a sneer.

Then with a wave of his hand, the surrounding guards drove the group out immediately, and Cook immediately said: "How are people different from people."

This incident reminded Cook of the term represented. Obviously the same is true today. Obviously, these people are self-righteous and represent others. This can only be said to be the interests of some people. This part of people may be very few. A small group of people will never represent the interests of the majority.

Seeing the dwarves, dwarves, elves, and humans around him, Cook said loudly: "In our new city, everyone is equal, humans, dwarves, dwarfs, elves, including kobolds."

The last words of Cook caused a lot of discussion among the people around him. When Cook saw this, he continued: "Maybe you all agree that what I said earlier is right, but what follows is wrong, thinking that kobolds should not be equal."

"But I tell you all, we humans also eat with our hands, so are kobolds, we are a life, and so are kobolds. Although kobolds have fought with us, I would like to ask that there are still battles between the same races. What's more, it’s a different race. Taking advantage of the opportunity, I’m here to announce that our new city is Liberty City. In Liberty City, no matter who it is, everyone is equal before the law, even if he is a general. A respectable old man, or myself, will be punished by law for breaking the law, and in Liberty City, religious beliefs are also free. Here I hope everyone respects the living habits or beliefs of different races. I also declare Beginning today, the specific method of electing the city council will be announced later. I hope that everyone can choose the people they are most optimistic about, because these councillors represent your vital interests.” Cook announced the matter loudly. .

It didn’t take long for the election method to be announced, and as people continued to move into the newly built city, their identities were also leveled up. The entire small basin of the city was called an inner city, and identification was required to enter and exit here. The area below the small basin and the foot of the mountain belongs to the outer city. It just needs a simple registration. As for the free trade zone opened up by Cook on the other side of the bridge, there is only a patrol team and no identity verification.

Of course, there is a Liberty City identity certificate issued, which is absolutely unimpeded. Without this, it can only be in the outer city at most. Don't even think about it in the inner city. The sluice, smelting area, and city wall are all restricted areas and need to be posted. Pass.

Cook even divided the inner city into villages and towns, which were managed by village chiefs, town chiefs, and one level of management. The security team in the city was not under the jurisdiction of Vincent. Vincent managed the walls and bridges. Free trade zones and other places.

The urban security team belongs to the urban security department and is separated from the government department. It is not dually managed. This prevents corruption or the exchange of power and money to the greatest extent.

The councillors are another system. They do not belong to the mayor or the village head, but they have the right to supervise the village head and the mayor’s governance. Therefore, a city has three large systems, as well as intelligence departments, full-time supervision departments, etc. The biggest advantage of these systems is that they don’t command each other, but once something happens, the department that should be managed must be managed immediately, and dereliction of duty will result in dismissal.

As for the law, it needs to be discussed by members of the law. This is an extremely long process, because the law needs to consider some things of other races, so it will not be able to come out within half a year.

"Cook, kobolds absolutely cannot issue an inner city residence certificate." Vincent found Cook and said.

"Who said it was awarded to the kobolds?" Cook asked angrily.

"Didn't you say that kobolds are equal?" Vincent asked in surprise.

"I mean equality in law. Kobolds live in the free trade zone, at most the outer city, the inner city is impossible." Cook explained.

When Vincent heard Cook say this, he immediately turned and left, and said as he walked, "So I can rest assured."

There are really too many things about Cook recently. The establishment of the parliament and the regional division of villages and towns. Cook try to let all races live together. This is conducive to the relationship between all races. Cook did not think about all races. Living alone, but in that way, the races will become more and more unfamiliar. Although there are many small troubles in living together, these small troubles are the manifestation of the progress of mutual relations.

There are also street layouts, water sources, garbage, etc. Anyway, things keep Cook very busy. Lina is staring at the warehouse built every day, because it needs to build a teleportation array, so the safety must be improved. High, there is also the preliminary preparations for the teleportation array, which also needs to be watched.

Wildhammer will come up with a list of purchases from time to time, all of which are all necessary things. Cook has a headache seeing this list. Because of the deterioration of the relationship with the dwarf, several dwarf cities restrict the Cotai Chamber of Commerce. When selling items, the dwarf naturally raises the price, and there are some harsh conditions.

But these things have to be obtained as much as possible, because if these things are not available, the construction will stop and the people responsible for the procurement will complain.

Cook is now very much looking forward to the arrival of Xia and others, because it is too tired and too cumbersome, Cook sighed and continued to deal with things.

That’s not to say, Cook takes half a day to go to the parliament every day, which is even more troublesome. A small matter can be a day of wrangling. Moreover, there are all races in the parliament, and McCann is also a member. Councillors, giants, dwarves, dwarfs, humans, elves.

The giant's honesty, but stubbornness also gives Cook a headache.

The violent temper of the dwarves makes many martial arts staged, of course, most of them are dwarves against dwarves.

The dwarf's mouth makes himself often mocked by other races.

The arrogance of the elves makes it impossible to communicate.

Humans are fanning the flames inside, let others fight.

The magic airship that West Asia and the others were riding in hadn't arrived yet, and the dwarf's ultimatum was missing. Cook sneered and looked at the dwarf in the sky.

"On behalf of the dwarf king, I inform you at last, please leave our dwarf territory. You have disrupted our dwarf's normal life, and our dwarf king will reserve the right to pursue it." The dwarf messenger looked at Cook with disdain.

"Then you let the dwarf king come to investigate, get out." Cook smashed the scroll on the face of the dwarf messenger and shouted.

Seeing the dwarf messenger leaving with sullen expressions, both Vinson and Wildhammer looked gloomy. Vincent said, "Cook, what should I do, this is the Dwarf King."

Cook was also very angry. He did not expect that he was in such a remote place. The dwarf king would still find his own trouble. You don’t need to think about Cook to know that the dwarf merchant is behind the scenes. Cook asked: "What level is the dwarf king? ."

"At least the peak of the sanctuary." Wildhammer said with his head down.

"The pinnacle of fertility, bastard, what's this guy doing if he's full." Cook heard this answer, although he knew it in his heart, he still took a breath.

"The dwarf king may not come, but you treated the messenger of the dwarf king just now, I believe that the dwarf king will definitely act." Vincent was also depressed, and he had already sweared at the dwarf king.

Cook thought for a while, and then said annoyed: "It's really impossible. I will arm millions of kobolds to go to the dwarf territory and break down several cities."

"No, Cook, it's your grievance with the dwarf clan now, but you have to use kobolds, and the entire sanctuary will deal with you." Vincent hurriedly blocked.

Cook said frustratedly: "Sanctuary peak, then why don't other races ignore it."

"Hey, Cook, don't you understand that other races just want to benefit? I'm sure that if you take refuge in the Dwarf King immediately, the Dwarf King will immediately attack the Dwarf King." Wildhammer said with a grin. .

Cook also patted his forehead. Obviously he was negligent. These high-end existences must be a joke. Cook said after a long time: "If it is really impossible, let's find a racial refuge, but I'm not reconciled. ."

"Who is willing?" Vincent also sighed, Sanctuary Peak, that is the existence at the top of the Sanctuary Food Chain.

"Is there a way to get news about the Dwarf King, no matter what." Cook asked still unwillingly.

"Yes, why not, as long as you pay the price." Vincent's answer surprised Cook. The dwarf king is so awesome, who would dare to sell the information.

Vincent said: "What is the dwarf king? The peak of the sanctuary in our human beings is at least three digits, and there are still many people who live in seclusion, but Cook, if the elders in your family come forward..."

"This is also a way, Vincent, you first help me find information about the dwarf king. It really doesn't work. I only have to use the last hole card." Cook thought of the sonic attack with two fragments of demigod pattern. No matter how you have to fight it.

Vincent and Wildhammer breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously Cook answered like this, proving that there is a family behind Cook, and maybe that kind of ancient family. In the Sanctuary, in addition to race, it is all families, some The family dared not provoke even one race.

Half a month later, Cook looked at the message sent to the Gnomish King. The engineer level reached the Saint Master, the combat level was at the peak of the Sanctuary, the Forging was at the Grand Master level, the Mageweave Master was also at the beginner level, and the Pharmacy was at the apprentice level. .

Cook looked at this information, and an idea appeared in Cook’s mind. Cook said with a smile: "Vincent, on behalf of me, gave the Gnomish King a challenge book. I will go to the Gnomish City to challenge the project of the Gnomish King in half a year. learn."

"Puff." Both Wildhammer and Vincent fell to the ground together, their mouths open.

"Cook, you are not sick." Vincent stood up and asked after a while.

"Hey, I have full confidence." Cook said with a smile.

"Cook, this is not a joke." Wildhammer quickly persuaded.

Cook waved his hand and said: "It's not that easy. When you download the challenge book, you must explain that we must see the proof of this piece of land. It proves that it belongs to the dwarf clan. If we win, this piece of land will prove to us. If we lose. , Our city offers it with both hands."

"Cook, I said you might as well just give it to the Gnomish King." Wildhammer said grimly.

Vincent looked at the circle that Cook drew on the map and clapped his hands and said, "This is a wonderful strategy. Even if we lose, we still have a chance."

"What." Wildhammer took a closer look.

"If the dwarf king has this proof, then we lose, we can re-establish a new city outside this area, and I'm sure that no one has a foothold in our current place, even if it is occupied, Let's provoke the kobolds, hehe." Vincent said first.

Wildhammer's eyes lit up, and Cook gave Vincent a look approvingly. Vincent continued: "Is there any proof that the ownership of this land is so easy to get, dwarves, humans, elves, even if they are irrelevant? The race always wants to gain some benefits in vain, and dwarves are even more rogue. This is another point."

"The third point is half a year, enough time for us to think of more ways. Fourth, our challenge, our reputation has gone out, and others will carefully consider it when they want to knead, because we are like this. It is almost a madman, who is willing to provoke a madman, as for losing, it is a big thing to lose. Doing this is good for everyone, isn't it?" Vincent continued to analyze.

Cook said with a smile: "I'm 80% sure that I can beat the Gnome King, hehe, engineer sage."

"Well, I'll pass the news right away." Vincent saw that Cook was so sure, and immediately acted.

After another half month, the entire civilized world of Sanctuary went crazy. Someone actually challenged the engineering of the dwarf king. For this reason, many people went to the dwarf territory to witness this challenge.

But the dwarf territory clamored for the extermination of Cook madly, and the dwarf king faced the challenge book, and it was very troublesome. Who is the dwarf king, if you want to not agree, then you will become a joke, and if you agree, The first is the land certificate. Where there is any land certificate in Nima, it is the land without an owner, but now if the land without an owner becomes owned by a dwarf, the price paid is not ordinary.

The dwarf king, the elf king, the human emperor, as well as the giant king, orc king, etc. all gave the dwarf official letters, meaning that it is one thing, all those people want to develop that land, but seeing the face of the dwarf king, how much do you Give something good and we will prove it is yours.

"Asshole, asshole, it was the **** who went under my guise. Let me find out. I will hang that **** by myself." After the dwarf king read it, he lost his temper in the palace.

The dwarf king even said that he would use the two cities of the dwarf to exchange that place. The dwarf king really wanted to point to the nose of the dwarf king and questioned: "Nima said it belongs to your dwarf, is there any proof."

But the dwarf king can’t, because the strength of the dwarf clan is stronger than that of the dwarf clan, and the dwarves are better, because the place is close, of course there are still tens of thousands of kilometers in this distance, but the emperors of the Nima humans, Nima There are a million kilometers away from here, and you still need benefits. Well, humans are not easy to mess with. Maybe they really come to open up an enclave. The dwarf king also recognizes it.

Elf, please, when do you elves have the hobby of taking advantage of the small bargain, there are also orcs, giants, and Nima separated by tens of millions of kilometers, and they also have benefits.

The dwarf king is now in a dilemma. Promise Cook. It’s not easy to prove it. Don’t agree. Being a dwarf king loses face, so the dwarf king is very angry. In fact, the dwarf king doesn’t care about where Cook builds the city at all, and also After winning over the kobolds and not letting the kobolds harass the dwarf clan's territory, the dwarf king didn't care at all. This sanctuary without a master had gone too much. Who would have thought that he would be taken into a big pit by his own people.

As for victory, please, when the time comes, other races will say, look at the dwarf king, and actually bully a young human, tusk.

It is foreseeable that this challenge, whether you win or lose, is losing face to the dwarf king, whether you accept the challenge or not, it is also losing face, and now it is only the size of the loss of face.

"Report to my king that the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce bought Earl Hasson, and Earl Hasson sent someone in the name of my king." In the increasingly angry mood of the Dwarf King, news finally came.

"Asshole, order Earl Hasson to be arrested, deprived of Hasson's title on the charge of rebellion, and continue to find out whether other nobles are involved, take back all the land, property, and all confiscated. As for the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce, it will be sealed down." Hearing that it was Hasen, he sneered, and then ordered.

"Yes." It was executed soon.

"Since there are nobles involved, hehe, I will use your nobles this time. These stingy nobles, who used to be taxed, and the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce, will not kill you severely this time. Not the dwarf king." The dwarf king soon found a way.

The land proves that this thing does not participate in it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Since the dwarf chamber of commerce says it belongs to the dwarf, then this proof will fall on the dwarf chamber of commerce, and the nobles go in their own name, so who don’t open their eyes All the nobles can clean up together.

"Come here, I issued the Anmin notice, saying that this time someone pretended to do this in my name, but I still promised to challenge the dwarf king." The dwarf king dug too deep.

If the Gnomish King keeps not answering the challenge, then the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce will get this proof, and the cost is certainly not great, but the Gnomish King agreed, and other races will definitely try to kill the Gnomish Chamber of Commerce. This is a must.

"Aren't we underestimating the dwarf king." Cook quickly got news about what happened in the dwarf territory. He copied several big nobles and the dwarf chamber of commerce. Cook did not expect that he would actually return it. Can give a knife to the dwarf king.

"Why don't you go to the dwarf king for some benefits." Xia said angrily, and Xia and others finally arrived.

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