A Unique Hunter

Chapter 892: 1 small dig

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"Well, you go, don't come anymore." The Great Sage waved his hand directly when he heard this.

When Cook was about to agree, he saw that Wu Mei's expression was a little wrong, and Cook felt that something was wrong. Sure enough, the great sage said, "Wu Mei, the little girl will follow me to study for a while, you can go."

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, what you said, I will take care of it once a week." Cook's face is green, but Wu Mei can be taken care of by this great sage, and Cook is not easy to say.

"Mother-in-law, I don't want to leave Cook." Umei opened her mouth when she saw Cook's appearance.

When Hailan heard Wu Mei's words, she almost fainted again. If others knew who the Great Sage was going to take care of, she was afraid that her eyes would fall off. What was even more shocking was that Wu Mei did not want to agree.

But then the words of the great sage made Hailan almost fainted on the ground. When the great sage heard Wu Mei say this, he said: "Well, I just want to go out for a walk, so I will go to your Free City for a while. time."

Now Cook was dumbfounded. He did not expect that the Great Sage would follow him. Outsiders could not know what the Great Sage thought in his heart. Hailan's mind was like a paste, even though Hailan was already a holy domain. At the pinnacle, but the more you reach this level, the better Hailan knows where the gap lies. The great sage who is known as one of the closest gods in the sanctuary can destroy himself by raising his hand. Hailan can’t figure it out. Wu Mei and Cook are not people with a high level of cultivation. Although talent is one of the conditions to be looked at, it is not so important to the great sage. Through the ages, many excellent talents have fallen, luck Perseverance is the most important thing.

When Hailan woke up again and had reached the Beast King City, Hailan rubbed the stiff muscles on his face vigorously, but at this moment, Hailan heard an extremely arrogant voice.

"Oh, yo, yo, where is the little beauty of the fox clan from? Uncle, I come to Beast King City every day, why didn't I see it." A tiger screamed, Hailan's eyes widened. , Because this tiger man actually said to Wu Mei.

Hailan knew he was going to suffer, and as expected, as soon as the tiger man spoke, Cook jumped up: "What are you, let me go, and don't look at your virtues."

Cook himself was used by the great sage in front of coolie, and felt a little uncomfortable, and then he was led by the nose. Of course, if the great sage was not behind him, Cook might let Hailan come. It's handled, but if there is a great sage, Cook will of course jump out. Cook doesn't want such an old monster to follow Wu Mei. What Cook likes is Wu Mei's simplicity.

The tiger man on the opposite side is the prince of the tiger clan. Of course, there are at least a dozen or twenty princes of the tiger clan. This prince is the smallest and the most loved by the tiger king. The prince is not mindless, but the little prince clearly knows that those people can provoke and those people cannot provoke, such as the ligers, tigers and leopard tribes, and rare races like butterfly people, don’t provoke them. As for the fox Clan, although the strength is also very strong, but it depends on what status, as for bunny people, cat people and the like, it doesn't need to be too scary.

The little prince’s eyes brightened when he saw Wu Mei just now, but no matter whether it was the Great Sage, Cook, or the two Frost Titans, the little prince and his followers didn’t know him. Of course, Hailan might know him, but this guy is walking. Behind, and rubbing his face vigorously, it looked like he was frozen, so Hailan was classified as a low class by the little prince and his entourage. Walking behind, even riding a mount would be frozen, not low. What is waiting for someone, so Hailan was ignored.

When Cook’s answer came out, Hailan was even ignored. The little prince saw that a human dared to jump out and scold himself. The human being in the orc territory actually dared to bully the orcs. The little prince jumped up immediately: "Come on. Man, take this human to me. I suspect that this guy is a spy of humans, and the people next to him must be accomplices of spies."

Cook did not expect that the little prince would react so quickly, and a big hat was suppressed. Hailan and the great sage both looked at Cook with interest to see how Cook reacted, but the next scene made Both the Great Sage and Hailan were stunned. When Cook saw the person across from the little prince rushing over, he shrank directly behind the Great Sage without saying a word. Not counting, he dragged Wu Mei over together. , The two Frost Titan guards are also clever generations, and when they look at Cook like this, they also make a look of fear, and follow Cook in embarrassment.

Hailan was dumbfounded, the great sage laughed, and the little prince on the opposite side shouted excitedly: "Hurry up, grab it, I'm going to interrogate the fox clan's accomplice, and this old guy will also grab me. Get up, keep getting up, and actually be in a mess with humans.

Cook opened his mouth wide when he heard this. The great sage obviously didn't expect the little prince of the tiger man to say that. His face suddenly became gloomy. Hailan froze for a moment, and immediately reacted, and the cold sweat immediately shed. No, Hailan glared at Cook, and Cook shrugged and made an innocent look.

"Stop it." It's impossible for Hailan to watch a joke like Cook. This is a great insult to the great sage or to Hailan himself.

"Pop." But as soon as Hailan finished shouting, he was hit by something. It turned out that the little prince ate half of the fruit.

"Boom." Hailan was so angry, Cook opened his mouth even more, with an unbelievable look. Hailan waved his hand, and a majestic momentum directly sent the little prince to his entourage. .

Hailan didn't sincerely hurt the little prince, but just let the little prince know that he was someone he couldn't afford. However, Hailan still underestimated the little prince. After the little prince was shot and flew out, he immediately got up. Yelled: "Enemy attack, enemy attack, there are human spies."

Cook watched the little prince roaring loudly from hundreds of meters away, and shook his head. This tiger clan is really strange. When the little prince roared, the surrounding entourage also roared loudly. The entire flight base was messed up, with a bunch of guards. He rushed up, and the heavy bell rang.

Hearing the bell, Hailan cursed with a grimace: "These damned guys."

The sound of the bell, in the orc territory, represents a major event. Hailan doesn’t have to think about it and knows that someone must have beaten the little prince’s flattery to ring the bell. Hailan can imagine that the little prince’s received it, needless to say, but As for your own, you, a titled mage, were actually dragged into the water by an uninfluenced little prince, and you were embarrassed together. Hailan could imagine that someone would laugh at him by then.

"Boom, boom, boom." There was a deafening voice, and then hundreds of majestic knights appeared. These were all beast spirit knights, all the elite of the elite.

"You are good here. This is just one thing. I broke it." The little prince saw that the beast spirit knight was coming so soon, and immediately jumped up and pointed at Cook and others.

However, as soon as these beast spirit knights saw the guy standing there with a pale face, he was not the master of the national teacher, the captain of the beast soul warrior quickly came down and saluted: "Master of the national teacher."

"Grab these **** for me." Hailan replied with a gloomy expression.

"The national teacher, what a **** national teacher, this is the national teacher and the spy of human beings." The little prince of the tiger clan heard the beast spirit knight captain say this, and then looked at Hailan to show his identity. Not only did he not wake up, he insisted instead. , The little prince thinks very simply. Anyway, you Hailan is a human being. I just want to insist on being a spy. Even if it is dealt with after the fact, there is still some room for change. This is related to the little prince’s hearing of his elders’ opinions on Hailan. .

Hailan was taken aback for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "You are looking for death by yourself, don't drag your family to die together."

"National teacher, **** national teacher, I don't understand, we orcs don't have smart people anymore, we need a human to be our national teacher, not to mention others, even I feel embarrassed, humiliated, dignified The orcs family, there is no person who is the national teacher, so they need a human to be the national teacher." The little prince even raised the banner of national justice. I have to say that this kind of thinking is still very common among orcs.

Cook opened his mouth. Cook himself only wanted to vent his anger, but he knew that it was actually a high-level struggle for the orcs. Cook originally thought that the great sage was going to come forward, but the great sage was like a okay person, Cook. Originally worried, but seeing the great sage like this, he immediately relaxed. He is not an orc, and worry is unnecessary.

"Well said, Hailan, you are bullying our orcs clan no one, you actually bullied the small with the big." A voice came from a distance, and then a majestic tiger flew over in the air.

"Flying beast soul." When Cook saw the appearance of this tiger, he was shocked in his heart. There are many types of beast souls. Flying beast souls allow the beast soul fighters to have the ability to fly when they are used.

"Tiger King, you mean we are all spies." Hai Lan took a deep breath and asked solemnly.

When Cook heard this, he opened his mouth wide. This Hailan will also dig holes for people. Cook looks forward to Tiger King’s answer. Tiger King smiled and said, “Is it a spy that needs us to investigate? I know, but Hailan, you are suspicious."

"It's ridiculous, even if it's an investigation, just relying on that bastard's sloppy look over there, should he investigate? Is there no one in this orc clan, and get an innocent investigative spy." Cook decided to push the tiger king. Dig the pit deeper.

"Who are you and how did you enter here? A human came in easily. What kind of place is this? Come, give me this group of people. Get me arrested. I think these people are spies." Tiger The king was sneered by Cook, his face was livid, and he was already thinking about how to clean up this sharp-toothed human.

"Tiger King, you can't help but be too wide, this Beast King City..." At this time, a lazy voice rang, and then an orc flew over. Unlike the Tiger King, this person It depends on power.

The Beastmaster wanted to watch the excitement, but when the Tiger King actually accused him of the Beast King City, the Beast King had to come out, but only halfway through the words, the Beast King was dumbfounded and rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Quickly landed on the ground and ran to the great sage.

"Old Ancestor." The Beast King crouched on the ground and shouted three words.

Old ancestor, these three words are no less than a bolt from the blue. Who can be called the ancestor of the entire orc empire by the beast king?

That was the great sage. The people around were dumbfounded. The tiger king lost control of the beast soul and fell directly to the ground. The great sage didn’t even look at the tiger king, and said coldly, “I see you. The Beast King City should also be rectified, and all the cats and dogs ran over, embarrassed in front of the guests in vain, I just went out and walked, what should you do."

After talking about the great sage, he took Wumei’s hand and left. Cook followed closely along with Cook’s two followers. Hailan shrugged to the Beastmaster with a wry smile. The Beastmaster was dumbfounded. The Great Sage actually said yes. Guests, and the great sage, where is this going.

"Quickly, send someone to follow the ancestor." The Beast King immediately ordered loudly.

The scene was full of turmoil. The Tiger King group was completely ignored, but the more they were ignored, the more serious the consequences would be. After an hour, the guards of the original flight field were all captured by the God of War Temple. These guards never appeared again. The one who ringed the bell even disappeared. He jokingly dared to aim his weapon at the great sage. As for the Tiger King and his son, some people fell into the stone, and were finally caught by the God of War Temple. After being arrested, there was a big shock to the tiger people, and the people outside had no idea.

"Good wine, good wine, Cook, you are much better here than mine." There is a Munk opposite Cook. Yes, it is a monkey. The Munk is similar to humans, but there are fluff on the face and one more. Tail, specifically refer to Monkey King in Journey to the West.

But this Beastmaster is much stronger, and the Beastmaster is also the strongest in the sanctuary. The reason why the Beastmaster can sit on the throne of the Beastmaster is because the Beastmaster is smart and the monkey is clever.

"Your Majesty the Beastmaster, you have been out for so long this time and don't go back to deal with official duties." Cook was depressed. This Beastmaster has been with him for several days, and this drinking is a match for Jin Guangyan.

Hailan went to Stormwind City, when Hailan heard Cook said that the flame crocodile underneath was going to condense the godhead, and immediately got his spirits. You must know that the godhead can be robbed, and the best time to **** is the moment it just condenses, so In the Sanctuary, the Condensation Godhead is the most secretive. Although Hailan is half-believing, no one wants to miss this kind of thing as long as there is a 1% chance. Even if the Condensation Godhead fails, this flame crocodile dragon’s The value is also great, and those who can condense the Godhead are all powerful. If the condensation fails, then if you want to kill, it is the best within a short period of time after the failure. And once the magic core of the Godhead is condensed, but there is The opportunity to get good things about the law fragments. What is the law fragments? That is the key thing for promotion. If a fire magician integrates this law fragments, he can be directly promoted to the current level of Dao Flame Crocodile Dragon. There will be nothing. bottleneck.

To put it more popularly, it means that those with fragmented laws are just like reading books, as long as you understand them, and those without fragments of laws must be studied and experimented continuously, and finally a conclusion is reached, and the direction of research and experiment is slightly wrong. Have to start over, the difference between the two is so big.

"Cut, what can I do?" Beastmaster replied dismissively.

Cook didn’t expect this Beastmaster to learn the word cut so quickly. The Beastmaster then said sullenly, “Although I said that I am the Beastmaster, I manage to slap a large area in Beastmaster City. There are kings of different races, even My Munke tribe still has a patriarch and a presbytery."

"Haha." Cook didn't want to talk about high-level orcs.

The Beastmaster didn’t say it on the surface, but he was still very curious about Cook. You must know that the great sage didn’t walk around easily, once in hundreds of years, but he didn’t expect that this time he would come to a newly established city of human beings. People know, but don't know what they will think, so the Beastmaster also followed in the name of protection.

But the Beastmaster didn’t understand. What’s good about Cook. Of course, Wumei’s talent Beastmaster is still shocked. The negative aura can be added to the 9th layer. This is already against the sky, and the aura of the meeting is even more powerful. Dozens of them, even if the gap between the Beastmaster and Wumei is too big, they are not good when they are superimposed by the nine negative auras.

There is also the space magician Lina, which is considered a treasure. As for the magic pattern master in West Asia, it is even a treasure. The more you look at it, the less the Beastmaster understands how good women are pulled by this human kid. It's on the plate.

Of course, the Beastmaster also wants to have a relationship with Kukhara. Although I don’t know why the great sage did this, it does not prevent the Beastmaster from winning over Cook, but the Beastmaster can’t talk about Cooke. I’m optimistic about you. Let’s be friends, and the Beastmaster too Dignified is not.

"Cook." At this moment, Hailan entered the door, followed by Trust, and there was a person behind Trust.

"Cook, this is my friend, Kalay, the owner of the island of Iceland, just came to me." Trust said.

"Welcome you, my friend." Cook quickly got up and poured his wine.

"Haha, I think of Cook's good wine here when I go back." Trust is not welcome.

Cook introduced: "My name is Cook~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is His Royal Highness the Beastmaster."

Kalai gave people a cold breath, which seemed to be something else. The introduction to Cook was just a nod. As for the Beastmaster, Kalai didn't even glance at Cook.

"Cook, what you said is true." After a sip of wine, Trust asked mysteriously.

"No problem, I can promise." Cook looked at ease.

The Beastmaster became depressed, and said angrily: "What are you talking about."

Hailan has a good relationship with the Beastmaster, but for such a big thing, you still need to look at Cook first, and when he sees Cook nodding slightly, Hailan whispered to the Beastmaster.

The Beastmaster glanced at Cook: "You boy, you are lucky."

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