A Unique Hunter

Chapter 906: Step by step as the master of Yinghua

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"Yes, it's a set. I won't talk about the specific data. This is for everyone's sake. In addition, the auction method is a secret auction," Cook said loudly.

"Secret shot." The person below asked unclearly.

Cook explained with a smile: "It means that everyone has only one chance to bid. Everyone gets a license plate when they come in. Please write down the price in your mind and write down your number of license plates. Finally, I will announce that the highest price will be obtained. The currency will be the currency of Liberty City. For the specific exchange ratio, please see the exchange ratio on the wall over there."

When Trust heard these words next to him, he was completely speechless, and said angrily to Hailan: "Cook, this guy is simply a genius in business. You can think of such an idea."

"Hey, who would say no, there is only one opportunity to bid." Hailan also sighed, but you still have no way to say, because Cook also said it, it is confidential.

The buyers below also reacted and wrote down their number plates one after another, and they looked good when they wrote the numbers. The two people who were laughing together just now guarded each other like thieves. Just this process of filling in numbers. It took ten minutes.

"Okay, let me announce that the one who obtained this set of shield warrior magic pattern equipment is guest No. 1357, and his price is 115 billion Carter." Cook announced in shock, knowing Carter is free. The currency issued by the city, one carter is equivalent to 2.5 intel, it can be said that this price is sky-high, and the purchasing power of one carter is similar to the purchasing power of a top-grade magic crystal coin. The magic crystal coin is also used in the sanctuary. The price is also different for different qualities. Cook uses high-quality magic crystal coins on the plane, which means the price of one trillion magic crystal coins.

As for the number plates, they are simply messy. After all, there are only dozens of people. If there are fewer number plates, you can count them. Cook continued with a smile: "Congratulations to this guest. Customers can choose to trade privately or live. ."

"No, I'll still inspect the goods in person." A thin old man stood up, his momentum came out all at once.

When Hailan and Trust saw this old man, they both wondered each other: "Who is this old man."

"Who knows, guess what kind of hidden family?" Trust replied helplessly.

"Yes." Cook nodded and motioned for Sinta to take out the things.

Sinta turned and walked into a room behind. Then a set of Mageweave Shield Warrior equipment was taken out. Cook said: "Shoulder, leggings, breastplate, boots, helmet, armguards, pants, shield , There are a lot of weapons, and there are also mysterious gifts."

"Very good, very good, it's really a magic pattern suit." After taking a look at the old man, he immediately said ecstatically, and then he even put it on. The magic pattern suit was instantly radiant, just like the normal state. It's not the same at all.

"Damn, it's actually true. I knew I would buy it with all my net worth."

"That's right, I thought it was that kind of low-level. Look at this, the quality is not low." The people below regretted it.

Cook saw the old man continue to go back and sit down with satisfaction, and the things the old man paid made Cook stunned. It was actually a fragment of law, and it was still a space system. This shocked Cook, and the old man said quietly. If you want to continue the auction, the rule fragments are good or bad, because you have to comprehend the contents of the rule fragments, then this is a waste. If you understand, congratulations, your gong has made great progress.

"The following is the same second set of magicweave equipment and the same shield warrior. Its data is..." In the dumbfounded eyes of the people below, Cook announced the second set of auction.

Cook saw the appearance of the people below and said with a smile: "I believe you will not be disappointed this time. The secret shooting will continue. At the same time, I emphasize that I do not need any fixed assets, such as territory and population. Magic materials and other materials can be discounted, but they need to be in stock. We have a dedicated appraisal and evaluation team."

"The price of the second set of shield warrior equipment is 350 billion Carter, it is Mr. 628." It was another twenty minutes later, and Cook announced again.

Some people look at Xin Ta now, because Xin Ta and several guards around the auction house obviously also have magic pattern suits on them. Just now there were people who were careful and immediately extinguished them. A dozen of them were wearing them. The Frost Titan in the magicweave suit, besides, it is not guaranteed that some guys still want to have a good relationship with Cook, so those who come with other purposes have to throw bad ideas into their minds.

"Haha, haha, it's me, it's me, haha, haha." A fat man jumped up, twisting his fat **** on the seat, and then jumped onto the auction stand, landing lightly and silently.

"Nima, this Cook is a robbery, robbery." Trust yelled when he heard the second set of quotations.

"Robbery, if you rob, let me see. This thirsty death of 350 billion Carter also crushes you." Hailan was also envious.

"The following is the third set, the two-handed monitoring suit. Yes, it is the suit. I am not afraid to say a word of arrogance. I Cook never sells those scattered objects. They are all set. But how many sets are there? , This is going to be kept secret.” Cook once again revealed a set of knowledge sets on the magic image, the key is that there are two magic pattern one-handed swords inside.

"The following is the fourth set..."

"The following is the fifth set..."

"The following is the thirty-sixth set, and the last one, but this set is broken magic pattern equipment, and it is a magician, but it has been repaired by our magic pattern division team, everyone, please take a look." Finally took out the only set of magician magic pattern equipment.

"Military products, it must be military products, I can guarantee with my head." There were people who slandered Cook and took out the tattered pieces, but when the magic image came out, someone immediately screamed.

"Yes, this is a military-grade magic pattern suit. Everyone can clearly read the inscription on it, Saint Von Brand. You can see that this was made by a **** servant, and it was also taken in secret. "Cook even showed the inscription made by making this magic pattern equipment.

"My God, my God, with this inscription it is worth hundreds of billions." A middle-aged man exclaimed excitedly.

"Congratulations to No. 324, for obtaining the magic pattern suit at the price of 860 billion Carter." Cook was finally shocked.

"The work of Master Brand, 800 billion is too low." Hai Lan said with a sigh.

When Cook saw that the auction was over today, he clapped his hands and said, "I think everyone is wondering why I have so many magic pattern suits. I have only one purpose to benefit everyone. I don’t like magic patterns the most. The style of the teacher's union is that we all buy things with money, and we are not furious, so I announced that next Monday, there will also be an auction of magic weave equipment, of course, it will be suits, and there will only be more, not less. "

"No." The dozens of people below were shocked, and he didn't expect Cook to have such a big hand.

"I hope everyone who has trusted friends can come to the auction. In short, in our Free City, the magic pattern equipment is just a transaction. As long as you have money, and I promise here, it will be auctioned in my hands. The magic pattern equipment that goes out is guaranteed for a hundred years.” Cook made a bold promise.

"King Cook, what you said is true, if I take a risk, the equipment is broken." Someone asked loudly.

"As long as you bring out the materials, I will exchange one for you for free, how about it?" Cook also replied boldly.

"Well, I believe someone like you, Cook, but you don't want dozens of sets of materials." Someone asked half-jokingly.

"Five sets of materials, just get one set. I, Cook, dare to sign a magic contract with you." Cook immediately looked like a man.

The first old man to buy Cook's equipment stood up and asked: "King Cook, I want to ask you, if I buy twenty sets of knight suits, do you have them in stock?"

"Yes." Cook said simply.

The old man was taken aback for a moment and then asked incredulously: "What I said is the same."

"It also includes the equipment of the mount." Cook is even more direct.

But Cook then said: "In fact, the suit will be held on the Monday of the second week of next month. There is still a month away from now."

The old man said nothing, he immediately sat down, and Cook continued: "Of course, if you have a friend in need, you can make a priority order, but it will take at least two years to deliver the magic pattern suit."

"What, it can be booked, I want to book, I want to book, I will give 300 billion Carter a deposit."

"I will give 500 billion, I want a thief suit."

Immediately afterwards, Cook was surrounded by dozens of people, and Cook said loudly: "No deposit is required, but you need to sign a contract."

When the contract was shown to the people present, most of them were silent. Cook said with a smile: “This is a strategic security cooperation contract. , And as long as everyone signs this contract, then you can buy and customize magic pattern equipment in the future, even if it is repaired or exchanged in the future, you have priority, and if you want to join this security alliance later, we need to be here. People who voted must pass unanimously before they can join. I hope that everyone will help each other."

"Cook's hand is too high." After reading the contract, Trust sighed. It can be said that as long as this security alliance is established, then Cook will be the first human being. Look at the thirty or so people on the scene. What character.

"Cook, I want to ask, as long as you answer, I will sign the contract immediately." The old man who bought the first set of equipment just stood up and asked.

"Okay, old man, please, but not as an example." Cook replied with a smile.

"I want to ask, Cook, how many of your magic weave suits have been produced in a year." After the old man's words were finished, the people below looked at Cook.

"Haha, this issue should be said to be confidential, but I need everyone to sign a security alliance contract before I dare to say it." Cook sold it off with a smile.

"Okay, I'll sign it." The old man heard this and said after thinking about it, and then signed the contract. The rest of the people looked around and signed it, including the Great Sage, Hailan, and Trust.

"Since everyone is so curious, I will tell you that the number exceeds three digits, reaches four digits, and it is a suit." Cook saw these guys sign a contract, which was carefully crafted by Cook, with a maximum of 60,000 characters. , There are some text traps in it, but as long as these people don't violate it, Cook will not do it, otherwise hehe.

There was no movement in the whole auction house, and even the sound of breathing could be heard. Cook also said with some embarrassment: "Since everyone is in an alliance, all the customers who come in the future can get 1% from me. Commission."

"Cook, you profiteer, with such a high output, it's no wonder that you are going to take a secret shot." Trust was winking, and immediately yelled.

"This is cheaper than the Mageweave Master's Guild." Cook said helplessly.

"I want to arm a magicweave suit guard group." The second fat man who bought the suit roared loudly.

The auction finally broke up, but more people came to the Freedom Kingdom, and they were all powerful generations. Even the leaders of the major Holy See have got the news and rushed over, but no one knows what these people are here for. Because everyone knows that the more the number of people, the more difficult the competition, Hailan also smiled, because not only Hailan has mixed a set of magic pattern suits, although it is repaired, but it is not military, even Hailan. The two ladies of Lan also have a set of priestly suits, which are also repaired military products. It is true that Cook used by the priests has not sold it at all, and there are dozens of sets. At the beginning, Cook got a whole warehouse. Although most of them were auctioned off, some professions still have a lot of inventory, such as the priest profession.

Trust screamed for regret. The wife of Trust was not strong enough to give it to her, but the weapons of Trust were military-grade shields and one-handed swords, and military-grade shields were enough.

The number of people in the second auction reached 67, and the number of people in the third auction suddenly soared to 123. People of other races have already participated, and the fourth time there were as many as 400 people. For the fifth time, there were more than 800 people, and every time Cook took out dozens of sets of equipment, the price was getting higher and higher.

However, the number of security alliances did not increase the slightest. Seeing this situation, Cook began to continue to occupy the market, giving two sets of suits to each security alliance member, and then let these people win others, so that those who participated earlier were very Excited, Cook also knew that the old guy who bought the equipment for the first time was really from the Hidden Family, and the fat guy who bought it second was actually a vice president of the Human Business Alliance.

"Cook, you can do it." Hailan, the relationship between Trust and Cook is getting better.

"Haha." Cook laughed. Cook is very comfortable now. Now the security alliance can be said to be dominated by himself.

Hailan asked with a wry smile: "Cook, at your auction speed, I'm afraid the price of this equipment will drop. I'm afraid the person who buys it first will have opinions."

"How can there be opinions, these equipment in their hands, the benefits they get are far more than what I have received." Cook said, shaking his head.

"And I will sell a single piece of magic pattern equipment, mainly weapons." Cook continued.

Trust sighed and said, "Cook, you are trying to kill the Mageweave Master Union."

"Haha, let's go, I have one more thing to announce." Cook laughed. When he was on the plane, Cook planned to occupy the big market of Sanctuary with magicweave equipment. Now the magicweave equipment is already here. You don't need to do it yourself, so Cook will add a fire so that the powerhouses of Sanctuary can't do without him.

Everyone has to ask, why Cook only wants 30 or so members of the security alliance. Isn’t it better to have more people? In fact, if Cook puts everyone on the Internet, he might eventually become Cook and become this. In fact, the calculations made by all the people in the alliance are plainly speaking, that Cook formed a small group. The people in this small group faced people outside the group, and would not focus on the people in the group.

When the 30-odd people arrived, Cook clapped his hands and said: "I am looking for everyone. There is another thing to announce, that is, the internal store of our security alliance members is open. Please follow me. "

Cook brought these people to a room. Inside the room was a row of shelves with beautiful maids. These maids were from the orcs, humans, and elves.

The entire room is thousands of square meters, divided into shelves, each with a text description. Hailan saw a strange card and read: "Dragon Power Elixir, you will get it permanently after taking it. 1% of the strength of the dragon’s blood body, 10% of the strength, 5% of the success rate, the quality of the medicine increased by one level, the increase of strength by 10%, and the probability of success by 50%."

"I'm going, Cook, your kid used this kind of potion." Hailan immediately rang. When Cook was facing Manlu, the people in Hailan still remembered what Cook said, but then Attracted by the magic pattern suit, I remembered seeing this today.

"Haha, that is, I forgot to tell you that I am a pharmacist." Cook said triumphantly.

"Cook, why is there no price on this?" Trust asked directly.

"This thing is side-effect. After reading it, you can only buy it. Each member is limited to five bottles per month." Cook said.

"Talent potion, isn't this a talent potion that has been lost."

"And this fertility drug, I rely on it, do you want the effect to be so bad."

"The best quality stealth potion, I rely on, did that kid Cook rob the pharmacist union."

"What is this, talent stimulating potion, I rely on, rely on, rely on, it can make people gain magical talent, Cook, did you make a mistake?"

Cook answered their questions one by one. These security alliance members were very excited. This Nima was filled with extremely special potions. The first to purchase Cook’s equipment was the size of a thumb, but there were only rice grains inside. Pulling a small green liquid crystal bottle in his hand, he asked directly: "Cook, how much is this thing."

"Big Brother, I'm not out of the ordinary. I call everyone here today to announce that everyone will buy a free bottle of potion today. Now that Big Brother took this, it's yours." Cook clapped his hands and said.

"Damn, old guy, what a good thing." Someone next to him looked up at the sign.

"The essence of life can prolong the vitality for a hundred years. I go, I go, old man, you are too unjust." Someone yelled immediately after reading it. You must know that everyone present can be said to be extremely powerful, but The power is constantly shrinking, so many people have to transform into evil creatures like Liches.

"I got this essence of life by accident." Cook would definitely not say that he still has a big bottle of this thing in his hand.

"Cut." But now these guys know that Cook must have a good thing in his hands, and they replied with disdain, but since Cook took it out, there is no chance for a good relationship in the future.

Hailan and Trust grabbed the Dragon’s Power Potion for the first time. There was another warrior. Cook said, “This is the first phase of the potion. There are six phases, but I suggest you take four phases. That's it, because more than five stages will be affected by the dragon Longwei."

"Haha, haha, four stages are four stages." The back molars of Trust's smile were exposed.

After more than 30 people have chosen, and then asked Cook for the price, Cook said with a smile: "In fact, this is also to compensate everyone. Please see the specific price."

Then the maid put the price tag, and Cook continued: "I never sell medicines below the top grade here. The current price is based on the top grade quality. The top grade is doubled the price of the top grade, which is perfect. Ten times the price, and you can sell it. I will not interfere with the selling price."

"Cook, you are proud." Everyone looked at the price of the medicine. It was the price of cabbage. Of course, it was compared with the pharmacist union.

"In addition, if anyone has a special formula, you can sell it to me. I will never treat you badly." Cook continued.

Of course, that's not a big deal. Cook even threw a blockbuster: "In addition, every family has a talent for magic lines, and a talent for medicine is better. You can recommend it to me. I think it will not be buried. "

Hailan and Trust took a look. Cook wants to completely control the right to speak, but he can't refuse. Nima has such a good thing. Whoever wants to refuse, even Hailan is heartbroken. The two daughters have excellent ritual talents, and they want to hand it over to the Great Sage, for fear that the Great Sage will look down on it, but now it seems that giving it to Wu Mei is the same, Hailan made up his mind to talk to Cook.

Trust remembered that his youngest son ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ had a talent for pharmacists, so just hand in Cook.

The great sage was stunned, and looked at Cook with even more admiration. Cook has mastered the right to speak step by step. The great sage has been thinking about what method Cook will use to obtain in such a group. The right to speak, but I didn’t expect it to be that simple. I can imagine that there are such people in every family, pharmacists, mageweaves, and Cook has explained this with irreplaceable facts, that is whether it is medicine School, or magic line, has enough strength to prove that people are qualified. Looking at dozens of Sanctuary peaks, Sanctuary high-ranking powerhouses are surrounded by Cook, with a charming smile, Great Sage He sighed secretly. Originally, the great sage was still worried about Cook, but now let alone a dwarf king, it is a dwarf king who jumps out. Before Cook starts, I am afraid that these people will step on and step on them. I have to spit on the dwarf king. As for the Mageweave Trade Union, it is even more a joke. When the monopoly is broken, all the grievances are aroused at once, which is very exciting.

"Could it be that the people above really don't care." The Great Sage then thought that only the people above could influence Cook's current power structure.

ps: The two days are more than 6,000 words, no way, I don't want to cut off the plot, but I suffer.

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