A Unique Hunter

Chapter 902: Big wedding

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When Cook heard this, he smiled and asked: "It's about the Dwarf King."

Hai Lan shook his head and said, "The Gnomish King is one thing. On Wu Mei's side, I don't know that Wu Mei was taught by the great sage. Some people clamored for you to look good."

When Cook heard this, he said, "It seems that the orcs are not allowed to marry humans."

"No, but Wumei's identity is too special. The Great Sage is the richest of our entire orcs. Regardless of other things, this large amount of wealth makes people jealous, but the Great Sage and the Great Sage’s family There is some disharmony, so who will the wealth of the great sage be left to? For so many years, many people have been staring at the wealth of the great sage, and the only thing that can be taught is ebony." Hailan explained in a low voice.

"I'm dizzy." Cook didn't expect that there would be such an innocent disaster.

Cook spread his hands and said, "Then what are they going to do."

"Of course it's sending someone to trouble you. I thought it was just a few people, but now there are at least tens of thousands of people on the way to the city." Hailan said with a wry smile.

"Ten thousand people, so many." Cook was also taken aback by this number.

"Of course there won't be so many, most of them are followers or something, but there are hundreds of people specifically, these are the outstanding young generation of the orcs, and a few old guys. Those who are qualified to pursue Wumei, I think you have to face the challenges of these guys." Hailan looked at Ryan and smiled.

Cook has a headache. Needless to say, these hundreds of people represent most of the power of the entire orc empire. No one will be idiotic to stop them. It is foreseeable that these hundreds of people will be able to get here easily. These guys take a ride.

After Hailan finished speaking, he handed Cook a memory crystal and said, "Cook, this is part of the information I have collected. That's all I can help you. I was challenged at the beginning. I will tell you A bottom line, it’s best to make a heavy hand, but don’t hurt your life."

Cook glanced at Hailan, and he felt a sense of sympathy, and Hailan's two fox wives were twins. One could imagine how many orcs would be envied and hated, and how many challenges there would be.

After Cook left Hailan, he has been wondering whether a wedding is going to be held. After all, he also has offspring. Sia is pregnant, and Lina is also very anxious recently, as well as Wumei’s. thing.

Cook sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that there would be so many women of his own. Sia and Lina were a coincidence. Unexpectedly, the relationship between the two of them and himself progressed the fastest. Ni is very wise, Mickey’s infatuation, Lori is mostly a combination of interests, but Cook’s status today is not to say that Lori can do whatever she wants, Lori is mostly dependent, and Wumei She was incomparably innocent and regarded herself as the only relative, but then Cook had a headache again, because there was also Sina, a Sina of the Frost Titans, who had been mutated due to the marriage of close relatives, and Murphy, although Mo Fei didn't say it clearly, but Cook is no longer a rookie and can feel the way Murphy looks at her every time.

"It's a headache, but it won't work if you don't give the name as soon as possible, or the child will be laughed at when the child is born, then prepare for a grand wedding." Cook said with determination.

Cook turned back to find Hailan, because these things could not be left to Connie and others to take care of. Hailan was taken aback when he heard Cook said that he was going to get married, and then laughed and said, "Okay, when the time comes. As long as you and Wu Mei are married and there is a great sage as the witness, then no one else can say anything in the future."

Hailan also said: "In addition, I will find someone who is the emcee of ceremonies or something. If someone objects to it, I have to weigh it."

"Well, this matter is left to you, I'll tell them the good news, but what kind of etiquette is needed." Cook asked humbly.

"You don't care about this, I'll arrange it." Hailan promised immediately.

After Cook left Hailan again, he first found Murphy. Cook saw Murphy a little embarrassed and said to Murphy: "Sister Murphy, I have something to do with you."

"In no hurry, just wait a while." Murphy replied without raising his head, obviously very busy.

"It's a bit anxious." Cook saw other people around. These were business partners. There were already a dozen people in the line. Obviously Murphy was extremely busy.

Murphy handed over the work in his hand, and then followed Cook to Cook’s room. Before Cook could ask, Murphy asked eagerly: "Cook, if you have anything to say, just tell me. There are so many things."

"Murphy, I'm getting married." Cook said, seeing Murphy doing this for himself, Cook was even more embarrassed.

"Ah..." Murphy's face was a bit pale, and his body tended to be unstable. Murphy did not expect such an answer.

Murphy calmed down and asked palely, "Then what I need to do."

When Cook saw Murphy like this, he remembered that when he was at the Magic Academy, Murphy taught him hunter skills. At that time, the two got along very well. It was precisely because they met Murphy and met Murphy’s father, Ku Ke will have a lot of wealth on the plane.

Kukla took Murphy’s hand, Murphy’s hand was a bit cold, and he had been doing business for a long time. He had no calluses when he first met Murphy. Cook said to Murphy: "Sister Murphy, I want you Would you like to be my bride."


When Cook saw Murphy weeping with joy, tears flowed out. Cook gently wiped Murphy's tears away, then kissed Murphy, Murphy responded shyly.

After a while, Cook said to Murphy: "Sister Murphy, it's time to go back and take our family, at least in Thor Fortress."

"Yeah." Murphy was dizzy now, as if drunk. The happiness came so suddenly that it almost caught Murphy by surprise. Although Murphy had some extravagant hopes in his heart, he never thought it would really come.

"Well, prepare to hand over things in the near future, and be my bride at ease." Cook said softly.

Murphy nodded, and then left Cook reluctantly. Cook was also very pleased. Cook thought of Sina, and it was another headache. But Cook didn’t want to find Sina directly, instead he looked for Sina. Come.

"Sinta, I agree to marry Sina. What do you think you want to prepare." Then it was done. Sina was also very pleased for her sister. At the same time, the stone hanging in her heart was also put down, because the strength composition around Cook was more As it became more complicated, Sinta was really worried about Cook's thoughts about his tribe. Now that there is such a relationship, it is extremely stable.

Lina, Sia, Manli, and Connie were all pleasantly surprised. Unexpectedly, Cook was going to marry him. Cook asked everyone to take their families to the sanctuary. Connie and Manli had family members. Obviously knowing that this is the sanctuary, but Cook did not speak, the two women would not mention it. On the one hand, Cook himself is strong enough now, and the two are a little worried.

"Great Sage, I want to marry Wu Mei." Cook came to the Great Sage and said directly to the Great Sage.

"I have no opinion on this point, but I will not interfere with the tradition of the orcs. I can see that you are very good to Wumei." The Great Sage was also shocked at Cook, because almost all the magic items on Wumei were magic patterns. Equipment, there are even two pieces of advanced magic pattern equipment, and there is nothing to say about Wu Mei's attitude.

Cook breathed a sigh of relief, the great sage made Cook unable to see clearly, and Cook also knew that the tradition of the orcs that the great sage said was a challenge.

"I want to ask the Great Sage to be my witness to Wu Mei." Cook asked again.

"I don't have that qualification, but I will be Wu Mei's parent. Even if those guys win, as long as Wu Mei is unwilling, my parent will come forward." The Great Sage shook his head and said.

But this news made Cook even more happy, which means that the challenge is not important to Cook, because he will never leave himself.

Immediately afterwards, Cook returned to the territory of Jin Guangyan and told Lori and Mickey the news here. Mickey was still so shy, and Lori was a little confused. Lori hadn't spoken yet, Ku Ke said directly: "Lori, if your family is willing to come to the sanctuary, take it."

"Cook, thank you." Lori knew that Cook's words almost brought her family up to a great level. I have to say that the noble children still value the family very much.

When Cook saw Lori doing this, he knew that she was brainwashed by receiving aristocratic education from a young age, and Lori herself lacked assertiveness. This lack is not about the status of a person, but the way of doing things and the attitude of facing problems.

But Cook can imagine that Loli's family is definitely not willing to come to the Sanctuary, because the Sanctuary is too dangerous, and Loli's family has extended its tentacles to the plane alliance, and it is easy to imagine the development there.

Of course, what Cook did not expect was that the Lori family moved in as a whole, because Lori's grandfather thought that following Cook would not suffer.

Cook was busy for a while, and finally notified the people who should be notified. There are great sages, Wumei, and Hailan in Liberty City. It is difficult for West Asia to be pregnant and cross the portal. Lina Manli follows Cook back. Up.

In the evening, Manli found Cook and said to Cook, "Cook, I want to surprise you."

"What a surprise." Cook looked at Manli, who was wearing revealing clothes, but it didn't matter, because it was in the bedroom.

"Hehe, I have prepared this gift for you for several years." Manli stroked Cook's chest and whispered in Cook's ear. Cook was aroused by Manli's actions, although every day I have to be squeezed at night, but Cook has taken the potion of the dragon's power. This is the most comfortable day for Cook.

"Mona, come in." Manli saw that Cook was about to act, so she jumped away and shouted.

The door was pushed open, and a woman in a maid costume came in. This woman was also in her twenties, but the maid costume was almost transparent. Cook was surprised. Manli saw her most closely. Now this What's the matter, it's not that there is no maid to seduce Cook, but Cook is usually the rabbit who does not eat the grass at the nest. Of course, occasionally, when there is no woman around, Cook will be seduce successfully.

"Mengna, jump up." Manli ordered.

A fragrant dance unfolded in front of Cook, and Cook didn't know how to put Manli's personal maid to sleep. The next morning, Cook looked at Manli and Mona in his arms.

"You, be careful about so much." Cook thought that Manli was fighting for favor, so he let the maid come with him, and slapped Manli on the hip.

"Cook, what are you thinking about carefully, you don't remember Mona." Manli asked in a loud voice.

"What do you remember? Isn't this your maid?" Cook looked at Mona in surprise, and then at Manli.

"Mengna is the saint of the Temple of the Goddess of the Dark Night. Wasn’t you captured by you in the Baron’s Realm? I was about to come over at the time. This Monna used to be very proud of the Temple of the Goddess of the Dark Night. By my man's side." Manli explained in a low voice.

That said, Cook remembered. At that time, Cook had a lot of things and thought that Manli had dealt with it. He did not expect that Manli would report to the restored saint like this. Thinking of Mona's identity, Cook was shamelessly hardened, and then told Manli. Li said fiercely: "Just your mind is too much, the family law takes care of you."

Manli was very satisfied with what Cook looked like. Manli had been worried about being discarded by Cook over the years, so she tried to prevent Cook from leaving herself. She was also forced to be bold in some aspects. Of course, in the end It was also voluntary, and when she heard that Cook would marry herself, Manli took out her assassin.

Of course, when Manli pushed Mona onto Cook's bed, she was also worried about the revenge of the Temple of the Goddess of the Dark Night. After all, the Temple of the Goddess of the Dark Night was not small in the sanctuary. Of course, revenge on the superior saint also gave Manli an inexplicable pleasure.

After exercising again, Cook was refreshed. Mena and Manli fell asleep. Mena Cook didn’t plan to be named. After all, Manli had already said that he was a maid. Of course, Cook was also very much. I miss this feeling. I am afraid I don't think about this kind of thing with other women. Mickey still has to turn off the light and sleep.

More and more people came to the Wolffang Fortress, and the people below were also preparing. What Cook didn't expect was that some people would be very entangled when they got married. Among them, the most entangled was La Milan.

La Milano is Xiao Lei’s mother. The thunder dragon is a very sturdy woman. La Milan is holding Xiao Lei, and she is full of entanglements. Cook treats Xiao Lei very well, and gives a lot of money every month. There are many things, Cook also likes Xiao Lei, Xiao Lei is also very dependent on Cook.

La Milan never thought that he would have so much wealth, and would have such a beautiful scenery, now La Milano wherever he walks, they are hugged from front to back, this kind of feeling La Milan did not think about it, before living in caves , The guy with the most wealth among the dragons is just putting gold coins under him, but there are still bare rocks around him.

La Milan looked at the magnificent palace-like room, the huge magic crystal lamp illuminates the whole room extremely transparently, various exquisite appliances, and artistic decorations.

La Milan couldn't help but slander: "I'm afraid some dragons don't know what works of art are for a lifetime."

La Milan’s life has always been very comfortable, but Cook’s marriage is not good news for La Milan, because after having a mistress, La Milan feels a little different, and what La Milan is struggling with is how to keep the current situation.

"Xiao Lei, Xiao Lei." Lily is now a girl. Lily's favorite is Xiao Lei. Xiao Lei is now three years old, but the dragon itself grows slowly.

"Lily, come sit down." La Milan knew that Cook loved this sister most, and greeted him quickly.

"Sister La Milan." Lily is very polite. Although Lily knows that La Milan is a dragon, she has no fear of getting along for a long time.

Lily took out a necklace made of shining gems from her pocket and put it on Xiao Lei: "Xiao Lei, look good."

"Oh, this seems to be a necklace made by a master dwarf cutter. Look at the original color on it and the polished craftsmanship." La Milan is no white now. The same gemstone, the same necklace, made by different people. The value can be hundreds of times different.

"I don't know. Anyway, I bought a lot of these things at home. My mom and my dad are so happy. My brother has married me so many sister-in-laws. Sister Xiah is even pregnant. These are all gifts for the sister-in-laws. "Lily hugged Xiao Lei, took out snacks for Xiao Lei from her space ring, and said while eating with Xiao Lei.

"Well, there won't be many such things, right." La Milan looked at the necklace in his hand.

Lily laughed secretly. In fact, Lily came this time and was commissioned by her mother~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In the eyes of Mrs. Cook, La Milan is a very good man. Just look at Xiao Lei. , And La Milano likes these works of art the most, Lily explained to her mother that La Milan is a dragon, who knows that Cook's mother is even more happy, and the offspring of the dragon blood are better.

Lily said indifferently: "This necklace is said to be made by a great master. Anyway, my brother said, every sister is a gift from a spacecraft. In addition, it is said that there are shares in all the business. It seems that sister Lina has 3%."

"A spaceship." Ramlan was shocked.

"Not only this, there are a lot of artworks, and a set of magic pattern equipment for each sister." Lily continued.

"Lily, please take care of Xiao Lei for me. I'll go out for a while." La Milan couldn't sit still, and La Milan didn't see Lily snickering at all.

When La Milan left, Lily said to Xiao Lei: "Xiao Lei, call auntie."

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