A Unique Hunter

Chapter 903: Forced marriage

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Cook is also busy now, there are too many miscellaneous things, the dwarf clan is ready to move, the dwarf clan is also watching, but the major human forces are closer to Liberty City.

There are also a lot of things for the Pan-Continent Machinery Union Chamber of Commerce. Of course, the most important thing is to prepare for the wedding. This matter still needs to be discussed with Old Hill.

Old Hill didn’t want to come to the sanctuary, but after seeing the stability here, Cook took all the family over, and even Mickey’s parents and younger brother took over, all living in Langya fortress.

Now Wolffang Fortress is almost a super city, with a total population of more than 500,000. There are various races, such as humans, elves, dwarves, gnomes, ogres, and mountain giants.

And the city built by the flower elves not far from the Wolffang Fortress has expanded once again, and the population of the flower elves has exceeded one million. The territory of Jin Guangzhen continues to develop. This can be regarded as the rear of Cook, of course. The league is even more rearward.

Cook's mother, Mrs. Hilton, looked at Cook with a smile on her face. Mrs. Hilton did not expect that she would be able to live the good life now. Thinking of the way she was ten years ago, Mrs. Hilton almost felt almost dreaming. Erzhe kept laughing, because Cook had just said the bride he was going to marry.

"Cook, I’m a father who is proud of you. Our Hilton family actually has today, but I still have to put it first. The man in the Hilton family must have a masculine spirit, a man’s responsibility, and my daughter-in-law. Many, I hope you don't treat any of them badly." Old Hill said with a red face.

Cook was also in a daze. What his father was like ten years ago. He was tortured by illness all day and his hair turned white. Now he is young and he speaks with a gentlemanly manner.

"Father, I will treat them well." Cook solemnly promised.

Mrs. Hilton looked at Cook with a smile and asked, "Son, I heard that West Asia is pregnant. This is true."

"Really, mother, but now West Asia is in Liberty City, it is not good to sit in the teleportation formation at this time." Cook explained.

"That's good, that's good, Cook, it's not that I said you, you should give birth to a few more, look at you women, there has been no news for so many years, I thought it was a problem with your body. "Mrs. Hilton nodded and said.

Without waiting for Cook's answer, Mrs. Hilton said again: "At first I looked at West Asia like a child."

"Mother, it's not like that, it's because I'm not busy with having children. Having children will damage Sia and Lina's body, so I can't bear them until they are stable." Cook explained quickly.

When Old Hill saw Cook explain this, he said something unexpectedly: "Cook, we parents should be worried about your marriage, but now you have the ability, we don’t worry about it, but I want to ask, what are you going to do with La Milan."

"La Milan, what does it matter to her." Cook asked in surprise.

"Son, look at Xiao Lei's health, or you will have a baby with La Milan." Mrs. Hilton suggested.

"Mother, you are a joke, the dragon was born after a few hundred years of pregnancy." Cook quickly came down with cold sweat.

Old Hill asked dissatisfiedly: "Cook, since you don't want to, then you give La Milan money back and feed them. I thought you had any thoughts about La Milan."

"Khan..." Cook was sweating violently. He didn't expect that he was such a person in the eyes of his parents.

"You don't have any ideas, right." Cook had a bad feeling.

"Just ask your sister to match up with you. We always thought you had something to do with La Milan." Old Hill said awkwardly.

Cook was almost crying. Cook did not expect that he would cause such a misunderstanding to his parents. When Cook saw the two old people behave like this, he smiled and said: "That's nothing, and Ramlane definitely disagrees. "

"Who said I disagree, Cook." Just after Cook finished speaking, Ramlan entered.

Cook was stunned. Without waiting for Cook to speak, La Milan said: "It's fine if you stole Xiao Lei. It's because you love Xiao Lei so much, and even if I'm looking for one, It may not be so good to Xiao Lei."

"La Milan, you can safely leave this Xiaolei to me. I must treat it like a daughter." Cook said this is very obvious, that is, you can go if you want to find a partner, I won't stop.

"Then it's settled, the dowry can't be less than me, and I want to marry you, how come the dragons will come..." La Milan pretended not to hear what Cook said, because La Milan was early Just calculate how much finance you will get when you combine with Cook.

As for the assets in Cook’s name, La Milan can no longer be counted. Even if it is 1%, La Milan is willing. La Milan will take a look at the artwork hanging in Cook’s parents’ home. This is the real master of the elves. works.

Cook opened his mouth wide, and stammered: "La Milan, we, are we inappropriate?"

"Appropriate, how inappropriate." Ramlan replied with a smile.

At this moment, when Cook heard the report from Xinta, the queen of the flower elves came to see him, and Cook ran away quickly. Cook now wants to get La Milan with his toes because he is interested in his own money, Cook I have a headache, what is this all about?

Seeing the Queen of Flower Fairy, Cook felt bitter. The Fairy of Flower came to inquire. The Queen of Flower Fairy pointed to the invitation card in her hand and asked, "Cook, why doesn't the bride above have Windsor."

"Windsor, Your Majesty, Windsor is still a little girl." Cook was sweating, and the Queen of Flower Fairy would really think.

"Cook, let alone anything else, it is that Windsor is a human being with you, so who else can Windsor marry in the future?" The Flower Elf Queen asked again.

"No, no, Your Majesty, I just took in Windsor at the time. If you don't believe me, ask Windsor, we are innocent." Cook almost fainted, Windsor was irritable, and just a little older, he couldn't be that bad.

Cook quickly called Windsor out. When Windsor came out, Cook was dumbfounded. Windsor is now as tall as the average person. The Queen of Flower Elf gave Cook a deep look, then left a word and left: "Ku You can figure it out."

Windsor didn't know what was going on, so he hurriedly chased it out. After returning to the flower elf kingdom, Windsor asked: "Mother, what did you say just now."

"It's not that Cook is getting married. The bride doesn't have your name on it." The Flower Fairy Queen said angrily.

"What, don't worry, I'm not rare." Windsor jumped up and said after listening.

The Queen of Flower Elves looked at Windsor and said: "Then whoever said Cook's good things in front of me cannot do without the topic of Cook every time."

"Mother..." Windsor quit.

"Windsor, since you have a heart for Cook, I also want to fulfill you, not only for you, but also for our flower elves." The flower elves said with a sigh.

"For the flower spirit, mother, what do you mean?" Windsor asked suspiciously.

The Queen of Flower Elves replied: "Windsor, our Flower Elf Kingdom has today because of Cook, and I can sit in the position of Queen because of Cook. Now our entire Flower Elves cannot do without Cook, Ku The Chamber of Commerce under the name of Ke brought us a rich life for the flower elves, but around Cook, there are not only our flower elves, but also dwarves, ogres, trolls, and even warcraft, gnomes, orcs, and giants. Wait for the race, and if you look at Cook’s bride, Sinna is a Titan and Wumei is an orc. If we don’t have a further relationship with Cook, then our flower elves are very dangerous. If you become Cook’s Wife, then the status of our flower elves will be guaranteed. At least we will not be unfairly treated, and we don’t know who is spreading rumors in our kingdom, saying that you have a relationship with Cook. How unpleasant it is."

"What." Windsor stood up as soon as he heard it.

"I also know that my position as a queen makes many people jealous, but Windsor, I know you like Cook in your heart, otherwise you won't always mention Cook. If you don't like it, I will fight not to be a queen. I won’t let you marry Cook.” The Elf Queen felt a little guilty after she said it, because the Elf Queen found that she had too much power. The Elf Queen even made up her mind. If Windsor didn’t want to, then she would Go to Cook in person.

"Mother, Cook is actually very nice to me." Windsor replied shyly.

"That's good, that's good." The flower elf queen breathed a sigh of relief.

There were two more people on Cook's bride list. La Milan didn't know how to coax Cook's mother very happy, and the Elf Queen made peace to Old Hill as Princess Windsor.

When Old Hill heard of Princess Flower Elf, she didn’t even dare to think of her identity before, so Old Hill agreed. Cook found that things were getting worse, and what worries Cook the most is the dwarf. , Dwarfs, and orcs have all sent beautiful girls to their homes to be maids. Forget about dwarves, Xiaojiabiyu, but dwarfs, cough cough, Cook is a bit insensitive.

Moreover, it is said that Windsor's personal maid is two twin flower elf girls, and they are also very beautiful. Cook knows who he is in the eyes of the people around him, but it happens that the beautiful maid keeps seduce Cook.

It's like now, the maid in front of Cook bent her waist down, her big neckline exposed her entire breast under Cook's eyelids, and Murphy next to him looked at Cook with a smile.

"Cough cough, okay, you can go down first." Cook came to Murphy, just to let Murphy hand over the work, and then take the family.

"Cook, you don't have to be embarrassed, you are now the perfect man in many girls' hearts." Murphy said to Cook when he saw Cook's embarrassment.

Cook smiled bitterly and said: "Sister Murphy, I came to you to let you take Uncle Gerry. From now on we will focus on the sanctuary, but the plane will not give up for the time being, so I I want to invite Uncle Gerry to preside over the business here."

"Then what about me." Murphy did not expect that Cook would give such an important matter to his father. Although he was happy, he still asked about his future arrangements.

"Your task is to give me a son or a daughter first." Cook put his arms around Murphy, then said with a smile.

"Yeah." Murphy hummed softly, and then hugged Cook tightly.

Cook did not expect that Murphy, who looked like a strong woman, had such a meek side, and the two were so close together.

Cook’s wedding caused a great sensation in the entire Sanctuary, not because of anything else, but because of the long list of brides at the wedding. Needless to say, the entire Sanctuary knows that humans not only have a few ladies, but also Many lovers.

The key is the identity of these brides. Human brides are not surprising. Humei, the bride of the orc family of the fox family, has married a lot of humans, but there are fox women with a parent like the Great Sage, which is probably the first in the entire sanctuary. Not to mention the great sages, even the priests of the fox tribe, humans rarely marry.

The second surprise was the frost giant Sina. People who didn't know were still wondering what a human and Titan would look like when they entered the cave.

The third is La Milan, Madam Dragon, the people of Sanctuary can only pray that this guy named Cook has enough physical strength, otherwise a giant woman will squeeze everything out for you.

The fourth one is to count the flower elves. This is only a small group of people who know the flower elves, especially the flower elves and the identity of a princess. This is even more surprising to Cook's background.

The Chamber of Commerce under Cook's name took advantage of Cook's wedding promotion and made a lot of money.

Even the Pan-Continent Machinery Union Chamber of Commerce launched a buy-one-get-one celebration, of course, it was a gift for buying an airplane.

Hailan is even more busy. The first is the date, which is set on the first Monday three months later. This is already the maximum limit. The second is the venue. I don’t know how many people will come. Therefore, the venue must be large enough, as well as people’s accommodation, safety, and so on.

There is also the issuance of invitations and everything. Trust heard that Cook was about to get married and ran back to help. This time Trust also brought his two wives and two sons. The eldest son replaced his father in Stormwind. management.

The dwarf king sat with the dwarf king. The dwarf king had a gloomy face, but the dwarf king didn't care at all and took a sip of wine: "It's better to drink Liberty City."

"Dwarf King, how are you thinking about my suggestion?" The Dwarf King asked with annoyance when he heard the words Liberty City.

"You can be sure that what you have heard is true." The dwarf king asked with a smile.

"Of course, I have already obtained important information. Three months is enough. Then I will personally destroy the so-called Liberty City." The dwarf king said.

"Well, I can only guarantee that other people will not take action. If you can't solve Cook, the agreement between us will not be established." The Dwarf King said after thinking about it.

"Yes." The Dwarf King gave the Dwarf King a deep look, and then agreed.

"Happy cooperation." Hearing this answer from the Dwarf King, the Dwarf King stretched out his hand and said.

"Happy cooperation." The dwarf king and the dwarf king said high-five.

The dwarf king asked, "So when are you going to do it."

"Of course it is the day of his wedding. I will give him a wedding that will never be forgotten." The dwarf king said with a sneer, and then left.

Hey, soon after the dwarf king left, there was a clapping sound from behind the dwarf king, and the dwarf king stood up and smiled and asked, "City Lord Cook, how about my gift."

"Very well, our Pan-Continent Machinery Union Chamber of Commerce Automobile Branch, the Steamship Branch decided to reach a trade agreement with the dwarves to purchase mechanical parts for the dwarves, and I, Cook, personally order five million weapons and equipment from your dwarves." Cook smiled. Several trading contracts were sent.

"City Lord Cook, I did not misunderstand you. You are interesting enough, unlike the stingy guy of the Dwarf King." The dwarf king's face was full of laughter, and it was too different from the irresponsible expression when talking to the Dwarf King just now. Big.

"Happy cooperation." Cook also smiled, and finally succeeded in drawing the dwarves, but think about it, what can the dwarf king do, the dwarf family's money will be emptied by Cook immediately, otherwise the dwarf will be captured I will spend the rest of my life in a mine under the name of Cook.

In comparison, Cook can give too much, just like these orders, even if it is the Dwarf King, his mouth burst with laughter. The Dwarf King knows that offending the Dwarf King is nothing, but offending Cook, If there is no order, then the people below will make trouble, and their prestige will be questioned.

The Dwarf King said disdainfully: "The Dwarf King is still at the stage of personal honor and disgrace. I can only say that he is a successful strong man, but not a successful leader."

Cook praised the dwarf king raising his glass and said, "Very insightful."

"Come on, enjoy our cooperation, and a toast." Hearing Cook's words, the dwarf king couldn't close his smile. He toasted to Cook, which was completely different from the situation where the dwarf king was watching by himself just now.

After Cook brought the dwarf king over, he was busy again when he returned to Liberty City. Leon was put on his mother’s side by Cook. The other women were rarely seen at this time, and Wu Mei was nominally On the side of the maiden, the Great Sage, although it is not very far from Cook, the Great Sage said that the custom of the orc family cannot make Cook find Wu Mei recently.

West Asia is pregnant, and it’s a baby of Cook. Although West Asia did not bring her family, more than a dozen students from West Asia also serve as their families. Lina is also busy. Even Manli’s father Cook is also the first I saw it this time, Murphy and Lori are both setting up their families, Sinna’s Frost Titan tribe has also pulled a huge ice and snow territory, Sinna is also there, and La Milan sees that other women have maiden families~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ also went to find my mother's family.

Cook received a steady stream of intelligence. With the gradual expansion of the Chamber of Commerce, the intelligence network has become larger and larger. Of course, the manpower and material resources must also be very high. Cook looked at the intelligence in his hand and according to the latest information, among the orcs The outstanding young generation, the mid-level beast soul warrior of the sanctuary, and the young and strong of the leopard generation will enter Free City in three days.

And the first wave of people who watched the excitement have arrived in Liberty City. What made Cook laughed bitterly is that most of these people came by plane. Who has seen these nobles fly a plane at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour in Sanctuary Under the **** of the powerful flying knights, the nobles who use the space ring to fill the fuel, and the human nobles are the most.

"Cook, what about Xiao Meili?" Lina appeared suddenly and asked Cook a very serious question.

Cook slapped his forehead. He remembered something that he forgot. No, it's Little Beautiful, that little angel. Cook quickly said: "I'm still worried that the Bright Holy See is doing it in there. Let Xiao Meili clean up. they."

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