A Unique Hunter

Chapter 891: Great Sage

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If the mountain where the fortress is located gives people a majestic feeling, then the Beast King City in the orc territory gives people a feeling of being the closest to the sky. The clouds seem to float overhead, and the orcs are in the plateau area. The air here is thinner, and the gravity here is greater than that of Liberty City, and the elevation of this Beast King City is already more than 6,000 meters, but the area where Beast King City is located is not snowy, but that kind of big grassland. , But at the end of sight, there are majestic mountains.

It is said that the highest mountain in Orc Territory has an altitude of more than 20,000 meters. There are only a few very special orc races living there. Cook felt a bit of breathing difficulty as soon as he walked out of the portal. In contrast, Wu Mei and the two Frost Titan , Nothing, the Beast King City is located near a huge lake, and this is a saltwater lake, the animals in it are some strange creatures, and it is also the most important salt-producing area in the entire orc territory.

"Sir, sir, do you need this." An orc kid rushed over and asked. It is a very standard sanctuary language. No way, there are the largest number of humans, unless you don’t want to do business with humans. You have to learn the language of mankind, which is the language of magic on the plane.

"Oh, what is this?" Cook asked with a smile looking at the basket in the little guy's hand.

"This is our unique fragrant taro flower. Soaking in water can alleviate the feeling that you are not used to it now." The little orc seems to be a Doug. To be honest, Cook is not very clear about the types of orcs. Just as foreigners look at Chinese people with yellow skin, black eyes and black hair, while we look at foreigners with stray hair, white skin and blue eyes.

Of course, some of the orcs have obvious characteristics. Bunnymen, cats, foxes, etc. are easy to identify, but there are many branches in each of these big races, so it is somewhat difficult to identify them carefully.

"How do you sell this." Cook is looking forward to this trip to Beast King City, because the orc territory has created a unique environment, the magic herbs here have undergone fundamental changes, and the efficacy has also changed.’

After Cook uncovered the straw curtain covering the basket, he found that this fragrant taro flower was actually the size of a thumb and was snow-white. Cook took one out and put it in his mouth. Cook's first feeling was the taste of mint, and his mind suddenly Just wake up, and this fragrant taro seems to contain a lot of oxygen, which is indeed a good thing for altitude sickness.

"It depends on how much your husband wants. If you want all of them, ten gentel," the child said.

"That's good, I want it." Of course, Cook will not miss such a good thing. To be honest, this kind of plant that provides oxygen and refreshes the mind, even if it is not a magic plant, for Cook, it is refined into a potion. It can also make a fortune.

The orc child happily took the money and left. After the orc child left, an elderly orc who was waiting on the side stepped forward and asked, "Does the distinguished guest need something to travel."

"Let's go, let's go to the largest hotel in Beast King City." Cook did not expect the order of the orcs clan to be so good, so he nodded and said.

"Come on, everybody, this is my old buddy." Cook was taken to a five-meter-high multi-legged horse. There was a frame on the multi-legged horse, with two seats on both sides of the frame. There are also multi-legged horses, which can seat a total of six people, and the seats are woven from some kind of vine.

"Wow." With a neat footstep, Cook saw a group of bears patrolling in leather armor.

After Cook and Wu Mei climbed onto the seat on top of the multi-legged horse, they found that there were still seats and some fruits. Cook had to lament that the service attitude was good.

"Sir, do you need a map?" The old orc driving a multi-legged horse was a bear, and the old bear asked in a low voice when he climbed up to the driving place in front.

When Cook saw this, he asked curiously: "Why, you have a map."

"Hehe, I took the risk when I was young. Our orc territory is almost finished. Of course, I haven't been to a place that is too dangerous. Otherwise, how can I have the money to feed my old fellow." The old bearman said.

Maps are not allowed to be sold publicly anywhere, unless they are officially issued maps. Cook thought of this and said: "How much is one."

"Guests need to copy by themselves, one thousand gentel, or five hundred dongding." The old bear man replied.

Cook gave a thousand Gentle, and then he saw the old bear man pull out a huge animal skin from under his ass. Cook looked at it, but the map is some age, and Cook copied it with magic. Zhang, Cook looked at the map carefully and found that this orc territory is actually a V shape, the vertex under the V is the Beast King City, and the two sides of the V are the two tributaries of the big lake, the Beast King City. There are two huge narrow basins thousands of kilometers wide and tens of thousands of kilometers long. Of course, there are still some peaks in this basin, but these peaks can be climbed anyway, and the mountains next to the V shape cannot be climbed. High mountains, or swamps, there are hundreds of large and small lakes in the orc territory, and these hundreds of lakes and tributaries breed 80% of the orcs.

The lake in front of the Beast King City is called the Beast God Lake, and in the middle of the impenetrable mountains hundreds of kilometers across from the Beast God Lake, is the Temple of the God of War of the Orcs, where Master Hailan lives, and the rest Local lakes are also called different names according to the orc races where they live, such as Lionheart Lake, Tiger Gallbladder Lake, etc., but strangely, only Beast King Lake is a saltwater lake, and the rest are freshwater lakes.

Orcs are the most common in Beast King City. Humans, dwarves, dwarves and other races are rare here. They are all merchants. However, even merchants like to hire orc guards because they are cheap and the guards of orcs are not easy to accidents. In fact, the orcs are very honest, and the orc guards are proficient in the etiquette of most orc races, and an outsider may cause some orcs to violently attack with a casual action.

Beast King City is also the city with the best public security. There is no one. Adventure in the orc territory requires not only the attack of wild creatures, but also the attack of some orcs. Among the orcs, there is a kind of orcs that have accepted humans, and the outside The world learns and communicates with each other, and some of them do not want to communicate and live in seclusion in various places. This is one of the reasons why no one in the orc territory likes to take risks.

Of course, Cook doesn’t need it, but Cook, the Temple of God of War, cannot go, because if non-believers go, the consequences are hard to predict.

Of course, it’s not impossible. You can provide this kind of service in the Flying Dragon Hotel. When Cook said that she was Hailan’s friend, the fox maid on the opposite side was stunned. Then look at the beautiful ebony plum. The fox maid ran away and left.

"Dear sir, the Flying Dragon Hotel welcomes you." A deer man hurried over and asked respectfully.

"It's nice to meet you." Now Wu Mei is talking, and Wu Mei is a priest who understands.

"Honorable priest, please forgive me for my negligence, I will go to inform your master." Luren also trot away and left.

Cook was sweating profusely beside him. After a while, a swan woman came to Cook and the others with graceful steps. This swan woman had a long and smooth neck, fair skin, and an elegant and beautiful figure. There is a pair of white wings behind him, if you don't know it, you think it is a winged man.

"Welcome, my sister." When the swan woman spoke, Cook knew that the swan woman was a priest.

In the Temple of the God of War, the priests think of each other as sisters, and the warriors of the beast soul are equal to each other. The first creed of the God of War is unity, which is also in line with the principles of fighting.

"Take the liberty to bother." Wu Mei returned to the courtesy of a priest elegantly, and Cook lowered her head behind Wu Mei.

"You can call me Michelle." Michelle introduced herself elegantly.

"My name is Wu Mei, this is my guardian, Cook, these two are followers of my guardian." Wu Mei introduced.

Michelle squinted her eyes and was very surprised that Cook was the guardian. If you know that the guardian means the husband, Wumei doesn't emit priest-specific fluctuations, but Michelle knows that here, no one can dare to impersonate. Priest, what is this place, Beast King City.

"Haha, Cook, I didn't expect that you really came. The Great Sage said it, I still don't believe it." At this moment, Hailan came in from outside the hotel and gave Cook a hug with a laugh.

Both of them are human beings, and they are also the guardians of the fox priests. At this moment, Hailan regards Cook as a confidant, and has a sense of identity.

"Your Excellency Hailan." Seeing Hailan's affection with Cook, Michelle bowed slightly to salute.

"Michelle, nice to meet you." Hailan also performed the courtesy of a magician.

Hailan then said to Wu Mei: "Miss Wu Mei, welcome you."

Hailan’s words made Michelle almost fainted because Hailan said you in her greetings to Wu Mei. This word is not an ordinary word. Hailan then said to Cook: "Let’s go, the great sage still I’m waiting for us, but I’ve got your light, you know, those who are waiting can’t see the great sage."

This sentence made Michelle cover her mouth, afraid that she would be surprised. The great sage actually pointed out that he wanted to see these people and was still waiting. What is going on, you must know the great sage even It was the orc king who needed the consent of the great sage to meet. Michelle had never heard the great sage waiting to see anyone.

Wu Mei and others said goodbye to the shocked Michelle, and followed Hailan. Hailan took Cook, Wu Mei, and two Frost Titans to an extremely wide square in Beast King City. Cook originally returned I thought it was the same place as the Human Square, but a closer look reveals that this is an airport, but the planes here are all flying beasts, griffins, golden eagles, blasting eagles, and some flying dragons. Only the size of a human being, some hundreds of meters in size, and a flying horse.

"Cook." Wu Mei whispered beside Cook. Cook looked at Wu Mei and found that Wu Mei looked at a large colorful butterfly in the distance, just as big as a human.

"Cook, that is the butterfly man. It is the rarest and most beautiful race among our orcs. There are also the cicada people, and both the cicada and the butterfly people are born priests." Who is Hailan, listen. When it came to Wu Mei, he explained in a low voice.

Cook was surprised. When the butterfly man turned around, he realized that it was indeed a butterfly man but a woman. Cook asked in a low voice, "Is there a man in this butterfly man?"

"No, no matter what race among the orcs is combined with the butterfly people, the ones who give birth are butterfly people, but if you want to marry the butterfly people, you must at least reach the middle level of the sanctuary. This is also to protect the butterfly people." Hailan shook his head and replied.

Cook and the others came to an area, which was guarded by some orc guards armed to the teeth. Here, Cook and the others took a huge golden eagle to the place where the Great Sage lived.

The flying speed of the golden eagle is very fast. Almost ten people can sit on the wide back. The golden eagle is not controlled by humans at all. The flying height of the golden eagle is at least 10,000 meters, but there is a magic shield on the body of the golden eagle. Therefore, Cook and others did not feel any discomfort. The golden eagle was still climbing until the altitude of nearly 30,000 meters. Cook and others saw a huge mountain suspended above the clouds. There are dozens of square kilometers in size. This mountain is like a basin with a depression in it. On one side of the mountain, there is a small lake.

"Here, this is where the Great Sage lives." Hai Lan said.

The golden eagle fell on the mountain. Cook and the others got off the golden eagle. Cook saw that the whole small basin was covered with colorful plants. A large part of these plants were magical plants and magical herbs. Cook I even saw a few elemental fruits in the grass, and the concentration of elements in this place was scary.

"My friend, you are welcome." A voice came.

The corners of Hailan's mouth twitched a little, because the great sage was talking about my friend and was the first to say hello. The great sage was known as the person closest to God.

Cook and the others followed the sound and saw that in a bush, a woman of the fox tribe was looking at them with a smile. Cook felt an indescribable kindness to the old woman.

"Charm." But Cook immediately reacted. This is the charm of the fox clan. Fortunately, Cook is often charmed by ebony, so he immediately increased his vigilance.

"Hehe, young people don't need to mention it, my old lady doesn't have any bad thoughts, little girl, come here." The old woman waved to Wu Mei.

"Mother-in-law." Wu Mei leaped and ran over, and then exclaimed affectionately.

The Great Sage looked at Wu Mei carefully. When he saw the accessories on Wu Mei's body, his eyes showed a hint of shock, because the Great Sage knew clearly that these jewelry were actually magicweave equipment, and Wu Mei's head A hairpin and a red drum on the hairpin also made the Great Sage squint his eyes. When the Great Sage saw the strange bronze jewelry on Wumei's belt, his face was shocked.

"Good, good, good." After seeing Wu Mei, the Great Sage said three good words one after another.

Hailan's heart almost stirred. Even if it was the orc king, he was called a good one by the great sage. After the orc king returned, he was very happy and celebrated. If the great sage of the orc king called Wumei, What kind of reaction will it be.

Cook was watching Wu Mei talking and laughing with the Great Sage, but at a distance of only a dozen meters, Cook could not hear what the two foxes said.

The great sage easily knew the origin of Wu Mei, and when he knew that these accessories were all given by Cook, the great sage looked at Cook a little stranger.

"Boy Cook, I heard that you are a pharmacist, so you know my flowers and plants." Half an hour later, the Great Sage finally asked.

"Mother-in-law." Cook didn't know how to speak, so he followed Wu Mei's address.

Hailan almost dropped his eyeballs. You dare to be a mother-in-law. Do you know what the orc king is called the Great Sage? That's the ancestor. When the orc king hears this name, will he be depressed? Hailan reacted again. According to the name of his wife, wouldn't it be said that the generation of this kid like Cook is many times higher than him.

"I know most of the herbs here, but to be honest, there are only a few herbs here that are not bad, and the others..." Cook paused, seeing that the Great Sage had no objection, and continued.

The great sage didn’t wait for Cook to finish and said, “Well, I’ll take my good granddaughter around, and you will throw away the things that are not treasured here, and plant the most treasured ones.”

Before Cook could react, the great sage left with Wu Mei. Cook looked at the area of ​​tens of square kilometers and gritted his teeth and said, "Ready to work."

Hailan was really stunned. In the past, no matter who came here, as long as he encountered those flowers and plants, the great sage would lose his temper. Seeing that Cook’s two guards instantly became two Frost Titans, Hailan even more. Shocked.

Under Cook's command, some herbs were uprooted, and then some magic herb seeds were taken out from a bag, and then planted, and the wood magic power was used to stimulate the growth. After growing out of the ground, Cook added water with life essence Water it, and within half a minute, a huge magic herb appeared.

"Clean up all the surrounding area." Cook cleared out the surrounding area of ​​dozens of square kilometers and planted a circle of the tree of life.

Some magical plants such as purple-leaf lotus root are also planted in the lake. The leaves of purple-leaf lotus root are purple, and the fruits produced are the best antidote and can delay aging.

Cook built a plant pavilion in the middle of the lake with magical plants of the water system, and then a bridge made up of countless vines connected to the land, dozens of square kilometers of land, and finally in Cook Using some vines, thorns and other magical medicinal materials to separate the pieces, there is a rare fluorescent moss on the road, two or three centimeters high, changing colorful colors.

"Hey, big guy, let Jean." Cook ignored the golden eagle and let the golden eagle directly let him. Cook planted a huge ancient war tree where the golden eagle rose and fell, of course, guided by Cook's spiritual power. Below is a natural bird's nest, and the golden eagle looked at Cook with a weird face.

Hailan also came to help later. Seeing that Cook had picked up all the herbs that he pulled out, but the inconspicuous mushrooms were left behind, Hailan asked carefully, "Don’t clean up those mushrooms Cook. Drop."

"If those things are cleaned away~www.wuxiaspot.com~, you are going to be thrown from it by your mother-in-law, that is the element fruit." Cook replied irritably.

Hailan’s mouth was wide open, and Cook saw the renewed tens of square kilometers of land. This is an obvious large garden. Various magic herbs, colors of magic plants, and roads are all made up of a symbol. Wen, life runes, and runes are the simplest magic language, but after Cook completed this life rune composed of various plants, the breath of life in the entire small basin immediately became rich.

"Yes, yes, I will look for your kid to take care of my garden in the future." The Great Sage and Wu Mei walked out of the cave where they lived with smiles. Yes, the Great Sage lives in a cave dug by a big rock. The stone is in the middle of the basin, hundreds of meters in diameter.

Hailan looked at Cook with envy, and said, knowing that Cook was embarrassed: "Mother-in-law, I can take care of it, but look at the cost of my transmission."

"Pop." Hailan finally fell to the ground in shock when she heard this.

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